✨Character Answers✨
Enjoy x
Q : Do you wanna have a family or kids soon ?
Q: How many kids do you want ?
"Bringing kids into our lives is something Louis and I have talked about quite a few times , and we both agreed that it's too dangerous and we don't want to put a child in this situation . As much as it sounds nice - reality is different ."
Q : How do you make money ? How are you so rich , what does your company do ?
"I can't say much . I'll only say that I run a lot of companies under the name of my company , some of them are security companies , others are investments , tech , law and more . I'm everywhere . *smirks*"
Q : Have you crossed off everything on Louis' bucket list ?
Q: What's your favourite thing you've crossed off Louis' bucket list ?
"*smirks* Most of the list . My favourite ... our rooftop ."
Q : When did you know Louis was the one ?
Q : How did you know that Louis was the one ?
"Very early on , I think . He's been nothing but sweet , nothing but nice . I liked that I didn't scare him immediately . I wanted to keep it that way . He -- ... he reminded me what it felt like to not always scare people , how to be a normal human with normal interactions ."
Q : What is your favourite thing about Louis ?
"One of the hardest questions I could be asked . I absolutely adore his blinding smile , that's the first thing that came into my mind so I'd go with that ."
Q : Were you scared for Louis' answer while proposing to him ?
"Not much , no . I was very confident in us ."
Q : Did you ever like anyone before Louis ?
"When I was a teenager , I guess . Once I joined my father and eventually took over , I had zero time for any of this ."
Q : Will you ever let someone else take over the business and settle down with Louis ?
"While I'm still young and capable , I will be managing my own business . I've still got years ahead of me . Once I'm older , fourty years from now , I'm hoping I could make a change of the city and I wouldn't have to worry that much . Maybe then I'll look for someone worthy ."
Q : Have you ever done anything stupid while drunk ?
"I've not been drunk since I was sixteen , and even then I wasn't very drunk ."
Q : What is your favourite prank Louis has ever done ?
"He pretended to pass out . It was honestly adorable ."
Q : What is your favourite thing to do with Louis ?
Louis : "*blushes* Besides that !!"
"Hold him . Show him off . Kiss him ."
Q : Did you think you were ever gonna get married before Louis ?
"No . There was no chance . I also kept thinking about how my family wouldn't be there to see it so it felt useless ."
Q : Is there anything Louis could do that you don't think you'd be able to forgive ?
"There's plenty . But I know he wouldn't do any of these things , so it's pointless saying 'what if' ."
Q : What's a quirk Louis has or something he does that he doesn't know he does ?
"*smiles* He doesn't realize that he's pouting his lips when he's focused . It's cute ."
Q : Are you the jealous type ?
Q : You don't seem that jealous of a person , do you get jelous when Louis hugs Niall ?
"I am a jealous person . It's not easy . I don't get jealous when he hugs Niall , but I can definitely feel it when he's being friendly with some guards , or sometimes a bit too friendly with Liam and Zayn ."
Q : What did you decide you were going to ask Louis to marry you ?
"I've known since we were dating almost two years that I was going to marry him . Once I decided to make it happen , it was after I was taken hostage . I thought about Louis a lot during my time there , and picking the ring took a very long time too ."
Q : Do you think your parents would've liked Louis ?
"One hundred percent . They would've adored him ."
Q : What are the plans after the wedding ?
"Keep my husband happy and protected , keep the city happy and protected . Make more progress of cleaning the city , help other cities deal with their corruption aswell ."
Q : What's yours and Louis' age gap ?
"We're five years apart , I'm currently thirty two and Louis will be turning twenty seven soon ."
Q : What did you think of Louis when you first met him, compared to now ?
"He was very shy , very soft-spoken . Now he's more confident in who he is , his opinions . He still has his shy moments that I love , but he's still a lot more confident and sure of himself ."
Q : Do you ever feel guilty for every time you put Louis in a dangerous situation ?
"Yes . Every single time . It's very hard watching the guy you love with your everything go through such horrid and terrifying situations , all because of you and your life ."
Q : Do you ever feel clingy towards Louis ?
"There are times that are much harder to let him out of my hold or my sight , yes ."
Q : Does it shock people how you can be tough and intimidating one minute but the second you see Louis you're soft and protect him ?
"Yes . And it should be that way . My soft side is for Louis only ."
Q : I know you'd absolutely do anything for Louis , as we all probably would , but is there a line you refuse to cross even for Louis ?
"I refuse to let anything happen to him . I will do everything in my power to prevent it from happening . I won't spare anything if it means he gets hurt ."
Q : Do you think more people know you're with Harry now than like a year ago ? Or are there still people who don't recognize you at all
"I mean , our marriage was live-streamed to the entire country , so I'm very confident that people know who I am . And still , some people don't care about these things , so yeah there are surely people who don't know ."
Q : How long have you lived in the city now ?
"Harry and I have been together for over five years , and I was in the city for a few months before we even met , so over six years I would say ."
Q : Was there a moment where you thought 'he's not going to make it' when Harry was on a mission ?
"That thought ran through my head back when Harry was poisoned and died at the hospital for a minute . I really thought that I lost him at those moments ."
Q : Do you miss anyone from before you met Harry ?
"I didn't have many friends in high school , then was in college for three years and only had , like , two people who I hung out with , but we weren't really friends . I was always kind of odd to others , so at some point I just stopped trying to make friends because it wasn't worth it ."
Q : Does Harry get angry with you ?
"Not really , no . We argue when we don't agree , but the number of times that he was actually angry with me is very very little , thankfully . I hate upsetting people ."
Q : In the future do you ever want Harry to give his leadership to someone else in order to have a true family experience with him ?
"It's not really my decision , it's his , and whatever he decides I support him ."
Q : What is your favourite prank you've ever pulled on Harry ?
"*giggles* I really like saying 'ow' to make him think I'm hurt , his reaction is so funny every time ."
Q : What is your favourite thing to do with Harry ?
"*grins and blushes* I love cuddles , and kisses . Just being near him ."
Q : When did you know that Harry was your forever ?
"The way he's been caring about me , the way he wasn't embarrassed about being seen with me , how he loved me . I just knew I wasn't going to let him go , ever ."
Q : Did you have any suspicions that he was going to propose or was it completely unexpected ?
"Well I was certainly hoping we were on the same page , but I didn't want to seem like I was pushing him into more commitment if he wasn't ready . It was a complete surprise I had absolutely no idea ."
Q : Did you ever think you were gonna get married before Harry ?
"I was hoping I would , but I tried not to think about it too much just so I don't fool myself , like , I didn't want to get disappointed ."
Q : What would you do if your parents or siblings tried reaching out to you ?
"Well ... my father showed up in the building , and now he's dead . My mother and sisters couldn't care less . Even if they did tried reaching out , I won't be talking to any of them ."
Q : What's your favourite thing about Harry ?
"*smiles* I love that he's soft only for me . It makes me feel so special ."
Q : What do you imagine Harry to be like when he's drunk ?
"*giggles* I actually think he'd be really grumpy , like , sit there and scowl and grimace at everything . That , or he'd go into combat mode and go to his ammo room and start playing around with the guns ."
Q : Have you ever had a grudge against Harry for every time he put you in a dangerous situation ?
"No , not at all . He's not the one putting my life at risk - it's the responce to his actions that do ."
Q : Do you feel grateful to have Harry in your life ?
"So so grateful . He loves me , he protects me , he takes care of me , cares about me - I can't ask for anyone or anything better ."
Q : Are you ever planning on getting a pet other than a dog ?
"I actually wanted a pet bunny , but never really got around to actually having one ."
Q : Is there anything about Harry that honestly shocked you after you started dating ?
"At the very beginning , it was a shock to me how he could be so soft with me . Like , I remember one time I was in the office building , he was talking to some guards and he looked really pissed , so I waited for him to finish , then he turned around and saw me and he smiled and gave me a little kiss , and I didn't understand how he could go from pissed to smiley in seconds ."
Q : Do you post your tiktoks ?
"*giggles* no , I keep them to myself . I show them to Niall , Liam , Zayn , Laura , but no I don't post them . Harry has a reputation to keep up , so it's not something I can put online ."
Q : On a scale of one to ten how scary is Harry when he's jealous ?
Q : Does Harry scare you ?
"Oh , Harry is really fucking scary as it is . When he's jealous I'm actually afraid he'd shoot me . Lou and I are very close and comfortable with each other , so there are times that we sit close to each other and Harry just shows up out of nowhere - and the look on his face is fucking scary ."
Q : Do you like how your life is now or would you prefer it to be a normal citizen across the country without a life-threatening job ?
"I do like my life , I like that I'm able to help people and keep them safe . I like knowing I'm doing something good , and that I'm not stuck in an office all day long answering emails ."
Q : Do you live alone ?
"Yes , I have my own house ."
Q : What's your favourite operation you've been on ?
"We trashed down an old factory building just outside the city , it was really fucking fun ."
Q : Did you embarrass Harry during the wedding speech ?
"He would've shot me on the spot if I did ."
Q : Favourite Harry and Louis moment ?
"Louis likes to bubble when he's drunk , and Harry always listens to whatever he says even though it makes zero sense , it's quite cute ."
Q : How did you feel about Niall when you first met\heard about him ?
"I was hoping he was a good guy , and that Louis made a good decision befriending him . Louis made a good choice ."
Q : Does Harry scare you ?
"He does . A lot . Knowing what he's capable of is really fucking scary ."
Q : Who is the most difficult patient you've ever had ?
"*chuckles* Besides from Harry , who is a literal pain in the arse sometimes , there are always difficult patients . Can't think of my most difficult one ."
Q : When did you meet Harry ?
"A few years ago , when I started working here in the city's hospital . I was twenty three at the time , and Harry is a year older than me ."
Q : Any embarrassing stories about Harry ?
"*laughs* I don't know if it's embarrassing enough , but the night we spent eating pizza at Louis' and Harry's place , and Louis made Harry read out the lyrics to some stupid kids' song ."
Q : Are you lead of your hospital ?
"I will be leading the hospital in a few months ."
Q : How did Louis ask you to buy condoms for his and Harry's trip ?
"*laughs* he texted me , it was actually pretty funny how embarrassed he was to buy it on his own ."
Q : How long did it take for you to get fully used to Harry ?
"A very long time . Even now that I've known him for about four years , he still scares me ."
Q : Scariest Harry moment you've witnessed ?
"Oh shit , let me think for a moment . Well , back at the time where I was out of my apartment after someone shot at it , I was given the keys to one of Harry's apartments in the city . There was one time , I was standing outside the building with Harry and some guards , we talked , and then someone pulled up next to us and started shooting . Harry literally walked over to the car while he was shooting back , he pulled open the backseat door and pulled some guy out and shot him in the leg . That was really scary ."
Q : What's your favourite Louis and Harry moment ?
"Their wedding slow dance , nothing can top that ."
Q : Does Harry still scare you sometimes ?
"He does , he's quite scary still ."
Q : Did you ever start your music career ?
"I signed up at a record label , and taking my time writing and procuding my first album ."
Q : How long have you and Laura been married ? How did you meet ?
Q : How and when did you propose to Laura ?
"I met Laura when I was in high school , we started dating before we went to college . After we both finished college we got married , we flew out to Rome after graduating from college and I proposed to her there ."
Q : How do you put up with Harry ?
"Quite easily . I'm used to everything so it's really not very hard ."
Q : Have you ever walked in on Louis and Harry ?
"They keep themselves very private . I did however walk in on them making out quite a few times ."
Q : How was Harry when his family died ?
"When his mother and sister died - he and his father threw themselves into work . They were there for each other . When his father died - he was restless . Slowly he learned that he needed to grieve not just his father but his mother and sister aswell , and he learned to manage his time and work ."
Q : Have you ever gotten really hurt on one of the operations ?
"I did . There was one operation where I was stabbed , I was bleeding out , I blacked out when I saw Harry and some guards running over to me . I was on bedrest for two months ."
Q : Do you eat the candy that you keep on your desk ?
"*laughs* It's mainly for Louis , to be honest ."
Q : Do you feel protective of Louis in a motherly way ?
"Of course . He's such a lovely person , you can't help but feel protective of him ."
Q : How did you start working for Harry ?
"I was working in the building before Robin died . After Harry took over , he made some changes and asked me to be his personal secretary ."
Q : Does Louis often come and talk to you on long flights ?
"Sometimes , yes . Mostly he watches a movie and tries to sleep ."
Q : Do you have a co-pilot ?
"Only if the flights are very long , or we have connection flights . Usually I don't ."
Q : Favourite place you've flown to ?
"I loved the Bahamas ."
Hope you liked it x
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