Bachelors Party

Summary : Louis and Harry are throwing a bachelors' party in their own way .

Enjoy x


Harry set up all of the drinks on the table outside at their pool , he looked up and smiled as Louis joined him in the backyard , "Everything ready inside ?"

For their bachelors' party , the two decided to just have a night with their close friends and have fun , throwing a small pool party with barbecue for dinner .

"Yes , just waiting for them to show up ." Louis smiled as he pressed himself to Harry's side with his arms wrapped around him , "Nialler said he had a little present for me and I'm curious to know what it is ."

"Curiosity killed the cat ." Harry turned to face Louis and laced his hands behind his back .

"I'm not a cat ."

"You're a kitty ." Harry leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose . "I'll go set up the music ."

Louis pouted as he walked off . "Not a kitty ."

"Sure , baby kitty ."

Louis huffed , then heard his phone ringing from inside . He sprinted back into the mansion and grabbed the phone off the kitchen counter , grinning as he saw Niall's contact name .

"Hi Nialler , are you at the gate ?" Louis answered as he skipped to the door .

"Yeah , Liam and Zayn are right in front of me aswell ."

"Good , see you in a bit ."

"See you Lou ."

Louis buzzed the gate open and watched through the cameras as the three cars came through , waiting for them all to pass the gate before buzzing it close .

He opened the front door wide and grinned as the three parked their cars and stepped outside , Niall ran up the steps and caught Louis in a hug , lifting him up , "Louuu !"

"Nialler !" Louis grinned and giggled , arms wrapped around Niall's shoulder .

Niall put Louis back down and pulled back , "Go inside , I have the present in my car ."

Louis pouted , "Fine ." He let Niall go and turned to grin at Liam and Zayn . He hugged the two tightly and walked inside with them , Niall followed behind with his hands behind his back .

They walked to the backyard , where the music was playing , Louis grinned at the sight of Harry already being shirtless with his swimming trunks on . "Hazzie , they're here ."

Harry turned away from where he started to put up the barbecue grill , smiling and greeting his friends .

"What have you got there ?" Harry asked Niall , seeing the small bag he was holding behind his back .

"It's my present . Can I see it now ?" Louis pouted , Niall put the bag down and threw his shirt off , along with Zayn and Liam .

"It won't look good with the tank top you have on , Lou , you're going to need to take it off ." Niall smiled as he picked up the bag , laughing at how quickly Louis threw the tank top off .

Niall reached into the bag , pulling out a tiara and putting it ontop of Louis' head , "This is the first part ." He grinned as Liam and Zayn laughed in amusement , Harry watched with a fond look on his face .

"And this is the second part ." He reached into the bag again and pulled out a "Bride To Be" sash , making Louis throw his head back in laughter before he let Niall put it over him .

"Wait , I need a picture ." Niall pulled his phone out , Louis posed shyly as he let Niall take a few pictures .

"Now the groom , get in the picture ." He encouraged Harry , Zayn shoved him a bit too .

Harry joined Louis for a few pictures , he put his hands on Louis' waist and leaned down to kiss him .

"Bride To Be , eh ?" He teased a bit , Louis rolled his eyes playfully , "I think it's cute ."

"You know what else is cute ?"

"What ?"

"Your scream when I do this ." He wrapped his arms around Louis' hips and lifted him up , making Louis let out a scream as he jumped into the pool with him .

They resurfaced , hearing their friends laughing and cheering . Louis reached his hand up to the top of his head and whined , "Hazzie , my tiara fell ."

"I'll get it ." Harry kissed him quickly before he dove back down to look for the tiara .

Louis swam to the edge of the pool and put his elbows ontop , "He's so mean ." He pouted at Niall .

Niall put his phone away and smiled at him , "That was so precious , you have no idea ."

"I love my presents , thank you ." Louis reached his hand out and laced it with Niall's , Niall squeezed his hand , "My pleasure ."

Harry resurfaced behind Louis and put the tiara back ontop of his head , "There , baby ." He hugged him from behind and pressed a kiss to his shoulder , "I'll go start making our drinks ." He said and pushed himself out of the pool .

"I hope we didn't get your phone wet while you were filming ." Harry told Niall .

"Oh no , my phone is good , it's over there on the chair ." Niall nodded his head to where his phone laid .

"Okay good ." Harry said and gave Niall a shove , throwing him into the pool .

Louis let out a surprised gasp before he started laughing , Niall resurfaced and shook his head , "Not cool ! So not fucking cool !"

Liam took over cooking their dinner on the grill , Harry prepared everyone's drinks , and Niall , Louis and Zayn chilled by the pool .

Harry handed everyone their drinks , they clinked their glasses together and said cheers , Harry slipped back into the pool to put his arm around Louis from behind .

Louis smiled as he leaned back into his chest , "Hazzie ."

"Baby ." Harry leaned his lips closer to Louis' ear . "Having a good time so far ?"

"The best time ." Louis' smile widened , "Can you imagine , in just a bit we'll be married ."

"I can't wait ." Harry squeezed him and kissed his ear , smiling when Louis shivered and giggled at the feeling .

Louis turned in Harry's hold and put his free hand - the one that wasn't holding his drink - on the back of Harry's neck , "Can I ask you a question ?"

"The answer is yes ."

"You haven't even heard the question ." Louis laughed a bit .

"Doesn't matter . Answer is yes ."

"What if I asked to not see you until the ceremony ?"

Harry's nose scrunched . "Yes ."

"What if I asked to shave your head buzz-cut ?"

Harry huffed . Louis knew he liked his hair . "Yes ."

"What if I asked to --"

"Baby , what was the question ?" Harry cut him off with a squeeze around the waist , making Louis laugh softly .

"I wanted to ask if you have a surprise planned for the ceremony ."

"Yes ."

"What is it ?"

"A surprise ."

"No ." Louis pouted .

"Yes ." Harry kissed his pouty lips , "I'm not telling you anything ."

"Not even a little clue ?"

"No baby ." Harry pressed a few soft kisses to his pouty lips , "Deal with it ."

"So mean to me ." Louis wiggled out of his hold playfully and went to be with Niall , he linked their arms together and sipped on his drink .

Harry only smiled , he moved to get out of the pool , passing Louis on the way and tickling his tummy . His smile widened at the squeal and little giggles , he stepped out of the pool and gulped down the rest of his drink on the way to Liam .

"How's our food ?"

"Looking good , I think it's time to bring out the salads Rodrigo made ." Liam nodded .

Harry put his glass down and wrapped a towel around his hips , walking into the kitchen . He returned outside with a tray filled with four different salad bowls , placing them all on the table .

Liam placed a large wooden board on the table with grilled chicken and some steak strips , he looked over to Harry and smiled .

Harry could feel Liam's eyes on him . "Any reason for your staring ?" He asked without lifting his gaze up from where he was organizing the table .

"I'm just happy for you , mate ." Liam walked close to stand next to him and put his hand on Harry's shoulder , "You're getting married soon . For years I've known you as a lone wolf caring for the pack , and you did manage , but it was only a question of time before you found your other half ."

"I wouldn't have believed myself , either ." Harry shook his head , a smile stretching on his lips . "I wasn't even looking for anyone . Louis just -- just drew me in . Immediately ."

"Thank God for Louis ." Liam chuckled a bit and sipped from his drink . "I'll go call them over ."

The three joined Liam and Harry , Louis wrapped himself in a towel and fixed the tiara on his head as he sat next to Harry , smiling as Harry filled his plate with everything he knew he would love .

"Thanks ." Louis leaned over and kissed his cheek , then grabbed another glass of drink that Harry made for everyone .

He stood up , "I -- I want to say something ."

The four quietened down quickly , their attention fixed on Louis .

Louis smiled at them , "I want to say thank you to all of you , for being amazing friends - and spouse ," He put his free hand on Harry's shoulder , "All of you mean so much to me and I love you guys , thank you for being in my life , I really appreciate you all ."

"We love you more ." Liam assured him .

"Th-Thank you for making me so h-happy ." Louis grinned through tears , "I l-love you ."

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' hips , his other hand reached for his drink and he held the glass up , "To Louis ."

"To Louis ." The rest held their glasses up and clinked them , Louis only grinned wider as a tear slipped down his cheek .

Harry pulled Louis into his lap and pressed a few kisses to his cheek , "Don't cry baby ."

"I-I'm just happy ." Louis laughed a bit and dried his eyes .

Harry put his glass down to have a free hand , he grabbed Louis' chin and kissed him a bit . They pulled back and smiled , Harry squished his cheeks , "Now sit down to eat , baby ."

Louis moved off Harry's lap , though stopped when Niall called out for him , "Come over here , let us give you some love , too ." He held his arms open .

Harry watched as Louis walked shyly over to Niall , who stood up to wrap Louis up in a cuddle . They squeezed each other , talking quietly and giggling . Something in him itched , though let it slide when he saw the engagement ring shining on Louis' finger .

Liam and Zayn gave him tight hugs aswell , before sending him back to his seat so he could eat .

After eating , Harry brought out shots and a few cigars , lighting one for himself and one for Zayn and Liam to share . They all took a shot , Louis and Niall moved a bit away from the three smoking men , huddling close together and munching on some snacks .

"Why are you so far away ?" Harry asked after he finished a few rounds of cards game with Zayn and Liam .

"You're smoking , I don't like the smell ." Louis twitched his nose .

Harry put out the cigar and moved it away , "I'm done smoking , come here ."

"No , now I have to wait because you still smell like it ." Louis shook his head , sticking his tongue out when Harry gave him a playful pointed look .

"You know if you don't go he'll come here , right ?" Niall chuckled quietly , Louis huffed , "It's too obvious , isn't it ?" He laughed back , before standing up from his seat and moving to sit next to Harry .

Harry put his hand on Louis' leg and leaned in to kiss him , frowning when Louis leaned away , "Your breath still smells like smoke , Hazzie ."

"Fine ." Harry pressed a kiss to the side of his head . "Did you have a good time tonight ?"

"I loved tonight , I enjoyed it so much ." Louis leaned his head on his shoulder . "I love you all so much ."

"We love you too ." Harry kissed the top of his head . "I love you most ."


A day late . Sorry .

Hope you liked it x


p.s here are some pictures that we can't ignore , enjoy

**Credit to owners**

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