Chapter XLIII

Watching Bradley leave me standing there in the middle on the Bean Scene left me in shambles. Did he really just break up with me? After everything? After we've been doing good for so long?....

I saw PJ and Stacey walk inside the Bean Scene and when they made eye contact they were smiling " heyyyy! Max what's up man?!" PJ asked me. But I remained silent. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I was just..... in shock. Stacey realized and asked "hey.. you okay Max?" As I took a moment to recollect myself "um...." I nodded trying to play it cool but I shook my head taking a deep breath in and out so I wouldn't break down. "No um... Bradley broke up with me..." I said. This stunned PJ and Stacey. Stacey was so chill so to hear her shout " WHAT?!" As the whole cafe stopped and stared. She coughed into her hand and recollected herself " this isn't the scene to talk about this." She mentioned " yeah. Let's grab some coffee and a few treats and head back to the dorm" PJ said.

Once PJ got everyone something including Bobby if he was at the dorm. He paid and we went back. Once arriving to the dorm Bobby was there finishing up some homework. He looked up and looked confused "yooooo... what's up? Emergency meeting?" He asked as PJ nodded "Max just got dumped man.." he mentioned as Bobby gasped " WHAT?! IM GONNA KICK THAT MOTHERFUCKERS ASS!" He shouted "Bobby chill it's not like that..." I said "oh-... okay then proceed" he said as he perked up at the coffee and thanked PJ. We all sat down as they stared at me. I sighed softly and begun. " so Claire had been stalking us and taking photos of Bradley and I whenever we weren't looking. She managed to gather so many photos  over 400 practically and videos. She then threatened Bradley that she was going to show his father if he didn't marry her and that freaked him out because of what had happened to me so he's agreeing to marry her all for the sake that I wouldn't get fucking assassinated by his fucking dad" I said as I buried my face in the palms of my hands. I could genuinely feel the tears about to start brewing. My heart re-shattering all over again just telling the story once more.

I wanted to sob but it wasn't until a gentle pair of arms greeted me. I could tell it was PJ almost immediately. When I felt his hug I just broke down sobbing. I couldn't handle it. Breaking up with Roxanne hurt but this hurt ten times worse. I genuinely thought we were going to get through this together yet here we are. Bradley managed to make me fall so in love with him only to have this fairytale like love story come crashing down immediately. It's not even our faults. Its the fact that we still want to be with each other that hurts so much more.

Bobby and Stacey joined in the hug as I hunched over a felt myself crying harder. The warm tears falling down my face as the left over tear stains had turned cold right after. My face growing red and my head squeezing so tightly from how hard I had been sobbing. I knew I was going to get the worst head ache right after.

I had sat their cradled in their comforting arms for ten minutes straight as Bobby supplied tissues, PJ supplied sweet treats and coffee and Stacey gave me comforting words. Yet nothing worked. I needed space. I needed to breathe.........

I needed to call my dad.

I stood up and sniffled taking a few tissues as I wiped my face "thank you guys but I need to go... I gotta make a call I'm sorry" I said softly. They understood and let me be. I loved my friends don't get me wrong but a situation like this just wasn't going to be fixed with a pep talk from Bobby and Stacey, then PJ holding me like a broken doll. This was a time where I needed my father. More than anything I needed him right now.

I grabbed my jacket and walked out my dorm and down the stairs as I dialed his number on my cell. When the phone begun to ring I held it up to my phone and waited patiently for my father to answer. He answered almost immediately. His charismatic and joyous intro into the call sent me spiraling " MAXY! How is my son?! What are you doing kiddo?!" I can tell he was smiling behind the phone that I had called him. I've been calling him a lot more often now. I learned my mistakes during freshman year. But still his voice caused me to break down. I opened my mouth and stuttered as I huffed a stifled sob "d-dad? I n-need you" I stammered. Fuck... my voice cracked half way through that simple sentence. "Oh Max... do you want me to come pick you up?" He asked as I sniffled "y-yeah" I replied. "Okay Maxy. Stay on call for me honey" he said as I could hear the shuffling on the other side as he tried to put his shoes on. He zipped up his coat and got in his car driving over here immediately.

He got back on call as he asked "what happened Maxy?" He asked me. His voice was so gentle and full of concern. "Brad and I broke up... he's being forced to marry Claire again against his will. Dad I don't know what to do" I said covering my mouth with one hand as I looked down as saw my tears fall onto the icy ground one by one. "Oh boy.... dad's almost here. Hang on tight buddy" he said I mumbled a "okay..."

Ten minutes later my dad pulled up with his car. He jumped out and ran over to me with open arms as he pulled me in with a tight yet comforting hug. I broke down again in his arms. It's funny... every hug feels the same but when it comes to a parent or parental figure hug it's as if the world is crumbling around you and it's just you and your parent. On this little platform and if they let go you were going to fall into this deep dark pit.

I felt like a five year old again. Holding onto my dad when I scraped my knee for the first time while learning how to ride a bike.

He gently loosened his arms and cupped my cheeks wiping the tears off my cheeks as I tried to stifle my sobs. His eyes softened as he frowned softly. "Come on. Papa is going to take you home." He said as he pulled something out of his pocket. I looked down and saw him take out this familiar orange stuffed teddy bear. I frowned and gently grabbed the bear looking at it. I curled up and let my head rest on the bear as my dad slowly stood me up.

We got in dads car and it was silent the whole way home. I was just holding onto the bear and stared out the window with my tear stained face.

When arriving home I felt this sense of familiarity. The scent, the warmth and the comfort of home overtook me. We kicked off our shoes and hung up our jackets as I walked over and sat on the couch. Dad was in the kitchen starting to brew up some tea to calm me down. While it was brewing he walked over and sat beside me. He wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and wrapped a arm around me pulling me in as I leaned against my dad. The crying did not cease.

"I love him so much dad..."

"I know Maxy..."

"I feel like this is all my fault..."

"It's not Maxy.. you did nothing wrong and neither did Bradley. You two just have very different lives. But you know what I always say. If you wish for something hard enough and truly believe in it then it'll happen"

"But dad this is different. If I mettle in this someone could die..." I replied as he hummed placing his hand on his chin scratching it. He always does that when he thinks. " then that's a toughy..." he said as I nodded ".... I wish it didn't have to be like this dad.... I want him back so badly but his stupid dad..." I squeezed my eyes shut so I wouldn't continue to cry.

My dad kissed my head gently as he stood up "I'll go bring you some tea. I want you to relax a little so your bad thoughts don't spiral okay?" He said softly as I nodded.

I looked at my phone and debated on texting Bradley. Yet I let my thoughts get the best of me.

"Bradley please don't go through with this"

"We can make things work. I promise I'll figure something out"

"I love you......"


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