
Summary : Just a couple going away for their honeymoon . Nothing to see here .

Enjoy x

I've been taking some time off from constant updates to focus on life and to actually adult , hence why there were no posts .
I also got heavily addicted to Heartstopper , I literally rewatched it like three times in one week this is so not funny I am addicted . I blame my friend Lara but I also thank her for this . Kit Connor is my new crush and no one talk to me .
If you see some Heartstopper references in here then you know why .


Louis shivered from the cold as he stepped off the plane , he tucked his hands under his arms as he followed Harry towards the group of security guards .

Harry handed his and Louis' passports over for stamps , then turned to Louis and lifted his arm up , smiling as Louis pushed himself into his side to stay warm .

"Enjoy your stay in Sweden , Mr and Mr Styles ."

Louis grinned , forgetting all about how cold he was , and looking up at Harry fondly . Harry looked back down at him with the same look on his face , he took the passports back without taking his eyes off Louis .

Their guards unloaded the plane and loaded everything into their car , Harry opened the door for Louis and then circled the car to get in the driver's seat .

The couple took a few seconds to just sit there and smile at each other , before Harry clicked his seatbelt on and started their ride out of the airport to the cabin .


The guards finished scanning their cabin and left , Harry walked into the kitchen and smiled at Louis , who was sitting on the counter with a tea cup in his hands and a jar or cookies next to him .

He walked closer to stand between Louis' knees , Louis took a cookie from the jar and fed it to Harry with a smile . He put his tea cup down on the counter so he could wrap his arms around Harry's shoulders and lean in to cuddle him .

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and pulled him closer , pressing a kiss to the crook of his neck , "Want to go shower ?"

"Us both ?" Louis asked in a small voice .

"Us both ." Harry smiled into his shoulder .

"I'm so icky from the plane , I need a good scrub ." Louis scrunched his nose a bit .

"I'll give you the best scrub ." Harry lifted him up in his arms , Louis giggled as he held onto him , getting carried up the stairs to the second floor , where the massive bathroom was .

Harry kicked the bathroom door shut with his foot , he held Louis from under his bum tightly while Louis let go of his shoulders so he could take his jumper off . He smiled at Harry as he let the jumper fall to the floor , cupping his face and kissing him .


It was early evening , Louis was laying in bed still recovering from showering with Harry .

Harry was downstairs in the kitchen making them dinner , smiling down at his new ring when his eyes landed on it . He finished making dinner and put it into two plates with forks , carrying it to the living room .

He walked up the stairs and smiled at Louis , who was laying in the same position he left him an hour earlier . He crawled into bed and kissed his shoulder , "Alright , baby ?"

"I'm good ." Louis turned to lay on his back and smiled up at Harry , "Is dinner ready ?"

"Yeah , in the living room ." He put his arms under Louis and lifted him up from the bed easily .

Louis pouted , "I wanted to stay in bed ."

"Eat first , then you can get back in bed ." Harry carried him downstairs to the living room , setting him down on the couch and handing him his bowl of pasta .

"Thank you for dinner , hubby ." Louis smiled as Harry sat down next to him with his own bowl .

Harry smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him quickly .


It was the morning after , Louis hurried into the hot tub to keep himself warm , sinking into the hot water with a sigh . He relaxed and leaned his head back on the edge , letting his sore body slowly heal (until the next time) .

He lifted his head up when he heard footsteps and smiled when he saw Harry walking over with a tray with snacks . Harry placed the tray on the edge of the hot tub , before he climbed in and held himself above Louis .

Louis smiled and opened his knees as Harry wrapped his arms around his waist , they hugged for a bit before Harry pulled back with a kiss to Louis' cheek , "Is the warm water helping you ?" He asked ; he wasn't trying to tease , he was always concerned about Louis' wellbeing - despite Louis telling him the he loved their closeness .

"Yeah , a lot actually . It's really relaxing ." Louis smiled as he traced Harry's chin . He loved how still after five years together Harry was still so worried about him .

"Come here , I'll give you a nice rub ." Harry sat on the bench and brought Louis to straddle his lap , he rubbed his hands up and down Louis' small back , digging in gently .

Although Louis felt like it wasn't necessarry , he didn't say anything and just cuddled to his body , closing his eyes and relaxing further .

"Have we planned anything for our stay here ?" Louis asked into Harry's shoulder .

"No , actually . I figured we could do nothing more than , sleep , eat , have sex and watch movies ."

"Presumptuous of you ." Louis teased , giggling when Harry's hands stilled on his back . He pulled back a bit to look at him , "I'm joking , it sounds perfect ." He kissed him quickly .

Harry moved his hands to hold his hips , "I can always take you gun-training if you're so opposed to our plans , baby ."

"No , I don't want gun-trainings ." Louis pouted , "I want to stay here and kiss you ." 

Harry smiled and moved closer , pressing his lips to Louis' and hugging him closer . Louis held Harry's face as they made out , only pulling back when he couldn't breathe anymore .

He moved off Harry's lap and sat on the other side of the hot tub , close to the snacks tray . He grabbed his drink from the tray and looked over to Harry , who was leaned back with his arms spread over the edge behind him , staring at him .

"Stop staring ." He reached his foot out to nudge his knee , Harry shook his head , "No ."


Their entire stay in the cabin was spent just like Harry wanted ; eating , sleeping , watching movies , having sex .

They packed everything and drove back to the airport to get to their next location - Italy .

They landed in the afternoon , Louis was sleepy and grumpy from not being able to sleep throughout the flight - since Harry had some important things to take care of , after being informed about something in the city .

"My head kind of hurts ." Louis said breathly as he sat in the passenger's seat , Harry took his hand and kissed his knuckles .

"Let's have a chill night at the hotel , then . Order some food , chill on the balcony ." Harry offered , keeping his voice low and soft .

"Sounds really nice ." Louis smiled , "Can we stop on the way to get some painkillers ?"

"Of course baby ." Harry kissed his knuckles once more before putting the car in Drive .


They reached the hotel , the hotel staff and local guards took their luggage up to the suite at the top of the building . Harry checked them into the suite , his arm was wrapped around Louis' waist the entire time .

They walked into the elevator , Harry wrapped both his arms around Louis and hugged him to his body , "Are the painkillers kicking in ?"

"Yeah , I feel better . Just kind of tired now ." Louis nodded , "Feel fuzzy a bit ."

Harry kissed the top of his head , unwrapping his arms and taking Louis' hand instead as the doors opened . They walked down the hallway to the suite , where Harry's guards were working on scanning the rooms .

"Let's go to the balcony until they're finished ." Harry took Louis to the balcony , grabbing a hotel menu on the way .

Louis' jaw fell , "Oh my god , look at the view , Hazzie ."

"Only the best for my husband ." Harry kissed his temple .

"Hubby , not husband ."

"Only the best for my hubby ." Harry corrected himself with a fond smile , he placed the menu down on the table as they walked to the ledge . 

"So beautiful ." Louis watched over the view , smiling as Harry stood behind him with his hands on the railing next to Louis' .

Louis tilted his head back to look at Harry upside down , "Let's have dinner out here ."

Harry smiled down at him and kissed his forehead , "Come look at the menu and I'll order ."

After scanning over the menu the two picked their dishes and dessert , Harry ordered for them and watched as the guards packed the equipment back into the cases .

Once everyone left Louis walked over up the stairs , "I'm going to shower , Hazzie ."

"Care if I joined ?" Harry smiled as he walked upstairs behind him .

Louis smiled , "Sure , but only showering because I'm not feeling very well still ."

Harry threw his shirt off and kicked his shoes as he got to the top of the stairs , he took his gun out of his belt along with the knife , leaving them on the closest dresser .

Louis toed his shoes off before he walked into the bathroom , he looked up and laughed a bit when he saw that Harry was already shirtless and unbuttoning his pants . "Why so eager , it's only a shower ."

"I love belly and you know that ." Harry walked into the bathroom right behind Louis and closed the door behind him .

"No , don't touch me ." Louis giggled as Harry walked over to him with his hands in front of him like claws .

Louis wrapped his arms around himself as giggles still rolled out of his lips , "Hazzie no ." He kicked his leg out at him .

"Alright ." Harry dropped the act , "I will later , though ."


After showering the two dressed in comfy clothes , Louis laid in bed facetiming Niall while Harry went over his email on his laptop .

There was a knock on their door , Louis looked down at his phone screen , "Our dinner is here , I have to go now . I'll send you more pictures later ."

"Alright Lou , have fun , love you lots ."

"Love you , Nialler ." Louis smiled as he hung up the call and stood up from bed .

Three guards walked into the suite with two waiters rolling a cart with their dinner into the room .

"We're eating out at the balcony ." Harry told them and walked them to the balcony , Louis joined them and took Harry's hand .

Harry took out a chair for Louis to sit , Louis kissed his cheek and then sat down , thanking the waiters as they placed their plates and utensils on the table .

The guards walked the waiters out of the room as Harry sat down next to Louis at the round table , he held his wine glass up , "Cheers baby ."

"Cheers hubby ." Louis grinned and they clinked their glasses . 

They took a sip and shared a quick kiss , before picking up their utensils . Harry watched as Louis took the first bite of the pasta he ordered . "Is it good ? Do you like it ?"

"So good ." Louis nodded as he picked up some more with his fork .

"Better than the pasta I make for you back home ?"

"Please , Hazzie , don't even try to compare your alfredo pasta to this ." Louis shook his head before putting another forkful in his mouth .

"Rude ." Harry knocked his knee against Louis' knee .

After having dinner and dessert the two stayed out on the balcony on the garden sofa , chilling and relaxing .

"What are the plans for tomorrow ?" Louis asked as he looked up at Harry where his head rested on Harry's shoulder .

"Let's just walk around , see places . I didn't plan much , I wanted our honeymoon to be mainly chill ."

"I like that ." Louis smiled , "I do want to try some ice cream here , though ."

"We will , we'll find a place tomorrow and you can have anything you want ."

Louis cuddled more into Harry and closed his eyes , Harry kissed the top of his head , "Want to head to bed ? I'll put a movie on before you fall asleep ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded and slowly stood up , following Harry into the suite . Harry closed the sliding glass doors and locked , covering them with the curtains and walking with Louis upstairs to their master bedroom .


"It's so pretty here ." Louis smiled as they walked down the streets , his hand laced with Harry's .

"A few years ago , I spend almost four months in Italy ." Harry said , "I trained with some professional people here , to learn how to deal with mafias and guerillas ."

"You never told me about this ." Louis squeezed his hand . "When was it ?"

"A few months before we met ." Harry said , "I flew here and had trainings . We even got ourselves into some fights on the way . I died here for a few seconds ."

Louis froze . "You what ?"

"I died . They brought me back ." Harry turned to him , his hands holding Louis' waist .

"And you're just casually saying that as if it's nothing ." Louis deadpanned .

"Well I'm here , aren't I ?" Harry smiled , "It wasn't even the first time I died ."

"Jesus Christ , Harry , how many times did you die ?"

"Three , so far ."

Louis punched him in the shoulder , "You really didn't have to add 'so far' , you idiot ."

Harry only smiled wider and leaned down to kiss Louis , his hands moving to Louis' back to bring him closer . "I'll come back from the dead for you always ."

"How about , you don't die in the first place and we're good ."

"Cute ." Harry kissed Louis once more before pulling back and taking his hand again , "Let's keep going , there must be an ice cream place nearby ."

They walked around for a bit more , before they reached a small place selling ice cream , Louis pulled Harry along into the place .

Louis made a quick scan of the flavours , before he pointed at one , "Look , this one is strawberry with chocolate chips , it looks so good ."

"You want it in a cone or a cup ?" Harry asked .

"A cone , please ." Louis smiled as Harry kissed his cheek .

Harry turned to the girl behind the counter , and to Louis' surprise , started speaking in italian . Fluent italian .

His eyebrows raised as he looked up at Harry in surprise , his jaw fell slightly open but he closed it quickly . Harry handed the girl some cash and said something to her , she gave him a smile and nodded , putting the cash in the machine before making Harry's order .

Harry looked down at Louis , smiling as he caught Louis staring in awe . "What ."

"You speak fluent italian ." Louis pointed out .

"Yeah , I spent almost four months here so I picked on the language quite quickly ." Harry nodded , before a smirk spread on his lips , "Why , do you like that ?"

"Oh , it's - it's cool , I guess ." Louis shrugged , trying to play it off .

Harry smirked wider , he wrapped one arm around Louis' waist , his other hand holding Louis' small hand to his chest , "Ti amo , amore mio ." He said with a heavy italian accent .

Louis giggled as he tried to squirm out of his hold , "Stop it ."

"Sei carino, tesoro ." Harry wrapped both his arms around Louis and dipped him backwards .

"Let me go , you idiot ." Louis laughed as Harry kissed his cheek a few times .

Harry pulled the two of them back up and kissed him quickly , "Adorable ." He turned to the girl behind the counter , who was holding the two cones and waiting patiently .

"Grazie ." Harry took the two cones and turned to Louis , smiling at the sight of Louis' red cheeks . He handed Louis a cone , Louis smiled as he reached out to take it , "Thank you ."

"Now in italian ." Harry smirked a bit , not letting go of the cone yet .

Louis huffed playfully . "Grazie ."

Harry smiled as Louis took the cone , he wrapped his arm around Louis' waist as they walked out of the shop .


Their time spent in italy was filled with exploring , eating at different restaurants , Harry speaking italian to Louis and teaching him some words . They even had one night where they stayed up at the balcony all night .

They returned to the airport , where Paul was waiting for them . The guards loaded the plane as Louis and Harry got their passports checked , Harry talked to the local guards and shook their hands before walking with Louis to the plane .

After taking off Louis had something to eat , while Harry got a bit of work done . They had a nap in the room in the back , then woke up to just chill in bed a bit longer before landing .

They landed in Dubai , had their passports checked and luggage unloaded into expensive looking Jeeps .

"Are the Jeeps necessarry ?" Louis asked as Harry opened the door for him .

"Yes . For a change , I have a plan for our stay here ." Harry nodded , "We're going on a ride in the desert with these Jeeps ."

Louis smiled , "Sounds cool ." He said as he got into the passenger's seat .

On their way to the hotel they drove past the Burj Khalifa , Louis gasped and quickly took his phone out for pictures , "Hazzie look , it's the tall pretty famous building !"

"The Burj Khalifa , baby , yes . We'll be going there too , I know you've been waiting to see this building ."

They reached their hotel and checked in , the guards went in first and started scanning the room . Harry and Louis changed into swimming trunks and went outside to their balcony , where they had an infinity pool for themselves .

"Oh my god , it's so hot here ." Louis sighed as he stood under the shade , Harry walked down the steps of the pool and turned to Louis , "Come on in , the water is nice ."

Louis followed him , dipping his foot in . The water was cold , but it felt nice since it was so hot outside . He took slow steps in , adapting to the temperature , while Harry got in quickly until it reached his middle .

"Come in deeper ." Harry held his hands out for Louis to take .

"I'm getting there , I'm just doing this slowly ."

"Come on , hubby ."

"Let me do this slowly , hubby ."

Louis let out a gasp when Harry splashed him , "Hazzie !" He splashed him back , "Stop , the water is cold !"

"I'm helping you ." Harry splashed him again , smiling at Louis' cute reaction .

"Okay , just stop spla -- Hazzie !" Louis was cut off by Harry splashing him once again .

"Alright , I'm done ." Harry laughed a bit .

"Mean ." Louis splashed him , Harry only smiled and wiped his face .

Louis got into the pool , goosebumps all over his arms as he reached Harry . He wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders and jumped up a bit to wrap his legs around his waist , "Hold me I'm cold ."

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and kissed his shoulder , carrying him around the pool . He reached the ledge , where they could look over the view .

Louis pulled his head back , still clinging onto Harry , and pressed their lips together . Harry moved his head forward to deepen the kiss , holding Louis tighter and humming as Louis' fingers tangled in his hair at the back of his head .

They made out for a bit before pulling back , Louis patted Harry's hair down after he ran his fingers through it and messing it up .

"Tomorrow we'll go see the Burj Khalifa , then go on the desert trip . Tonight I just want you ." Harry said , Louis smiled , "I love the sound of that ."

"I love you ."


The day after , the couple went out for breakfast , before going to see the Burj Khalifa .

Louis had to crane his neck and lean back to be able to see the top of the building , putting his hand above his eyes to block the sun , "This is so tall , it's hurting my neck ."

"Here , let me take a picture of you ." Harry took his phone out and took a few steps back , going down on his knee to take a picture of Louis with the building in the background .

Louis giggled a bit at him , "Hazzie we're already married , no need to propose to me again ." He teased .

Harry only smiled and took a few pictures , even after Louis moved to look up at the building again . He then turned to look at Harry and giggled when he saw that Harry was still taking pictures , "Get up already ."

"No , I need more pictures ." Harry kept taking pictures as Louis walked over to him and took the phone from his hands , taking pictures of Harry instead .

Harry smiled as he let Louis take pictures , before he snatched his phone away , "Alright , enough ."

Louis pulled out his own phone and took even more pictures , giggling as Harry tried taking his phone . He moved away from Harry and put his phone away , "Okay I'm done now ."


The couple wore white clothes , both with white jean shorts , Louis had a low collar white t-shirt while Harry had a white button-up .

Harry was given the instructions with driving , where they can go and how far , and at what time they needed to go back - Harry paid a lot of money for it to be just him and Louis , without a driver .

They got in the Jeep around the afternoon , so by the time they got to the desert it was the golden hour .

Harry got off the road , Louis gasped as he held onto the door handle , "Oh Jesus , we only started and it's already bumpy ." 

Harry drove up and down the sand hills , making it bumpy on purpose to get reactions out of Louis ; giggles , gasps , soft curses and silent prayers to get out of there alive and in one piece .

He stopped the car ontop of a hill and unbuckled himself , "Come on out ." He jumped out of his seat .

Louis unbuckled himself and opened the door , jumping down to the sand . "Hazzie can we take some pictures ?"

"Sure baby ."

Louis found a spot on the car where he could prop his phone , then went to stand next to Harry as they took pictures . He then returned to his phone and started recording a video .

"Hello , we're currently in Dubai , it's really pretty here but so so hot ." Louis said with a smile , "We're on a desert trip right now , and look how pretty the sun is right now , it's slowly setting and we'll be off to go back soon , but just look how pretty --"

Harry cut Louis off by wrapping his arms around him and lifting him up , then he dropped the two of them down on the sand .

"Harry !" Louis squealed , Harry only laughed and wrapped his arms around Louis , rolling them down the hill like a barrel roll .

"Oh my god , Harry , now I have sand all over me !" Louis sat ontop of Harry as they came to a stop , Harry grinned , "That was the whole point , why do you think we wore white clothes ?"

"This is so mean ." Louis grabbed a handful of sand and rubbed it all over Harry's shirt , Harry grabbed his wrist and sat up , pressing a kiss to his lips , "I'll clean you up when we get back to our room ."


It was the day after , the couple chilled in their hotel room at the infinity pool , getting some tan .

Louis tried pushing Harry into the pool , which resulted in Harry grabbing him around the waist and tossing him in , before he joined him . 

They cuddled a bit in the pool while Harry updated Louis on how'd it been in the city and what he was working on , Louis offered to help and said he could get the dogs involved too .

"I do miss my pups , a lot ." Louis pouted , "I know Li is taking good care of them , he always does , but I miss them lots ."

"They miss you too , I know they do ." Harry smiled at him , his hands resting on his sides , "And when we go back they'll give you a proper greeting ." He smiled wider as he made Louis smile .

They spent the entire day at the pool , in the evening they got into the shower and packed their suitcases , they had dinner before driving to the airport to get to the final stop of their honeymoon .

After a few hours they reached the final location , Louis was tired and yawning as they got off the plane .

"A bit longer and we're at the cabin , baby ." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis , Louis leaned against his chest tiredly , "So sleepy ."

Harry held Louis as their passports were checked and their luggage was unloaded from the plane and then loaded into the car . He kissed the top of Louis' head , "Let's go baby ."

They got into the backseat of the car with two guards at the front , Louis napped on Harry's shoulder on their way to the port , where a boat was waiting for them to take them to the private island .

Harry leaned his cheek ontop of Louis' head , he then took out his phone and took a few pictures of Louis asleep on him . He secretly had tons of those pictures , and other random pictures of Louis where he didn't even know or notice Harry taking his pictures .

They reached the port , Harry gently shook Louis awake . Louis had a small pout on his lips as he rubbed his eyes , Harry pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek , "I'll give you the biggest cuddle to sleep at the cabin ." He kissed his lips before they got out of the car .

They were taken to the cabin , the guards started with their master bedroom , scanning it quickly so the two could settle in . It took a few minutes , the guards finished and left the room , leaving the couple to get ready for bed .

Louis pulled clothes out of the suitcase and headed to wash himself quickly in the shower , yawning as he walked into the bathroom .

Harry prepared the bed for when Louis finished in the shower , he fluffed the pillows and untucked the blankets .

Louis stepped out of the bathroom after he showered and brushed his teeth , he went straight to bed and got in under the blankets .

Harry laughed softly as he went to shower aswell , he brushed his teeth quickly and went downstairs to his guards to make sure everything was alright .

He returned upstairs and quietly closed the door behind him , he threw his shirt and pants off before getting in bed behind Louis to cuddle with him .

Louis held onto Harry's arm that wrapped around him , Harry kissed the back of his head and closed his eyes .


It was late in the morning when the couple woke up , they had a chill morning in bed where they cuddled , had small breakfast , kissed , fell into a short nap , then woke up again .

"It's been so much fun ." Louis smiled at Harry , his fingers tracing all over Harry's back and shoulders . Harry smiled , "Yeah . It's been perfect ." 

"I know i've been calling you hubby a lot , but it's still like , giving me butterflies thinking about how we're married , and how I'm basically Louis Styles now ." Louis said with a quiet giggle .

Harry smiled and took Louis' hand in his , pressing a kiss to his wedding band , "Now you'll have to get used to people calling you Mr. Styles instead of Mr. Tomlinson ."

"I think I can manage ." Louis smiled back .

"You're never getting away from me ."

"I can definitely try ."

"I put a tracker chip in your wedding band ."

Louis gasped and sat up in bed , "Harry !"

Harry laughed , "I'm joking baby , you should know by now that I'm joking with you ."

"Idiot ." Louis moved to his knees and grabbed his pillow , smacking Harry with it . Harry put his arms in front of him as a shield , he let Louis hit him a few times before he grabbed the pillow from Louis' hands and tossed it away .

Harry made a quick move of sitting up a bit and wrapping his arms around Louis , before falling back down on the bed and bringing Louis down with him ontop of his chest .

"I hate you sometimes ."

"No , you love me always ." Harry smiled .

"I really don't ." Louis tried moving off , Harry went along and let Louis roll off him , though rolled with him to kiss him . He kissed his lips once , before his hands were on Louis' waist tickling him , "Tell me you love me ."

"St-Stop it !" Louis laughed , trying to grab Harry's hands and squirming away . "I l-love you I love you !"

Harry stopped and kissed his cheek , "I love you baby ."


Hope you liked it x


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