Chapter 7
Mei and Yuzu headed to a huge mansion. Mei got out with an umbrella and helped Yuzu out. Yuzu held Mei's hand and followed her inside the mansion. Yuzu's eyes widen when she walked inside and was stunned by the huge mansion. Yuzu slowly let go of Mei's hand and admired the inside of the mansion
"I-is this all yours?" Yuzu asked
"This is my grandfather's mansion" Mei said
"Oh...the Chairman at the Academy?" Yuzu asked
"Yes" Mei said
"But...I mean...not that is my business or anything but what about your father?" Yuzu asked which made Mei's body tense up. Mei's expression soften and Yuzu could tell that was a mistake
"I-I'm sorry for ask-"
"He left..." Mei said
"E-eh?" Yuzu asked
"I said he left. He left when I was just 6...when I needed a parent the most" Mei said as her voice cracked a bit
"A-and you're mother?" Yuzu asked
"My father divorced her..." Mei said. Yuzu just looked away feeling bad for asking
"I-I'm sorry..." Yuzu said as tears built in her eyes
"It's fine" Mei said as she sighed then looked at Yuzu. Her eyes widen as she saw the blonde haired girl crying. Yuzu covered her mouth trying to hold in her whimpers but it was hopeless
"Y-yuzu...why are you crying?" Mei asked walking up to her then wiped her tears
"I-it's just...h-hearing your story...reminded me o-of my...parents. I-I lost them a car crash. I-I was only just 4 y-years old...just left. A-all I have i-is my grandmother...m-my grandfather d-died and I never got to meet him. I'm all alone now! I have no one! I just want to die! I always get hurt and bullied! The only one person I have is grandma and she works hard everyday that I can tell she's exhausted and sick but she won't take a break because she's taking care of me! One day I'll lose her too and I'm all alone!" Yuzu shouted as she bursted into tears. Mei teared up and hugged the young teenage girl tightly. Yuzu hugged her back and cried on her shoulder like she did back there when Mei rescued her. Yuzu felt this whole darkness consuming every piece of her heart. She felt dead inside. She always felt dead. Like she didn't deserve to live and be happy. What reason was there to be alive? What reason? Why did she survive? Was it better to just die? But leaving her grandmother...? That was terrible. She felt horrible and terrible. She just wished she could kill herself. It would've been better for her and she wouldn't have suffered everyday with these memories. Suddenly a wierd sensation came in. Her heart was beating fast. Her face heated up. Her body felt warm and so did her lips even though she was soaked in water. Yuzu slowly opened her eyes and her eyes widen seeing Mei. Mei the strict woman. Mei the cold hearted teacher. Her teacher. Her very own teacher...kissing her!? Yuzu felt this warm feeling that she never felt before. What is this feeling? I've never felt this...this feels nice and g-good...i-it makes me want m-more
Yuzu's arms trembled and wrapped her arms around Mei's neck pulling her close. Mei blushed and licked her bottom lip slowly asking for entrance. Yuzu slowly opened her mouth then felt Mei's tongue slip inside her mouth. Yuzu blushed crazily as her tongue made contact with Mei's. Mei played with her tongue and wrapped her tongue around hers. Yuzu let out a moan and sucked on her tongue gently. Mei slowly broke the kiss with a strand of saliva between their lips. Yuzu stared at her beautiful lavender eyes and Mei just looked away blushing deeply
"U-uhm...let me lead you to the bathroom. I'll wash your clothes while you shower" Mei said returning to her strict self. She walked away and Yuzu followed her then arrived at the bathroom
"Th-thanks Mei" Yuzu said
"No problem" Mei said and closed the door. When she did she covered her face blushing extremely crazy. She sighed deeply and shook her head
No no no no! Why did I do that?! Shit! She's going to think I'm wierd! Or something! Wait...but...but she did kiss that mean...
Mei just shook her head and took a deep breath
Just relax...stay calm Mei. Stay calm and pretend like nothing happened
Meanwhile Yuzu was thinking about the kiss. Her mind was going crazy and so was her heart. These mixed emotions that she never felt before were making her feel worse. She gulped and looked at herself in the mirror. She teared up and covered her mouth realizing something. For the very first time...she was happy. She felt happy. She felt excited. Her happiness was back. Her bright emerald eyes were back. The real Yuzu was back...almost. Yuzu just blushed and cried tears of joy but gasped
M-my first very first kiss...was with my teacher!?
Yuzu held her chest as she heard her heart beat loudly and trembled. She never had these emotions in her entire life. It was new for her especially the tingly feeling she felt during the kiss
Come on Yuzu! Get yourself together and shower already before you catch a cold!
Yuzu removed her clothes as she stripped herself naked. She turned on the shower and got inside. The warm water hit her face and looked down
Why did she kiss me back there? Was it because she saw me in pain? Or maybe she's intres-gah! Shut up Yuzu! Stop thinking nonsense! Just...wait...wait a minute does that also mean that..I'm gay!?
After the shower Yuzu stepped out and saw her clothes clean. She grabbed them and sniffed them recognizing that smell
Smells exactly like Mei's clothes...wait! How do I recognize her smell!? Shit! What am I!? A stalker!? Relax Yuzu! Stay calm bitch!
Yuzu just put her fresh washed clothes on then walked out of the bathroom with the towel on her head. She looked around trying to look for Mei
"U-um Mei...I'm done" Yuzu said drying her hair
"Good. Are you ready to head back?" Mei asked from downstairs. Yuzu looked at her and blushed
"U-um yeah" Yuzu said and removed the towel
"Very well. Then let's go" Mei said. Yuzu looked at her and clenched her fists tightly gripping the towel
"Hey Mei...can I ask you something?" Yuzu asked as she headed downstairs and put the towel on the couch
"Yes?" Mei asked. Yuzu looked at Mei and walked up to her getting a bit too close which made Mei step back
"Y-yuzu?" Mei asked
"M-mei...why did-"
Ring ring
Mei walked away going to the phone. Yuzu watched her leave and wanted to grab her but she stopped. She just looked down feeling upset
"Yes?" Mei asked answering the phone
"Meimei your class is a disaster! They won't listen to me at all! Please come back Mei! And come quickly these students are crazy!" Himeko exclaimed through the phone
"On my way" Mei said and hanged up
"Yuzu we must go now. It seems my friend is having trouble with the class" Mei said and turned to look at her. Her eyes widen a bit seeing Yuzu upset
"Yuzu? You feeling alright?" Mei asked
"Y-yeah...we should go now" Yuzu said as she walked to the door. Mei just nodded and followed her with an umbrella. The two walked to the car and entered inside it. The car ride was a bit too quiet. Everytime Mei looked to her side she would see Yuzu terribly upset. Yuzu kept looking out the window watching the rain. She closed her eyes slightly and sighed deeply. Mei gripped the steering wheel and looked at the road
I messed up...I shouldn't have kissed her...
Himeko stood outside of the classroom and glared at the students in the class
"All of you will get in trouble because of this!" Himeko shouted. The students just didn't cared and messed up the classroom
"What a baby!"
"Haha! Can't defend herself from a few kids!"
"She's a little midget with big eyebrows!"
Himeko clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth
Those brats will pay!
Suddenly she saw someone wall down the hallway with their head down. She tilted her head for a moment and recognized her
It's that girl from before. The one who was arguing with that other girl. I wonder what she's doing here
"Hey you" Himeko said. Shai stopped and trembled a bit. Himeko grabbed her shoulder and Shai turned around with tear stains. Himeko gasped softly and looked at her worriedly
"Wh-what happened?" Himeko asked
"N-nothing. I'm f-fine" Shai said as her voice cracked. Clearly she was not okay. Himeko sighed deeply and hugged her. Shai's eyes widen and blushed deeply. She gulped and trembled a bit
Wh-what the hell?! Why is she hugging me!? This feels...nice...
Shai hugged her back burying her face on her shoulder. Himeko blushed and stroked her hair softly
What the fuck did I just do? least she doesn't think I'm wierd or anything...hopefully
"Do you feel better now?" Himeko asked as she pulled away. Shai looked up at her with her heated face
"Y-yes" Shai said as she smiled a bit
"Uhm...mind telling me why were you crying earlier?" Himeko asked
"'s just...something happened" Shai said looking away. Himeko cupped her cheek which made Shai blush even more
"Look at me and tell me what happened" Himeko said a bit sternly
"W-well...I was just...just bullied...since...b-basically I know nothing...why on earth did they took me in this Academy when I know nothing? I don't get anything at all..." Shai said and trembled a bit as she looked down. Himeko felt a but uncomfortable seeing a student cry and she wasn't so good at making them feel better. She just rubbed the back of her neck and looked around
"W-well...if you want I can help you. I'll be your tutor or something like that" Himeko said. Shai's eyes widen and blushed a bit
"Th-thanks" Shai said wiping her tears and smiled softly
"Eh? Shai?" Someone asked. Shai turned around and smiled brightly
"Yuzuko!" Shai exclaimed running up to her then hugged her tightly
"W-woah! Hey I'm gonna fall!" Yuzu exclaimed trying to stay on her feet. Shai just looked at her and giggled
"Are you okay? Were you crying?" Yuzu asked
"I'll explain later" Shai said and saw a tall woman with a strict expression walk pass by them
"Glad you're here Meimei" Himeko said as she sighed in relief
"Thanks Himeko for taking care of my class" Mei said and entered the classroom. Suddenly you heard some strict shouts coming from the Aihara which scared all the students making them sit down
"Now all of you will write me a 10 page essay on the rules of the Academy and it will be due by the end of school" Mei said sternly in her cold voice. The students groaned and whined which only made Mei pissed off
"If all of you can stay completely quiet for the entire class it will only be a 5 page essay" Mei said and walked out of class
"That'll teach those brats" Himeko said. Shai just looked at the teacher and looked at Yuzu who was staring at her a bit oddly
"Huh? Yuzuko why is your hair wet?" Shai asked as she touched her hair
"I-it was the rain" Yuzu said
"Are you sure? I mean you came in late and your clothes are dry" Shai said
"J-just forget about it. It's nothing" Yuzu said as her face redden. Shai's eyes widen surprised seeing Yuzu blush
Why is she blushing? She was staring at that teacher oddly and now she's blushing. They both came inside the Academy at the same time. Could it be...? Did they both...? Why would a teacher do something like that? Something isn't right...
"A-anyways Shai...why are you out here? Aren't you suppose to be in class?" Yuzu asked
"I-I just...I just needed to have some time alone..." Shai said
"But what were you doing with a teacher?" Yuzu asked
"U-uhm she offered me some h-help and yeah..." Shai said looking away
"If you needed help why didn't you asked me?" Yuzu asked
"First of all you weren't here. Secondly I thought you were going to help out Matsuri" Shai said
"M-matsuri?! Shit I completely forgot about her!" Yuzu exclaimed
"Language Okogi-san" Mei said
"S-sorry Me-I mean sensei!" Yuzu said bowing down. Shai looked at Yuzu and looked back at the teacher
Was she about to say her name or something? This is a bit odd. You don't call your teacher by your name unless you have a friendly bond with them...does that mean Yuzu and her some kind of friendship?
"Alright you two head back to your classrooms" Mei said
"Wait do I have to do that essay?" Yuzu asked
"No but I'll give you work on the lesson we were suppose to do today" Mei said
"Yes ma'am" Yuzu said and looked at Shai
"Well I guess I'll see you during lunch" Yuzu said and smiled softly. Shai's eyes widen and looked at the teacher wrap her arm around her shoulder as they walked inside the classroom
Y-yuzu smiled...and that smile...that smile wasn't fake at all...I recognize that smile. Her bright sunshine smile. She...she seemed happy. Really happy...does it have something to do with the teacher?
"Hey...uhm...what's your name? I really never got it" Himeko said
"I-I'm Shai Okogi" Shai said
"Oh so you two are related?" Himeko asked
"Y-yeah she's my cousin" Shai said
"I see" Himeko said
"S-so...Miss Momokino w-when can we meet up so you can t-teach me?" Shai asked
"I'm free this afternoon. We can head to the public library" Himeko said
"O-okay" Shai said
"Okay then I have to get going. I only came here to take care of her class. See you later" Himeko said as she walked away. Shai watched her leave and clenched her chest
What the fuck Shai!? What is wrong with you!? Ugh! Stupid bitch! Gaaaah! These emotions are killing me!
Shai just shook her head and took a deep breath to calm herself down. She walked away heading to her own classroom
Stay calm Shai...everything will be okay
...even though she's a Momokino...
Shai looked down and tears built up in her eyes as she clenched her chest tightly. She still remembered her father's death and his last bright smile he gave her before he died
"I love you Shai. Stay strong. Take care of your mother for me"
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