Harry's Birthday
Summary : It's Harry's birthday , and Louis has no idea what to gift to someone like him .
‼️Just to be clear - there's no chronological order for this ficlet , the parts are random scenarios throughout their relationship .
Enjoy x
It's been three months since Louis and Harry started dating , and it was nearing Harry's birthday . Louis had no idea what to buy him , what to do for him , how to celebrate .
Harry was one of the richest people he knew , he could buy himself anything he wanted . He could throw himself this massive party , could book himself a place for vacation anywhere he wanted . Louis was lost .
He called Liam , one of Harry's best mates , and shyly asked to meet up with him and Zayn . The two agreed to see him at a coffee shop in the city , two weeks prior to Harry's birthday .
Louis nervously walked into the coffee shop and stood in line to buy himself a cup of hot chocolate , it was so cold outside . He ordered his drink and paid , then went to wait by the counter .
Liam and Zayn walked into the shop and quickly spotted Louis , Louis gave them a shy , nervous smile and a wave as they walked over .
"Hey Louis , were you waiting for long ?" Zayn asked , Louis shook his head , "No no , got here two minutes ago and ordered my drink ." He said , Liam patted Zayn's shoulder , "Go sit with him I'll order for us ."
"Thanks lad ." Zayn nodded and Liam went to stand in line .
Louis received his order and thanked the bartender , taking his cup as he followed Zayn to one of the booths . They sat across from each other , Zayn gave Louis a smile , "How have you been ?"
"I'm alright , things are great ." He smiled , "You ?"
"I'm good . What did you want to talk about ?"
Louis bit his lower lip , "It's - It's Harry's birthday in two weeks , and I've been trying to figure out what to do , what presents to get for him . I'm kind of lost ."
Zayn smiled , "What were you thinking about ?"
"That's my problem - everything I come up with gets turned down ." Louis pouted a bit , "I'm completely lost with the presents . I was thinking about a restaurant for dinner , but I don't want to book us a place he wouldn't like . Maybe a pub , but I - I'm not the biggest fan of clubs and drinking . A surprise party is a maybe . I just don't know who to invite except for you two - I don't know who else he's friends with ."
Liam joined them at the table and handed Zayn his drink , "Is it about Harry's birthday ?"
"Yeah . I'm lost ." Louis slumped a bit .
"With all honesty , I think you're overthinking it ." Zayn shook his head , "Harry didn't celebrate his birthday in years , now . We did manage to take him out for a drink in the last couple of years , but he never did anything . So anything you do for him will be great ."
"Like what ? I really don't know what to do . And what presents can I buy for him ? He's so rich , he can buy himself anything he wanted ." Louis' eyes were wide with worry .
"Louis , we're serious . You can do anything you want . A restaurant , a pub , one single cupcake with a candle on it - Harry will love anything you do for him ." Liam reassured him with a smile , "Don't worry about any presents , you could get him a can of soda and he'll love it , because it's from you ."
Louis blushed at his words , Zayn nudged his foot from under the table , "If you really want to get him something he'll love , make sure it has to do with you ."
"What do you mean ?" Louis asked , eyebrows pinched in confusion .
"The present you plan on getting for Harry . Make sure it has something to do with you . Put you in the present ."
Louis blushed deep red , Zayn laughed softly , "I don't mean for you to sleep with him if it's too much . It could be something simple like getting the two of you matching sets of clothes , something that will show you in the presents ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded , "Is there anything he wouldn't like ?"
"Not sure , I don't think so ." Liam shook his head , "He'll love anything from you , we promise you ."
It was Harry's birthday . Louis only moved in recently so he was still tip-toeing shyly around the mansion ; he woke up with Harry in the morning , purposely setting his own alarm to ring ten minutes before Harry's alarm .
He woke up and turned his alarm off , turning to Harry who was spooning him . Harry woke up from Louis' alarm , then opened his eyes when he felt Louis shifting in his arms .
Louis turned to face him and pressed a shy kiss to his cheek , where his dimple appeared right after the kiss . "Happy birthday ." He whispered with a smile , Harry tightened his arms around him and brought him back into the cuddle , "What are you doing up so early ?"
Louis loved Harry's morning voice , it made him warm inside but also gave him chills down his spine . "It's your birthday ."
"Still doesn't explain why you woke up at six a.m , baby ." Harry tilted his head down to kiss his temple , Louis lifted his head up from his chest to look at him , "Because it's your birthday and I wanted to be the first to tell you happy birthday and make you coffee before you leave ."
"So cute ." Harry mumbled and leaned down to kiss him , Louis scrunched his nose and pushed him away , "Ew , stop , morning breath ." He sat up and quickly got out of bed , going to the bathroom to brush his teeth .
He finished and walked out , Harry squeezed his waist as he walked past him to get to the bathroom aswell to brush his teeth .
Louis went downstairs to the kitchen , he made Harry his coffee along with two pieces of toasted bread , spreading strawberry jam on them . He made a cup of hot chocolate for himself , and on his own toasted bread he put nutella .
Harry walked into the kitchen dressed in his tailored pants and blazer , though his shirt as usual was one of his combat tight fitting shirts , which it's material blocked knife cutting .
"Aren't you adorable ." Harry smiled as he walked into the kitchen , seeing the two plates and two mugs of hot drinks .
Louis smiled back and was about to tell him 'happy birthday' again , though gasped when Harry grabbed his waist and lifted him up , sitting him ontop of the counter . He hummed when Harry pressed their lips together and brought his hands up to cup his cheeks , Harry's arms wrapping around his waist .
They kissed for a bit before Louis pulled back , his cheeks red with blush , "Your coffee will get cold ."
Harry pressed one more kiss to his lips before helping him off the counter , pulling out two island stools for them . He sat down and took his coffee mug , Louis watched as he took a few sips , eyes a bit wide as the coffee was still hot .
"What's your schedule for today ?" Louis asked as he held his own mug in his hands to warm them up .
"Just the usual ." Harry put his arm over the back of Louis' chair , then smirked , "What else did you plan ?"
"Well - I was ehm ... I was hoping you'd be free for lunch ?" Louis asked , cheeks pink from Harry's smirk .
"Always free for you ." Harry nodded , "I have a meeting before lunch , supposed to end by one thirty p.m ."
"Okay ." Louis nodded , "And when are you finished in the office for the day ?"
"Around five the usual . What did you plan for the evening ?" Harry asked in half curiosity , still smirking ; he didn't actually want Louis to tell him , as he wanted to give him the pleasure of surprising him , yet still liked teasing him .
"As if I'd tell you ." Louis poked his dimple .
"Tell me ." He poked him in the side , moving to poke his tummy when he covered his side , then back to poking his side when he covered his tummy .
"N-Not telling ! I'm not telling ." Louis laughed as he squirmed a bit in his seat , trying to shield himself from the tickles . He stood up from his seat and moved away from Harry's reach , Harry smiled widely at him , "So adorable ."
Harry walked past Laura on his way to his office down the hall , he pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened his contacts list to call Louis while punching the code to open the door .
He was about to press the green Call button but the sight of his office made him stop in his spot ; His office was filled with helium balloons tied to small sandbags to prevent them from flying all the way up to the ceiling , the floor had balloons scattered across it , his desk had a big flowers bouquet with a banner hanging down it's front saying "Happy Birthday Hazzie" in cursive letters .
Louis was standing in the middle of the room with a nervous smile , holding a box of cupcakes , "Surpriseee ." He was shy under the attention .
Harry didn't move from his spot as he kept looking around his office , letting the door shut behind him .
"D-Do you like it ?" Louis was growing nervous ; he felt like he crossed a line .
Harry snapped out of the staring and turned to look at Louis , a smile slowly stretching onto his lips as he walked over to him . Louis breathed out in relief , "Oh thank god , I thought I made a mistake with the surprise and that I crossed the line --"
Harry took the cupcakes box from Louis' hands and put it on his desk , then turned to wrap his arms around Louis' waist as he kissed him , "You're absolutely adorable ."
"Th-That means you like it , right ?" Louis asked with blush on his cheeks , Harry kissed him again , "Love it ." He kept his arms around Louis' waist as he looked around the room .
"Victor and a few guards were here , while the - while the organizers put it all up . I knew I should have some guards in here while strangers were here too , so I asked Victor to help me out ." Louis gestured to the balloons , "Zayn suggested this place in the city , they were all very nice . Also I asked --"
"Hazzie ?" Harry looked at the banner hanging down the desk with a wide smile , Louis shrugged a bit , "Well , yeah . It's your nickname ."
Harry held him closer and kissed his temple , then his cheek lovingly , "Adorable . The office looks great , baby ."
"I asked Rodrigo to make us lunch , and it should be here soon ." Louis fixed the collar of Harry's blazer , "And I - I ordered enough cupcakes for everyone in the building with little notes on the cupcakes that say "Happy Birthday Boss #1" , because you are ."
Harry lowered himself and wrapped his arms around Louis' hips , he lifted him up as he kissed him . Louis gripped the top of his blazer , cheeks reddening deeper . He let Harry kiss him for a bit before pulling back a bit to catch his breath .
"You didn't have to do all this , baby . I am happy you did , though ." Harry put him down on his feet with one more kiss to his lips , his hands going to rest on his waist again . He looked over Louis' shoulder at the round dining table and smirked , "Presents too ?"
Louis , who was still collecting himself from the small makeout session , nodded as he fixed Harry's blazer and hair . Harry gave his waist a gentle squeeze and went to the table , he grabbed one of the small bags and took out two picture frames , smiling down at them ; one picture was of Louis and him , the other was of Louis and Odin .
"These are for your office , here or back home . Doesn't matter ." Louis said after he joined him , watching Harry tracing the two pictures . Harry looked down at Louis , who sat himself down on one of the chairs , and leaned down to kiss his cheek , "Love the pictures ."
He put the two frames down and took the second bag , pulling out new gym clothes .
"Wasn't sure what size you were , hope I got it right ." Louis shifted a bit in his seat while Harry looked through the clothes .
"You got it right baby ." Harry nodded as he checked the sizes before folding the clothes back into the bag . He took the third and last bag , pulling out a wrapped box .
"What's that ?" Harry turned to Louis , Louis shrugged with a smile , "Might aswell open and find out ."
Harry tore the wrapping paper and smiled when he saw it was a massage gun , "Never realized I could use one of those ."
"In the videos it looks like it hurts , but it's for people who workout and actually have muscles , so ." Louis shyly poked at his bicep , Harry put the box down on the table and turned to Louis , holding his hands out for him to take .
Louis took his hands , Harry pulled him up from the seat and wrapped him in a cuddle , "I love the presents baby , you really didn't have to get me anything ."
"It took me a long time to figure out what to get for you . You're - well , you're very , very rich so you could buy yourself anything you'd want . It was a bit hard coming up with good presents , so I'm happy you like them ." Louis nodded into his chest .
"I would've loved anything you got for me ." Harry pressed a warm kiss to his temple , then pulled back just a bit to kiss him properly .
They were cut off by a knock on the office door , Harry pressed one more quick kiss to Louis' lips before going to open the door for Rodrigo .
Louis turned to clear the table for the food , he gave Rodrigo a smile and thanked him for their lunch , smiling wider when he saw that Rodrigo also brought sparkler sticks and a lighter .
Harry shook Rodrigo's hand as he made his way out of the office with the cart , closing the door behind him . He turned to the table , where Louis stuck the sparkler sticks to a few cupcakes from the box he was holding earlier , shaping them into a heart .
Louis lit the sparkler sticks quickly and took out his phone , taking a picture of it and then another one showing Harry in the background , who had a smile on his lips . He walked over to Harry and stood up on his tip-toes , pressing a soft kiss to his lips , "Happy birthday ."
Harry returned home at almost six p.m , he parked in the basement garage and went upstairs to the first floor of the mansion , when he reached the entrace lobby he smiled widely at the sight of Odin with a birthday cone on his head and balloons wrapped around his torso with strings .
Then he heard noises in the kitchen and the smell of food reached his nose , he leaned down to press a kiss to the bridge of Odin's nose while stratching his ears , "Let's go see what's he up to ." He took his blazer off and let it hang on the stairs railing , going to the kitchen .
He smiled at the sight of Louis placing a tray in the oven , then he checked his phone as he set up a timer .
"What are you up to ?"
Louis jumped in surprise , his phone almost slipping from his hand . He turned around to face Harry and placed a hand over his heart , "You scared me ."
Harry walked over and kissed his cheek , "What did you make ?" He looked at the oven , then at the pot on the stove .
"Not telling . Go shower first ." Louis nudged him away , "Please , one more surprise ."
Harry scrunched his nose , "Fine ." He leaned down to kiss him for a bit , only leaving when Louis giggled and pushed him off .
After Harry showered Louis went to shower quickly , making Harry promise him not to peek at what he made for them . Harry took the time to set the table for them , then chose a wine bottle , as he didn't know if Louis already picked one .
Louis walked down to the kitchen and dining area , Harry smiled seeing him wearing one of his large sweaters . He wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and kissed him , "Did you pick a wine bottle ?"
"Not yet ." Louis shook his head , "Did you pick one ?" He looked at the table , Harry nodded , "I'll open it while you bring the food ."
Louis nodded and smiled when Harry kissed him once more before letting go , he went to the oven and carefully took out the tray , setting it on a towel on the counter . He made two plates for him and Harry and returned to the dining table , Harry watched as he placed the two plates down .
"It's chicken stuffed with mozzarella cheese , wrapped in parma ham . And this is mashed-potatoes , home-made ." Louis said , "I - I hope it even came out good , I never cooked by myself before ."
"I'm sure it's great ." Harry pressed a loving kiss to his cheek and pulled out a chair for him to sit , sitting across from him .
They started eating , Louis moved his foot forward and nudged Harry softly , "Was your day good ?"
Harry smiled , "Today was great . Waking up with you , having you surprise me during lunch . I also saw the rest of the cupcakes you ordered for the rest of the employees , so thoughtful of you . Love the presents , too . Today was just great ."
Louis couldn't contain his grin , looking down at the table shyly , "That's good to hear ."
"You made today great , you know ." Harry reached across the table to take Louis' hand , "I haven't done anything for my birthday for years now ."
"I - I know , Liam and Zayn told me ." Louis said , blushing when Harry raised his eyebrows with an amused smile , "They told you ?"
Louis shifted a bit in his seat , "W-Well , I asked them for some help , a few weeks ago ... to figure out what to do for you . I was a bit lost with how to celebrate , what to gift you , so they helped me out ."
"You nailed it baby , couldn't have asked for better ." Harry brought his hand to his lips and kissed his knuckles .
After dinner Louis let Harry decide what he wanted to do for the rest of the evening , and Harry suggested they watch a movie ; he didn't actually want to watch the movie , just wanted to cuddle with Louis and kiss him ; also he found it cute how shy Louis would get , as he would try to focus on watching the movie while Harry kissed him .
Harry settled on the large soft couch in the movie room with a blanket laying on his lap halfway , he took his jumper off while he waited for Louis to join him , as he went to make the two of them popcorn .
He smiled when Louis walked into the room , he sat down next to Harry , who held the blanket up for Louis to settle down .
"What movie did you pick ?" Louis asked as he fed Harry some popcorn , Harry shook his head , "Didn't pick one yet , you pick one ."
"But it's your birthday ."
"And my wish is for you to pick a movie ." Harry challenged back , Louis huffed and grabbed the remote from Harry's hand , leaning back to cuddle against his side . Harry squeezed his arm around him and kissed his temple , Louis snuggled against his side , head in his neck and arm thrown over his middle .
Harry crawled his hand under Louis' sweater to trace patterns on his back , "Baby ."
Louis pulled his head back to look up at him , smiling when Harry kissed him gently . Harry rolled them a bit over to kiss Louis some more , the hand under Louis' shirt moving to rub his waist .
Harry kissed Louis for a bit until Louis pushed at his shoulders to move him off , he gasped and jumped off the couch , "I almost forgot ! How could I forget !" He raced out of the room , leaving Harry frowning in confusion .
He followed Louis out of the room , going up to the first floor . He heard him upstairs , so he went upstairs , "Baby what happened ?"
"Shh ! Sit on the couch , I almost forgot the very last gift !" Louis said from the master bedroom .
Harry sat on the cloud couch in the lounge , Louis walked out of the master bedroom with both hands behind his back , "Close your eyes ."
"What are you hiding ?" Harry asked as he watched him , Louis sat next to him with his hands still behind his back , "Close your eyes already ."
Harry closed his eyes , Louis leaned in and pecked his cheek shyly , smiling when he made Harry smile . "Now hold your hands out ."
Harry held both his hands out palms up , feeling Louis placing the gift in his hands . "Can I open my eyes now ?"
"Yes ."
Harry opened his eyes and looked down , there was a framed plaque with his name on it .
"On the wall in your office , you have some plaques from places you donated to . So I , I donated to an orphanage in the city in your name , and the plaque came in the mail just today ." Louis explained while Harry examined the plaque , "They asked to thank you , I told them to sort it out with Laura , put it in your schedule ."
Harry looked up at him with a spark in his eyes , he leaned in and kissed Louis softly . He put the plaque aside and brought Louis into his lap without breaking their kiss , Louis held his cheeks and couldn't help his smile .
"This is one of the best gifts I've ever gotten ." Harry pulled back to speak , then kissed Louis again . "Thank you baby ."
Louis grinned wider , "Did you just say thank you ?" He giggled .
"I did , and if you think about being a tease about it , --"
"You'll what ? Thank me again for teasing you ?" Louis squished his cheeks , then jumped off his lap and fled , running back down to the movie room with Harry right behind him .
He jumped ontop of the soft couch and covered himself with the blanket , then grabbed the popcorn bowl and threw a handful at Harry , "Mercy !" He threw another handful .
Harry took the popcorn bowl from his hands , making more popcorn fly around , already grinning at his cute laughter . He got into the blanket with Louis and tickled his sides , "You never learn not to tease , do you ?"
"I-It's so much fun to tease you !" Louis barely spoke through his laughter .
Harry stopped the tickling and pressed his hands on either side of Louis , leaning on his arms above him , "I'll let you get away with it for being too cute ."
Louis pushed at his chest , "You're lucky it's your birthday ."
Harry leaned down to kiss him , then pressed a soft peck to the tip of his nose , "I'm lucky every day with you by my side ."
Hope you liked it x
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