"I Want To See"

Summary : Harry catches the two men who were on the run . Louis asks to watch Harry handling them .

Enjoy x


It's been four days since the operation .

Harry took Louis with him to the office every day ; He couldn't stay with him for the entire time , as he had meetings and had to go around the city . So when he did , in order to not leave Louis completely alone , Liam brought some of the dogs to the office to keep Louis company , and to give him a sense of security .

Louis loved his dogs a lot , and they were very helpful with keeping him calm ; They cuddled with him , he distracted himself with training them and playing around with them . He would fall asleep in the room behind the shelves , with some of them in bed with him .

Odin was by his side for the entire time , as he was the most attached to Louis out of the rest of the dogs . He licked his cheeks , pressed himself to Louis' chest , rested his head on his lap .

Harry kept Louis updated on their steps , where he was going and what intelligence information he received throughout everything ; He didn't keep anything from him , as he knew it would be best if he was honest with him , learning from past experience too .

Whenever he had to go out of the building and to the city , Harry would leave a gun , two knives and a punching ring in the office for Louis to use for protection ; deep inside he knew Louis would never use them , but it gave him a sense of security to know Louis had those with him - just incase .

Louis just woke up from a short nap , he stepped out of the room behind the shelves with Odin walking next to him , he saw Harry standing up sharply from his chair with his radio in his hand .

He looked up when he saw Louis . "We found them ."

Louis' heart skipped a beat , he gulped as Harry walked over to him . He cupped his cheeks , "We found them , baby , there's nothing to worry about anymore ."

"Wh-Where ?"

"They've been hiding in the old industrial area out of the city , I'm going to get them now ." Harry kissed his forehead , he pressed a long kiss to his lips , "I need to go ." He pecked him once more before leaving the office .

Louis watched as he left the office , Odin was pressed to his leg as he sensed Louis was getting stressed again . Louis reached his hand down to pet him softly , before he went to change out of his sleep clothes to jeans and a sweater , he put his shoes on and took Odin's leash , going out of the office with him .


Harry geared up , cocking his long gun before marching his way through the large crowd of his bodyguards .

"There's no one who wants them dead more than I do ." He stood in front of them , "But I have other plans for them . No one kills to shoot - you kill to stop . Shoot the legs and the arms , keep them alive long enough for me to deal with ."

Victor split everyone into teams , taking two guards with him to be escorted with Harry .

They went through the area , checking rooms , the sewer , moving plastic curtains , when someone said on the radio .

"We got them , sending our location now ."

Harry marched towards the pinned location , finding some of the guards there , along with two men laying on the ground with their hands tied behind their backs and eyes covered .

He took a deep breath as he stared at the two for a few more seconds . "Take them to the van ."


Louis was sitting in the cafeteria in the seventh floor , right by the windows , with Odin next to him . He ordered a small brownie cake and some hot chocolate , taking his time to calm himself down .

Odin had his head on Louis' lap , letting Louis pet him and scratch behind his ear .

Louis tensed when he saw all the Range Rovers returning to the building , going through the front gates one by one . He grabbed Odin's leash and stood up from his chair , "Come on , pup ." He said quietly and lead Odin to the elevators .

He took a deep breath as he stepped into one of the elevators , swiping his card and pressing floor number -4 .

The doors opened and he stepped out , looking both sides as he shivered ; it was cold in there . He heard sounds down the left corridor , he waited a few seconds to see if it was Harry and his guards .

"Put them here ."

He told Odin to sit and followed Harry's voice , walking slowly down the hall . He saw Harley , Harley looked at him and frowned , "Sir ?"

Harry looked over his shoulder when he heard Harley ; no one called him Sir , only Mr. Styles . Then he saw Louis a few feet away from Harley .

He walked past Harley with pinched eyebrows , "Baby what are you doing here ?"

Louis swallowed thickly , "I want to see ."

Harry's eyes darkened . "No ."

"Harry ."

"No ."

"I want to see ."

"Louis I said no ."

Louis pressed his hands to his cheeks , "I don't care what you say . I want to see ."

Harry wrapped his hands around Louis' small hands , rubbing down to his wrists . He moved them to his shoulder and turned to Harley , "Put them in chairs , I'll be back in a minute ." He said and turned back to Louis , wrapping his arms around his waist and walking him away from the room .

They reached the lobby , where the elevators were . Harry cupped Louis' cheeks , "Baby you can't watch . I won't let you see this ."

"Harry --"

"In there I'm not your Harry . I'm a monster ."

Louis shook his head and pressed himself to Harry's chest , hands clutching his shirt , "You'll always be my Harry . No matter what ." Louis' eyes got glossy , "Th-The reason you're going to go in there is b-because you're my Harry ."

Harry traced his cheek softly . "I need you to promise me something ."

"Okay ."

"The second it gets too much - you're out of there . I need you to promise to walk away if you can't stand it ." Harry held his chin firmly , yet his touch was still gentle . "I'm brutal and merciless in that room ."

Louis bit his lower lip as he nodded , "I promise ."

Harry kissed his forehead , then the tip of his nose , and lastly his lips . "I hope it won't change the way you see me ."

"It won't ." Louis whispered back .

Harry kissed him once more before grabbing his hand , walking with him down the hallway towards the room where the two men were , Odin followed the two .

Harry stood in front of the metal double doors , he opened one of them and took a step inside . The room was large , the two men were sitting further inside with their hands and ankles tied to the chairs , some of the guards were in the room . When they saw Harry they left one by one , four stayed in the hallway to guard the room .

"You thought you could put your plan to use , didn't you ?" Harry spoke up , voice echoing through the room . "Plotting to do vile , disgusting , disrespectful things to the person who's mine ."

Louis peeked from behind his shoulder , already feeling the nausea in his stomach at the sight . He swallowed thickly before Harry took two more steps in , holding the door open for Louis . 

Louis slowly stepped in , arms wrapping around himself as Harry let the door close . He put his arm around Louis' waist , "These are two out of sixty seven men who plotted against you , baby . Sixty five dead , two alive . For now ."

Harry turned his head to the two men , his eyes were dark and voice low , "You two are going to wish you were in that warehouse a few days ago . You're going to wish you died there ."

Before he started , Harry took Louis out of the room and to the room right next to them , to watch through the glass window . "Remember what you promised ." He squeezed his hand and left the room .

Louis grabbed the stool and sat down , watching as Harry entered the room where the two men were . He twisted his head side to side to crack his neck , took a deep breath before going to open the locker doors .

He watched as Harry put on his punching ring , before he started punching one of them . He flinched in his seat , biting on his nails ; Harry was strong , the way his punched looked almost unreal . 

The man passed out after a few punches , Harry threw the ring off to the floor and grabbed a hammer , moving to the second man .

Louis squeezed his eyes shut as Harry brought the hammer up , shoulders squeezing upwards at the sound of the man screaming in pain .

Harry slammed the hammer down on the man's knee a few times , before stopping and taking a deep breath , throwing the hammer to the floor too .

The first man was still unconscious , so Harry grabbed a small knife from the locker and stood behind the man , forcing his head back .

Louis felt bile rising up his throat , his slammed his hands on his eyes and let out a mixture of a whimper and a sob ; Harry was pulling his eyes out .

The pained wails were too much , Louis wobbled out of the chair and he ran out of the room .

Odin , who was right outside the room , ran after Louis when he saw him . Louis cupped his mouth as he cried , he stopped running when he reached the lobby ; the screams were barely audible .

He caught his breath and pressed the button to the elevators , walking into the first one that opened , and up to Harry's office . He speed-walked with Odin into the office , then texted Liam to ask if he could take Odin back to the pavilion . Liam quickly replied that he could and would be up in Harry's office in a few minutes .

Louis tried calming down his racing heart , pacing around the office . He couldn't stop the tears from running down his cheeks , his stomach was twisting .

There was a knock on the office door , then Liam texted Louis he was waiting outside . Louis took Odin's leash and went to open the door , he handed Liam the leash , "Th-Thanks Li ."

Liam frowned , "Why are you crying ?"

Louis sniffled and leaned against the doorframe , "I asked H-Harry to watch ."

"Watch wha -- oh ." Liam's eyes widened , "Fuck . Did you really watch ?"

"Didn't last much . I raced out of there ." Louis wiped his cheeks , "I just need to be alone for now ."

Liam nodded , "Okay . I'm staying here in the building , so text me if you need anything else ."

"Thanks again , Li ." Louis nodded , Liam gave him a light smile and took Odin with him .


It was a few hours later ; Louis was much calmer . He took a shower and dressed himself in Harry's clothes , got into the bed in the room behind the shelves and put on a random TV channel .

He heard the office door buzzing open , then it closed . Seconds later Harry walked into the room , Louis sat up to lean against the headboard . "A-Are they .. you know ."

"Yes ." Harry confirmed . "How long did you stay ?"

"Not long ." Louis shrugged his shoulders a bit , cheeks turning pink , "I left when you - uhm ... started p-pulling his eyes out with the knife ."

Harry's lips twitched , but he forced back his smirk . "How are you feeling ?"

"I-I'm okay . Was nauseated earlier , but I drank some water and I'm good ."

"Did you eat anything ?" Harry asked as he started taking his clothes off on the way to the bathroom ; he wanted to get in bed with Louis , hold him and kiss him , but knew Louis wouldn't let him before he had a shower .

Louis shook his head , "Was nauseated , couldn't even think of food ."

"Call the kitchen , order us some dinner ." Harry walked into the bathroom , not bothering to close the door . He smirked when he saw that Louis shyly turned his back to the door , eyes glued to the menu of the kitchen .

He showered quickly and dried himself , stepping out of the bathroom to grab clothes from the dresser .

Louis looked over when he saw Harry was dressed , eyes trailing over some scars on his back , shoulders and arms , over his tattoos and his muscles ; he hated how easily he blushed .

Harry sat in bed next to him , "What did you order ?"

"I ordered myself a chicken salad , and steak strips salad for you . Is that okay ?" Louis asked , letting Harry bring him into his chest .

"Sounds delicious ." Harry wrapped both arms around him and kissed the top of his head , tucking the blankets up higher . "Baby ."

Louis looked up , Harry brought his hand to his cheek and traced it with his thumb , "I need to know you're really okay after what you saw . It's fine if you're not fully okay yet ."

"I - ... I'll be honest with you ." Louis moved to sit up facing him , keeping the blankets around himself for warmth , "It was scary to watch . I wanted to , I know , but it was still scary ."

"You never had to ." Harry shook his head , Louis took his hand out of the blanket and placed it on Harry's cheek , "I know . I kept my promise too , I left when it got too much for me . I just - I wanted to ... I don't know , I felt like I wanted this for my own reassurance ."

Harry nodded , leaning his face into Louis' soft hand , "It's more than okay baby . As long as you didn't force yourself to watch something you didn't want to ."

Louis moved closer and wrapped his arms around his neck and shoulders , Harry held his waist and pulled him into a cuddle , sitting Louis in his lap with his legs on either side of him .

"Hazzie ."

"Baby ."

"Have you - ... have you ever been tortured yourself ?"

Harry smiled softly as the question . "I have ."

Louis pulled back to frown at him , Harry decided to lighten up their heavy talk . "I'm being tortured right now ."

Louis' eyebrows pinched inwards , Harry leaned in , "It's a torture to hold you so close to me and not kiss you ." He whispered , smirking when Louis' jaw fell open in surprise and he blushed .

"I-It was a serious question ." Louis mumbled , Harry bit his lower lip . "I have been , years ago . It was for two days and I escaped , killed some one my way out and later on returned to kill the rest with my guards ."

"What did they do ?" Louis asked in a whisper , Harry rubbed his nose against Louis' , "I won't tell you . It's nothing extreme though ."

"How badly did it hurt you ?"

"It was painful ."

Louis pouted in sadness , Harry pulled him closer and kissed him softly , "Stop worrying , I'm the one torturing others , aren't I ?" He smirked , lightening up the heavy talk again , "Here's an example for torture ." 

Louis gasped when he felt Harry's fingers on his sides , a smile breaking onto his lips , "N-No !" He reached his hands down to grab Harry's hands away , laughing as he squirmed to get away .

Harry grinned at the sight of Louis' breathtaking smile and the sweet sound of his giggles , he let Louis move away - let him think he could escape - before he grabbed his waist and pinned him down to bed , crawling his hands under his jumper to tickle his stomach .

The sight of Louis' smile , the sound of his laughter , the feeling of his soft skin under his fingers - he loved it all too much . He grinned wider when he found a particularly sensitive spot in the curve of his waist , the very bottom of his ribs where it dipped into the side .

"St-Stop , not thereee !" Louis threw his head back , letting out a squeal when Harry reached that sensitive spot again .

Harry slowly stopped , grinning down at Louis who was still giggling . He rubbed gently up and down his sides to soothe away the ticklish feeling , though couldn't help himself as he leaned down and pressed gentle kisses to his stomach , making Louis giggle some more as he pushed him away and rolled over .

"I'm done ." Harry smiled down at him , rubbing his back , "You feeling okay ?"

Louis smacked his shoulder playfully , still panting and trying to catch his breath , "You torture me and then ask if I'm okay ?"

Harry scrunched his nose at him and leaned down to kiss all over his cheek , "Give me a kiss ." He held himself on all fours above Louis , Louis turned to lay on his back as Harry pressed their lips together . 

They kissed for a bit , Harry moved his arms to wrap one behind Louis' head and the other around his waist . "I know today wasn't all too good for you , but the plus side is that they're all dead . None of them can ever think of hurting you , and it's a very clear warning to anyone who dares to mess with you ."


Hope you liked it x


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