Gaming Night

Summary : Louis and Harry host a playstation gaming night with Liam , Zayn and Niall .

Enjoy x


Louis opened the front door with a grin on his face , jumping forward and wrapping his arms around Niall in a hug , "Hi Ni ."

"Hi Lou ." Niall squeezed him with one arm , his other hand holding a grocery bag . "Can we cuddle inside the house ? It's freezing cold outside ."

"Right , I'm sorry , come in ." Louis pulled back from the hug and pulled Niall into the mansion , closing the door behind him . "Was the drive here alright ?"

"Yeah it was fine . It's raining like crazy , but the drive was all good ." Niall followed Louis to the kitchen after cleaning his shoes , he gave Harry a wave , "Hello ."

"Hey ." Harry nodded at him once , then looked down at the grocery bag he was holding . "What did you bring ?"

"Brought some Irish beer for you lads ." Niall smiled proudly as he held up the bag , "You'll love it , I promise ."

Louis opened the fridge and helped Niall put all of the bottles inside , Harry walked past Louis and squeezed his hip , "I'll go set up the gaming console and the controllers , the oven should go off soon , just turn it off and open the door so it won't overcook ."

"Okay ." Louis nodded , Niall watched as Harry left and turned to Louis , "Is it bad that it's still weird to me to see Harry like this ?"

"Like what ?" Louis chuckled a bit , "Calm ?"

"Soft . He only looks like this with you ." Niall said , smiling widely when Louis blushed .

"It means the world to me that he trusts me enough to be soft with me ." Louis played with his fingers shyly , "He's been through a lot , he developed this - this toughness and intimidation and badassness ," He laughed at his own made-up word , "And I'm really happy that he's able to be himself around me ."

"Aren't you two just the best couple ever ." Niall pouted his lips , then smiled , "I'm happy that you're happy ."

Louis only hugged him ; he wasn't always good with words , yet still wanted to show Niall that he was grateful to have him as his friend . Niall hugged him and rubbed his back , "I hope Harry isn't a jealous type ." He joked .

"He is ."

"Yes Louis I know that , and yet here you are cuddling with me like I'm a teddy bear ." Niall deadpanned .

"He'll have to get over himself , I like our cuddles ." Louis put his face in Niall's shoulder .

Harry walked into the kitchen followed by Zayn and Liam , just in time for the oven to go off . Harry turned it off and opened the door to check on the pizza rolls , his nose scrunched up at the sight of Louis hugging Niall .

Louis pulled away from his cuddle with Niall and greeted Liam and Zayn , fetching beer bottles for everyone -- only bringing a can of coke for himself instead .

Harry put all of the pizza rolls on a big plate , Liam helped with putting the snacks into bowls . Louis and Niall carried drinks to the living room table , while Zayn carried the snacks to the living room .

Once everything was set , Harry filled shot glasses and handed them around for everyone , they all clinked their glasses and drank down their shots .

Louis made a face as he put the glass down on the table and reached for the popcorn , "I can't stand the taste it leaves in my mouth ." He munched on the popcorn .

Liam held up the controllers , "There's three controllers and five of us , who wants to go this round ?"

Harry leaned back on the couch with a beer bottle in his hand , his other arm around Louis . "You guys have fun , I'll go on the second round ."

Louis and Zayn took the controllers , Louis crossed his legs on the couch , "Prepare to lose ." He smiled and wiggled a bit in his spot .

"Sorry Lou but this time I'm putting up a fight ." Liam shook his head .

They raced each other's characters , Harry smiled softly as he listened to Louis' happy calls , angry calls , and the jokes he threw at the others .

Eventually Zayn won first place , Louis pouted a bit as he handed the controller to Harry , "You go now , I want pizza rolls ." He put a few rolls on a plate and leaned back on the couch to eat , feeding Harry aswell while he raced against Niall and Zayn .

Niall won that round , cheering and chugging the rest of his beer , making the others laugh . 

They all took another shot , Louis took the popcorn bowl into his lap , feeding Harry aswell , while the other three were racing each other .

"Having fun so far ?" Harry asked Louis quietly , although he already knew the answer . He brought Louis closer to his side and kissed his temple , Louis nodded , "I am , I love hanging out with the lads ."

"I love seeing you happy ." Harry nodded against Louis' head , "I'm glad Niall is a good guy ."

"He's great , isn't he ?" Louis smiled , "An Irish bubble of sunshine , cuddles and cardigans ."

"So he's giving you better cuddles than me ?"

"I never said that ." Louis shrugged his shoulders playfully and put the popcorn bowl away , "You did ." He giggled at the look on Harry's face and wrapped his arms around his neck , kissing his cheek , "I'm kidding Hazzie , you give the best cuddles ."

"Oi love birds , your turns ." Niall handed them two controllers to race against Liam .

Louis took the controllers and handed Harry one , Harry reached to take it but Louis pulled it away , "What do we say ?"

"What do we say ?" Harry repeated in confusion .

"What do we say when someone does something nice for us ?" Louis grinned ; he was a lightweight and could already feel the alcohol taking over .

Harry scrunched his nose as he took the controller , "Thank you baby ." He let a small smile spread on his lips when Louis let out a squeal and kissed him on the cheek again .

Liam , Zayn and Niall stared at him shocked , their jaws dropped open and their eyebrows raised . Louis was too busy pouring another round of shots , Harry looked at the three and raised an eyebrow . "What ."

"Did you just -- did you just say 'thank you' ?" Liam asked , Harry leaned back on the couch , "Only for Louis ."

"Yeah , only for me . 'Cause I'm special ." Louis grinned and held his shot glass , "Now drink with me ."

Everyone drank their shots , Louis picked up his controller , "I'm so going to win this round ."

Louis raced against Harry and Liam , grinning every time he managed to be on the first place , huffing and pouting when he was second or third .

"Stop -- Liam ! Ugh , stop throwing mushrooms at me !" Louis whined and shoved Liam with his foot , Liam only laughed maniacally . His laugh turned into a surprised gasp when Harry threw banana peels at him , "Hey !"

"Don't fucking mess with Louis ." Harry shook his head .

"Yeah , don't mess with me ." Louis giggled , then huffed when Harry got to the first place , "Haz no ! Go away !" He threw a mushroom at him .

"I just helped you get rid of Liam , why -- Lou ! Baby what are you doing ." Harry laughed a bit when Louis smacked the controller out of his hands . Louis grinned when he got to the first place , seeing the finish line from afar .

But then Harry's hands were on his sides , tickling his waist and tummy as payback for smacking the controller out of his hands .

"N-No ! Haz ! No I'm sorry !" Louis let go of his controller to grab at Harry's hands , falling on his back on the couch as Harry continued to tickle him . "St-Stop it !"

"This is payback - I was being nice to you and you cheated ." Harry dodged Louis' kicks , "This will teach you to never play dirty again ." He stopped the tickling and leaned back in his seat .

Zayn took a swig of his beer , his eyes on the couple . "You're an actual child with him ." He told Harry .

"Jesus , I was scared of saying that myself ." Niall let out a half-sigh half-chuckle .

"It's because I'm special and he loooves me ." Louis sat up and wrapped his arms around Harry to give him a cuddle and a kiss on the cheek . He smiled as Harry pulled him to sit in his lap and leaned his head on his chest , "Can I go another round ? I won't cheat I promise ." He took the controller .

A few more rounds later , Louis was asleep on Harry's chest . Harry carried him upstairs to their room while the other three cleared the living room table of food , snacks and drinks .

Harry placed Louis down on the bed and kissed his cheek , "Baby I need you to get up , just for two minutes ."

Louis pouted as he slowly opened his eyes , "I'm sleepy ."

"I know baby , but you need to brush your teeth before bed ." Harry pulled at his hands , Louis let Harry pull him to the bathroom . "Brush your teeth and get in bed , I'll join you in five minutes ."

Harry returned downstairs to clean the kitchen , Niall drank some water so he could drive home properly , Liam and Zayn doing the same .

They headed to the door , the three looked up when they heard a small 'wait' . Louis walked downstairs wearing one of Harry's hoodies and shorts , a pout on his lips , "I didn't get to say goodbye ."

He gave each one a hug , "I had a lot of fun tonight , thank you for coming ."

"We had fun too Lou , have a good night ." Zayn squeezed his arm and opened the door , the three waved goodbye and closed the door behind them .

Harry joined Louis at the door and locked it , turning the alarm on . "Bedtime , baby ." He picked Louis up , Louis sleepily wrapped his arms and legs around Harry as he was carried upstairs to their room .


Hope you liked it x


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