"I'll Take A Bullet For You Anytime"

Summary : Guess who takes the bullet , comment in the end if you were right .

The last few ones were too fluff-filled we're going to need a bit of drama . (:

TW : Guns , blood , mild needle stuff

Enjoy x


It came out of nowhere . No intelligence information in advance , no cybersecurity intelligence , no rumours - a complete surprise .

- Ten Minutes Earlier -

Harry parked outside a new restaurant in the city , one Louis suggested trying ; Louis and him were out for lunch , four of Harry's guards following them inside .

A waitress walked them to a table in the VIP area in the second floor and handed them menus , leaving them to themselves .

Louis looked down at his menu , looking up when he heard Harry talking to his men over the radio , telling them to look around the area for anything suspicious . Harry put the radio in his back pocket and looked at Louis , "Picked anything ?"

"I think I want the chicken stuffed ." Louis pointed at a dish in the menu , Harry looked down in his own menu and smiled , "Won't be as good as the one you made me a while ago ."

"This one is stuffed with mashed potatoes though , and I know there's green beans on the side but you'll eat those ." Louis shrugged , Harry smiled fondly , "Want anything else on the side ? You like rice ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded with a smile , "What did you pick ?"

"I was thinking about --" Harry cut himself off by snapping his head towards the entrace , where he heard noises getting louder increasingly , when one of the guards appeared , "Boss we have a situation ."

Louis watched Harry standing up from the chair and taking his gun out of his belt , he took his radio out as he walked to the guard , "All units we have white flag , get to our pinned location ASAP ." He held down one of the buttons to send their location .

"H-Harry what's going on ." Louis stood up shakily from the table , flinching when guns started firing from the floor below them .

Harry took his radio out , "Victor where the fuck are you ." He hurried over to Louis and took his hand , "Everything will be okay baby ."

"D-Don't tell me that when there's guns downstairs ." Louis shook his head as he let Harry pull him towards the attached bathroom .

"Eighty seconds Boss ." Victor spoke from the radio , barely audible over the gunshots .

"Close the door , lock it , get into one of the stalls and lock that door too ." Harry opened the bathroom door and nudged Louis inside , "Everything will be okay ." He held his jaw and pressed a kiss to his lips , closing the door as he left the bathroom .

The four guards joined him inside the VIP area , they flipped tables on their sides to use them as shields , hiding behind them for protection .

Harry checked his gun for bullets , taking another gun from one of his men when he was handed it and put it in his belt . Loud steps walked up the stairs , before a man showed himself at the entrace , firing his gun automatically all around the room .

Inside the bathroom Louis hid in one of the stalls , he was sitting on one of the closed seats with his knees pulled to his chest and hands over his ears , his eyes were squeezed shut as he tried not to make any sounds ; he didn't want the attackers to know he was in there .

The second the gun stopped firing Harry showed himself and fired his own gun a few times , managing to shoot the man standing there . He hid behind the table again quickly when a second man showed himself and started firing around the room again .

Harry took his radio out to check on Victor , when he heard more shots and yells from downstairs - meaning they arrived .

The man who was shooting all over the VIP area was shot dead by one of Harry's guards , "Boss !!"

Harry and his men stood up from their hiding spots behind the tables , "Get us vests , and another one for Louis ." He told his men and went to the bathroom to get Louis . He knocked on the door , "Baby come out , we're leaving ."

It took a few seconds before the door was unlocked , Harry held his hand out , "Let's go ."

Louis took his hand , Harry wished he had a free hand to wipe his tears . Two guards walked into the room with bulletproof vests , Harry took two and helped Louis into one of them , then put the second one on him .

He tucked the gun into his belt for a second and cupped Louis' cheeks , thumbs wiping his tears , "Baby everything will be okay , we're getting out of here ." He kissed his forehead once , then two more kisses to his lips , before taking the guns out of his belt , "Stay behind me ."

Louis gripped Harry's vest from behind as they slowly made their way out of the room , his heart was racing in his chest , ears ringing from the loud gunshots .

The group managed to get downstairs , where Harry's guards were still fighting some of the attackers . Harry helped his men shoot them down , it was quiet for a few seconds , enough for Louis to manage to breathe - before more men ran out of the kitchen area with guns .

Harry made a quick move to press Louis to the corner , standing in front of him as a shield with his back to the attackers .

"H-Harry --" Louis whimpered , flinching when the bullets hit Harry's vests , making him move forward from the blast of the bullets . Harry kept his eyes trained on Louis , "Don't worry about me ." He assured him .

That was until a bullet went into his shoulder near his arm , where the vest didn't cover , making his face scrunch up at the stinging pain . Louis gasped and covered his mouth , tears running down his cheeks .

Harry only smiled down at him , "I'll take a bullet for you anytime ." He kissed him once before turning around , holding his two guns up as he shot the attackers along with his men .

Louis looked away from the gun wound in Harry's shoulder , his hands moved to cover his ears again . His eyes fell on one of the attackers , who was on the ground and in his last bits of strength and power he held a wobbling gun up towards Harry , who didn't see him .

His eyes widened , and before he could stop himself he moved forward , "N-No !" He stood on front of Harry .

Harry's eyes widened , though reacted quickly when he saw the man on the ground and shot him ; the man shot before Harry killed him .

Louis gasped as the bullet hit his vest , the blast making him stumble backwards and into Harry .

Harry dropped one of the guns and wrapped his arm around Louis , lowering the two to the ground , "Baby - baby what the fuck were you doing ?? That was fucking dangerous ."

"Th-The vest - the vest blocked it ." Louis gasped .

Harry looked down to Louis' stomach , seeing that the fabric ripped where the bullet hit . Then Louis let out a pained whimper , "The v-vest --"

The restaurant went quiet as the gunshots stopped , Harry didn't take his eyes off Louis as his heart raced . He put his second gun down on the floor and reached to undo Louis' vest , feeling his head spinning at the sight of a red pool slowly forming on Louis' shirt ; the bulletproof vest malfunctioned .

Louis gasped in pain , he didn't dare looking down , he knew what happened and he was scared - so scared . "I-It hurts - H-Harry it hurts ."

Harry snapped out of his staring and held Louis' face in his hand , "You'll be okay baby , I've got you ."

The guards were running all around them , Victor called for help as the guards who were fine helped the ones who got hurt .

"You'll be okay , we're going to the hospital . I've got you ." Harry laid Louis on his back , his chest twisted painfully at the heartbreaking sounds of Louis being in pain . One of the guards handed him a few cloth napkins , Harry took them and pressed them to Louis' wound with one hand , his other hand going to Louis' hair when he cried out in pain .

It was getting harder for Louis to breathe , he was cold , his head was spinning . He held Harry's wrist with both hands from where Harry was trying to stop the bleeding , "H-Harry ." He barely spoke , his eyelids felt heavy .

"I'm here baby , not going anywhere . The medics are here , we're going to the hospital to take care of you ." Harry caressed his cheek . His heart skipped a beat when Louis' eyes started to shut , he nudged his cheek , "Hey , eyes on me . Look at me ."

It was getting harder to keep his eyes open , Louis let out a weak breath , "I l-love you ." He let his eyes close , passing out seconds later .


Harry watched intensely as Zayn and his team worked on fixing Louis' gun wound ; he was sitting in a chair next to the bed Louis was laying on where his head rested on a pillow , one hand holding his gun while two nurses worked on cleaning and stitching the wound in his shoulder after taking the bullet out .

He leaned his head down to bury his nose in Louis' hair , pressing gentle kisses ; he knew if Louis were awake it would comfort him , now it was to comfort himself .

The two nurses finished with his shoulder and placed a pad on his wound to keep it covered , Harry gave the two a nod as they left the operation room , then turned back to Zayn .

Zayn looked over to Harry , "He's going to be alright , he's strong . He needs two bags of blood donations , we're getting them ready for when he's out of here ."

Zayn and the team finished , Harry helped Zayn undress Louis from his bloody clothes and into a hospital gown , then Zayn and a nurse moved Louis to a more comfortable bed and he was wheeled out of the room , Harry right next to him with his gun in his hand .

Guards escorted them to the private room in the VIP area of the hospital , Zayn clipsed a heartbeat line on his finger and wrapped an elastic around his bicep , putting a needle in his arm for the blood donations .

"He hates needles ." Harry told Zayn , who gave him a light smile , "I know . We don't have another option though ." He grabbed one of the bags from the nurse and hung it on the anchor , attaching the pipe to the needle .

"Call me when the bag is almost out ." Zayn told Harry , he wrote a few things down on his clipboard and left the room just as Victor walked in , handing Harry a clean shirt .

He got a report of his wounded guards , Victor handed him a piece of paper with the names of the guards and their wounds scribbled down messily . Harry nodded and took the note , Victor left to continue checking on the men .

Harry closed the door of the room and turned to where Louis was laying , the beeping of the heartline was the only sound . He walked closer and took his hand - the one that didn't have a needle it - and kissed his knuckles a few times .

He replayed the situation over and over in his head ; how didn't he see that man on the ground ? Why did he fail to protect Louis ? How could he let Louis jump in front of him like that ?


It was early in the morning , almost five a.m , when Louis woke up . The room was mostly dark , Harry was sitting next to the bed with his laptop to busy himself with work , giving orders to his intelligence and cybersecurity teams to find every piece of information on the attackers who surprised them at the restaurant .

Harry snapped his head to Louis and moved closer , he cupped Louis' cheek gently , "Baby I'm here . I'm right here , can you hear me ? You're okay now , I've got you ."

Louis slowly fluttered his eyes open , he was weak and his head was still spinning a bit . He recognized Harry's voice talking to him , and when he opened his eyes and saw him he smiled faintly . The smile dropped from his face the second he remembered what happened .

Harry caressed his cheek , "You're at the hospital , Zayn took care of you . You're okay now , we're all here to make sure you're okay ." He frowned when tears gathered in Louis' eyes , he let out a weak , breathy whimper and clutched the blanket in his hands , pouting when he felt the needle in the crook of his elbow .

Harry kissed his forehead a few times before he pulled back , "Are you in pain ?"

Louis nodded once , Harry punched the button near the bed and turned his attention back to Louis , "Anything else ? Are you cold ?"

Louis nodded again , Harry grabbed another blanket and covered Louis with it . The door opened and Zayn took a step in , "Pain relievers ?"

"Yes ." Harry said as he tucked the blankets around Louis to make sure he was warm enough .

Zayn returned seconds later with a liquid in a thick injector , Louis whimpered in discomfort when Zayn injected the liquid into the needle in his arm . He pulled the needle back and put a comforting hand on his forearm , "There , done . How are you feeling now ?"

The pain relievers worked quickly like magic , Louis relaxed and nodded ; he couldn't speak yet and hoped Zayn knew he was thankful . Zayn gave him a smile , "Anything else I can help with ?"

"When can he drink ? Eat ?" Harry asked , Zayn looked at the clock , "I'd say eating in about two hours the safest . He can drink a bit of water now , not too much not to upset his stomach ."

Harry grabbed one of the water bottles Liam brought for them , he used the bed remote controller to lift Louis up to a sitting position and handed him the bottle after uncapping it . Louis took it with one hand , arm shaking as he drank just a bit before handing Harry the bottle .

"Better ?" Harry asked as he took the bottle and capped it , Louis nodded lightly and let his head rest back on the pillows . His hand slowly moved under the blankets , his fingers traced the pad wrapped around his wound in featherlight touch .

Harry saw the light movements and shook his head , "Why did you jump in front of me , baby ? You got hurt - that bullet was meant for me ."

Louis looked at him with a tired and soft look in his eyes . "You took one for me too ."

"I don't ever want you to risk yourself like this , ever again ." Harry held his hand tightly , Louis wrapped his hand around Harry's in a weak grip , "I never want you to risk yourself either ."

"You're asking something impossible , baby ." Harry shook his head , "This is my job , that's work for me . I'm trying my hardest to keep you out of that part because it's so fucking dangerous - I can't forgive myself for letting this happen to you ."

"I jumped out there , you can't blame yourself ."

"I didn't see that guy on the ground --"

"But you did see all the other ones trying to shoot us ."

"Sometimes it's about just one person for the picture to change ."

The room fell quiet , Harry moved to sit on the bed in front of Louis and brought his hand up to kiss his knuckles , "I love you . Yesterday was one of the scariest days of my life . I was too close to losing you ."

"I love you ." Louis whispered back , "We're okay ... right ?"

"We're okay ." Harry nodded , "Never pull that shit again ."

"No promises ." Louis smiled weakly in a teasing tone , smile growing two inches wider at the sight of a light smile on Harry's lips , his dimples poking out just a bit .


Hope you liked it x


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