Group Hangout

Summary : Louis invites Liam , Zayn and Niall for dinner and drinks at his and Harry's place .

Enjoy x


Louis grabbed a cart from the entrace of the grocery store and pushed it into the place , taking his phone out to open the list he had prepared in advance .

He texted Harry quickly to let him know he was in the grocery store before opening his notes , walking through the aisles to gather everything on the list . Snacks , soft drinks , alcohol , beer , a bit of candy .

He invited Liam , Zayn and Niall to hang out at his and Harry's place , which would be the first time ever the five of them get to hang out for a night all of them together - and he was over the moon .

Louis was almost done with his list when Harry called him , he smiled down at his phone as he answered .

"Hey Hazzie ."

"Hi baby . My guards are around the area you're in , do you need help with the groceries ? I'll send them to help you load your car ."

"Oh , no it's alright , I didn't buy too much ." Louis looked inside his cart , "Just drinks , some bags of snacks and candy . Li is bringing pizza with him too , so I didn't want to buy too much ."

"Hundred percent sure ? I'll tell them to be there even if it's a bag of chips baby ."

"I know you will . I don't need help , I've got this ." Louis smiled , "I'm on my way to pay now , then I'm heading home ."

"Okay . I'll see you later ."

"See you ."

They hung up , Louis grabbed one last bag from the aisle and went to the register to pay . He quickly packed up everything into bags and left the store , taking the cart with him to his car and loading everything into the passenger's seat .

He returned the cart to the front of the store before going back to the car and into the driver's seat , he texted a reminder to his three friends and started making his way back home .


Harry helped Louis carry the snacks bowls to the firepit outside ; the firepit was in the middle of a table , with garden couches around it . It was a newly set spot and Louis loved that he would be getting to hang out there for the first time with Harry and friends .

"I think I should bring blankets , it might be cold ." Louis pulled the sleeves of his sweater over his hands , Harry kneeled down at the bottom of the firepit to light it up . He smiled up at Louis , "I think you'll be the only one cold , baby . You're always cold ."

"Don't make it sound like you wouldn't let me cuddle with you for warmth ." Louis smiled and nudged him with his foot gently , "I'll go get the blankets ." He went back into the mansion and opened the cabinet under the TV in the living room , taking out three blankets and taking them outside .

He put the blankets on one of the seats , smiling when he saw that Harry lit up the firepit . "It looks so nice ." He told Harry , Harry stood back up and put his arm around him , "I think I hear your phone ringing ." He told Louis , holding back a chuckle when Louis gasped and sprinted into the mansion .

Louis ran into the kitchen , where his phone was indeed ringing on the counter . He picked it up and saw Niall's contact name , grinning as he pressed the green button .

"Hey Niall ."

"Hey Lou , ehm - I'm at the front gates . I'm pretty sure it's the right place ." Niall said , "I mean , there are literally no other houses , or - or mansions , castles , wherever it is you're living , around the area . So , so I'm here ."

Louis was already on his way to the control board in the lobby , he opened the gates' camera and smiled when he saw Niall in his car , "Yeah , you're in the right place . I'm buzzing you in . Oh , Liam and Zayn are right behind you too . Just in time ."

"Great , see you in a bit ." 

"See you ." Louis grinned as they hung up , Harry walked into the mansion and joined Louis in front of the control board , seeing the three cars pulling into the long driveway up to the mansion .

"I'll go take out the drinks ." Harry gave Louis' waist a squeeze and went to the kitchen .

Louis bounced on his feet as he waited for the knock on the door , he fixed his hair and straightened his clothes . He almost felt stupid for being this excited over a group hangout , but then he thought about it again , and realized it was something he hadn't done since he was in middle school - even elementary school .

There was a knock on the door , Louis pulled it open and smiled widely , "Hellooo ."

The three guys walked in with smiles on their faces , Louis gave them each a greeting hug and closed the door ; he gave Liam a side hug , since he was holding three pizza boxes with one arm . Liam and Zayn were already familiar with the mansion so they headed towards the kitchen , where they heard Harry making a bit of noise .

Niall looked around himself , "This place is proper nice ."

Louis hooked his arm around Niall's elbow , "Let's go say hi to Harry , then I'll give you a little tour ."

Niall let Louis lead him into the kitchen , where Harry was just handing two beer bottles to Liam and Zayn . Harry looked up when he saw the two walking into the kitchen , his eye twitched a bit at the sight of Louis with his arm linked with Niall's , though didn't say anything .

"Hey , thanks for having me ." Niall smiled and held his hand out for Harry to shake , Harry shook his hand , "Hope you have a great night . I dare you to have a better night than Louis would have ."

"Impossible ." Louis grinned and gave Niall's arm a gentle squeeze , Niall thanked Harry again when he handed him a beer bottle .

Harry opened another beer bottle and turned to Louis , "Beer or something else ?"

Louis scrunched his nose a bit , "Coke maybe ? Don't really like beer ."

For Niall , it was still a world wonder to watch Harry Styles doing something someone else asked him to . He watched as Harry opened the fridge and took out a can of coke , he opened it and handed it to Louis .

"Thanks ." Louis smiled , then tugged at Niall's arm gently , "Come on , I'll give you a tour ."

"Meet us outside at the firepit when you're done , baby ." Harry called after him .

Niall let Louis lead him out of the kitchen , "How do you keep this place so tidy ? It looks like a pain in the arse to clean ."

Louis giggled , "Once a week a team comes over and they do a bit of cleaning . The place is always fairly clean so there isn't too much work to actually do , but they do help a lot . The only place they don't go is the second floor , though , that's for Harry and I to keep clean ."

"I would bet ." Niall teased and elbowed him , Louis laughed with blush on his cheeks , "Nooo , it's not like that I promise . It's just , you know . Our bedroom is there , --"

"Exactly ."

"Niall ." Louis hip-checked him and laughed again . "I meant like laundry , --"

"Yeah Lou I watched Friends , I know what 'laundry' means ."

"Stop it already ." Louis gave him a light shove , but then linked their arms again , "We just prefer if strangers don't go cleaning our private space . Harry's home office is there too , and the guest bedrooms ."

Niall took a sip of his beer , "I get it . So I guess we're not allowed up there ?"

"Well , I am giving you a tour , right ? I'll show you around . Some spaces are off limits though ." Louis took him to the living room , "This is our living room . We don't always sit here , we have a lounge upstairs and the couch there is a cloud couch , it's one of my favourite spots . We do hang out here sometimes still ."

"The TV is massive , what the eff ." Niall said with a smile , Louis smiled , "I like watching documentary shows here , I used to study dog training here , I'd watch videos and movies with Odin ."

"Where is he , by the way ?" Niall asked as he was lead out of the living room .

"He's at the office building . All the pups are there , they have their pavilion around the side . Each has a cell , their food and water . We have both an indoor and outdoor training ranges and a mini dog park ."

"That's so cool ." Niall smiled , "Who's the newest pup ?"

"Donna and Zeus , adopted them three months ago . Zeus can be a pain in the arse sometimes but he's a good pup , and Donna is just a sweetheart ."

Louis walked them downstairs to the first basement floor , he brought Niall into the movie room , "This is the movie room , I actually love binge watching shows here . Just so comfy that you can't leave ."

"Looks proper cool ." Niall smiled , then followed Louis out of the room to the other side of the floor .

"This is Harry's Gym ." Louis walked him into the room and turned the lights on .

"Harry's gym ?" Niall chuckled , Louis laughed , "Yeah , I - I'm a bit too weak for these crazy workouts and weight lifting he does . He's crazy , I'm telling you , the other day he was bench pressing two hundred and fifty pounds ."

"Jesus Christ , are his chest pecs made of Vibranium or what ." Niall breathed out a laugh , making Louis laugh along .

They went back to the stairs , Louis pointed bellow them , "There's another floor downstairs but it's off limits , it's Harry's ammo room and the basement garage ."

"Yeah no , keep me out of that ammo room for my own sanity ." Niall shook his head , Louis smiled and walked with him to the front lobby , then took him up to the second floor .

"This is the lounge , we hang out here a lot . The cloud couch is the best part ." Louis pointed to the white cloud couch , "Loads of cuddles ."

Niall smiled a bit , "Is it bad that it's a bit hard for me to imagine Harry cuddling ?"

"Oh , he's a cuddle bug ." Louis grinned , "He will probably get me pretty bad for telling you that , but he's cuddly ."

"Should I fear for your life ?" Niall joked , Louis scrunched his nose with blush on his cheeks , "Do tickles count ?"

"Most definitely ."

"Then yes ." Louis giggled along with Niall . He then pointed to one side of the floor , "This is our bedroom , --"

"Where the magic happens ."

Louis only elbowed him without saying anything back , making Niall laugh a bit . Louis then pointed to the other side of the floor , "These are two guest bedrooms , which honestly are never in use ." He then turned to the other side of the stairs , "Harry's home office is over there , off limits . And well , that's about it ."

"That's about it , after showing me around three out of four floors of a literal castle you live in ." Niall teased as he followed Louis down the stairs .

The two went out to the yard , Louis hooked his arm with Niall's as they stepped into the cold weather . "There's the firepit . It's new and I already love it ." He nodded his head to the side , where Liam , Zayn and Harry were sitting with the drinks , snacks and pizza boxes .

"There's a cute little pool , and the barbecue grill ." Louis nodded towards the two on their other side , "Maybe next time we hang out we'll have a barbecue night ."

"Already planning a next time , I like that ." Niall smiled as he walked with Louis towards the firepit , "For now let's focus on you not freezing out here ." He put his beer and Louis' coke down on the table and grabbed a blanket , wrapping it around Louis' shoulders .

"Thanks ." Louis smiled and sat next to Harry , Harry lifted his arm up to fit around him and squeezed him close , "Better now with the blanket and fire ?"

"Yeah . But still hug me . It helps too ." Louis kept close to him , Harry kissed his head and turned to Niall , "Hope Louis didn't talk your ear off ."

"Oi ! That's mean ." Louis nudged Harry .

Niall only laughed as he joined Harry's teasing , "He gave me a full lecture on the cloud couch ." It was almost terrifying to be joking with Harry Styles ; he never imagined he'd ever get to be in that spot , but there he was .

Harry smiled and opened the pizza boxes , handing Louis a slice while Liam handed one for Niall . "He does love that couch ."

"Yeah , and I told Niall you're a cuddle bug ." Louis teased Harry back as he wiggled his eyebrows a bit .

The three guys couldn't help their laughter at the sight of Harry snapping his head towards Louis , he playfully glared at him , "Did you now ."

"Yeah . I told him how cuddly you actually are ." Louis took the slice from Harry's hands , Harry squished Louis' cheeks with one hand , "You're lucky you're so fucking cute ."

Zayn finished his cigarette and poured shots for everyone , he handed a shot glass to Louis with a smile , "Just one for you tonight Lou ."

Louis stuck his tongue out at him as he took the glass , he put his pizza slice down on the paper plate and held his glass up , "Cheers ."

The four joined him , holding their glasses up and saying "cheers" before drinking down the shots . Louis made a face and took a bite of his pizza to get rid of the taste in his mouth , Harry rubbed his back , "Alright , baby ?"

"I still can't stand the taste after the shot ." Louis finished his bite and reached to take a Doritos chip , "It's better now though ." He looked across the firepit table , smiling when he saw Niall , Liam and Zayn talking .

"So yeah , for now I'm working at Sunshine Cafe until things get going ." Niall nodded and took a sip of his beer ."

"We should go watch one night ." Zayn patted Liam's shoulder , Liam nodded , "Yeah , definitely ."

"Watch him where ?" Harry asked and took a bite of his pizza .

"I'm performing at a bar in the city twice a week , I'm writing songs and the crowd there is like a test crowd , see if I'm as good as I'm trying to be ." Niall explained , "I've been writing songs for years now , but never actually did anything with it . Been thinking about trying to make something happen ."

"I know people in the city , I could link you up with some of them ." Harry offered , "Music producers , songwriters , you name it and I'll find someone ."

"Oh ? Are you serious ?" Niall's eyebrows raised .

Harry gave him a nod , his face stone serious . "You're Louis' friend , he cares about you very much . I wouldn't lie that I was wary of you in the beginning . --"

"You weren't wary , you were jealous Hazzie ." Louis poked his cheek , giggling when Harry cupped his mouth to silence him .

"You're a good guy . You treat Louis the way he should be treated . You're a good friend to him ." Harry said , "I'll link you up with people , get you a good lawyer too ."

Niall was speechless . "I -- holy shit . Thank you , it's - wow ."

Louis pulled his arms out of the blanket and wrapped them around Harry's neck , pressing a kiss to his cheek , "Thanks Hazzie ." He kissed the corner of his lip .

"Jesus Christ , don't start ." Zayn threw a chip at them , "Stop making out ."

"If you call this making out , just wait until we actually make out ." Harry shot back .

"Stop it ." Louis giggled as he put his hand over Harry's chest , then turned to Zayn , "We won't make out , I promise ."

"Yeah , that's why I only gave you one shot ." Zayn winked at him ..

"Are you a lightweight ?" Niall chuckled , Liam laughed , "Why do you sound surprised , he's tiny ."

"I -- I am not ! I mean , I am a lightweight , but I'm not tiny ." Louis shook his head , pouting when the four men around him chuckled . "Why are you laughing ." He whined .

"How tall are you ?" Niall asked , "I'm 5"8 ."

Louis crossed his arms over his chest and covered himself with the blanket to keep warm . "I'm 5"5 ."

"Adorable ." Harry curled his arm around his waist and pulled him into his side , pressing a kiss to his cheek . "You know I love that you're tiny ."

The group finished their pizzas and moved on to munching on the snacks . They ended up doing another shot and getting into a small Truth or Dare game .

"Truth or Dare ?" Liam asked Louis , Louis grabbed a chip and threw it into his mouth . "Truth ."

"Has Harry ever texted you something dirty ?"

Louis covered his mouth as he laughed , "Oh my god , no , we don't do that . It's not for me ."

Harry shook his head at Liam , "You're lucky my gun isn't loaded right now ."

"Shh , don't be like this . Your turn ." Louis turned to face Harry , "Truth or Dare ?"

"Dare ."

Louis grinned , he pulled his phone out , "I want you ..." He tapped the screen a few times before turning it to Harry , "I want you to sing this song to me ."

Harry took the phone from Louis' hands and pinched his eyebrows , "Some of these words aren't even real words , baby ."

"Doesn't matter , sing it ." Louis giggled , Harry shook his head , "I don't know the song ."

"Well then read out the lyrics . That's your dare ." Louis grinned and took Harry's phone from the table , opening the camera to film him . He positioned the phone to lean on one of the bottles on the table so he could have his hands free .

Harry really wished he could've said no . But he was just wrapped around Louis' little finger .

"You're my honeybunch , sugarplum , pumpy-umpy-umpkin , you're my sweetie-pie , --"

Niall , Liam and Zayn couldn't help their laughter ; heads thrown back , clapping in amusement , faces scrunched up from laughing too hard . Louis was cupping his mouth to stop himself from laughing aswell , but the more lyrics Harry tried to read out he couldn't hold back anymore and joined the laughter .

"You're my cuppycake , gumdrop , snoogums-boogums , you're the apple of my eye ."

Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and kissed his cheek a few times , pulling back to let Harry finish the song .

"And I love you so , and I want you to know , that I'll always be right here . And I love to sing sweet songs to you , because you are so dear ."

Louis cheered when Harry finished reading , and Harry couldn't help the smile on his lips from seeing Louis to delighted at him reading out the lyrics to a children's song .

"I don't think we can top that dare , ever ." Liam wiped at his eyes , Niall was holding his stomach from laughing so hard and Zayn rubbed at his aching cheeks .


Their night ended , the five cleared out the firepit table and took everything back into the mansion .

"Thank you so much for coming , I had such a great night ." Louis gave Niall a sleepy yet tight hug , Niall hugged him back just as tightly , "Thanks for having me , it was really fun ."

"Drive safely , please text me when you're home ." Louis let go of Niall , Niall nodded , "Have a good night Lou ."

"You too ." Louis moved to say goodbye to Liam and Zayn aswell , he closed the door behind the three and let out a content sigh .

Harry looked at him with a smile and opened his arms , "You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you so happy ."

Louis walked into his arms , he wrapped his arms around his middle and pressed his face into his chest , Harry hugged him tightly and kissed the top of his head .

It was only when Louis took in the silence , the calm after the storm , that it hit him a bit . Within seconds he had an emotional lump in his throat and his eyes stung with tears , yet he felt so happy .

Harry put his hands on both sides of Louis' head and tilted him up to kiss him , yet stopped and frowned when he saw his glossy eyes .

"Baby ." He traced his thumb under his eye , Louis chuckled a bit and wiped at his eyes , "I-I'm not sat , I promise ." He sniffled , "I didn't e-expect to be emotional ."

"Talk to me ." Harry hugged him again , Louis sighed out , "I-I just had so much fun tonight , we were hanging out with f-friends and it was so great a-and I loved it . I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed I guess ."

Harry gave him a long squeeze and pressed his lips to his forehead , "I love seeing you so happy . It's one of my favourite sights . Tonight you were glowing and I could barely take my eyes off your face ."

Louis sniffled a bit and smiled , he looked up at Harry and let out a light chuckle , "So you were smiling because I was happy ? Not because we had friends over ?"

Harry scrunched his nose . "We could settle it was a 20-80 balance ."

"If I were your friends I would be offended ."

"Well then you're lucky you're my lover , then ."


Hope you liked it x


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