Chapter 59
"Yuzu-chan where the hell did you leave that video game console?" Matsuri asked as she was searching for the console
"It has to be in there somewhere" Yuzu said
"Hey Shai help me!" Matsuri said
"Fine" Shai said and walked up to Matsuri helping her find the console
"Ayyyy! Found it!" Matsuri said
"Let's plug it in" Shai said. The girls went to the TV and started connecting it
"Are you sure it's okay for me to leave Matsuri with you? I can go and look for someone to take care of her" Soha said
"There is no need for that Miss Taniguchi. She is an angel. I've taken care of her before" The lady said
"Ah I see. Well thank you so much. I'd better head back and deal with work and her school" Soha said and walked up to Matsuri
"You behave now okay?" Soha asked and kissed her head softly
"Yes mother" Matsuri said and Soha ruffled her hair a bit. Soha smiled at her and left
"Awww how adorable" Shai giggled
"Sh-shut up" Matsuri said as she blushed a bit
"Have you two finally connected it?" Yuzu asked
"Nope" They both said
"Seriously? Here let me help" Yuzu said and walked up to Matsuri and Shai helping them with the console. Once it was connected, Matsuri immediately began to play
"Come on Shai. Let's play for a bit. You know how to play right?" Matsuri asked
"Of course I do" Shai said
"Hehe but I bet you can't beat the master of this game" Matsuri said
"You're on!" Shai said. The two girls began to play while Yuzu went to her grandmother
"Grandmother are you feeling okay?" Yuzu asked
"Yes I'm fine my dear Yuzu" Her grandmother said and smiled
"Sorry for worrying you..." Yuzu said
"There is no need to apologize. I'm just glad you're okay" Her grandmother said and stroked her hair softly. Yuzu smiled softly and hugged her grandmother
"Do you have to go to work?" Yuzu asked
"I'm afraid so..." Her grandmother said
"No...don't. I can go to the cafe and work over there" Yuzu said
"No Yuzu. Stay. You don't know if anyone else will hurt you" She said
"Okay grandmother" Yuzu said looking down a bit
"Don't worry about me so much Yuzu. I will be okay" Her grandmother said. Yuzu just looked at her and nodded
"Okay grandmother" Yuzu said
"Okay then I better get going" Her grandmother said as she stood up. Yuzu looked at her and watched her leave. Her grandmother said goodbye to the two other girls and walked out the apartment. Yuzu sighed deeply and Matsuri noticed her expression
"Yuzu-chan you feeling okay?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah just tired from all this bullshit..." Yuzu said and walked to her room
"There is something definitely wrong..." Matsuri said
"Probably something with her girlfriend" Shai said
"Ah yes...I heard from Harumin that she was with that Aihara bitch in the mall. Something must've happened between them. If they were able to kidnap Yuzu that easily then she was probably alone with no one to witness the kidnapping" Matsuri said
"You're right but Yuzuko would probably never talk about it. You know how she is about these situations...she always keeps it to herself" Shai said
"Yeah...maybe we should give her time and let her have her moment
"Yeah we should..." Shai said. The two girls were playing video games while Yuzu was just in bed thinking about Mei. After a few minutes the doorbell rung
"Eh? Who could it possibly be?" Matsuri asked
"Probably my mother. She did say she was coming back" Shai said and stood up from her seat. She walked up to the door and opened it revealing the three adults. She blushed deeply seeing Himeko and shut the door as she covered her face.
"Hey what happened? Who is it?" Matsuri asked
"I-it's...them...y-you know your sister and uhm...teacher" Shai said. Matsuri dropped the controller and sighed
Great...why are they here?
Matsuri stood up and walked up to the door. She took a deep breathe before opening the door
"What the hell do you guys want?" Matsuri asked
"Yuzu...where is she? I need you talk to her" Mei said. Matsuri just gave her a glare and looked away opening the door
"She's in her room..." Matsuri said allowing them inside. Harumin immediately ran up to her and wrapped her arms around her
"Are you okay baby? Nothing happened to you right?" Harumin asked
"Y-yeah you can let me go now" Matsuri said trying to get out of her grip but Harumin kept holding ber closely
"Whatever at least let me play" Matsuri said
"Fine" Harumin said and carried her
"E-eh?" Matsuri asked. Harumin walked where Matsuri was sitting then sat down with Matsuri on her lap
"O-okay this will w-work" Matsuri said blushing deeply. Harumin smiled and held her closely. Mei just walked away heading to Yuzu's room. Mei gulped and knocked on the door
"'s me..." Mei said. Yuzu gripped the pillow tightly and growled
"Why are you here?" Yuzu asked
"Yuzu...I'm sorry...please...please forgive me..." Mei pleaded as she leaned against the door
"Leave me alone..." Yuzu said
"Yuzu...please...I'm begging you...just open the door...I want to see you..." Mei said and teared up. Yuzu just kept silent and stayed in bed. Mei sighed deeply and clenched her fists tightly
I need help..
"Awww man!" Shai said and groaned
"Hehehe I win again!" Matsuri said and cheered
"Pfft whatever. Let's go again" Shai said. Mei just wiped the few tears she had and took a deep breathe. She walked away from Yuzu's room and walked to the living room
"Taniguchi-san..." Mei said. Harumin jumped a bit and turned around meeting up with Mei's lavender eyes
"Do you have a moment? I need to talk to you..." Mei said. Harumin stared at her for a moment and nodded
"Okay" Harumin said and got Matsuri off of her
"Hm? Where are you going?" Matsuri asked
"I'm going to see what she wants...I'll be right back" Harumin said and gave her a kiss. Matsuri blushed deeply and Harumin stood up. She walked up to Mei and noticed her expression
"Let's talk outside..." Mei whispered and walked to the door. Harumin followed her and Matsuri felt her heart tighten. She gritted her teeth seeing them both walk out. Once they both walked out, Matsuri sat up dropping the controller
"Matsuri-chan?" Shai asked
"I'm following them..." Matsuri said
"Wait Matsuri-" Matsuri just gave her a glare that told Shai to shut up. Shai felt a shiver go down her spine and just looked down
What's going on? Everything that's happening is turning bad for them...there must be something I could do...right? I can help...I don't want to be a useless bitch...I must be useful for something
Himeko walked up to Shai and kneeled down stroking her hair softly. Shai blushed and turned around to look at Himeko
"You okay?" Himeko asked
"No...I want to help them. I want to fix this..." Shai said
"There is nothing you can do. You must let them fix their problem..." Himeko said
"But...I want Yuzuko to be happy. She always found a way to make me smile and Matsuri...well...she may seem like a troublemaker but she's just a kid. She's our little sister in the group..." Shai said and teared up as she clenched her fists tightly. Himeko wrapped her arms around her and hugged her. Shai buried her head on her shoulders
"I-I want to help them...I don't w-want to be useless and stand there w-watching them suffer...not like this...I want them happy...I-I want them both to be happy..." Shai said and cried a bit. Himeko teared up a bit and held her tightly
"I understand you...I sometimes wish I could help her be happy too..." Himeko whispered
Matsuri followed the two adults outside the apartment. She looked around and found them both. She gasped and stayed hidden
"What do you want now Mei?" Harumin asked
"Yuzu won't talk to me...she won't let me see her..." Mei said
"Well what did you do to her?" Harumin asked
"I almost called out your name..." Mei said looking away. Harumin's eyes widen and blushed a bit
"Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you?" Harumin asked
"I-I don't know but...ugh...this is all my fault. She almost got hurt because of me..." Mei said
"From what I heard is that she got kidnapped by my father...who knows why though" Harumin said
"That's it..." Mei said
"What?" Harumin asked
"Remember when my father mentioned an offer with your father?" Mei asked
"Yes what about it?" Harumin asked
"Since my father knew we were dating before then that means he knows I'm into Yuzu. I bet he asked your father to kidnap Yuzu and try to kill her so I can get married with you and have her out of my life" Mei said
"It all makes sense your father didn't come back to see you" Harumin said
"Obviously...I could tell from the start. Besides...that bastard left me when I was a kid and decides to show up when I'm already a fuckin adult making my own decisions" Mei said
"So...what are you planning?" Harumin asked. Mei looked at her for a moment and sighed deeply.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Harumin asked
"Harumin...we have to get married" Mei said
"W-wait! What!? Get married!?" Harumin exclaimed
"Yes. You heard me. We have to get married" Mei said
"B-but...why? What are you planning to do?" Harumin asked
"My father wants us to get married. If we do what he says then maybe he'll be happy that I'm not with Yuzu. I don't know what he has against Yuzu but I don't care about his reason..." Mei said
"And how are you going to do that?" Harumin asked
"I don't know but I don't care if I can't get an answer from him...what I will do is get rid of him" Mei said
"Get rid of him? Wait...y-you're not planning know" Harumin said
"Yes...I'm going to kill my father" Mei said
"Mei...but you can't" Harumin said
"I can and I will. I had enough of this bullshit. Being trapped and forced doing things I can't do. Aren't you tired of that too?" Mei asked
"Yeah...I get what you're saying" Harumin said
"Once I kill him then we both can live our separate lives" Mei said
"Fine. I'll go along with the plan. Are you going to tell Yuzucchi about this?" Harumin asked
"No...she must not know about this" Mei said
"Mei if you don't tell her then she'll obviously leave you" Harumin said
"I know but it has to be realistic. My father might know about the plan and if he finds out...he will try to get rid of Yuzu. This plan has to go well or else Yuzu will get hurt and I can't bare to lose someone else..." Mei said
"I understand what you're how are we going to do this?" Harumin asked
"We'll have to start dating and make people believe we're together. It will be easy to fool them. Next I'll have a word with my father and talk to him about the wedding. We will get married as soon as possible and get over with this. Once we get will be up to me to kill him. After that we're free to do whatever the hell we want..." Mei said
"Mei...I know you're doing this for Yuzucchi but have to tell her. If we start dating and all that then she'll believe that we're together and that we're truly in love with each other" Harumin said
"Harumin...we have to make it believable and realistic. They have to believe us" Mei said. Harumin just looked down and felt a bad feeling inside
This is bad...this is going to end terrible...
"Do I have to keep this a secret from Matsuri?" Harumin asked
"Of course...that pink devil will only run to Yuzu and tell her about the plan. Isn't that right...Mizusawa?" Mei asked and looked at the spot Matsuri was hiding. Matsuri jumped and trembled
"Come out" Mei said sternly. Matsuri gulped and stepped out of her hiding spot. She glared at them both and Harumin walked up to her but Matsuri stepped back
"L-leave me alone..." Matsuri said
" this is for your friend" Harumin said and tried to touch her but Matsuri slapped her hand away. She had tears built up in her eyes with an aching heart. Harumin's heart ached at the sight of her lover in pain
"I know it hurts. It hurts me too but think about father must've planned all this to get rid of Yuzu and there must be a reason but I don't care about his reason...I'll just murder him" Mei said. Matsuri looked at her and looked down for a moment
She's right. That witch did mention that the Aihara bastard was after Yuzu. This was his plan and used Hojo as his toy. Heh...well he's dead so that's great...but there is something bothering me. If they plan to date and get married without telling Yuzu or explaining to her about the plan...then Yuzu will be heartbroken
"The curse happens whenever someone's heart breaks...and the dark magic from within their heart will be unleashed taking over their body"
Shit...I have to tell them this but...
"Hey thank you for helping me..." Matsuri said as she spoke to the old lady
"There is no need to thank me but you were pretty amazing back there. Even though you were in danger you kept fighting for her. Just like Mitsuko..." Lady Liana said
"Hm? Mitsuko fought too?" Matsuri asked
"Mhm and she was amazing. You had the same anger in your eyes when you fought. I could tell you both are alike" Lady Liana said. Matsuri thought for a moment and looked at the witch
" it okay to tell-"
" shall not speak about your powers to anyone. It will only get them in danger..." Lady Liana said
"But...they have to know right?" Matsuri asked
"I'm sorry Matsuri...but like I told Mitsuko one can know about this magic. This will only want people to have the same power as you or want to kill you. They might think you're a danger to humanity..." Lady Liana said
"Oh...I see..." Matsuri said and looked down
"Matsuri...please promise you won't tell anyone and I mean anyone about this no matter what. Please...if you do then it will only put them in greater danger" Lady Liana said. Matsuri looked at her and nodded
"I promise..." Matsuri said
End Of Flashback
"Matsuri...promise us you won't tell Yuzu about this. We can't let her know about will only ruin the plan and Yuzu will get hurt or killed..." Mei said
"Do it for her" Harumin said. Matsuri just looked down whimpering a bit. Mei walked up to her and kneeled down as she patted her head softly
"Hey...I promise I have no interest in Harumin. I will not sleep with her or touch her. We might have to kiss but it will only be a small peck. Nothing passionate or tongues okay? You will have her for the rest of your life if you do us a small favor and keep this a secret. Please...I'm begging you...I want to be with Yuzu. I love her so this so I can make her happy" Mei said. Matsuri looked at her and pulled her pinkie out
"As long as you promise to make Yuzu-oneechan happy" Matsuri said. Mei pulled her pinkie out and nodded as she intertwined her pinkie with Matsuri's
"I promise" Mei said
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