Chapter 25

The hospital was crowded with people that were looking for the girls. Family members and other people too
"How's Matsuri?" Mr. Mizusawa asked
"What about Shai? Is she doing okay?" Kallen asked
"Can I see Yuzu please?" Mei pleaded
"Everyone please calm down and take a seat" The doctor said as he tried to calm down the group. Everyone took a seat and the doctor began calming them down
"We will do our best to cure their wounds. They have deep cuts especially the youngest one with a deep cut near her chest area. She is lucky that they didn't stab her directly on her chest or else she could've died. As for Yuzuko she has a wound on her stomach from the back and we're hoping it didn't damage her spine. On the other hand we have Shai Okogi, she was shot and slightly stabbed but.." The doctor paused
"But what doctor?" Kallen asked
"Ma'am are you the mother of Shai Okogi?" The doctor asked
"Y-yes I am" Kallen said
"Is there by any chance her father is Shailung?" The doctor asked
"Y-yes" Kallen said
"That would explain it" The doctor said
"Explain what doctor?" Celeste asked
"Shai's body seems in a good state. Better than the rest. It seems she has some kind of special strength to keep fighting even with injuries in her body. Shailung had that as well when I checked him once..." The doctor said
"S-so will Shai be okay?" Kallen asked
"She will be. We just have to patch up her wounds and she'll be ready" The doctor said
"What about my Riana? A-and my husband?" The woman asked
"Riana had two bullet shots. One in her shoulder and near her chest area. We have to do surgery on her since the bullet near her chest is actually still in there. Your husband doesn't have any major injuries just minor cuts" The doctor said
"Doctor! The patient!" The nurse called him
"Anyways I have to go now" The doctor said and walked away. Everyone sat there in shock and in fear
"How could have this happen?" Kallen asked as she teared up
"Now you care for could've lost her" Celeste said
"Listen up bitch I do care for my daughter" Kallen said as she stood up glaring at Celeste
"Just because she doesn't love you like a mother you're starting to care for her right now. All because she looks like Shailung..." Celeste said. Kallen slapped her and Celeste grabbed her by the hair
"Hey! Stop!" Soha said grabbing Celeste pulling her away and Kallen's husband came in pulling her away
"You know very well this is all your fault! Shailung is gone because of you!" Kallen shouted
"Says the one who never loved him! I saved him from his death and I was the one that showed him care and love!" Celeste said
"Calm down. Both of you. This is a hospital and we must behave ourselves" Soha said sternly letting go of Celeste
"You're right. Sorry Soha..." Celeste said. Kallen just looked away and sat down
"I swear whoever's fault this was I'm going to hurt them" The woman said. Mei gritted her teeth and stood up
"Those three girls are innocent. It's your daughter who started all this mess" Mei said sternly
"My daughter would never and I mean never hurt them. Their the ones that started it" The woman said
"Listen ma'am. I've seen the way they treated Yuzu. Your daughter bullies others and I will expel her for this. Yuzu and her could've gotten seriously injured or worse" Mei said glaring at the woman
"Why care for some kids that you don't even know?" The woman asked
"Yuzu is my student and I care for her. She has already been through enough lately. She needs someone that could help her and I am willing to help her in anyway I can" Mei said. The woman just glared at her and walked away. Mei just sat back down and Himeko walked up to her. Mei looked up glaring at her
"What do you want now?" Mei asked
"I-I came to apologize for my behavior..." Himeko said
"Shut up. I don't want to see you ever again..." Mei said
"B-but Meimei..." Himeko said. Mei just looked down clenching her fists tightly
" know this isn't the first time you've done something like this" Mei said. Himeko just looked down and looked up seeing Harumin. Harumin just looked away and Himeko looked down as well. Mei sighed deeply and stood up walking up to Harumin. Harumin's eyes widen and clenched her fists tightly
"What do you want?" Harumin asked
"Can we go private?" Mei asked
"What for? What is this all about? Why did you contact me?" Harumin asked
"I needed a word with's about that blonde haired girl Yuzu" Mei said
"What about her?" Harumin asked
"Let's talk outside" Mei said
"Fine..." Harumin said. Both of them walked away heading outside and Himeko ended up following them
"Okay we're outside so what is it?" Harumin asked
"Let me get straight to the point. I love a student of mine..." Mei said
"Hmph. That's why you came here for? Just to tell me that?" Harumin asked
"Yeah at school Himeko ended up kissing me and Yuzu...Yuzu...was crying..." Mei said
"And you need my help?" Harumin asked
"Yes know" Mei said
"I'll just tell you one should think about how the other person feels" Harumin said
"Think about her feelings..." Mei mumbled. Himeko kept overhearing their conversation. She clenched her fists tightly as it reminded her of the past. The confession...
"I-I like you..." Mei said forcing those words out as she blushed. Harumin looked at her as she blushed and laughed
"Is this your first time confessing?" Harumin asked and laughed a bit
"Sh-shut up!" Mei said as her face was completely red
"Oh Prez there is no need to be embarrassed" Harumin said walking up to her as she smiled. Mei just looked away letting out a sigh
" you feel the same way?" Mei asked. Harumin giggled getting closer to her
"I like you too" Harumin said. Mei grabbed her school tie pulling her into a kiss. Harumin blushed deeply and kissed her back. Meanwhile someone was spying on them peeking through the door. Himeko just gritted her teeth as she teared up
End Of Flashback
Himeko just looked down and sighed deeply. She walked away leaving the two alone. A car drove by and inside was Hojo returning from his work. His eyes widen seeing his daughter with the Aihara. Hojo groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair
Seriously Harumi? I told you to stay away from that bitch...

After about an hour the doctor came back. Everyone looked at him and waited for an answer
"The girls are doing okay they just need to rest. We've patched up their wounds and cuts" The doctor said
"Can we see them?" Kallen asked
"Yes but only family members" The doctor said
"Please let me see Matsuri" Soha pleaded
"Ma'am I am sorry but we can only allow family members. We want our patients to remain calm and not have people crowd over them" The doctor said
"I understand" Soha said stepping back and took her seat. The others followed the doctor going to the room. Once they walked in they found the three girls laying down on their bed and Yuzu's grandmother was there
"Matsuri-chan!" Nitski and Juhin said running up to her
"Hehe hey guys" Matsuri said
"You feeling okay Matsuri?" Her grandfather asked
"Hehe yeah I am. My body kinda hurts and yeah. Also where's grandma?" Matsuri asked. Her grandfather trembled and looked down
"M-matsuri..." Her grandfather mumbled
"Huh? Grandpa?" Matsuri asked as she sat up
"Matsuri...your grandmother had...a disease and uhm...w-well sh-she..." Her grandfather paused as he teared up and hugged her. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled not wanting to believe any of it
N-no...this is a dr-dream...a nightmare!
"N-no! That can't be!" Matsuri shouted as she trembled
"Matsuri c-calm down" Her grandfather said
"Calm down!? Why!? I wanna see grandma!" Matsuri cried
"What's going on here?" The nurse asked walking in
"M-matsuri please!" Her grandfather said
"Why?! Why didn't grandma say anything!? She should've told me!" Matsuri cried. Nurses came in holding Matsuri and one of them grabbed a syringe so they could calm Matsuri but Matsuri kicked breaking free then ran out the room
"Matsuri!" Her grandfather said. Matsuri cried running down the hallways looking for her grandmother in each room. The nurses and doctors chased after her trying to catch her. Matsuri ran away from them and groaned feeling her chest throb
Sh-shit! It hurts!
Matsuri tripped and fell down. She panted heavily trying to get back up leaning against a door. The door wasn't fully closed as she ended up falling into the room. She looked up and gasped as her eyes widen. Tears built up in her eyes as she stood up staring at the body with a white sheet over it covering the whole body. She trembled as she walked up to the bed and grabbed the sheet pulling it away revealing her grandmother's body
"Gr-grandma..." Matsuri mumbled as she fell on her knees and cried. Her grandfather found her on the floor and trembled as he walked up to her
"I-I'm sorry..." Her grandfather mumbled as he kneeled down then hugged her. Matsuri just pushed him away and stood up as she cried
"Wh-why...? Why didn' say a-anything?" Matsuri asked as she cried
"Y-your grandmother said she couldn't bare to see you cry...she said she wanted to see your smile one last time before she left..." Her grandfather said. The nurses found Matsuri and surrounded her. Matsuri trembled as she stepped back
"Stay away!" Matsuri shouted but they grabbed her and injected her with the needle. Matsuri's body started to go numb and felt herself falling asleep. The nurse held her closely and took her back to the room. Yuzu looked up and saw Matsuri
"Matsuri? What happened?" Yuzu asked
"She's asleep..." The nurse said and put her back in bed. Yuzu held her grandmother's hand and hugged her. Her grandmother stroked her hair softly and looked at Shai who was ignoring her parents
"Shai...shai please talk to me..." Kallen said. Shai just covered herself up with the covers and growled
"Kallen...leave her alone" She said
"B-but mother..." Kallen mumbled
"She needs sometime alone..." She said. Kallen looked at Shai and clenched her fists tightly then walked out with tears and so did her step father who was going to comfort her. Shai just teared up and covered her face
"I-I wish...papa...was still here..." Shai cried softly. Her grandmother looked at her then stroked her hair softly
"It'll be okay Shai..." Her grandmother said and kissed her forehead softly. Shai sniffed and wiped her tears. She trembled and felt tears built up in her eyes again. She cried and covered her face. Yuzu looked down tearing up clenching her fists tightly
"I-it's all my fault..." Yuzu mumbled
"Don't say things like that Yuzu..." Her grandmother said
"But it's true...i-if it weren't for me...i-if I didn't went to drink...i-if we just stayed inside...n-none of us would've g-gotten hurt..." Yuzu said and cried
"Please Yuzu don't cry-"
"But it's true! My friends got hurt because of me! Because I was being a crybaby bitch!" Yuzu shouted as she cried
"Shhhhh..." Her grandmother said as she held her closely. Yuzu cried and hugged her back tightly. She trembled and cried on her chest. The doctor came in knocking on the door
"There is someone else to see you both..." The doctor said. Shai just removed the blanket from her face and her eyes widen seeing Celeste
"H-huh? What...a-are you doing here?" Shai asked
"I came to see if you were okay" Celeste said as she walked inside the room. Shai gripped the sheets tightly and looked down
Should I tell her about my father? No...she might think I'm crazy...hehe I've lost my mind...j-just like him..
"You okay?" Celeste asked as she patted her head softly. Shai just looked up at her and nodded
"Y-yes ma'am" Shai said and smiled softly. Yuzu just held onto her grandmother tightly and kept crying but not that much
"Yuzu..." A voice spoke that made Yuzu's heart skip a beat and looked at the beautiful woman standing at the door
"M-mei..." Yuzu mumbled

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