
Summary : Harry takes Louis to their first Gala together .

Enjoy x


Harry knocked on the door to the walk-in closet room , "Baby ." He knocked again , "Open for me ?"

Harry was waiting outside the room for Louis to get dressed ; he got the two of them matching outfits as he suggested before , and let Louis pick the one he liked before he got dressed himself .

"I - ... I don't know if it's good enough ."

"Anything you wear is good enough . Open the door , baby ."

Seconds later Harry heard the click of the lock , he didn't waste a second as he opened the door to see which outfit Louis chose . He felt a smile spreading on his lips , eyes glued to Louis .

Louis wore Burberry tailored pants , white sneakers with a small platform and a white ribbed turtleneck . He looked in the mirror and moved his fringe from his forehead , "Is it okay ?" He frowned a bit when he didn't get an answer , turning to look at Harry - only to find him staring .

"Harry ." He blushed , cheeks turning red .

Harry snapped out of his staring , he walked closer and put his arm around his waist , kissing his cheek , "You look so good , baby ." He kissed his lips before pulling back , grabbing Louis' hand to twirl him around ; the pants hugged all of his curves perfectly , and the turtleneck sat tightly around his small waist .

"I'll get dressed now , go to Sarah to get your hair done ." Harry pressed one more kiss to his lips before taking off the gym shorts he was wearing , staying in boxers to get dressed .

Louis' eyes widened at the sight , blushing deeper as he hurried out of the room and closed the door behind him . He went to the lounge , where Sarah - the hairstylist - was with Liam .

Sarah smiled at him , "Oh look at you , you look really good . Great choice ."

Louis smiled and went to sit on the chair when she patted it . Liam worked on his laptop while Louis got his hair done ; he was there to watch over Sarah while Harry wasn't there , and for the times where the couple weren't around - just for security measures .

Sarah styled Louis' hair into a soft looking quiff , Louis closed his eyes as she sprayed his hair .

Harry walked into the lounge wearing the matching outfit to Louis' , Louis grinned at him with pink blush on his cheeks , looking away when Sarah turned his head back to look ahead .

"Disgusting ." Liam rolled his eyes playfully when he saw Harry's outfit , Harry ignored him and walked over to Louis , leaning down to kiss his lips , making Sarah huff playfully and roll her eyes .

Louis chuckled quietly and moved Harry away , "Let me finish ."

After Sarah finished getting Louis' hair done Harry sat down in the chair , she styled his short hair into a parted look , parting his hair in the middle and wavy-ing down the sides .

(Louis' 2012 quiff & Harry's SNL hairstyle)

Liam and Sarah said goodbye as they left , Louis went to check himself in the mirror once more and spray more of his fabric scent on his clothes .

"Baby we're leaving ." Harry walked into the room and grabbed his gun from the dresser , then strapped a knife to his calf under the pant leg . Louis walked out of the closet room and grabbed his phone , "Ready ."

Harry took his hand and laced their fingers together as they went to the basement garage , Harry opened the Range Rover's passenger's door for Louis and closed it behind him , going to the driver's seat .

Driving out of the garabe to the front of the house , two more Range Rovers waited for them with bodyguards ; one drove in front of them , the second driving behind them .

Louis kept biting his lower lip and shifting his legs , blushing when Harry's large palm rested on his knee , "Baby ."

"I-I'm okay . Just nervous ." Louis shrugged his shoulders , "Never been to a Gala before ."

"I know . I'm not leaving your side . I'll guide you through everything ." Harry assured him as he caressed the top of his thigh , "Already told you about the important stuff before , but I know being there will be different ."

"Will I have to talk to a lot of people ?" Louis asked quietly , Harry smiled gently , "No . Only very few ones who are actually important . Also not just anyone can walk up to me for a talk , you know ."


The couple arrived at the fancy hotel that hosted the Gala . Harry handed the car keys to Victor to park the car , then wrapped his arm around Louis' waist as they walked into the hotel , four guards accompanying them .

They went into the elevator and down two floors from the lobby , walking in the direction of the music and chattering . They went through security and into the place , immediately pulling attention .

Louis curled closer to Harry's side as he avoided eye contact with anyone , turning to face Harry shyly instead . Harry tightened his arm around Louis and leaned down to his ear , "Want anything to eat or drink ?"

"What are the options ?" Louis asked , Harry walked him to the buffet table and grabbed a small plate , his other hand on the small of Louis' back , "Anything that caught your eye ?"

Louis scrunched his nose ; the food was too fancy that he didn't even know what it was . Harry's lips twitched at his cute expression , then he turned to look over the table to see if he could find something .

"Here , maybe pizza rolls ?" Harry suggested , waiting for Louis' nod before he put a few rolls on the plate . He picked one up and held it in front of Louis' mouth , Louis chuckled and took the roll from his hand , "I can eat on my own ."

"Didn't hurt to try ." Harry took a roll for himself , grabbing a napkin from the table and handing it to Louis , "Is it good ?"

"Pizza is always good ." Louis smiled after finishing his bite , wiping his fingertips with the napkin .

Harry waited for Louis to finish another pizza roll before he let Harry know he didn't want any more , he discarded the plate and napkins on a nearby table and wrapped his arm around Louis' waist , "We're going to meet some people now ."

Louis nodded and fit his arm behind Harry's back as they walked through the crowd , the four guards walking along with them .

Harry stopped in front of two men , shaking their hands with his free hand that wasn't around Louis .

"This is Louis , my partner - my boyfriend ." Harry introduced Louis to the two men , his arm tightening just a bit around him . "Louis , these are Scott Owens , Chief police commander , and Andrew Fred , station commander ."

Louis shook the two's hands with a smile ,"Hello ."

"Good to meet you , Sir . We're working closely with Mr. Styles and his men to make sure we maintain peace and quiet in the city ." Andrew said , Scott nodded along .

"They worked with my father too ." Harry added , "They've been in the city through it's lowest point ."

Louis nodded and rubbed Harry's back a bit ; Harry was a very strong person and talking about his family wasn't too hard for him , yet Louis still wanted him to know he was there to comfort him when needed .

They moved on from Scott and Andrew , going to shake hands with an elderly couple . Harry introduced them to Louis , Angela and Peter Green ; the couple owned jewelry shops in the city .

"My jewelry is from their shops . They also helped me repair and fix my mum and sister's jewelry after they died ." Harry felt a smile twitching on his lips when he felt Louis rubbing his back gently .

The couple smiled at them , Angela placed her hand on Harry's arm , "Come by to one of the shops , get this little one something pretty ."

Louis was about to turn down the offer but Harry only smiled at Angela , "I will ." He nodded once , making Louis blush soft pink .

Everyone started gathering into the ballroom , Harry lead Louis to their table at the second row a bit to the side . Harry handed him a small menu , "Pick us something to eat I'll be right with you ." He said and pulled his radio from the back of his pants , speaking to his guards .

Louis scanned the menu and picked a dish for himself , then turned to Harry to ask what he wanted . Harry put the radio away and leaned closer , chin on Louis' shoulder and arm around him . 

"I'll have what you have ." Harry reached for the tablet and entered their order , placing it down when the hostess walked on stage .

They were given glasses of champange , Harry clinked his glass with Louis' , "Cheers ."

"Cheers ." Louis smiled and sipped on the drink . Harry's lips twitched at the small face he pulled , "You alright , baby ?"

Louis put his glass down on the table , "Yeah , yeah I'm good . Never had this before ." 

Harry put his arm on the back of Louis' chair , turning his attention to the stage . Louis ended up finishing his glass , leaning back in his seat to fit under Harry's arm .

Minutes later Harry felt a soft nudge to his side , "Harry ."

Harry turned to face Louis , feeling a smile spreading on his lips at the sight of Louis' grin . "Did you really get tipsy after one glass of champange ?"

"Are you a cat ? Because you look purrfect ." He leaned into his side , Harry kissed his forehead , "Definitely tipsy ."

"Do you like Star Wars ? Because Yoda one for me ." Louis smiled , letting out a quiet giggle when Harry side-glanced at him .

"If you're here , who's running heaven ?" Louis poked his cheek where his dimple usually appeared , grinning wider when he saw it appearing after making Harry smile .

He traced Harry's cheek , "You look like you're lacking some Vitamin Me ."

"Are you finished ?" Harry grabbed his cheeks with his thumb and finger gently , squishing just a tiny bit , "You're very distracting ."

"Good ." Louis grinned with pink cheeks .

"You're lucky you're so cute ." Harry pulled him closer to his side .

"If you were a veggie you'd be a cute-cumber ."

Harry turned to glare at him playfully , Louis giggled into his palm quietly , "I'm done , I'm done , I promise ."

The two turned to the stage and clapped along with everyone , Harry returned his arm to the back of Louis' chair when their food was brought to the table .

Louis sat up straight and said a shy "thank you" to the waiter , the couple moved closer to the table and started eating .

"Is it good ? Do you like it ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah it's really good ." He put his utensils down and wiped his mouth with his napkin , "I'm going to the bathroom for a minute ."

Harry nodded and put his utensils down , "Let's go ."

Louis' eyes widened , he grabbed Harry's arms , "No - Harry sit down ."

Harry frowned , "What's wrong ?"

"D-Don't go with me there ... it'll look like something it's not ." Louis blushed , "Please ? I'll be fine ."

Harry eyed him for a few seconds and sighed , "I'm assigning you two guards ." He pulled out his radio before Louis could protest . 

Two guards reached their table , Harry gave them a few orders and then turned to Louis , "Go baby . They'll call me if anything is wrong , you can call my phone too ."

Louis nodded and followed the two guards out of the ballroom towards the bathrooms . They stopped right outside , Louis turned to them , "Please don't go in there with me ." He blushed . The two smiled , "We're right here waiting for you , don't take too long or we're going in . I'm Harley , this is Adam ."

Louis nodded and walked into the Men's bathroom ; he almost rolled his eyes at how large and fancy it was in there . He couldn't understand why make public bathrooms look so fancy .

He went into one of the stalls , too shy to use the urinals , and locked the door behind him . He finished and flushed , about to walk out when he heard two voices entering the bathrooms .

"Ugh thank fuck , been needing to pee for so long ."

"I know right , these rich ass people and their fancy Galas ."

"Why are you complaining , we're making good money , and they always leave a good tip . Like , in thousands ."

"I know , the only reason I'm working here ."

"Did you see that Harry Styles showed up too ? Ben is his waiter , the lucky bastard ."

"Yeah , fuck he's so hot ."

"He brought someone with him too ."

"Mhmm yeah , couldn't miss that . Poor boy though ."

"Why ?"

"He's just a sugar baby , you know . People like Styles are there for the sex , not relationships . He's rich as fuck and could have anyone he wanted , and look who he picked . Styles will fuck him for a while , get tired and then look for someone else ."

"He looked really into him tonight ."

"Uh , yeah , because he's wearing the tightest pants in the world . His ass is literally out there for Styles to do what he wants . That's how these relationships go ; the sugar baby gets money , the sugar daddy gets sex . Fair exchange ."

Louis felt his chest tightening , a lump growing in his throat as he heard the two guys leaving the bathrooms .

"Sir ? Is everything okay ?" He heard one of the guards walking into the bathrooms , he collected himself and walked out of the stall , nodding as he went to wash his hands . He followed the two guards back to the table , sitting back down in his chair without looking at Harry .

Harry frowned ; from the moment Louis walked back into the ballroom with the guards he could tell something happened . And having Louis sitting next to him , yet not looking at him , not smiling , his body was tense - he couldn't take it .

"Baby ."

Louis' stomach churned at the nickname ; it used to give him butterflies , now he couldn't get the conversation he overheard out of his head .

"We're leaving ." Harry grabbed his radio from his back pocket and let his guards know they're leaving the Gala , then stood up with Louis' hand in his . Louis felt tears filling his eyes as he walked alongside Harry , their hands laced together ; Harry's touch burned into his skin , and it wasn't in a good way .

Victor got Harry's Range Rover to the front of the hotel , Harry opened the passenger's door for Louis , "Sit , baby . Just need to talk to the guards and we're leaving ."

Harry closed the door behind Louis and turned to his guards , "Harley , Adam ."

The two walked over , Harry crossed his arms over his chest , "What happened ."

"He went into the bathroom and he was okay , then walked out and --" Adam started but Harley cut him off , "Two waiters walked into the bathrooms after we checked them over , and walked out before Louis did . I asked someone to detain the two when Mr. Tomlinson looked distressed ."

Harry nodded . "Hold them waiting , I'll be right back ." He turned to the car and got into the driver's seat , pulling to the main road and then the highway .

He turned to look at Louis , who was looking out of his window , arms crossed over himself . "Baby ."

Louis bit his lower lip harshly not to cry , curling a bit into himself and away from Harry . Harry frowned , he reached his hand out to rest on Louis' knee but Louis moved his leg away .

"J-Just drop me off and g-go . P-Please ." Louis wiped his cheeks and rubbed his chest to control his breathing .

"Baby I need you to tell me what happened there . I want to know why you're so upset ." Harry shook his head , "I can't just let it go ." He frowned deeper when Louis didn't answer , just sniffled as he wiped his cheeks .

They reached the mansion , Harry walked Louis in , stopping when they reached the lounge , "I'm going back there to find out what happened . You could tell me yourself , too ."

Louis remained quiet , moving away when Harry tried hugging him . He needed to get away before he got himself into deeper trouble .

Harry's jaw tightened but he didn't comment on it . "I'll be right back ."


Harry slammed his door shut and followed his guards into the hotel , for the second time that evening . They went down two floors , turning away from the ballroom to go into one of the back rooms .

Harry walked in , seeing two guys dressed in uniform sitting by a table .

"I don't have time for bullshit . Tell me what happened ." Harry stood in front of the table , a hand on his gun in his belt .

"We literally didn't do anything ." One raised his hands up , the second guy rolled his eyes , "Just shut up , will you ? You were being a bitch earlier ." He turned to Harry , "We didn't know he was in the bathrooms too , they looked empty . Anyway this idiot started going on about how the guy you brought with you is a sugar baby and what you two have is nothing but a fair exchange of money for sex ."

Harry turned to the first guy , who rolled his eyes , "Come on , am I wrong though ?" 

"He went on and on about you giving him money , and your partner giving you sex , until you get tired of it and move on to someone else because you're that type of rich person ."

"I really don't think I'm wrong ." The first guy shook his head , then flinched when Harry shot the wall behind him .

"Don't test me ." Harry shook his head , "I'll be after you ."

He left the hotel , speeding down the roads to get back to the mansion . He parked in the garage and ran into the mansion , going to the second floor - just in time to see Louis walking out of their master bedroom with a duffle bag and a backpack .

They stood there in silence for a few seconds , Louis swallowed thickly and clutched the duffle bag in his hands . "I --"

"You're not ." Harry shook his head , "You're not just a sugar baby , or a temporary fuck . None of that bullshit ."

Louis' eyes filled with tears again , he looked away and sniffled , "P-Please ..."

"What ? Please what ?" Harry walked closer , Louis let out a soft whimper as tears ran down his cheeks , "P-Please don't lie ." He whispered , voice cracking .

"I never lie ." Harry shook his head , his hand reaching to grab the duffle bag from Louis' hands . Louis let him take the duffle bag , then the backpack from his shoulder .

"You have no idea how much I fucking love you . How much I care about you ." Harry wrapped his arms tightly around Louis' shoulders and back , crushing him into his chest , "What we have is no money for sex deal , it was never one to begin with . What we have is love , we have something special . You know me better than anyone else does , I showed you sides of me people have never seen . I trust you , and I want you to trust me too - especially when I say that I love you ."

Louis pushed his face into Harry's shoulder , hands grasping his shirt tightly in his fists . He cried weakly and shook his head , "I-I'm sorry ."

"Don't be . Don't be sorry ." Harry shushed him , "You're okay baby . Took care of everything . Everything is okay ."

"I l-love you ." Louis whispered into his chest , Harry squeezed him and kissed his head , "I love you ."


Hope you liked it x


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