Summary : Louis and Harry babysit Matthew , Niall and Amelia's son .
Enjoy x
Louis checked the living room once again ; playmat , toys , nothing sharp , nothing on the table or the TV cabinet , no glasses , plushies --
"Baby , we're all set . It'll be okay ." Harry walked into the living room , his arm wrapping around Louis' waist to pull him into his side .
"I need it to be perfect for my godson ." Louis pouted a bit , Harry kissed the top of his head , "Everything is perfect already , I promise you ."
Louis' phone buzzed from the kitchen , Louis gasped a bit and sprinted to the table , seeing Amelia's contact .
"Hey Milly ."
"Hey Lou , we're at the front gates ."
Louis checked the security camera through the control panel and smiled when he saw their car . "I'm buzzing you in ." He punched the code in and opened the gates .
Harry opened the front door and stepped outside with Louis to greet the three , Louis' hands almost shaking in excitement .
Niall parked the car at the front of the house and stepped outside with Amelia , both greeting the couple with hugs .
"Where's my Matty ? Give him to me ." Louis made grabby hands as soon as he saw Amelia , making her laugh . He watched as she carefully unbuckled Matthew and wrapped him in a blanket to keep him warm .
"Look who it is ! It's your uncle Lou ." Amelia said in excitement as she turned with Matthew to face Louis .
Louis grinned at the baby , who smiled as soon as he saw Louis and reached out to his arms .
"I know , I missed you so much ." Louis cooed at he took Matthew from Amelia's arms , cradling him and kissing him .
Niall handed Harry the baby bag , "Try not to get baby fever ."
"Kind of hard with such sight ." Harry smiled a bit .
Niall patted him on the shoulder , then went to take Amelia's hand , while Amelia was giving Louis instructions .
"Shoo , go , you already texted me everything I need to know ." Louis took Matthew with him and started going up the front stairs into the mansion , "Have fun !"
Harry followed Louis into the mansion after a final goodbye to Niall and Amelia , closing the door behind him . "Go to the living room , I'll be right there . Just need to buzz the gates open for them again ."
Louis went into the living room , pressing kisses to Matthew's cheek , "My sweet , sweet Matty ." He cooed before carefully placing him down on the playmat , "Oh look at this , so many toys ."
Matthew reached for the blocks , Louis smiled as he sat cross-legged on the playmat aswell and watched the baby playing with the blocks . He moved Matthew's hair from his forehead and tucked it behind his ear , "Look at you , you're so grown already ."
Harry walked into the living room , Matthew looked up when he heard footsteps and a smile spread on his face when he saw Harry , ditching the blocks to hold his arms out for Harry to pick him up .
Louis watched from the side as Harry smiled and kneeled on the playmat , he picked Matthew up and held him up above his head , peppering kisses on his cheek to make him smile more . Louis felt like his heart could burst at the sight .
Harry straightened his arms up to hold Matthew higher , then brought them down , then up and down again , until Matthew was laughing .
"I'm seconds away from crying , this is the cutest thing I've ever seen ." Louis grinned .
Harry pressed one more kiss to Matthew's cheek before he put him back down in front of the blocks he was playing with , Harry stood up from the playmat , "I'll go make dinner for us ."
"Okay ." Louis smiled when Harry leaned down to kiss the top of his head before he left the living room . Matthew watched as Harry left , Louis poked the baby's cheek , "I know , he's so lovely , isn't he ?"
Louis played with Matthew for a bit , moving from the blocks to toy cars , then giving him a few pens and a paper to draw . Matthew got bored of sitting and playing and started crawling across the playmat , Louis watched him and laughed a bit when he tried standing up with the help of the table , lasting two seconds before falling on his bum .
"Alright , little lad , let's practice your walking , alright ?" Louis stood up and held Matthew's hands , helping the baby stand up . Matthew took a few steps with Louis' help , Louis cheered and rooted for him .
Louis sat down and crossed his legs , "Let's see what you got now ." He helped Matthew stand up , Matthew stood for a few seconds and fell on his bum when he tried taking a step forward .
"You can do it , come on ." Louis helped him up , Matthew smiled over Louis' shoulder and tried taking a few steps , but fell on his bum .
Louis looked over his shoulder to see Harry watching them with a smile , his phone in his hand as he recorded a video .
"I was hoping to be the one who gets to see his first steps ." Louis pouted at Harry a bit before turning to look at Matthew who just stood himself up with the help of the table .
"Considerate of you to want this for you instead of Niall or Amelia ." Harry teased a bit .
"They got to see his first smile and his first laugh and the first time he stood up on his own , I want the first steps . Or his first word ." Louis held his hands out for Matthew , who successfully stood up on his own for almost ten seconds before he fell on his bum .
"What do you want his first word to be ?"
"Kind of hoping he would say Odin ." Louis giggled a bit .
"Cute ."
"He is , my baby Matty ." Louis held his hands out for Matthew , his heart skipped a beat when Matthew wobbled a bit but stayed on his feet as he turned to him a bit .
"Come on bubbie , you can do it ." Louis encouraged him with a smile , making grabby hands to get Matthew to walk over to him . He gasped as Matthew took four steps before he almost fell , but he was close enough for Louis to grab him before his bum hit the playmat .
"Oh my god ! You did it !" Louis cheered and squeezed the baby in a cuddle , pressing kisses to his cheek repeatedly , "You did it !"
Harry was smiling widely behind his phone , before he stopped the recording to properly take it in ; the scene of Louis with a baby was the most precious sight he ever witnessed , he loved it too much to look away or try to suppress the feelings in his chest .
He walked over to the two and sat with Louis on the playmat , watching with heart eyes as Louis wiggled his nose into Matthew's neck to make him laugh , Louis pulled back to grin down at the baby in his arms before leaning in again .
Harry took a few more pictures before he put his phone away , Louis placed Matthew down on the playmat to lay on his back , "I'm going to the bathroom quickly ." He leaned down to kiss Matthew's cheek before standing up and jogging to the nearest bathroom .
Matthew watched as Louis left , Harry smiled and traced the baby's soft cheek , "I can't stop looking at him either ." He said , Matthew turned his head to Harry and smiled , holding his hands out for Harry to hold him .
Harry picked him up and fixed his clothes a bit , Matthew reached his hand to Harry's face and traced at the scar going down from above his eyebrow down to his cheek . Harry was glad it didn't scare Matthew and didn't make him cry , it was the last thing he wanted .
He pretended to bite the baby's hand gently , smiling when he giggled .
Louis walked into the living room again and smiled at the two , then stopped . "Uh-oh ."
"What ." Harry looked over to him .
"I know that face ." Louis scrunched his face a bit at Matthew .
Harry looked at the baby in his arms . "Are you peeing , Matty ?"
"Think bigger ." Louis teased , "Ugh , I'll go get his bag ."
Harry did the dirty job , while Louis was by his side giving him orders how to do so . Once Matthew was all cleaned up with a clean nappy on Louis took Matthew in his arms to the kitchen while Harry threw everything in the trash .
"Dinner time ." Louis placed Matthew in his highchair while Harry fetched their dinner , he put an apron on Matthew and kissed his cheek lovingly . Harry brought a plate for Louis and a bowl for Matthew , then fetched his own plate and sat down with Matthew between him and Louis .
After dinner Louis cleaned Matthew up and took the apron off , before taking him to the living room to change his clothes . He played with him for a bit , before putting on cartoons in hopes to get Matthew to sleep .
Harry sat on the couch , the table was now moved aside as the lights around the mansion were dimmed . He held his arm open when Louis joined him on the couch , snuggling into his side with his arm across his middle .
They watched Matthew playing for a bit , Harry smiled to himself when he felt Louis nodding off on his chest . Matthew finally got tired of playing with his toys and turned to where Harry was sat with Louis , he crawled over to them and held onto Harry's leg to stand up .
"Hey there ." Harry smiled and ran his fingers through Matthew's hair , "Want to come cuddle , too ?" He asked , looking at Louis when his head moved up from his chest .
"Is everything okay ?" He asked sleepily , Harry kissed his forehead , "Yes , Matty just wants a cuddle ." He said and moved his arm from around Louis , picking Matthew up and laying him on his chest .
Louis smiled and leaned into Harry's side , Harry secured one arm around Matthew and his other arm around Louis , Louis rubbed Matthew's back to help him fall asleep .
Harry stayed awake , holding Matthew and Louis in his arms . He couldn't explain yet the feeling of being even more domestic with Louis ; playing parents with him for a few hours was kicking start his baby fever .
Two hours later Niall and Amelia returned , Louis was still a bit sleepy but held Matthew in his arms with his blanket around him while Harry had his bag ready at the door .
Harry opened the front doors and welcomed Niall and Amelia in , Amelia immediately walked over to Louis and Matthew .
"Hi my baby . Come here ." Amelia took the baby carefully from Louis , Louis rubbed his back to keep him settled . Amelia kissed the baby's head , "How was he ?"
"He was the best , only fussed a bit when we changed his nappy but Harry worked his magic and he got him to calm down ." Louis smiled at her , then turned to hug Niall when he came over to him .
"How was your date ?" Louis asked , "Where did you go ?"
Amelia and Niall looked at each other , before they started laughing a bit .
"What ? What happened ?" Louis laughed along .
"We went out for dinner , then just fell asleep in the car for like two hours . We were so tired ." Niall laughed .
"At least you got some sleep ." Louis giggled .
"I don't remember sleeping this good the past two months since we went on vacation with my family and my mum watched Matty for a few hours ." Amelia shook her head .
"And while you two were sleeping , I got to see Matthew walking ." Louis grinned and made grabby hands to Harry's phone .
"No . Shut up . Did he really ??" Niall's eyes widened in excitement , turning to Amelia who had her jaw hung open .
Louis showed them the video , the couple tried to suppress their excitement so they wouldn't wake Matthew up . Louis grinned with them , then showed them the pictures and videos they took throughout their evening .
"I think I'm framing this one ." Louis stared for a bit longer at a picture of Harry and Matthew , Niall pinched his cheek , "I wonder why ."
"It's because of Matthew , not me ." Harry chimed in .
"Yeah that's right , know your place ." Louis shoved Harry's chest gently , though Harry didn't move an inch , only smiled .
"Let's call it a night . Thank you so much for watching Matty ." Niall gave Louis another hug , Louis squeezed him , "Please , whenever you need I'm free , I had a great time with him ."
Amelia gave Louis a hug and a kiss on the cheek , Louis kissed Matthew's cheek a few more times . Harry walked the couple out to their car and gave Matthew a kiss before Amelia tucked him into his chair .
Harry closed the doors behind him and turned to Louis , Louis gave him a soft and sleepy smile , "I love how good you are with him ."
"I love how good you are with him ." Harry put his hands on Louis' waist and leaned down to kiss him quickly .
"We should watch him more often , I love this baby too much ." Louis pouted a bit , Harry scrunched his nose fondly , "We should get Odin next time , they love each other ."
"Yes , please , I need to see them together again ." Louis smiled and wrapped Harry in a hug .
Harry kissed his head , "Go get ready for bed , I'll buzz the gates open and be right there with you ."
Hope you liked it x
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