Chapter 20 - Being a Family

Enjoy ~


Cynthia's POV

"Cee-chan!" I heard him to shout as he was dashing towards the bed I was laying on and engulfed me into a tight hug.

"Shhh, Sting-kun you'll wake her up." I mumbled while hugging him back.

I forgot to mention... after my request to Sting about me joining Sabertooth, he didn't seem to refuse the idea but accepted it gladly. However, he looked slightly troubled of me joining making me to worry as if I did something wrong or if I shouldn't have joined in the first place.

But here I am now.

Cynthia Adara, part of Sabertooth and titled as their strongest woman, next to Minerva. Also an assistant to my lovely boyfriend Sting of whom I've loved dearly with all of my heart.

But since it's been a year now... I've been living with Sting and Lector for the past year, in our home when we were kids. Such memories were running through my head making me to feel nostalgic and happy that I was able to get them back.

"I never knew that you got pregnant! I heard from Lector and the others, so I came here running as fast as I can! You and me... we didn't...-" I heard Sting to ramble.

"I know silly. I'm not pregnant in the first place." I cut him off.

"Huh? You mean you're not?" he gave a confused look, and I giggled. "Cee-chan?"

"Nope. If I was pregnant, wouldn't you notice my belly getting big?" I sighed running a hand through my hair that was now loose down.

"I think I did notice it." he grinned.


"Itai!" he yelped.

"Sorry~" I sing songed.

"I was kidding! You know I didn't mean that. You're beautiful everyday and I uh... and-"

"I love you too Sting-kun." I pecked him on the lips before looking down to my side to see the child snuggling up to me.

"I love you too Cee-chan. But... who the hell is that?" I felt Sting to rest his chin on my shoulder and looked over to the small child.

"Her name is Harumi... I was coming home after a meeting with a client of mine, so I turned in on this corner and we accidentally bumped into each other. Apparently she mistakenly called me as her mother." I said softly.



"So what are you gonna do?" he asked, slowly kissing my neck.

"Sting-kun... I'm going to be her mother."

"H-Her mother?!" he gasped in shock.

"Shhh, it's just for now. I'll take care of her and try to find her mother while I'm at it. If it's alright... can she stay with us in the meantime? She looked so lost, vulnerable and helpless when I first found her. She's scared..." I mumbled sadly.

"Of course Cee-chan. You know I can't say no to you. I'll do whatever makes you happy."

"Thank you so much Sting-kun!" I happily said and kissed him on the cheek.

"But on one condition." he pointed his index finger up.

"And that is?"

"If you let me be the father and help you find her real mother." he grinned.

"Yes silly! We're a family... for now." I smiled, before kissing him on the lips.

"A family huh? That sounds pretty neat." Sting grinned and I chuckled.

"Where's Lector?" I asked never taking my eyes off of Harumi.

"He's helping out with Rogue and the others with some preparations."

"Preparations? For what?"


"I see."

"I love you Cee-chan." he said.

"That's something new." I said bluntly.

"No it's not! What are you talking about Cee-chan?! I say it like every day ever since I got you back!" he whined childishly and I flicked his forehead, making him to wince.

"I'm just kidding. I love you too my handsome Sting-kun. With all of my heart." I kissed him on the lips in surprise.

I noticed to see him in shock at my surprise kiss, but slowly relaxed and kissed me back without hesitating. He gently lifted me up and placed me down on his lap, his right hand was resting my cheek as the other was wrapped around my waist.

His kisses felt soft, gentle and loving. I love the way he kisses me.

"Sting-kun." I softly moaned, but within that moment, I felt him to enter his tongue dancing inside my wet cavern and met with mine. I felt shivers running down my spine making me to gasp even more when I felt him to nibble gently on my bottom lip.

I shivered in delight as I was starting to grow weak all over my body. I smiled into our kiss, but something stopped me from giving in more to the kiss, since I felt something to squeeze at my butt.

"S-Sting-kun!" I moaned.

"You're so sexy when you moan." he purred before sending kisses down my collar bone as I wrapped my arms around his neck and let one of my hands to play with his blond hair.

"S-Stop it Sting-kuuu~ W-We have a c-child near us..." I quivered and bit my lip as he continued to softly graze his fangs over my skin.

"Not yet." he softly said, sucking on my flesh as I felt my body heat to rise.

"Ahh~ S-Sting-kun..." I blushed immensely at his soothing touches.

"M-Mommy?" I heard a sleepy voice to say, making me and Sting to froze in spot.

We both turned our heads to see a Harumi who was sitting up on the bed, rubbing her eyes with both of her small tiny fists and stared at us for a moment.

"Who are you?! And what are you doing to my mommy? Get away from her you nasty!" she screamed and chucked a pillow at Sting which actually made him to actually fall off the bed.

"Sting-kun!" I blurted in shock and looked back to see a pissed off Harumi. Her tiny hands were held into tight fists, her cheeks were puffed up and I could see her green eyes narrowing at Sting who was trying to get up.

"M-Man.. that throw was actually strong." Sting muttered as he placed a hand at the back of his head.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly but was stopped by Harumi who jumped off the bed and shielded me from him. 'Hehe, she's so cute protecting me. Too bad she doesn't know that he's my boyfriend and her 'dad' for now.'

"I'm fine. Hey little one." Sting wiggled his eyebrows at her and she gave a stern look. "Oi! You're scaring me."

"You're doing nasty things to my mommy!" she trembled.

"Nasty... things? Oh! You meant that! I was just giving your mommy some love. I'm her boyfriend." he grinned and patted her head for reassurance.

"B-Boyfriend? What's that?" she asked softly, tilting her head in confusion and I stared towards Sting, hoping that he would say an appropriate answer.

"Err... let's just say that I'm her lover. So in other words, I'm your daddy." he grinned proudly and I giggled at his cuteness.

"D-Daddy?" she softly asked and he nodded.

"Am I right, Cee-chan?" Sting asked with such love in his eyes.

"Right." I beamed.

"My daddy..." Harumi mumbled.

"Yes yes! Dad-ee." Sting said slowly.


"Huh?" Sting looked at her in curiosity.

"What's wrong Harumi-chan?" I asked softly as she took a couple of steps towards Sting, never breaking her stare from him.

"Harumi-chan?" Sting asked.

"You're not my daddy. Yada!" she cried and ran towards me.

"Ehhh?!" Sting asked in shock, his face drained blood.

"H-Harumi-chan?! H-how come?" I stammered.

"My daddy is somewhere..." she mumbled softly as I carried her onto my lap.

"Y-Your daddy?" Sting and I asked in confusion and she nodded.

"My daddy is out there, but my mommy is here with me now." Harumi grinned as she stared up at me with adoration in her eyes. I can see at the corner of my eye that Sting was definitely pissed and upset at the fact that there was someone else who is her dad and he isn't. But most importantly how I'm her mother and with someone else... supposedly with this father of whom we don't know.

"There's some kind of mistake." Sting said as he crossed his arms over his broad muscular chest.

"No! She's my mommy. The wife of my daddy." she cried.

"Who's this daddy of yours?" Sting asked while cracking his knuckles and I felt Harumi to tremble in my arms.

"Sting-kun! You're scaring her." I hissed.


"We'll find your daddy then, isn't that right Sting-kun?" I raised an eyebrow to see him with a very annoyed look.

"That's right. So I can have Cee-chan to myself..." he muttered the last part quietly.

"Well... what does your Daddy look like to begin with?" I asked Harumi who was playing with a few strands of my hair.

"He has... blonde hair and green eyes like me." she pouted.

"This will be easy to find him..." Sting said sarcastically and I chuckled.

"We'll find him. Don't worry." I patted her head.

"H-Hai!" she beamed.

"How old are you Harumi-chan?" I started.

"F-Four...?" she lifted her fingers up.

"Four huh?" Sting chuckled. "Still young... now that you mention it... there's a festival tomorrow!" Sting said enthusiastically as Harumi fumed at the word 'young'.

"So that's what you guys were preparing for... a Sabertooth festival that you guys do every year? How come I haven't been informed?" I arched an eyebrow.

"Festival?" Harumi asked gently.

"That's right! Errr... A festival that our guild Sabertooth always do every year. It's gonna be a blast since I'm Master now and I get to help plan! It was suppose to be a surprise for you Cee-chan..." Sting mentioned nervously as I tap my foot.


"Heh. S-Surprise Cee-chan...? It's gonna be great now, since that you're here with me now. I promise this will be amazing!" Sting stared at me lovingly and I blushed, forgetting about being furious at him. I could never get mad at Sting.

I mean who would?

I love him too much that it hurts.


"It's true my love. I'll make sure that you'll have a lot of fun! And you too Harumi-chan." Sting smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"I can't wait!" I chuckled.

"M-Me too..." Harumi said bluntly as she continued to hug me. I swear I could hear Sting to 'tch', making me to giggle.

"Sounds like someone is jealous of little Harumi-chan~" I cooed.

"I am not." Sting pouted.

"Yes you are, your face says it all."

"No... I'm not."

"Yes you are!"




"Sting-kun... don't argue with me." I said sternly.

"F-Fine..." he shivered.

"Come here silly." I motioned him to come to me as I placed Harumi on the bed, which she cuddled with the pillow.

"Yes Cee-chan?" Sting pouted as he sat beside me and took my hands in his.

"You're so cute when you're jealous." I giggled and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Yeah yeah... I don't want to be cute. I want to be handsome and sexy. Oh! Not too mention strong." he said proudly and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say my cocky Dragon Slayer." I kissed him on the lips.

"Love you too babe." he kissed back.

"Hey! I told you to stop doing those nasty things to mommy!" Harumi shouted and tried to push Sting off the bed, but failed.

"Hehe... not so strong as before, are you Harumi-chan?" Sting grinned as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to his chest.

I glanced over to see Harumi with an angered face, her cheeks puffed up and I swear I could see steam coming out of her ears.

"Mommy is mine and daddy's! Not yours." she cried and tried to push him off again.

"Noooo! She's mine!" Sting exclaimed and hugged onto me tighter.

"No mine!" she yelled.


"Nasty man!"

"Oi you two! Calm down! And be nice to each other, I can't breath!" I choked, but was ignored as irk marks were appearing on my head.

"Ignorant child!" Sting exclaimed.

"Fart face!"

"Cry baby!"

"Baka!" she cursed, making me and Sting to stare at her in shock. "I win." she smirked in triumph while letting go of me, and I laughed as Sting kept his shocked expression on his face.

"She got you there.." I laughed and wiped off my tears.

"Little brat. Cee-chan! I don't want her to stay with us anymore." Sting hissed as Harumi stuck her tongue out at him.

"Alright you two, that's enough. Time to go out shopping." I said as I got off the bed and out of the front door with Harumi and Sting following behind me. "And stop sending glares at each other." I sighed and closed the door behind us, locking it in the process.

"Yes mommy." Harumi said, as she ran and took a hold of my hand.

"Yes Cee-chan. But Harumi started it." Sting mumbled as he took a hold of my other hand in his.

"No! Sting bee started it!"

"S-Sting b-bee?" Sting twitched an eye and I sighed as I stared towards the road.

"This is going to be a long walk and shopping trip." I groaned as I continued to hear them bicker at each other.

"Who the hell are you calling a Sting bee?!" Sting shouted as I shut my eyes, trying to ignore them.

"You are! You're ugly too." she snickered.

"Why you little!"

"Mommy! Help me! Sting bee is being mean!" she fake cried.

"Using Cee-chan as your defense is playing dirty." Sting snarled.

I swear... walking with these two, and me in between... was not a very pleasant walk.

Heck I was annoyed.

If they both keep this up, I'm going to tape their mouths.

"Oi! Cee-chan are you listening to me?!" Sting groaned.

"Baaaakaaaa~" Harumi snorted and stuck her tongue out to him.

"Come' ere you brat!" Sting roared and started to chase her as she quickly let go of my hand and ran in front of me, followed by Sting.

As for me... I was left behind with my eyes still closed as I was inhaling the scent of nature and hearing the cries and shouts from both Sting and Harumi. If this keeps up... having a family will be a pain in the ass. I chuckled and smiled as I opened my eyes to see Sting who was scaring Harumi.

'Having a family huh?'


Sooooo.... a lovey dovey chapter... with Harumi on the side.
Sort of a family chapter thing? haha.
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