How They Met
Summary : The origin of Harry and Louis .
‼️Before we start - know that there's no chronological order for the parts , some are from earlier stages of their relationship and some are from later stages .
Enjoy x
Moving to a new city could be fun - unless it's to get as far away from your homophobic parents who just told you they couldn't let you live under their roof . That's how Louis got to the city ; he took all of his savings and bought a car , driving nonstop to the other side of the country .
He found a job at a night club , which he didn't like ; all he did was collect empty glasses and plates from tables , little to no interaction with people .
"We're having a special guest tonight . Need you to attend the VIP area ." His boss told him , handing him a VIP pass and a paper wristband , "They wouldn't let you in without those ."
Louis nodded and took the pass and wristband , leaving the office to go to the bathroom and make sure he looked fairly presentable .
Harry didn't enjoy clubbing .
The music was booming and way too loud , he could stand it for a few seconds , but any longer than that is just too painful to listen to . He didn't enjoy the crowded dance floor , way too many bodies in a tight space was never his thing . Relationships and romance were never his thing .
He sat at the table , bored out of his mind . The only reason he was there was to make sure everyone saw him and knew he was present , along with two friends - his only friends .
A waitress took their orders , her shirt purposely lowered to show her breast , making Harry roll his eyes .
"Come on , H , loosen up ." Liam patted his shoulder , "Look around , you might just find your person ."
"Definitely not in a nightclub , if ever ." Harry crossed his arms over his chest , "I don't get why I'm here ."
"You said people needed to see you , to see that you're everywhere ." Zayn blew the smoke away , "Kind of your thing , isn't it ? To run this city ."
"I'm not staying for long , that's for sure ." Harry shook his head .
"And where would you go ? You live by yourself , not even a pet . At least get a bowl of fish , lad , care for someone else other than yourself ."
"I care about myself , the city and the company . That's enough for me to care about ." Harry turned his head when the waitress was back with their drinks , he grabbed his shot glass and swallowed the drink down , not even flinching at the burning taste on his tongue .
Zayn and Liam kept on talking , moving from one subject to another . Harry was half listening , half looking at the time ; he couldn't leave too early , though wasn't planning on staying for much longer .
He saw someone approaching their table , though didn't turn his head to look at them , assuming it was the same waitress from earlier .
But then he saw a small , dainty hand grabbing the empty shot glass from the table , and when he looked up - he couldn't take his eyes off the boy . He was small , looked so delicate - so out of place .
He watched as the boy collected all of the empty glasses onto his tray , and when he looked up and saw that Harry was staring at him , he blushed and looked down , lifting his tray and walking towards the back .
"Oi , lad , are you breathing over there ?" Liam chuckled , Zayn smirked , "Should I call the pretty boy over to give you mouth to mouth ?"
"Shut the fuck up ." Harry shook his head .
The boy returned from the back , his tray now empty . Harry kept glancing over at him as he collected glasses from the tables , walking back and forth from the back to the VIP area .
"Just call him over or something , ask for his name ." Zayn nudged Harry's shoe under the table , Harry shook his head , "I'll be fine ."
"No , really , I'm serious . You've already got a thing for him , just do something about it ."
"I said I'll be fi --"
Harry was cut off by the sound of glass breaking , his head immediately snapping to the boy . His eyes grew wide in anger when he saw a guy forcefully grasping the boy's thigh right under his ass , his other hand around his wrist to hold him in place , and the tray and broken glasses on the floor .
Without thinking twice Harry was out of his seat , marching towards them . He grabbed the guy by his throat with two hands , lifting him out of his seat and slamming him down on the table .
"How fucking dare you put your hands on him like this ??" He growled , hands squeezing around his throat tightly . The man was turning red and blue , so Harry loosened the grip around his throat a bit ,"Fucking dickhead ."
He grabbed the man's shoulder and flipped him face-down on the table , twisting his arm behind his back , "Apologize ."
The man cried in pain , but then chuckled through his fear , "Come on Styles , with an arse like his he was just asking for it ."
Harry felt his blood boiling with fury . "Asking for it , huh ?" Harry mumbled as he tightened his grip on the man's arm , his other hand hooking around his thumb , "You make me sick ." He said and gave his thumb a hard pull , dislocating it .
"You'd better not treat anyone like this ever again ." Harry said over his wails of pain , letting go and pushing him off the table to the floor .
He wiped the tiny bit of sweat from under his nose and turned to face the boy , now noticing just how much smaller he actually was . But it wasn't the main priority at the moment ; the boy had tears running down his cheeks .
"You alright ?" Harry asked , "Has anyone else bothered you ?"
The boy shook his head , his body trembling with anxiety .
Harry held his hand out for the boy to take , "Will you come with me to somewhere quieter ?" He asked , not missing the flash of fear crossing his face .
"I won't touch you if you don't want me to . I just want to talk , make sure you're okay ." Harry added , "I promise ."
The boy wrapped his arms around himself and nodded , letting Harry lead him towards the back .
Harry found an empty office and let the two of them in , closing the door halfway - he didn't want the boy to feel trapped .
"Sit down ." Harry pulled out the chair in front of the desk , then went to the mini fridge in the corner . He found a water bottle and handed it to the boy , then sat on the chair next to him .
"Are you feeling better ?" Harry asked , watching as he opened the bottle with trembling hands and took a small sip .
"I'm Harry ."
The boy capped the bottle , sniffling a bit . "L-Louis ." The boy - Louis - said quietly , wiping his cheeks and under his eyes . "Sorry f-for bothering you ."
"You didn't bother me ." Harry shook his head , "I'm relieved you're okay now ."
The office door swung open , and Louis' boss was standing there glaring , "Tomlinson . I didn't allow you to take your break ."
Louis' heart dropped , he was about to get up from his seat but Harry stood up first , "I asked him to come with me . Something happened and I wanted to make sure he was alright ."
"Thank you . Mr. Styles , but there's no need for it . He's just a kid , he'll get over it , whatever it was ." Louis' boss said and grabbed Louis by the bicep , pulling him up from the chair .
Harry's hand quickly caught the man's wrist , "Don't touch him like that ." He said , waiting for Louis' boss to let go of his bicep before releasing the grip around his wrist . Harry stood tall between the two of them , protectively keeping Louis behind his back , "He was grabbed on by one of the VIP guests ."
"Don't bother , Mr. Styles , I promise you it's no big deal . If I kicked out every guy who grabbed him , I wouldn't have people there at all ." Louis' boss dismissed the situation , "Not my fault he got a body like his ."
Harry's frown deepened , he shoved him backwards , "Take it back ."
The man chuckled , "Come on , Mr. Styles , don't tell me you've never thought ab --"
Harry cut him off with a single , hard punch to the face , watching as he stumbled backwards before knocking out on the floor . He then turned to Louis , who was shaking like a leaf with his arms around himself .
"We're getting out of here ." He said , "I won't let you stay in this shit place ."
Louis' bottom lip trembled , he quickly wiped a tear away , "I can't afford t-to be fired ."
"Hey . Look at me ." Harry moved just a bit closer , holding himself back from reaching his hand out to tilt Louis' head towards him . Louis slowly looked up , cheeks pink and eyes glossy . Harry held his hand out , once again , "I'm not letting you stay here . Come with me , I'll help you find a better job ."
Louis looked between Harry's hand and his face , before letting his smaller hand rest in Harry's large one . Harry kept a gentle grip around his hand , letting Louis know he could pull back any time he wanted . They walked back to the VIP area , which now was mostly empty .
Harry approached his table , where Liam and Zayn were still sitting , their bodyguards surrounding the table .
Liam smirked , "What are the orders ?"
"Trash this fucking place ."
Louis' eyes widened , though barely had time to process as Harry walked him down the stairs to the first floor , "Go grab your things , I'm waiting right here ."
Zayn made his way to the DJ stand , he put his hand on the guy's shoulder , "Give me a mic , lad ."
The confused guy handed him a microphone , Zayn grabbed it , "Stop the music ."
"What ?"
"Stop the fucking music . Harry Styles' orders ."
The guy lowered the music down to a stop , Zayn brought the mic to his lips , "Party is over , people , go home . This whole place is about to be trashed down in a few minutes . Thank you , good night ."
He handed the mic back to the guy and left .
Louis grabbed his things from the back and followed Harry out of the club , though stopped them outside .
"M-My - my car is parked right there ." Louis said and nodded his head towards the other side of the street , where his car was parked in a public parking lot .
Harry frowned at the state of the car but nodded . "Let's grab something to eat , you must be hungry ." Harry said and walked them down the street to the closest diner , which was open twenty-four-seven .
"Sit down , I'll go order ." Harry said and let Louis sit down inside one of the booths in the corner , while he went to the cashier and ordered burgers and fries for the two of them .
He returned to Louis and sat across from him , crossing his arms over the table . "Tell me a bit about you ."
Louis bit his lower lip , "There isn't much to tell ."
"I'd still like to know ."
"I-I'm Louis , I'm twenty two . Moved to the city a few months ago ."
Harry nodded along . "I'm Harry , I'm twenty seven , I own a company in the city ." He told Louis , "How did you end up working in that shit club ?"
Louis twisted his mouth to the side , "I was new to the city , and needed money to support myself . It was the only job that hired me ."
"If you could have any job in the world , what would it be ?" Harry asked , his heart fluttering at the sight of a real smile on Louis' lips . "Dog trainer . I love dogs ."
"Nice . Are you saving the money to study dog-training , then ?"
"K-Kind of ."
"What about family ?" Harry asked , though felt himself regretting the question when the smile dropped from Louis' lips . "I-I moved out ."
"Did that job actually pay you enough to support yourself on your own ?"
Louis swallowed thickly ; it did , but it was because he was living in his car . If he had an aparment , he wouldn't be able to make a living . He nodded , "Y-Yeah ."
"Don't lie to me . How could a job like that pay you enough for rent , bills , food ?" Harry asked , "You're either not telling the truth , or there's a twist to your answer ."
Why does he have to be so smart , Louis asked himself . "I-It does pay me enough ."
"But ... ?"
Louis looked away , "I don't want to s-say ."
"Are you staying somewhere safe enough ?" Harry asked , a frown on his lips . He had a feeling he knew what was the answer .
"Mr. Styles , your order is ready ." There was a call from the desk , Harry glanced once more at Louis before getting out of his seat to grab their food . He placed the plate in front of Louis and the other took for himself , grabbing a fry as he sat down . "Well ?"
Louis played with his fingers , avoiding looking at Harry . "Th-The job payed enough , but I - I don't have an apartment ."
Harry frowned . "Where are you staying the nights , then ?"
"M-My - my car ."
Harry breathed out through his nose , leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest . "For how long ?"
"Ever since I moved out ."
"Which was ?"
"S-Seven months ago ."
Harry shook his head , "I can't let you stay there anymore , you know that , right ? It's not safe ."
"Please , I - I don't want t-to bother ." Louis shook his head in protest , but Harry stopped him , "I know you don't know me , but I promise you - I'm giving you my word - I'll help you . I cannot let you walk out of here and go back to living in your car . I won't let it happen ."
Louis couldn't stop his tears , his head faced down and his fringe falling over his forehead and eyes to hide behind as he sniffled quietly . He wiped his cheeks and under his eyes , "D-Don't . Just please , don't ."
"Don't what ?"
"Don't care . Please . Pretend you don't know me , and don't care ." Louis slid down a bit in his seat .
Harry didn't actually know why he cared ; he never did . Just that same night he told Liam and Zayn that he wasn't going to find anyone else to care for , to care about . But Louis was radiating a different kind of energy , it was almost like he was a magnet , drawing Harry towards him .
He wasn't like everyone , which he already liked . His beauty was unique , Harry enjoyed looking at him . He was sweet , polite , cute , selfless - everything no one else was .
"Too late for that , now . I already care more than you'd want me to ."
Hope you liked it x
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