✨ Characters Answers ✨

This one is a very long chapter of the book , so be prepared .

Enjoy x



Q : What's your favourite thing about Lou?

Q : What's your favourite thing about Louis' personality?

"*Smiles* Tough question . First thing that comes to mind is his honesty . How he humbles me and keeps me grounded . Physically speaking , I love his waist . Can never keep my hands off him ."

Q : Who fell in love first?

"Me ."

Louis pouts next to him . "I thought I fell in love with you first ."

"A close second , I'll give you that ."

Q : Do you ever plan on passing down your title or job, and possibly start a family with Lou?

Q : Are you worried that the danger of your job will make you question starting a family with Louis?

"As of right now , I don't know anyone who's suiting enough to take over after me . It's a very demanding job and I have very high standards to how it should be done and how things should be taken care of . Starting a family with Louis is something that did cross my mind , though it's a topic we never really got to talk about in details . I don't know how I feel about a family , I don't know how Louis feels about a family . It's something we still need to settle between us . My job is dangerous to anyone around me , and bringing more people into that danger is something I should be cautious about if I ever do this ."

Q : What's your biggest fear (besides losing louis)?

"Losing more people I care about . All I do is for the people , for all of us to live better lives . If I lose more people it means I failed my job , it means I wasn't doing good ."

Q : Have you ever been in a serious relationship before Lou?

"No . Louis is my very first long-term relationship ."

Q : Will you have kids someday?

Q : Do you want kids?

"Haven't gotten around to sit and think about having kids . My life is very dangerous , the city is still recovering , the residents here are still recovering . Bringing kids into the picture is a very tough decision ."

Q : Where do you plan on taking Louis on vacation next?

"*Smirks* I was hoping to keep it a secret for a bit longer , but our next vacation is probably going to be an Island in Greece ."

Q : Since you seem to be scary, any embarrassing moments?

"The most recent one was when my tire popped in the middle of the highway and I had to change it . I'm not sure what is considered embarrassing , but for me it was a bit off , I was on my own and just ignored the stares . Back when I was younger , when I only started my position as CEO after my father , one time I stepped on my shoelaces and stumbled during a practice operation . Nobody saw ."

Q : Will you ask Louis to marry you?

Q : When are you gonna propose?

"*Smirks widely* I'll keep this one a surprise . I will ask , but won't tell anyone where or how ."

Q : How does it effect you when people use Lou to harm you?

"To my core . Using Louis , or anyone close to me , to hurt me in any possible way , is one of the things I fucking hate the most . It makes you question bringing people into your life , making them go through awful things they don't deserve just because they're close with you . It's fucking terrible ."

Q : Have you found a new home after the thugs?

"Yes , Louis and I moved only a month ago into a mansion . We bought it and remodeled it , added a lot of security measures and designed it to our liking . It took Louis a bit to get used to the new place but I think we're adjusting quite well ."

Q : Why are you so protective over Louis?

"Why would I not be protective over him ? My life and my job revolve around danger , daily . It's my burden that I need to keep Louis safe from ."

Q : What's your favourite moment with Louis that wasn't in the book, and did not involve tickling him?

"*Smirks a bit* I'm going to say the first date night at the new mansion , we now have a fireplace in the living room , so we had an indoor date night in front of the fireplace , we cooked and ate and drank some wine , Louis bought dessert from some bakery he likes . Then we ticked fireplace off the bucket list . *Smirks wider*"

Q : Is there someone you think is important to you (besides Louis)?

"Of course . Zayn , Liam , Laura , Victor and my guards , Niall . I care about people whether we're very close or not ."

Q : How do you manage to do all the work and at the same time spend time with Louis?

"Priorities . When you want something to happen , you make time for it . No excuses . If I need to load my work onto an employee so I have more time with Louis , then I do just that . If it's something I need to do myself , I make it up to Louis later on . He's also very understanding of how demanding my job is , but it doesn't mean I disappear on him all week ."

Q : Aren't you scared that one day because of your work and business, Lou can get seriously hurt or even die?

"Every single minute of the day . Knowing the dangers out there and knowing Louis could potentially face them every time he's out is fucking scary to me ."

Q : Have you ever thought of dropping everything and running off with Louis?

"The thought crossed my mind once or twice . We have enough money for the both of us for the rest of our lives . But I'm here to take care of the city too , I can't get up and just leave it all behind . I don't want to ."

Q : Why do you call Louis 'baby'?

"*Smiles* Why not ? I think it's a suiting pet name . One of many , but my favourite one . I've been calling him Baby since we started dating ."

Q : Why don't you talk to Louis? All problems happen out of you not talking to Louis enough

Q : Harry I know you love Louis very much and want to protect him but can you please let him know about the situation and explain to him without like excluding him?

"It is something that I've been working on for a very long time . Being in a relationship is new to me , communicating with a lover is new to me . Telling Louis about the shit that happens in the city , the fucked up shit that we do in the city , is not something that I'm eager about telling him . I did learn the hard way that it's better to talk to him , and yet still , some of the things are so fucking awful that I need to think of even how to tell him about it ."

Q : If your life has turned out differently and you weren't running the city, what would you like to do for a living?

"I guess we'll never know . I could only guess . When I was little I quite enjoyed sports , so maybe something to do with that ."



Q : Do you ever get nervous or anxious about the life you and Harry have? It seems scary

"I do , it's something that's scary to me still . But Harry and I have each other , so we get through this together ."

Q : What's one of your bad habits?

"*Giggles* I sometimes eat chocolate before bed . I know I shouldn't , but there are times , right when I get in bed , I just feel like having something sweet , so I take a bite of something chocolate-y and then get back in bed ."

Q : What's your favourite date or vacation you and Harry have been on?

"*Smiles* I love all of our dates and vacations . I loved Greenland and the Aurora , it was our first vacation together . My favourite dates are usually the quiet nights in , where it's just us two ."

Q : How has therapy been going? Is it helping?

"It's a progress , one step forward each time . It became my crying space almost , I cry every session I have because of what we talk about and how we interpret it . I think it's helping , I see things in a different light and I'm able to process things in a different way , a better way I think . We'll have to wait for the future to see the progress ."

Q : What was the moment when you realized that you fell in love with Harry?

"*Blushes* I'm not sure of the specific moment , but it was around after we started dating , and we've been hanging out with each other long enough . I knew I was in love when he showed up at the apartment after two days of operation , I hadn't seen him or talked to him in three days because of that operation . The moment he finished he showed up at the apartment with groceries for dinner , he hadn't even changed his clothes or showered , just came over right when he was done . I think that was the moment I knew for sure ."

Q : Favourite thing about Harry?

"*Smiles* I love his soft side , because I'm the only one who gets to see it . I also love his muscles , they make me mushy inside ."

Q : Will you have kids someday?

Q : Ever plan on having kids with Harry?

"Well I - I don't know yet . I'm quite good with babies and kids , but the life Harry and I have right now is still very dangerous and scary , I don't know if we should bring children into this too ."

Q : Do you miss your sisters and wish to see them?

"*Bites lower lip* It's a hard question to answer , really . When we were all young we were okay , as we grew up we all did our own things . Realizing that I was gay , and having my parents indoctrinate my sisters into homophobia , meant they didn't like me very much . We just grew apart . They weren't very mean , but they ignored me and avoided me . So as soon as I could allow myself , I packed up and left . If I saw my sisters again we'll probably just ignore each other . That's how it's always been ."

Q : A moment where you felt like a badass?

"*Laughs* Well , there were quite a few moments , I'd like to think . The most recent one , I took Odin , Apollo , Chess , Rocco and Zeus for training , one of the guards , Flynn , volunteered to get into the biting suit . It's a full body suit that is protected and very heavy . The pups had to ran up to him from a distance and bite the suit , and they were the best pups , they even knocked him off his feet - and it made me feel like a badass for training them so good . I even have a video that Liam recorded !"

Q : How are you physically after all those injuries?

"I'm fully healed from any injury , thankfully . Well except for a small scratch on my hand from Odin's tooth , I took a tennis ball from his mouth and his canin scratched me a bit . *Giggles* Harry was hysterical that day as if Odin bit my hand off , it's such a small scratch !"

Q : Out of everything you've experienced since you met Harry, what has been the most traumatizing?

"*Bites lower lip* I think -- I think when he was kidnapped , and I was out as bait . Getting taken in the vehicle , then seeing Harry all beaten up , and when he told me to undress - it was all really scary . But then also , finding out who Sean really was after I befriended him was scary . And the group who plotted to kidnap me was scary . I guess - I guess I can't really pick one ."

Q : Would you want to marry Harry?

Q : How do you imagine your perfect wedding day?

"*Blushes* Of course I'd want to marry him , he's - he's the love of my life . I would want our wedding day to be very private , nothing too big . Just the two of us , and maybe very few people who are close with us . Somewhere that's meaningful for us both . I wish Harry's family could've been there too ."

Q : How are the pups doing?

"*Grins* My pups are doing very very well , as always . The best pups . Mint's puppies are growing up quickly , they're all healthy and training has been going really well . I love them all so much , they're my babies ."

Q : Do you ever think about leaving Harry again? How do you feel about the time you left him?

"*Shoulders falling* I don't want to leave like that ever again . If -- if it's something that I would have to do , then I will consider it , but I don't want to do this again - to neither of us . The time I left was both good and bad for us both , I think . It was awful , we both suffered through it , but we also learned a lot about ourselves . It hurt to be away for so long and I never want it again ."

Q : Have you ever doubted your love for Harry?

"No . Never . He's my Harry and will always be my Harry ."

Q : Is there something Harry could do to scare and traumatize you so much, that you couldn't stand the relationship anymore?

"*Bites lower lip* I mean ... it's not like I don't know what he does , what he's capable of . Not like I haven't seen . We all have a breaking point , our last straw , I just don't know what it is yet . I could guess ... I guess if he ever trapped me and controlled my everything , that would be my breaking point . It will never happen though ."

Q : Can you be more understanding, listening and soft to Harry sometimes please? Like when he says that something is wrong or bad for you, can you not start arguing but listen first please?

"It is something that we're both working on , to be fair . To be controlled and ruled over and made to stay in the dark is not something that I like . In the beginning it was hard for me , but the more I got to know Harry's job , the more I got to know the city , it's history , the current events - I understood that I needed to look at things differently . I learned that I need to wait for a minute longer and listen , and Harry learned that he needs to talk to me about these things . It's mutual ."

Q : How is teaching Harry to say 'please' and 'thank you' going?

"*Giggles* Not very well , to be honest , he's doing an awful job . He does say 'please' and 'thank you' to me once in a while , but to others he almost never does , unless I force it out of him . I'll keep trying even if it's the last thing I do !"

Q : Did Harry ever yell at you?

"No , not at me . It's almost even scarier that someone is so angry but looks calm and collected . Even when he's proper mad at something , he never yelled at me ."



Q : You and Zayn??

"Are very close friends ."

Q : Are you afraid of Harry?

"At times , yes , he can be pretty terrifying ."

Q : Have you ever wanted to leave this lifestyle and start a family?

"I thought about it in the past , quite a few times . I don't currently have a girlfriend , so I don't know about that yet ."

Q : Who is your best friend?

"It's a tie between Harry , Zayn , Lou and Nialler ."

Q : What exactly do you do for Harry?

"I'm the operational manager . It means that my job is to synchronize all units , the guards , police , cyber security , medical teams , Louis and the training dogs . I need to make sure they all work together propely , prepare case scenarios , etcetra . Make sure everyone work together the best ."

Q : What's the cutest thing you've witnessed Louis and Harry doing?

Q : Can you tell us your favourite little habit that Louis and Harry do together? Like how Harry opens the door for Louis

"Cutest thing Louis and Harry do , is when Louis is in Harry's lap and they just cuddle . Simple as that , it's just cute . A habit Louis and Harry do together , ehm ... probably how Louis squishes Harry's cheeks when he wants him to smile ."

Q : How did you meet Harry?

"We met when we were seventeen-eighteen , at a shooting range . We both went there to train shooting different guns , back when the city was at it's lowest point . We met up with each other a few times a week and practiced together , then we continued on to gym sessions , boxing sessions , martial arts classes . We both wanted to contribute in defending the city , and he kept me close to him when he took over the family business ."

Q : Do you have a family?

"My family , as in my parents and sisters , all left the city a long time ago . I see them every few months , they live about four hours away from the city . They don't plan on coming back here , even after I told them how things improved over time ."



Q : Do you enjoy your job, despite how stressful is seems?

"I do , saving lives and caring for others is something that I really enjoy doing . It is stressful but also very rewarding ."

Q : Are you in a relationship?

Q : Any love interests?

"Nope , no relationship at the moment ."

Q : How did you end up working for Harry?

Q : Do you ever regret working for Harry?

Q : How did you meet Harry?

"Harry and I first met when I started working at the hospital here in the city . I knew nothing about the shit past the city has , and the first time we met was when this group of armed men walked into the ER , where I was taking care of one of their men . They held all the staff at gunpoint , then started taking medical supplies from the closets . Harry and his guards walked in and things got proper messy , it took a few gunshots to dissolve the group . Then Harry talked to us all , and we just kept in touch ever since . Harry offered to pay me extra to be part of his medical team , so whenever he needed a Doctor I would be there for him . I agreed , of course . Not once do I regret working for him , with him ."

Q : Are you scared of Harry?

"Sometimes . He can be pretty scary when he fuming , or just when he's in his big boss mode ."

Q : Weirdest thing you had to do as a Doctor?

"Well , as a Doctor you encounter quite weird cases in your career . I once had to relocate this girl's jaw , because she dislocated it blowing her boyfriend ."

Q : What made you decide to be a Doctor?

"I've always wanted to be a Doctor , I guess . One of my cousins is a Doctor aswell , and my sisters would watch these shows about Doctors , and I liked the thought of helping people . So as soon as I could , I started studying on my own some things , then went to medic school after high school ."



Q : Favourite comfort food and why?

"Oof , chocolate covered pretzels . It's both sweet and salty at the same time , nothing can win that ."

Q : What's your favourite thing about Louis?

"How humble he is , he's so down to earth and real and I love that about him ."

Q : You still terrified of Harry?

"Very much so , yeah . We're good friends now , but there's still this respectful distance that I keep , because I know who he is and I don't want to mess with him . Like , ever ."

Q : Have you walked in on Harry and Louis?

"Well ... no . But I did catch them making out quite a few times . Harry isn't subtle at all ."

Q : How are you and your girlfriend?

"We're doing great , recently moved in together . Life is just great ."

Q : When's the next time you're hanging out with Louis, Harry, Zayn and Liam?

"We hang out from time to time , they're all very busy people . Whenever there's an evening then we hang out at Harry's and Louis' mansion , or we go out to a pub . Don't know when the next time will be , hopefully won't take forever ."



Q : Are you single?

"No , I'm married , my husband and I have four kids , all grown up now . The youngest is twenty three . You may know my husband , Victor ?"

Q : Any embarrassing moments with Louis and Harry?

"I don't know if it's embarrassing , because I only see Mr. Styles at the office , and he's a very professional man - but there was a time Louis and Mr. Styles were just walking out of the elevator and through the lobby , and I could tell that they made out in there . It was too obvious . I said nothing , but Louis was blushing very hard when he looked at me ."

Q : Scariest part of the job?

"I'm one of the people closest to Mr. Styles - I know a lot about him . I'm at a very high risk from people who want information about him . Thankfully , being married to Victor , and having Mr. Styles' constant support with guards and security solutions , I do feel a sense of protection . It's still scary to think about what could happen ."

Q : Did Harry seem different since Louis came into his life?

"Oh , yes . Definitely . He looked lighter , he's smiling more . He's much less buried in his office than I remember him being before Louis , because he goes home to Louis instead . He's grown wiser too , I'd like to think . Louis definitely helped him change for the better . Still the same Mr. Styles , but he's an improved version ."

Q : How's working with Harry?

"It's great , he'd been the best boss since day one . Yes , he's scary and he can be terrifying , but he's also human and he shows it a lot more than people would think . I enjoy my work and hope I get to do this for as long as I can ."



Q : Have you ever walked in on Harry and Louis making out?

"Well , if you consider the time they're out at a pub and start making out , then yes . Or times they step off the elevator and it's clear as daylight they made out ."

Q : Do you like your job?

"I very much do , yes . It's tough and it's scary , but very much worth it at the end of the day ."

Q : You seem serious, any moment that you almost broke your seriousness?

"I'm not very serious when I'm with my wife , Laura . I let that seriousness go . And around our kids ."

Q : How did you start working for Harry? How did you earn his trust?

"I worked for his father , Robin , as his personal bodyguard . I was with him the day he was killed . After Mr. Styles took over the business , he put me in position as head of security . I wasn't ready for the position and tried telling Mr. Styles that , because I failed his father . But he didn't take no for an answer , and I had to prove myself . It's been years now , and I'm grateful ."


Hope you liked it x


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