✨Characters Answers✨

Enjoy x



Q : Will you and harry ever have kids? And if yes how many?
Q : do you ever think about adopting a child?

"Harry and I talked about it a few times , and we both agreed that bringing kids into our lives is going to put them in a dangerous place , and we don't want that . We can't choose for little kids to have this kind of life ."

Q : Fav thing about Harry?

"*Grins* I love how soft and sweet he is with me , and that it's only for me ."

Q : one thing that harry does that annoys u

"*Giggles* He's pretty annoying when he thinks that me being nice and friendly to the guards is going to make the guards think I'm into them ."

Q : harry's cutest moment ?
Q : what is one thing harry does you find the cutest?

"*Smiles* He's really cute when he's , like , being gentle when taking care of me . I can't choose just one moment , but the most recent one is when we cooked together and I accidentally burned my finger a bit on the pan , and he took care of me and it was really cute ."

Q : what is harry's favourite song ?

"Ehm , well recently he's been listening to Scar Tissue by Red Hot chilli Peppers , and it's a nice song ."

Q : How often do you miss Chess?

"All the time . I miss my pup every second of every day ."

Q : When was a time where Harry was the most whipped you'd ever seen him?

"*Giggles* The most whipped ? Wow , it's kind of hard to choose . I think ... It might have been when we planned our wedding and I jokingly asked him to wear a pink suit . He literally pulled his phone out and was about to text the tailor for a pink suit , but I stopped him and told him it was a joke ."

Q : How often do guys flirt with you and if so what do you do?

"Well-- I don't think people flirt with me as often ? At least I don't exactly notice . A lot of people know I'm married to Harry so they never try anything . If anyone by any chance doesn't know and tries to flirt , I make it obvious I'm taken ."

Q : What's been your favorite place to tick off the bucket list with Harry?

"*Grins shyly* I loved the yacht ."

Q : what is your favorite one of Harry's tatoos?

"The paw print he has for the pups , I think it's very sweet of him ."

Q : best memory with zayn/liam/niall?

"Ooh , let me think for a moment . ... I'll just choose one memory with the three of them together that is my favourite . I think-- I think my favourite one is dancing with them on my wedding day ."

Q : best memory with harely/victor

"I had a training with the both of them one day , and it was a really nice day , we laughed a lot and got even closer ."

Q : does Harry grab you ass often?

"*Laughs* when it's only us at home he does sometimes , little to none when we're in public . Only at very certain times ."

Q : What's your favorite body part of Harry's?

*Harry smirks*

"*Blushes* Idiot *smacks Harry's arm* . I love his arms , he gives the best cuddles ."

Q : Have you thought about reaching out to your sisters?

"In all honesty - it did cross my mind , only a handful of times . I thought that maybe now that they're grown a bit I could , like , maybe try and see how they are - but I decided not to ."

Q : if you are in trouble and can't contact harry who would you call next?

"Liam and Victor ."

Q : how did you feel when you noticed how harry is only soft with you and how he could turn from a terrifying man into a softie?

"*Smiles* At first it baffled me , but now it's one of my favourite things in the world ."

Q : Can u share a memory of Harry when he was jealous (which is not in the book)?

"*Giggles* I once asked Zayn to help me with changing the pads around my leg , back when I was shot in the leg , and Harry was acting all offended that I asked Zayn and not him . But I wanted Harry to stay and cuddle with me because I was comfy , I didn't want him to move , so I asked Zayn instead and Hazzie got jealous ."

Q : does Harry scare you?

"He used to scare me , in the very beginning of knowing him . But not anymore . He can be scary , but I know him , I know Harry , my Hazzie . He doesn't scare me ."

Q : Has Harry ever hurt you? Either accidentally or on purpose?

"Well - never on purpose . If he did hurt me physically it was an accident . Unless we're thinking about times he had to take care of an injury , like the time he put a tourniquet on me ."

Q : how's the city now ? is it calmer?

"It's -- yes and no . Things sometimes do feel quiet , but then something happens that reminds us that no , things are not quiet and are definitely not over ."

Q : what's your favourite experience with harry?

"*Grins* Our honeymoon ."

Q : if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

"Oh my god , tough question . I think -- I think chicken salad ."

Q : how do you think you would be like now if you never met harry?

"Oh , this is such a hard question . I never thought about it . I mean , I honestly think that we would've found each other eventually ."

Q : will u ever ask harry if he could go to therapy because of all the trauma he went through and how it effected him?

"I could always suggest this to him , and yet I can never force him . It has to be his decision , too ."

Q : have you ever made Harry sleep on the couch?

"*Giggles* No , I've never done that ."

Q : Have you ever been angry at Harry?

"Yeah , quite a few times . Sometimes his over-protectiveness can drive my up the wall ."

Q : Have you seen any baby photos of Harry? If so, which ones?

"*Grins* I have , he was such an adorable baby . I remember seeing one of him being maybe two months old and he was smiling a bit . I remember seeing one of him as a toddler , with a beanie on his head and I think he had gloves on ."

Q : What's Harry's contact name on your phone?

"*Pulls phone out and shows contact name* It's 'Hazzie' with red heart emoji , heart-shaped hands emoji , sparkles emoji , and heart eyes emoji ."

Q : Has Harry ever gotten mad or annoyed at you?

"I mean ... yeah , of course he did . Back in the beginning of our relationship I was not fully aware of the dangers and I thought I knew better , and yeah it's frustrating ."



Q : what do you love about louis, and your relationship with him the most?

"I love that I don't scare him . I love feeling like a normal person with him ."

Q : What was life like before Louis?

"Quite dull . Not like I was bored , the city is never boring . But he made my life so much happier , gave me much more meaning ."

Q : Fav thing about Louis?
Q : What's your favourite thing about Lou?

"I love his little bursts of confidence , like grabbing my face and kissing me just because he wants to . It took him time to be comfortable and confident enough to do this freely , and I love it every single time ."

Q : best date idea w louis

"Staying in , quality time , not letting him off my lap ."

Q : Louis' cutest moment?

"Every time he laughs and covers his mouth , or hides his face when he laughs too hard ."

Q : what do you think louis thinks about you doing such dangerous things?

"I know he doesn't like it . It's still my job ."

Q : a song to describe your relationship?

"I honestly have no idea . I'll go with the one of our slow dance that I wrote with Niall and Lewis , his friend ."

Q : Favorite thing you've completed on the list?

"*Smirks* Rooftop ."

Q : Do you think you and Louis are together in every universe?

"Yes . We will always find our way back to each other , no matter how ."

Q : do you ever think about starting a family with louis?
Q : do you ever think about running away and having kids? do you ever plan on having kids and how and when?

"We talked about this a few times , and we both don't want to bring kids into our lives - it's dangerous , and we can't do that to an innocent child who didn't choose this ."

Q : are you happy that you helped Louis build his confidence?

"Yes , very much so . I love his confident side ."

Q : What's your favorite memory from the honeymoon?

"*Smirks* The first time we fuc --"

*Louis presses his hand to Harry's mouth* "Oi !"

Q : What's your favorite body part of Louis'?

"*Smiles* His waist ."

Q : What's a thing Louis does that he might not even realise?

"He doesn't realise he fiddles with his fringe a lot when he's being a bit shy ."

Q : have you ever hurt louis? on purpose?

"I can only think of the times I had to take care of him . I didn't mean to hurt him , and yet I knew I had to if I wanted to take care of him ."

Q : can you please tickle Louis until he says he loves you ?

"*Turns to Louis* "

*Louis jumping out of his seat* "I love you !!"

Q : anymore animals u want to adopt?

"Louis has been talking my ear off about getting a pet bunny , and I'm on the verge of buying him ten bunnies if he doesn't get one himself ."

Q : are ever jealous if louis makes new guy friends or talks to your employees ?

"No ."

*Louis giggles next to him* "Sure thing , Hazzie ."

Q : do you have a favorite memory from louis and you?

"The past six years are my favourite ."

Q : was your office once your fathers if not what did you do with you fathers office?

"My father's office was on the same floor as mine , but after he died I decided that I needed to move forward and I remodeled the entire floor ."

Q : Has Louis ever annoyed you or made you angry, if so, when?

"He did , yes . For example , back when he wouldn't listen when I tried telling him about Sean's intentions . It made me angry ."

Q : What's ur least favourite thing about lou

"Well , I didn't like --"

*Louis turns to him with wide eyes*

"-- His last name , so I changed it ."

*Louis huffs out a breath* "Idiot , you actually scared me ."

Q : Do you have any exes?

"No . Louis is my first relationship . First and only one ."

Q : Times Louis got mad at you

"When I was a bit too over-protective ."

Q : Would you call yourself whipped?

"Yes , I am aware of myself being whipped for Louis very much ."

Q : Have you seen any baby photos of Louis?

"Yes , I had a team go back to his parents' house and collect his old things that were left , and of course his old pictures . He's been adorable since the beginning ."

Q : What is Louis' contact name on your phone?

"*Pulls phone out to show contact name* "It's 'Baby' with red heart emojis on either side of the name ."



Q : R u in a relationship?

"Yes , got a girlfriend , Amelia ."

Q : give one word to describe yours and lou's friendship.

"Wholesome . I truly love him a lot ."

Q : what's it like third wheeling louis and harry all the time

"*Laughs* It can honestly be amusing at times , their dynamic is great . There are times I just leave , like when they get too touchy-feely with each other . It almost always escalated from there to making out ."

Q : Would you rather share your food with Louis or Harry?

"I'd rather not share my food . If I had no other choice then Louis ."

Q : Weirdest customer you've encountered at the coffee shop?

"One time I had a Karen demand I make her a new coffee because I took too long making her cup and she thought something was going on . Fucking Karens , mate ."

Q : even though you have known harry for a while now does he still scare you?

"Fuck , he does . We've grown closer and I definitely consider him my friend , but yeah he's still very scary ."

Q : best memory with louis ?

"When he asked me to be his best man . I literally teared up ."



Q : Got any funny stories of Harry?

"That one night , we played truth or dare , and Louis dared Harry to read out the words of some kids song , and it was honestly so funny ."

Q : Do you like Liam?

"Yeah , he's one of my best mates . Not romantically , but I do love him a lot , he's my brother ."

Q : Was there a specific time when you realised that Harry had fallen for Louis?

"*Laughs* Since he first saw him at that shit night club ."

Q : any love interest?

"Not at the moment , no ."

Q : What's the most awkward state you have found Harry and Louis?

"Making out on the hospital bed . More than a handful of times ."



Q : Fav thing about Louis and Harry?

"How comfortable they make each other feel ."

Q : Anyone new in ur life?

"No , I'm a single pringle ."

*Louis teases* "Cringe ."

Q : does it hurt when harry doesn't treat u like a friend ?

"*Chuckles* Harry is one of my best friends , and I know he cares for me ."

Q : Do you like Zayn?

"Of course , he's like my brother ."

Q : Scariest thing Harry has ever done/said to you?
Q : What is the scariest thing harry has done?

"Fuck , listen - he shot me a few times . I had a bulletproof vest on , but when he shot at me I completely forgot about the vest ."

Q : What's your favorite part of your job?

"Knowing I get to get rid of shit people ."

Q : funniest thing you have seen Harry do

"Reading out lyrics to some kids song because Louis dared him to ."

Q : what was meeting harry for the first time like?

"We were much younger , we both had baby faces . It was cool to see him , considering he was the kid of some rich guy and I kind of expected him to be a douche , but he was very chill and we talked and just grew closer over time ."

Q : has Harry even hit you ?

"Yeah , on multiple occasions . I mean , he didn't beat me up , but I did get punched in the face ."



Q : Will you ever retire?

"When I feel like I've had enough . Not anytime soon ."

Q : How long have you worked for Harry and what did u do before?

"Harry asked me to work for him since the very beginning . Before that I worked for his father ."

Q : Do you see Harry as a son?

"I've known Harry for a long time , I do feel some sense of fatherhood with him - even though he's capable of things that I'm not capable of ."

Q : How old are you? And how long have you worked with Harry?

"I am fifty four , I've worked for Harry for ten years and still counting ."

Q : how many kids do you have?

"Laura and I have four kids ."

Q : first impression of louis?

"Very shy , very sweet ."



Q : Scariest thing you've experienced whilst working for Harry?

"So many scary things happened that I just can't pick one . The first one I thought about was the time I was chased through the city , four cars were tailing me and Harry , Victor and the guards had to take them down with drones and RPGs ."

Q : When did you and Victor meet?

"We were neighbours in high school ."

Q : how often is the candy in the candy bowl changed

"*Laughs* once a week . Louis has a sweet tooth ."

Q : what's the funniest thing you've ever seen happen in the office building

"Louis dressed up as Harry for Halloween and doing impressions of him ."

Q : do you plan on having any more kids?

"Victor and I have four kids , the youngest is in last year of high school . No more kids for us ."





Q : Do you feel scared sometimes to talk to Louis cause of Harry?

"Louis is like my little brother , I care for him very much and we grew closer through the years . In the beginning Harry was very protective of him and he could be very scary , but he knows I only was the best for Louis and to keep him safe ."


"*Smiles* When he told me about the engagement ."



Q : your favourite place to visit ?

"I really enjoyed Portugal , beautiful place ."

Q : How is Sarah?

"Sarah is doing great , thanks for asking ."



Q : why did u choose to become a pilot

"I was a combat pilot in the army , and became a private pilot after my service ."

Q : if you weren't a pilot what career would u choose

"I've always had a liking for cars , so maybe a mechanic ."


Hope you liked it x


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