Chapter 54 - Three Dragons VS Darkness

I know.... Three days since I've haven't updated this story and I bet you readers were waiting and wanting to read another chapter.... and I'm soooooo sorry! I've been lazy and not that motivated as much.... I don't know why ):

No it is not Writer's Block.... *Shudders*, I know what to write but I got s lazy to write it out.
Buuuuut right now, I'm writing the next chapter! It'll be out tomorrow at night! I promise! I'll make sure to finish it >:D

Cause I am upset with myself for not being able to write. Sooo anywayssss..... here's the chapter! It's a long one. Hope you can forgive me >.< Mistakes or anything, I'll fix it soon.

Chapter shoutout to everyoneeeee. and in the last Chapter I haven't s/o to carolinemalfoy1234, ArielLux, MaleahAurelio, SweetBrownie07, annnnnd others.... Sorry if I didn't shout out to you at all. Just tell me and I'll add you up c:

Ohh~ annnd. 12 K REAAADSS! YASSSS <3333 Thanks guys <3333 love you all c':



Third POV

"Shimata! Natsu-san! Rogue!" Sting yelled as he dodged the explosive attack that Kurai launched from behind.

"That's not fair!" Natsu roared angrily and childishly, as his flames were breathing out from his mouth. In the process, making Rogue and Sting to sweat drop at the behavior of their favorite Dragon Slayer.

"I don't play by the rules." Kurai sneered.

"Then I won't either! Karyuu no Tekken! (Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!)" Natsu shouted before making a punch on Kurui cheek, sending him to fly back with a powerful blow.

"Natsu-san is so cool!" Sting chimed with sparkles in his eyes.

"Sting you baka. We have more things to concentrate for." Rogue rolled his eyes.

"R-Right. It's all for Cee-chan." Sting chuckled before giving a glare towards Kurai who was smirking.

"Damn. You're not that easy to bring down." Natsu chuckled.

"But it makes it more fun this way. Doesn't it?" Kurai chuckled back, before dashing towards him and kicked Natsu on the side.

"Natsu-san!", "Natsu!", Sting and Rogue shouted out to him but in a flash, Kurai easily went behind them and blasted dark magic on their backs.

Sting and Rogue were suddenly flown up into the air with Kurui who jumped up high into the air and elbowed and kicked the Twin Dragon Slayers of Sabertooth to the ground from the air. Creating a huge crater below them.

"You three think you can attack me that easily? You thought wrong." Kurai laughed as he slowly float himself down onto the ground.

"Of course. We have to beat you up to bring back Cee-chan!" Sting hollered as he got up from his spot. "Holy Ray!"

"Dark Mist Barrier." Kurai chanted before a black shield enveloped him, letting the white beam to bounce off and towards the direction of the other two Dragon Slayers who were getting into position. Just in a knick of time, both Rogue and Natsu made it out just before they sent a glare towards Sting, who seemed to be fazed by his magic to not be able to break down Kurai's barrier.

"Oi, Sting you bastard!" Natsu yelled angrily, but in a childish manner.

"Sting! Are you trying to get us too?!" Rogue growled.

"HUH?! Natsu-san, Rogue I didn't! It was the barrier that did it!" Sting shouted, as an irk mark appeared on his forehead.

"You could've at least controlled it where you were aiming it at!" Rogue hissed, making Sting to roll his eyes at his partner.

"You kept yourselves wide open. Idiots." Kurai smirked before sending another powerful blast towards the three Dragon Slayers who were arguing and bickering at the moment.

"Who are you calling an idiot?!" Natsu roared before dodging the attack and blasted a powerful launch in return.

Meanwhile, Sting and Rogue were right behind Kurai and blast an unison blast, sending him to fly towards a pile of trees. Leaving dust to scatter and cover the view of where he landed.

"Did we get him?' Sting panted.

"I don't think so... I can still sense his presence." Rogue muttered.

"Don't let you're guard down, Sting! Rogue! Here's coming." Natsu sneered.

"Dark Magic... Thousand Shadow Needles!" Kurai summoned, as a thousand of black and large shards of crystalline glass was falling and coming towards them from the sky.

"Watch out!" Rogue shouted and pushed Sting out of the way, who sacrificed himself.

"Rogue!" Sting yelled in shock, but later sighed in relief to see his partner who ate the needles that were made out of shadows. He protected both his partner and Natsu who were smirking in his direction.

"I'm all full now." Rogue chuckled and wipe the side of his mouth.

"As expected... Rogue Cheney... the Shadow Dragon Slayer." Kurai hissed.

"You scared me for a second, Rogue." Sting huffed.

"I wouldn't die so easily Sting. I have the strength to protect my comrades and the will to help save Cynthia-chan! Our best friend."

"Of course. We will win. It's a promise to bring her back."

"Rogue!", "Sting-kun!", Natsu!", the three exceed partners of the three Dragon Slayers shouted in unison and in worry.

"Frosch, Lector, Happy. Stay back." Rogue said as he glanced at the exceeds who were hiding behind a tree.

"Sting-kun! You can do it! Along with Rogue-kun and Natsu-kun! You're all strong and can defeat him! We believe in you!" Lector wailed with confidence.

"Yeah... Lector. It's a promise. We will defeat him and all come back home, safe and sound with Cee-chan!" Sting said.

"Like what they said Happy. We will beat him. So stay back with the others."

"Aye sir! You can do it Natsu!"

"Fire Dragon's... Brilliant Flame!" Natsu blurted as he ignited both of his hands into flames and clasped them together to create a large fireball and threw it directly at Kurai who was watching them intently.

"Dark Magic... Nightmare Scythe..." Kurai held out his arm to form a large black spear like scythe, that was at least 4 meters long and in one slash he sliced Natsu's fireball on half. As a result, the spitting fireball that was cut in half caused an explosion behind the dark demon who held a smirk.

"Was that all you've got? I've had enough of this." Kurai grew weary and in a flash he dashed towards them, keeping his scythe in a ready position to cut them at any moment.

Luckily, the three Dragon Slayers were able to dodge it once again before landing another attack. Zurui was able to block it, but felt the pressure to forced him to drag his feet back and was instantly claw by the White Dragon Slayer himself. from behind, sending him up into the air. Rogue instantly, jumped high into the air before blasting one of his shadow magics and Natsu barged in from Kurai's side, sending him back down to the ground in a harsh throw and agonizing comeback.

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

"White Dragon's Roar!"

"Shadow Dragon Roar!"

All three Dragon Slayers blasted out their signature slayer magic, creating a huge beam mixed with Fire, Light and Darkness, making a huge explosion that was sent directly to the somewhat damaged Kurai.

Just before their magic could even blast them, to their confusion they all noticed to see Kurai who held a smirk in their direction. The air felt eerie and tense, even if their explosion was a success. Little did they know, Kurai was still alive in one piece and well.

"I can still smell him..." Natsu glared into the direction, as he and the other two landed down safely on the ground.

"Something doesn't seem right... I can sense it." Sting muttered, making the three of them to widen their eyes in shock and in displeasure.

In front of them was Kurai himself, floating above the air who was in a whole new appearance. His silver blue spiky hair was now pale white but with red streaks at the bottom like of an ombre effect. His eyes were now black where the white part was suppose to be and his now silver blue orbs were blood red. He had black broken wings that stretched out form his back and these weird red tattoos that were carved onto his body and a few on his face. He look more intimidated than before and scary looking, revealing his true form.

A real demon from hell.

"W-What the hell is that!?" Natsu said in shock.

"So you finally came out from your shell." Sting snickered.

"His power seems to be more stronger than before..."

"Alright... This will be more interesting. No matter how tough he looks... we will beat him. He will pay for what he did to Cynthia!" Natsu roared.

"He's coming, Sting... Natsu." Rogue said.

"Ah, I'm ready. The courage to protect my friends and Cynthia is what drives me to defeat them already!" he said and in momentum speed, Sting was already in front of Kurai who didn't seem fazed about the sudden action and brought up his fist. "Holy Nova!"

Sadly, he didn't make the punch, Kurai spot an opening and punched Sting on his side, making him to gag at the sudden impact. Sting didn't had the time to fight back but was punched countless of times by Kurai who was having a 'fun' time and used his scythe to make a few cuts on Sting.

"Sting-kun!" Lector cried in fear.

"Sting!" Natsu and Rogue called.

"S-Stay back! I'm fine! It only tickled." Sting chuckled as he painfully and slowly got up from his spot. His Dragon Force was weakened by the minute and he faltered.

"Bastard." Natsu screeched. In a swift motion, Kurai threw Sting harshly to the other side, making him to collide with his Shadow Partner, which sent a powerful force to send them flying. At the same time, Kurai used his scythe quickly to swing around to block out Natsu's attack.

"Is that really all you got? How lame. And I thought you three were the great Dragon Slayers." Kurai nonchalantly said in a bored tone.

"Shut up!" the three yelled.

"Hn. You cannot defeat me... No one can. This is my true form, a demon created by Lord Zeref! Dark magic... Ultimate Swing Slash!"

"Dodge it!" Rogue yelled, as they all embraced for the impact and barely dodged it. Sting and the others got a few cuts and bruises from the slash, making them to land harshly onto the ground. It burned their flesh, making them to grunt in pain.

"You guys are no fun...I might as well finish you now." Kurui taunted.

"You're scum... and we will defeat you. The power of our feelings will be our strength!" Sting said, as he winced in pain, trying to get up as the other two were giving Kurai a harsh glare.

"Is that so?"

"Rogue! Natsu! You thinking of what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah." Rogue replied and walked his way towards the White Dragon Slayer who glowered his look on Kurai.

"Huh? What are you talking about Sting?" Natsu asked, as a few question marks were popping on top of his head. Rogue facepalmed himself, Kurai raised an eyebrow while Sting looked at Natsu in disbelief. His own role model, doesn't have a single clue.


"Tell me Sting! I never heard anything from you!"

"He doesn't even know what you're planning... what an idiot." Kurai laughed.

"Bastard! Shut up!" Natsu barked.

"Natsu-san... we need to combine our powers... he's tough." Sting answered as he slowly disperse this Dragon Force, as well as Rogue who was panting.

"Its a choice we have to try." Rogue muttered.

"Oh! That's what you meant! I get it now! I'm fired up now!" Natsu exclaimed making everyone around him to sweat drop.

"N-Natsu-san..." Sting twitched an eye and Rogue said nothing.

"Let's do it! Its a shot."

"This will be interesting." Kurai chuckled and twirled his scythe around, bend his knees forward and narrowed his eyes towards the three Dragon Slayers. Sting and Rogue triggered their Dragon Forces in full power once more and gave death glares towards Kurai and Natsu who was a step behind in between them.

"Just like at the games huh?" Natsu chuckled.

"Yeah Natsu-san."

"Exactly like the games..." Rogue muttered.

"This time, I'm not kicking your butts. But... kicking Kurai's butt with the both of you! The power of our feelings and courage to end this, once and for all!" Natsu flared.

"Fire Holy Shadow Dragon's Flash Fang!" the three slayers yelled, as a huge magic ball was merged together that was mixed with Fire,White and Shadow magic. Sending a huge and powerful blast towards Kurai who stared emotionless. But soon his eyes widened in shock as it sent the whole area to be damaged and was coming straight towards him. "Go!" the three slayers shouted as their unison raid was in a rapid speed towards their enemy.

"Curse this..." Kurai muttered under his breath. He brought up his scythe, and summoned a barrier around him. Sadly it wasn't enough to protect him, , he felt the unison raid to slowly overpower his barrier.

"I-Impossible!" he stared in shock. Seconds later, his barrier was shattered into a million pieces, the blast was coming at any second, he didn't had enough time to fly or chant any magic spells. He was for sure dead... however, a sudden figure jumped in and swiftly blocked the huge attack with one blow, making it to cancel and exploded in front of them.

"Did it work this time?" Rogue said, his hands held tightly into fists. Natsu and Sting barely said anything, instead they felt the rush of wind to breeze through the air, the dust of dirt was flying tin the air, making it hard for them to see the outcome of their unison raid. Suddenly, the dust was wiped out by a familiar spear that cleared the view, making everyone to stare at her in wide eyes.

"Welcome back... my Queen." Kurai chuckled as he got up and floated up into the air.

"Cynthia..." Sting mumbled, his face in shock and in anger. However the anger wasn't towards her... it wards towards himself and to Kurai who used her to protect him from the blast. He can see that Cynthia had a few bruises and scars from blocking the powerful strike from them. Natsu and Rogue who were also shocked and surprised to see Cynthia who stood up and glared at them. Her red eyes still glistening and darkened her aura.

"S-She... blocked our attack!"

"She's crazy strong to stop us!" Rogue choked.

"Oi! Cynthia! Snap out of it!" Natsu hollered.

"Cynthia-chan! You don't have to protect him! He's only using you!" Rogue added in frustration.

"Urusai." her tone was cold and emotionless. Almost as if it was another Erza, but more evil and had 10x the demonic aura wrapping around her, making the three to shiver in fear.

"H-Hai!" Natsu wailed and trembled in fear.


"How lame, you let Cynthia to make you say yes?" Rogue sighed before Natsu gave him a glare.

"She is scary! Just like Erza and Mira! You don't know how scary they are!" Natsu argued.

"R-Really?" Sting gulped thickly, forgetting that their attack was stopped by her in a one slash.



Erza's POV

"Ahhh.... Ahhh Choo!~"

"Gazoontite!" I heard Lucy to say.

"T-Thanks..." I muttered before I slayed a demon in front of me.

"Geehee... What's up with you?" Gajeel snickered and I frowned.

"I think someone's been talking about me?" I shrugged.

"Oi, you guys pay attention." Laxus grumbled.

"Ice Make.... Lance!' Gray shouted as he jumped into the air and in a few seconds the demons were brought down.

"Hmph. I hope Natsu and the rest are doing okay." I muttered as I ran full force a ahead to bring down the demons.


Mira's POV

"Coming right ahhh ahhh choo!~"

"Bless you Mira-nee!" Lisanna replied before taking a sip on her glass of water.

"Arigato Lisanna." I smiled.

"Something the matter?" Levy asked from behind.

"No... But I think someone was mentioning about me?" I said, placing a thumb under my chin.

"Hmmm... was it Laxus?" Levy chirped making the me to blush lightly.

"Man! Did I just hear that someone is thinking about my Nee-chan?!" I heard my brother to add in.

"Possibly talking about her?" Lisanna happily said.

"Whoever is will have to fight me like a man! And as a man, I won't allow my Nee-chan to be hurt!" Elfman roared.

"Elfman..." I smiled gently.


Sting's POV

"Cee-chan." I mumbled trying to reach out for her, but instead I got punched in the gut and I was sent flying back with such a strong force and I landed onto a huge boulder making it to break in pieces. "Geez you're strong..."

"S-She seems more stronger than before..." Natsu chuckled.

"You can say that again.." I heard Rogue to add in.

"Oi, Kurai you bastard!" I yelled and in exchange he arched an eyebrow while folding his arms over his chest. "Come and fight me face to face you coward!"

"Wouldn't it be more fun when you have to face your girlfriend?" he snickered, a grin still plastered on his face.

"Why you!"

"Sting! You handle Cynthia... Rogue and I will fight Kurai while you're at it." Natsu cheekily grinned at me and I stared at him dumbfounded. "What? You got a problem with that Sting?"


"We're all counting on you Sting." Rogue said and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah. I got it. I promise to bring back Cynthia." I said with determination and walked away from them. "You two better knock him dead when I get back!" I bellowed, without looking back to them.

"Leave it to us." Rogue replied calmly.

"Yosh!!! I'm all fired up now! I'm not even done yet... it's only the beginning!" Natsu roared, making me to smirk but glanced towards Cynthia who was watching me with those emotionless blood red eyes.

"Cee-chan... I'll definitely bring you back to the light! After all... I will guide you through the darkness! Do you remember the time at the Grand ball about what I said to you when we were outside at the balcony? I made promises to you, please go back to your senses Cee-chan! I... I don't want to hurt you..." I said solemnly.

"Then... allow me to kill you." she answered darkly and slashed her spear at me, but I dodged it and distanced myself from her. As much as I wanted to hug her right now... I couldn't get killed. Not now... not when I haven't marked Cynthia or made our promises. To travel the world, to make more memories with her.

"Cee-chan! Come back! We... I promised that we would get your memories together! I promised everyone that I would get you back... I don't know what got you into the darkness... but I swear it on my life that I will bring you back! I know you're in there and you can hear me!"

"I can hear you... you're annoying." Evil Cynthia hissed and launched dark magic that blasted towards me.

"T-That's mean Cee-chan! I don't want to hurt you but... Roar of the White Dragon!"I chanted, and cancelled her attack making a huge explosion in between us.

"As if you can hurt me." she scoffed and I looked at her in confusion and frustration.

"I could but I won't... "

"That's why you're not gonna win this war." she taunted and sent me flying. "Why won't you fight back?!"

"I-I've told you already... Cee-chan... I have b-business here and that is to keep you alive and unharmed! I came to rescue you... to protect you! Along with with your comrades." I replied calmly but grunted in pain as I sat up to look at her. She came towards me in a flash and in one swift motion, she grabbed onto my neck, choking me. I stared at her wide eyed, bringing my hands up around her small wrists, trying to resist and pull her grip off from me but she didn't even budge.

"Shut up... you're a stupid Dragon Slayer! You're so weak. That's why I want to finish you off right now." she cackled a wicked grin and I stayed frozen in shock to her hurtful words, echoing in my mind. But I knew that it wasn't her real self. This wasn't the Cynthia that I knew. It's a Cynthia that was possessed by darkness... and I have to be that light for her. "C-Cee-chan..." I mumbled, trying to gasp for air.

"Don't call me by that weird name. It sounds dumb."


"Don't q-question to me. I am the Q-Queen of Darkness..." she stuttered, making my eyes to go wide. She's still somewhat conscious... I can feel it. There was a chance that she can be turned back! She was even stuttering to prove it. She was shaking slightly by now, her bright red eyes were staring at me in confusion.

"I know you're in there Cee-chan! You have to fight back."


"Cynthia..." I softly said, and brought one of my hands to gently caress her cheek. She stood stiff at my sudden touch and narrowed her eyes at me. "The girl I love so much...with the beautiful long and silky sand brown hair, those dazzling purple orbs that I love so much, her smile, her beauty... everything about her. I love you, the one who's been my best friend since we were 12, my mate, my treasure and my everything. I'm sorry for not protecting you..."

"Protect me from what? The girl that you once loved isn't coming back." she snarled this time, and slammed me onto a tree trunk.

"P-Protect you from darkness... anything that would harm you. I-I'm sorry!"



"Fly." she added, and threw me with such force that even broke the huge tree that I was once slammed against was turned into debris. I even crashed into Natsu and Rogue who were panting on defeating Kurai, who didn't even look tired.

"S-Sting?! What the heck!" Natsu glared daggers at me and I sweat dropped since I laid on top of the two.

"You got rejected again?" Rogue cocked an eyebrow and I had an irk mark to appear on my head, then I jumped out from the doggie pile and bared my fangs at him. "You did."

"S-Shut up! She's possessed but still my girlfriend!" I argued back.

"Oi! Rogue get off of me!" Natsu struggled furiously and managed to push Rogue off on his own and jumped up to his feet.

"S-Suman... Natsu." Rogue sighed.

"You didn't bring Cynthia back to her senses yet" Natsu asked.

"N-No... I was getting beaten up by her." I sighed and rubbed the back of my head.

"Eh? Master of Sabertooth got beaten up by a girl?" Rogue smirked.

"I-It's okay Sting... I've been there before..." Natsu shuddered. He lost to a girl before?! I wonder who... Oh wait.

"If you're thinking who.. that would be Erza a-and... Cynthia."

"Thought so." I nonchalantly said and Natsu sent a glare towards me and I smirked.

"Sting ... you-"

"Die." a voice appeared, and it was high pitched meaning that it was none other than Cynthia. We didn't even had enough time to react towards the huge black and powerful beam that was being sent towards the three of us. We all stared in horror, we couldn't move, it was moving too fast! I can't die here just yet! I need to complete my mission to bring back Cynthia! There's no way I would let everyone down!

"Crap!" Natsu cursed.

"Minna!" Rogue shouted.

"Embrace your selves!" I yelled bringing my arms towards the top portion of my body to shield. We waited for the impact but it never came, instead it got deflected to the other side, making a huge explosion.

"W-What happened?" I stuttered, slowly bringing my arms down cautiously to take a peek. I stared over to Rogue and Natsu who stared towards someone in disbelief and in shock. Confused as to what they are looking at, I turned my head slightly to see a figure that we've never seen before or encountered. I couldn't see clearly since the dust was blocking to view. Soon, the wind picked up its speed and the figure was more clearer to us.

It's back was facing us. They had long red crimson hair that was gently flowing by the breeze, its body build was huge! Almost of Orga's built and was taller than the three of us. I could see horns? That were sticking out from its head.. more like its forehead. Their right arm was in the form, that was almost like a Dragons!? Or I should say a demon's claw that was red.

"W-Were saved." Rogue said in shock.

"W-Who are you?!" Natsu spoke as the figure slowly turned its head to face us. He had amber eyes glowing, staring at us with remorse and pity. He had these red tattoos on his face and I was right after all. He is a demon.

"Why did you save us?" I asked cautiously, still not sure if he was still part of Kurai or Zeref's minions.

"Seem suspicious to me." Natsu grumbled.

"I'm Hotaru... " the demon chuckled.


I hope you guys liked it. Anyways again... I am terribly sorry for not updating and if my action and fighting scenes in this chapter isn't that great..... ! I promise to update! Next one tomorrow <3 Pic above was the true demon self of Kurai.......... which is not loading ):<
Making me mad. lol, apparently it doesnt show up anymore D:

I am so upset. Just imgaine him guys! Gomen.

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