Summary : Louis is taken hostage .
Enjoy x
Louis smiled as Harry pulled him out of his seat and into his lap , letting out a giggle as Harry squeezed him close and pressed a kiss to the crook of his neck .
They were having brunch at a new Cafe that opened in the city , one that Louis wanted to try since it opened three weeks ago .
"People are watching ." Louis said quietly as his hands wrapped around Harry's forearms , Harry smiled and pressed another kiss , "I wonder when you will finally learn to not give a shit , baby ."
"Probably never ." Louis leaned back against his chest , then turned to sit sideways , "We should have a date night this weekend ."
"Okay . Have something in mind ?" Harry looked between his eyes and his lips back and forth , leaning in just a bit for Louis to lean in aswell and kiss him .
Louis only kissed him on the forehead to tease him a bit , "I was thinking we could try to make homemade sushi , what do you say ?"
"I'm saying you should give me a kiss ."
"And about date night ?"
"I'll buy you a sushi restaurant and hire a private chef to make you as much sushi as you want ."
Louis couldn't help but laugh , "You're so silly ."
"I need to get back to the office so how about you finally kiss me ." Harry leaned in even closer , Louis closed the gap and kissed him .
Harry melted at the kiss and held Louis tighter , pushing his face even closer to Louis' . He smiled as Louis giggled a bit , he held Harry's face and kissed him for a bit longer before pulling back , "Now you're probably late to the meeting ."
"They'll wait for me or I'll shoot them ."
"I won't let you be late , let's pay and go , I promised Nialler I'll see him today ." Louis pressed another kiss to Harry's lips and moved off his lap to sit in his chair . Harry stood up to go pay for their food , he leaned in and stole another kiss before going to the registry .
Louis texted Harry , asking if the guards were around to pick him up from Sunshine Cafe - since Harry dropped him off there , he didn't have a car . Harry texted back seconds later that a Rover was on the way .
He put his phone in his pocket and looked around for the Rover , waiting patiently for the guards .
Two minutes later Louis saw a Rover heading down the street , he smiled and texted Harry that the guards were here . The Rover pulled up in front of him and a guard got out of the passenger seat , "Mr. Styles ."
The guard opened the backseat door for Louis , Louis didn't even get the change to say thank you - the guard was shot with a bullet to the head , making Louis jump in his spot and gasp , both hands covering his mouth .
The guard in the driver's seat immediately jumped out of his seat with his gun in his hands , "Get in the car !!" He screamed at Louis and ran around the car to make sure Louis got in safely - yet didn't make it and was shot in the stomach .
Louis whimpered in fear , his first instinct was to run to the driver's seat and try to get away - but he didn't make it two steps before he was grabbed from behind and a wet cloth was pressed to his mouth .
He tried fighting the strong grip around him , but the chemicals were making his head spin . He was shoved into the Rover , the person behind him didn't let go of him and got in with him . Louis managed to make another person getting in the driver's seat , before he passed out .
Harry was just wrapping up the meeting , when he felt his phone ringing in his pocket . He pulled it out , his eyebrows pinched when he saw Niall's name on the screen .
"Hey , anyth --"
"Louis was kidnapped !! Harry !! Louis was kidnapped !!"
Harry's blood ran cold , his face turned blank . "Niall don't you dare fucking joke about this ."
"No Harry fuck , th-they -- I saw the guards being shot , a-and I was about to step out -- they shot me , fucking hell --"
The sirens around the building started blaring loudly , Harry ran out of the meeting room , "Stay safe . I got this ." He said to Niall and hung up the call , taking out his radio . He turned the sound up a bit to hear what was said , body chilling when he heard 'the castle is crumbling , red ranger , code one one one' being repeated .
"All units - what the fuck is happening ?" He broadcasted .
"Gunshots were heard at Sunshine Cafe , two teams got there and found one guard dead , another guard injured , and three uninvolved injured aswell ."
"And Louis ? Where the fuck is Louis ?" Harry asked as he got into the elevator , almost punching down on the button to the ground floor .
"We're investigating right now --"
"Louis was there with a friend - Niall Horan . Niall just called me and told me that Louis was fucking kidnapped , and someone is saying Red Ranger code one one one , you'd better tell me you know how he disappeared ." Harry took a deep breath in to calm himself down .
His heart was racing , he felt like his brain wasn't functioning properly - he was worried , he was angry , he was scared .
"All units , this is Victor ." Harry heard from the radio , "Louis had been kidnapped from Sunshine Cafe about seven minutes ago , we identified two kidnappers getting into the Range Rover with him and driving away - we're tracing their path right now ."
Harry reached the ground floor and ran out of the elevator , "I need an armed Rover to pick me up at the front ." He said into the radio as he stepped outside .
Seconds later Liam pulled up in front of him , Harry jumped into the passenger's seat and Liam pressed the gas , tires screeching on the ground as he drove past the front gates and to the street .
Harry put on his bulletproof vest and took his radio again , "Styles here . I need answers , now ."
Victor spoke up , "All of the guards are out on the streets . The ones who were on a break were called for backup . Police forces are out , private citizens carrying guns legally are out . We're all trying to locate Louis ."
Harry wrapped the ammo belt around his hips and started filling it with two guns , two grenades , he put a tear gas can in the back of the belt , adding two knives , and one punching ring in every pocket . He then reached for the back and took a bigger gun , loading and cocking it .
He sat there in silence for a few moments , before landing a frustrated punch to the dashboard of the car , "Fuck , how did we let it happen ."
Louis woke up laying on a soft surface .
He tried opening his eyes , but they felt heavy and his head was spinning . He laid there for a bit longer , and when he could finally open his eyes properly he looked around , seeing he was laying on a mattress on the floor , one of his ankles was wrapped in a long metal chain and he was cuffed to the floor .
He sat up and ran his hands over his body ; no phone , no wallet , no pepper spray .
He looked around the room a bit ; there weren't any windows , only a few cement stairs leading to a thick iron door .
His heart was beating loudly in his chest , he sat up on the mattress and pulled on the chain , seeing that he was barefoot too . His heart skipped a beat when he heard an unlocking sound , he shrunk against the wall behind him as the door opened and a tall , thin man walked into the room , "Hello ."
Louis said nothing , only watched as the man closed the door behind him . The man stepped down the cement stairs and stopped at the bottom , giving Louis a smile , "I'm Bruce ."
"I didn't ask ." Louis surprised himself ; why was he talking to his kidnapper ?
Bruce laughed a bit , "Sure you didn't , but I still told you . Welcome to my small little house , we won't have much time to talk and befriend but I hope your time here is good ."
"Are you kidding me ?"
Bruce sighed and sat down on the stairs , "Alright , I'm going to be completely honest with you - I was against taking you like this . --"
"And yet you did ."
"Right , because it serves my goal . I had to compromise ."
"And your goal is , what , to kill me ?"
Bruce laughed again and shook his head , "Don't you worry , we're not going to kill you ." With that he stood up , "I'll go get you some food ."
"Yeah , no thanks ." Louis said before the metal door closed and locked .
It was only then that he allowed himself to cry . He covered his face and let his tears out , trying to stay quiet . He sobbed into his elbow and curled up tighter , trying to take deep breaths to stop himself from having a panic attack .
It took him time to calm down , he wiped his face with the sleeves of his shirt and pressed his face to his knees , mind running with thoughts .
If they wanted him dead , they definitely had the means and opportunity . Were they going to torture him ? He hoped not . He hoped that Harry and the guards had a lead to where he was .
And then he realized . Harry .
His head shot up and he gasped , hand covering his mouth . Harry . They planned to to kill Harry when he would come for Louis .
The door then unlocked , Louis pulled himself together and watched as Bruce walked in with a tray , a plate filled with food and a spoon . Bruce placed the food on the mattress and left , locking the door behind him .
Louis looked at the tray and huffed ; they were smart for not giving him a knife , what was he going to do with a spoon ?
He thought for a bit longer , before he took the plate and shook off the food , standing up and going to the corner of the room with the chain dragging with him . He kneeled down and as quietly as he could broke the plate , grabbing one of the pieces and going to sit back down on the mattress .
He then tried to think of how to get them close to him , close enough to let their guard down so Louis could try to get away .
Thirty minutes later Bruce was back , seeing that the tray and the food were thrown to the corner of the room . Louis looked at him with teary eyes , "Th-The chain is cutting into m-my leg ." He showed him his bloodied ankle .
Bruce sighed and grabbed the tray , "I'll be right back ." He said and left the room , then returned with a kit of medical supplies - and another chain . Louis paled a bit .
His other ankle was cuffed slightly more loose than his current one , then Bruce took the cuff off his injured ankle - which Louis had to cut himself .
Louis tightened the grip on the broken piece he hid in his hand , he waited for Bruce to be distracted enough with his leg before he kicked him hard in the throat , as hard as he could . Bruce fell on his back and clutched his throat gasping for air , Louis quickly stood up and went over to him , he shut his eyes tightly before puncturing the side of his neck .
He stumbled away from Bruce and let go of the broken piece , his heart was racing and he could feel the beat at his throat and ears . He took a few deep breaths before he crawled back to Bruce and fished in his pockets until he found keys , and unlocked the chain from around his foot .
Harry displayed a map on the hood of his Rover and took a pen , marking down locations to search .
"Mr. Styles ."
He ignored his name being called , he took the radio out , "All units - locations , now ."
His units started giving him locations , but then one of his guards chimed in again , "Mr. Styles , it's important ."
"If you didn't find Louis , it's not important ."
"We know where he is ."
Harry's head snapped to the guard . "Where ."
"I identified one of the kidnappers - Bruce Kelly . I know him from years ago . He owns a small farm in the outskirts , I have a location ."
Harry took the keys to the Rover out of his pocket . "You're driving . We're going now ." He handed the guard the keys , "Broadcast the location on the radio ."
Louis took slow , quiet steps up the stairs from the basement , seeing a closed wooden door at the end . He pressed his ear to the door and tried listening for sounds , body freezing when he heard footsteps walking past the door .
He waited until he couldn't hear the footsteps , but stayed there quietly before going back down to the basement . He slowly made his way to Bruce's body and tried to find any kind of weapon he could use - a gun , a knife , anything .
He sighed when he found nothing , so he grabbed the broken piece from the plate and walked back up the stairs .
He pressed his ear to the door again , heard footsteps from afar . He waited for longer until he couldn't hear footsteps anymore , then slowly opened the door . What he didn't expect was for the door to creak loudly .
There's no turning back , he told himself - if he closed the door and went back to the basement someone was going to come and check - and see Bruce's body . Louis' only choice was to try and escape .
He slipped through a small crack he made and looked around ; the house didn't have any furniture and all of the windows were covered . Then he saw it - wires at the windows . He took quiet steps closer to get a better look and froze in his spot - explosives .
He took a quiet breath in and pressed to the wall , walking slowly and quietly . He needed to find a phone and try to call Harry , warn him of the explosives before he got there .
He froze when he saw a man with his back towards him , peeking out the window . He had a gun in his hand ; Louis could use a gun .
Louis clutched the broken piece , ready to fight , his heart beating out of his chest . He slowly approached the man from behind , but then the floor creaked under his step , making him freeze .
Just as the man was turning around , Louis made a run for the stairs to the second floor .
"Hey !!"
Louis kept on running , jumping at the gunshot . Louis made it to the top of the stairs , then he heard another gunshot and felt pain going through his calf , making him cry out and fall to the floor . He looked down to see that his leg was bleeding , he cried and tried to stand back up and hide , but the man beat him to it and grabbed his arm , "You bastard !"
Louis whimpered as the man started dragging him , He clutched the broken piece in his hand and stabbed the man in the thigh , the man cried out and let go of Louis in surprise , Louis stabbed him again and forced himself to stand up , pushing the man down the stairs .
He heard a loud cracking of bones as the man fell and reached the bottom , he winced , bile rising to his throat . He sat down on the floor and looked at his leg ; it didn't look like the bullet went into his leg but it hurt a lot .
He wobbled down the stairs and reached the bottom , taking the man's gun from him along with a magazine he found in his belt , he took a knife he found aswell . He sighed in relief when he found a phone in the man's pocket , he turned it on and made an emergency call since the phone was locked .
"Nine nine nine , how c --"
"My name is L-Louis Styles , I was kidnapped , I need Harry Styles my husband on the line ."
"A few moments , Mr. Styles ."
Louis clutched the phone in his hand and limped to one of the windows , trying to peek outside . The sun was setting down , and there were no lights anywhere .
"Mr. Styles is unavailable on his phone , --"
"Well get to him somehow , this is an emergency !"
The line was quiet again , in the meantime Louis went through all of the windows and sighed when there were explosives attached to them all .
"Baby ?"
Louis froze when Harry's voice came through the phone . Tears filled his eyes in a second and he cried , "H-Harry ."
"Baby I've got you . We're tracing your call , we're on our way ."
"No ! Harry don't come here ."
"Baby --"
"Harry there's bombs here !"
The line was quiet , Louis sniffled , "Th-There are explosives attached to a-all of the windows ."
"I'm not leaving you baby . We'll find a way to get you . Are you hurt ?"
Louis looked down at his leg , "A-A bit , yes ."
"We're a few minutes away . Are you safe ? Anyone with you ?"
"There were t-two ."
"Were ? Where are they now ?"
Louis sniffled , a light smile of pride on his lips . "Probably hell ."
"Fuck , baby , no . You killed them ?"
"I h-had to ."
"I know , I know you did . We're almost there ."
Louis teared up again , "H-Harry no , please --"
"There's more than one way to get into the house , baby , we've got this ."
Soon enough Louis heard a few vehicles parking outside , he limped to the front door .
"Baby are you in there ?"
"I-I'm here ."
"Stay here at the front door , we're working on it ."
"H-how will you get in ?"
"We'll blow up a hole in the ceiling ."
Louis paled , "H-Harry no , what if the explosives go off ?"
"They won't . Do you trust me ?"
"Yes ."
"I love you baby . We've got you ."
"I love you ."
Louis could hear sounds from the roof , then there was a count down . He covered his ears and flinched at the loud sound , the house shook .
"The guards are in , go upstairs I'll meet you outside ." Harry said .
Louis limped to the stairs , sighing in relief when he saw guards at the top . George , a SWAT team member , helped him up the stairs and he was carefully taken out of the house through the hole in the roof .
"Don't worry , we'll help you down aswell ." George told Louis when they stepped on the roof and to the ladder .
Harry was at the bottom of the ladder , hands itching to grab Louis already . Once Louis was close enough Harry pulled him in and hugged him tightly , face buried in his neck , "I'm sorry baby , I'm sorry I let this happen ."
Louis cried a bit into Harry's shoulder , digging his fingers into Harry's back .
A helicopter was heard from afar , Harry squeezed Louis , "We're going to the hospital , I've got you ."
Louis was treated and was laying in his hospital bed , Harry was by his side with a pen and a notebook , writing down everything that Louis told him of what happened .
There was a knock on the door , Harry put the pen and notebook down and opened the door .
"Who is it ?" Louis asked , then gasped when he saw Niall in a hospital gown , he was in a wheelchair with Zayn wheeling him in .
"Nialler ? What happened ?" Louis sat up , he swung his legs off the bed but Harry stopped him from standing up .
Niall smiled crookedly , "I got shot , when you were kidnapped ."
Louis covered his mouth , tears filled his eyes , "I-I'm so sorry ."
Niall wheeled himself closer , "You're not the one who shot me , so there's nothing to be sorry for ." He put his hand on Louis' shoulder and rubbed his arm .
Louis sniffled , "I want to give you a hug ."
"For now you need to rest , you had a hell of a day ." Niall smiled at him , "Tomorrow I'll have someone help me and I'll share the bed with you ."
Louis smiled a bit through tears and nodded , Niall squeezed his arm , "You're a badass , did you know that ?" He said and smiled when he made Louis laugh .
"I don't feel like a badass ."
"Well you are , take my word for it ." Niall smiled , "Now get some rest , I'll see you tomorrow ."
"Okay . I love you Nialler ."
"I love you more , Lou ." Niall waved goodbye , and he and Zayn left the room .
Louis pulled himself back into the bed and covered himself with the blanket , Harry grabbed the pen and notebook and put them aside to continue later .
"Niall is right ." Harry said , "You're a badass ."
Louis shrugged , "Doesn't feel like it ."
"You fought your kidnappers and you made it out alive . As much as I hate that I let it happen , as much as I hate that you were put in a situation of having to do the things you hate the most - I am so fucking proud of you for handling this ." Harry took his hand and kissed his knuckles , then a smile slowly stretched on his lips , "Maybe I should actually put a tracker chip in your wedding band . For real ."
Louis laughed lightly and smacked his arm , "Shut it ."
Hope you liked it x
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