
Summary : A new cop in the city arrests Louis for some odd reason , not knowing what he got himself into .

Dedicated to my babes @babycakesandboobear , happy birthday x

Enjoy x


Harry watched Louis putting leashes on Chess and Donna , "Where are you taking them ?"

"We're just going for a walk , I also want to get a cup of hot chocolate , say hi to Niall ." Louis took the two leashes , "Just the regular route ."

"Okay ." Harry nodded and held one arm open , Louis smiled and cuddled into him , "I'll be okay , I'll text you ."

Harry kissed the top of his head , before grabbing his chin and tilting his head up to kiss him properly . Louis smiled against his lips ; it gave him butterflies whenever Harry kissed him in public .

"Go . Text me . Call ." Harry kissed him once more , Louis nodded and took the two dogs , leaving the pavilion to go to the front gates .

He said goodbye to Sean , one of the gurds who worked there , Sean nodded his head at him with a smile as he was on a phone call .

Louis walked the two dogs , commanding them along the way . He loved training with the dogs in public , he believed it was better than the studio in the pavilion , as it was more productive and actually taught the dogs to do good work while having possible distractions around them .

He walked down the streets , commanding them to stop and sit when they got to crossovers , telling them to follow when he started walking . The two dogs were doing a good job following Louis' orders , so Louis decided to try walking them without their leashes , as there were barely any people around .

 He took the leashes off and gave the two dogs some treats for being good , before the three were walking again .

They almost made it to the park , when a police car stopped with a screech on the road next to Louis , startling him a bit . A police officer stepped out of the driver's seat , "Oi , what do you think you're doing ?"

Louis' eyes widened , "What -- ... what am I doing ?" He asked as the officer approached him .

"What the hell do you think you're doing , walking such dogs with no leashes on ?" The officer towered over him , Louis stepped back , "Th-They're trained , Sir --"

"Do I look like I care ? These are dangerous dogs and here you are , thinking you own the city and can walk them with no leashes on ." He gritted .

Louis swallowed thickly , "I - I didn't know I couldn't ... I'll put the leashes on , I --"

"No , you're coming with me ." The officer grabbed his arm and shoved him against the car , Louis winced when he bumped his chin . He gasped when his wrists were cuffed behind his back , while the two dogs were barking . He barely even noticed his phone fell out of his pocket .

"Shut the fuck up already ." The officer kicked his foot towards the two before opening the backseat door , shoving Louis inside and closing the door .

"What -- don't just leave them there !" Louis protested , but the officer got into the driver's seat , "You shut the fuck up too ." He put his seatbelt on and started driving .


The officer pulled Louis out of the backseat by his bicep , taking him to take his mugshots and fingerprints .

Louis was holding his tears in as his pictures were taken , then his fingerprints along with the paperwork .

The officer who detained him took him into one of the cells and shoved him inside , slamming the door behind him .

He was scared ; he'd never been in a jail cell , or anything close to it . He looked at the guy who was sitting there on the concrete bench , shivering when he saw that the guy was already looking at him .

"Louis Tomlinson ?"

Louis kept close to the door , the guy held his hands up , "I won't - I won't hurt you , I promise . I would never ." He shook his head , "I'm just surprised to see you in such place ."

"D-Do I know you ?" Louis asked in a small voice , the guy shook his head , "No , but I know who you are . I mean -- everyone does , Mr. Styles made sure of that ." He then frowned , "Does he know you're in here ?"

Louis shook his head , the guy looked out of the cell and then back at Louis , "Did they let you have a phone call ?" He frowned deeper when Louis shook his head again .

"That's not right , they have to give you one phone call ." The guy walked closer to the door , "Could you step aside , please ?" He asked , Louis moved away , then flinched when the guy started banging his fists on the door , "Oi ! Anyone hear me ? I need someone to get their arses over here !"

An officer unlocked the door , "What's the fuss about ?"

"My mate here didn't get to have a phone call , he has to get one ." He nodded towards Louis , "Either he gets a phone call or I'm making a lot more noise . Try me ."

The officer motioned for Louis to follow him , Louis thanked the guy and exited the cell .


Sean frowned when he saw Donna and Chess running towards the guard cabin . He exited the cabin as he took his radio out , "I need Mr. Styles to get to the front gates . It's an emergency ."

Victor , along with two more guards , were the ones who got to the gates less than a minute later . 

"I saw Louis taking the two dogs out about an hour ago , and these two just ran up here without him ." Sean explained , "They had his phone , too ."

Victor was about to take his radio out to let Harry know , when the siren went on all around the place , getting the two guards running to their squad cars .


Louis put the phone to his ear , waiting a few bits for Harry to answer .

"Who is this and how do you have my number ."

Tears rose to Louis' eyes again , "H-Harry ."

"Baby ? What the -- where are you ? What's this number ?"

"The p-police station . I w-was detained ." He sniffled .

"You were what ??" He heard shuffles from the other side of the line , then the faint sound of a siren , "Are you alright ? Did anyone hurt you ?"

"No . I'm fine ." He wiped his tears , "I d-don't know what to do ."

"Wait for me , I'll fuck them up . Don't worry baby I'll be there in no time ."

"Okay ." Louis whispered , "Please hurry ."

"I will . Don't let anyone touch you or I'll fucking kill them ."

They hung up , Louis was taken back to the cell . The guy looked up , "Is he coming here ?"

Louis nodded and wiped his eyes , "Thanks again , for - for getting me that phone call ."

"Of course , no need to say thank you ." The guy gave him a smile , "I'm Charlie ."

Louis shook his hand and sat on the bench , his knee jumping nervously as he waited for Harry to arrive .


Harry slammed the car door behind him before he and his men were marching into the station .

"Jail cells . Now ." He grabbed one of the front desk officers to lead them , the guy silently walked them through the station .

They reached the cells , Louis sighed in relief when he saw Harry . Harry walked to the door of the cell and looked over Louis to make sure he wasn't hurt , before turning to the officers who were watching , "Open this door or I'm breaking it open ."

One of the officers grabbed his keys and went to unlock the door , but the same officer who arrested Louis stopped him , "No , why would we do that ?"

Harry stared at him . "Excuse me ?"

"These two were arrested for a reason , we can't let them out of there ."

Harry looked down at his nametag , "Officer Greg Finn ." He walked closer , slowly . "Why don't you tell me why they were arrested , then ?"

The officer , Greg , stood his ground . "The boy in the hoodie walked his dogs without a leash , the other one was taking pictures of people ."

A few of Harry's guards were snickering quielty , though Harry's expression stayed hard .

"You want to tell me , that you arrested my boyfriend for walking his dogs without a leash ?"

Greg stayed quiet this time , Harry stepped closer and shook his head , "Who the fuck do you think you are ? You're new in the city , aren't you ?"

"I'm a police officer --"

"And I'm running this fucking city longer than you'd think ." Harry cut him off , "You have zero idea what we went through , and for you to walk in and do whatever the fuck you want - is unacceptable ."

"Look who's talking about walking in and doing what they want ." The officer shot back , "As if you didn't just walk in here and demanded this little criminal released ."

Harry pulled his gun out of his belt and cocked it in lightening time , pressing it under the officer's chin . "Say it again . I dare you ."

"Mr. Styles ."

Harry turned his head , seeing the Chief of police , Scott Owens .

"Please , Sir . Put the gun away and I'll take care of this young officer ."

"Go open that door ." Harry turned to the officer who grabbed the keys earlier , the officer nodded and went to unlock the cell door . Louis and Charlie walked out , Louis walked over to Harry but Harley blocked his way , "Not yet , sorry ."

Louis pressed his lips together and stayed in his spot , watching Harry as his heart still raced .

Harry pressed the gun more to Greg's chin . "You don't know me . Don't try me . What I say , goes . You're lucky Owens is here ." He took the gun away and stepped back , disarming the gun and putting it back into his belt .

"I want to see his mugshots and paperwork destroyed ." Harry said , "The other guy's , too ."

Harry watched as the data was both deleted from the system and was shredded , looking over to make sure Louis was okay .

Owens held his hand out for Harry to shake , "I'm sorry for the inconvenience , I'll write a report on that and send it to you so we make sure it never happens again ."

Harry shook his hand , "If that officer isn't fired , I'll be after him ." With that he turned around and took Louis' hand , walking with him and his guards out of the station .

Louis held his hand tightly , his free hand wrapped around his bicep . "Harry ."

Harry turned to face him once they were outside on the stairs , Louis stood on a stair higher than Harry's , "Charlie helped me in there , you know ."

"How so ."

"I didn't know I could call you , and he got the officers to give me a phone call ." Louis put his hands on his biceps , as Harry's hands held his waist .

Harry nodded , he turned to where Charlie was standing and walked over to him . Charlie looked up in surprise , but then smiled a bit when Harry held his hand out for him to shake .

"Give my men your details , I'll put you on the good list . Keep it up ."

"Will do , Mr. Styles ." Charlie nodded .

Harry turned and went back to Louis , taking his hand and walking with him to his car .

Louis grabbed his arm before he opened the door , gasping , "D-Donna - Chess , they --"

"They ran back to the building , baby ." Harry cupped his cheeks , "They brought your phone , too . They're okay , none of them were hurt ."

Louis sighed in relief , Harry kissed his forehead , "Let's get you home ."

"Only if you're there with me . If not , I'm going to your office ." Louis pouted , Harry kissed his pout , "My office , then . You can nap in the bedroom behind the shelves ."

"The secret room you built ?" Louis smiled as Harry opened the car door for him , "Will you nap with me ?"

"Have a shit ton of work , baby , but I'll be there until you fall asleep ." Harry made sure he was seated inside , "Then I'll get Rod to make us something to eat ."


Hope you liked it x


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