A Walk With The Dogs
Summary : Louis takes two of the guard dogs he's training out for a walk ,when someone tries approaching .
Enjoy x
Louis smiled as he clipped on the two leashes , one for Odin , and another one for Apollo . Both were trained as guard dogs , with their vests on . Odin was a black German Shepherd , and Apollo was a brown Doberman . Both were large and looked intimidating ; to Louis , they were his babies .
He grabbed the two leashes in one hand as he walked out of the pavilion where all the guard dogs he trained were staying - except for Odin , he was his own dog - , while fishing his phone out with his other hand .
He speed-dialed Harry's number and said 'thank you' to Evan when he held the gate open for him to walk out to the street .
"Hi baby ."
"Hey Hazzie , I just took Odin and Apollo with me ."
"Alright love , where are you headed ?"
"Not too sure yet , just out for a walk really . Probably to the park . Also I want to say hi to Niall and get some hot chocolate ."
"Okay . Stay safe , text me when you reach the cafe . Call me for anything . Love you ."
"Love you ." Louis smiled before hanging up , he put his phone back in his coat pocket and took one of the leashes to his now free hand .
The two dogs were walking right by Louis' side , as he trained them ; he commanded them along the way , to either stop and sit when they needed to wait at the crossover , or to walk closer to him when they drifted away a little bit ; he knew how the two looked and didn't want to make people uncomfortable walking around them , didn't want people to fear them .
He reached his favourite Cafe and walked in with the two dogs , standing in line and telling the two dogs to sit , to which the two obeyed . he ignored the looks he got from people sitting at the place and moved forward in line with the two dogs following , sitting again when he told them .
After giving the cashier his order he moved to the desk and smiled at Niall , "Hey Niall ."
"Hey Louis , how are you today ?" Niall asked as he made his order , the smile never leaving his lips .
"I'm good , taking my two babies out for a bit ." Louis smiled down at the two dogs , petting Apollo .
"Babies ? They look like they can snap my neck with a sniff ." Niall chuckled , making Louis laugh a little , "Oh no , not at all . They do have that look , but they're softies I promise . I trained them and they're the best ."
"It's really cool that you train them ." Niall smiled and handed him his cup , Louis thanked him and dropped the change he received into the small tip glass .
"I'll try craving hot chocolate again this week to come see you again ." Louis waved as he walked out of the place , Niall nodded , "Sounds like a plan ."
Louis walked out of the Cafe , two leashes in one hand and cup in the other .
He huffed when he realized he didn't text Harry , so he stood off to the side and told the two dogs to sit . He put the paper cup down on a bench and took his phone out , sending Harry a text .
That was when a little kid , probably around the age of five , approached Odin and tried petting him . He quickly moved to stand in front of Odin and stopped the kid before he touched Odin .
"Hey , sorry , you can't pet him ." Louis gave the kid an apologetic smile , the kid looked up at him angrily , when the mother of the kid approached .
"Go on , you can pet him ." She tapped her kid's shoulder , Louis shook his head , "Ma'am I'm sorry , he can't pet the dog ."
"Why the fuck not , that's just a dog ."
Louis' eyebrows raised at her language , pulling attention from people walking around them .
"Because I'm their owner , and if I tell you no petting the dog , then no petting the dog ." Louis stood his ground .
"Listen I don't have all day , my kid needs to let loose a little so just move and let him play with the dog ."
He noticed people filming them , and he didn't understand why - why would they film them and not come to his help .
"I'm not going to say this again , --"
"Quit being a bitch and move aside ." The woman tried stepping forward with her kid , Louis shook his head , "I need you to step away from me ." He kept the two dogs behind him , getting worried when the two started growling .
He told the two to sit and stay , to which the two obeyed yet didn't stop growling .
"Tell you fucking dogs to shut up or I'm calling the police ." She pulled her phone out , when two black cars pulled over with a screech on the road next to them .
The driver's door slammed open and Harry stepped out , making Louis almost roll his eyes ; of course he would be there .
"Get away from him ." He glared at the woman as he marched towards them , "What the fuck is wrong with you ."
"No swearing in front of the kid ." Louis grabbed his arm when he was close enough , whispering to him .
Harry stood between Louis and the woman , "He told you to step away , didn't he ? Told you not to touch the dogs ."
The woman kept quiet , Harry raised an eyebrow , "You've got a big mouth , haven't you , where is it now ? Not so brave anymore ?"
Louis told the two dogs to sit down on their fronts , pulling treats out of his pocket to keep them quiet .
Harry took a step forward , the woman stepped away and took her child with her .
"If you ever pull anything like this again , either to him or anyone else - I will be after you ." He told her , watching as she took her kid and walked away . He then walked over to someone , who was filming it on their phone . "Show me the full video ."
The guy handed Harry his phone , Harry watched how the woman talked to Louis and how Louis defended the two dogs , he handed the phone back and asked one of his men to collect the video as evidence .
Louis looked up at Harry , "What are you even doing here ?"
"Was trying to surprise you , perhaps go to the park with you and the pups . Was doing a check on the security cameras and saw that bitch harrassing you ."
Louis pouted a bit , "Thought you were stalking me ."
"I was ."
"Creep ." Louis punched him lightly in the abs , then smoothed his hand over the spot as if it hurt . Harry grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it , "Let's go ?"
Louis nodded , "Okay ."
Harry threw the car keys over to Victor , then took one of the leashes from Louis' hands . Louis grabbed his cup from the bench and sipped , thankfully his hot chocolate was still hot . He smiled when Harry wrapped his free arm around him ; he always felt the safest around him .
"Was Niall working today ?" Harry asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , he was . He said Odin and Apollo look like they can snap a neck with a breath , but I told him they're two softies and they're my babies ."
"They sure can snap a neck ." Harry squeezed Louis closer , "Hopefully one day they will ."
"Harry ." Louis gasped , Harry kissed his head , "No use fighting over this , baby , I expect that if anyone harrasses you - they act the way they should ."
"No snapping necks though ." Louis pouted , Harry held him closer , "We promise nothing ."
They reached the park , Louis picked a spot where there were no people before taking the leashes off the two dogs , letting them run around without worrying about scaring people .
Harry hugged him from behind , "You trained them well , baby . Proud of you ."
Louis blushed softly as he smiled , "Thanks . Had a lot of fun doing so ."
"Who was the most fun ?"
"Ugh , this is such a tough question ." Louis pouted , "I mean , I want to say Odin because he's my own puppy and the first dog I trained . But I really love each one of them and I can't decide ."
"Think you can list them from easiest to toughest ?" Harry challenged , Louis pursed his lips as he thought to himself .
"I would say ... Donna , Rocco , Odin , Chess , Apollo , Mint and Zeus ." Louis nodded to himself as he counted on Harry's fingers , "Zeus was a really tough one but he made it and I love him a lot ."
"Cute ." Harry kissed his neck under his ear , smiling lightly when Louis shivered and moved away a bit .
Apollo ran back over to them , Louis smiled and pet him , "Hi Po ." He fished a few treats out of his pocket and gave them to Apollo , chuckling when Odin ran over to them and sat patiently in front of him , waiting for his treats . Louis rewarded him with more treats and scrunched his nose when his fingers had crumbs on them , Harry took a napkin out of his pocket and wiped his hand , "Let's walk back to the building ."
Louis finished his hot chocolate and threw the paper cup in the nearest bin , now having a free hand to hold Harry's , as he held Odin's leash with the other hand .
"Are you free to have lunch ? Or dinner ?" Louis asked , Harry squeezed his hand , "I'm free whenever you want me ."
Louis gave him a shy smile , "Can we have lunch at the chinese place from our date night ?"
"We can have anything you want ." Harry pulled him closer and let go of his hand , only to wrap his arm around his waist .
"Just you . And - and chinese food ." Louis looked up at him through his lashes , Harry kissed him , "Anything you want ."
Hope you liked it x
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