Chapter 39 - Warm Embrace
Gaaaahhh Sting is so cute sleeping in the picture above! ^-^ If there is no picture.... please tell me xDD But he is sooooo kawaii! Anyways I finished this chapter today and it's shorter than the ones before...... hehe. I may be slowly posting, I am sorry guys! To be honest, I suck at writing out fighting scenes and action.... Which I am writing them out and planned out. I'm trying to get into the characters aspect and to really think like them... it's tough >.< please bear with me! Im sorry if there are any mistakes... Dedicated to all! I hope you like this one c:
Cynthia's POV
Peeking one eye open still tired and sleepy, I looked towards the window in front of me to see the sunlight through the blinds. 'What a nice morning and feeling to wake up to', I thought.
I gazed up to the ceiling that didn't seem to look like the Sabertooth's guild? But a familiar bedroom instead. I still felt sleepy and I didn't want to wake up just yet.
Moving a little in my spot, I felt something really warm wrapped around me and unconsciously snuggled myself closer to engulf into the warmth of the 'blanket'. That is until I heard a sleepy moan from behind, tightening around my waist.
I froze in spot.
A blanket can't moan or tighten its grip around me! I gaze down to see a strong muscular toned arm, around my tiny waist. Fear was rushing through my body, I was slightly terrified if I was in bed with someone I didn't know.
I gulped thickly and turned my face slowly and accidentally brushed my lips against the person's nose. My eyes were as wide as dinner plates as I was staring back to a familiar pair of blue eyes. A sudden relief washed over me.
We both stayed still, gazing deeply into each other's eyes, as if we were reading each other. His lips curved into a smile and tightened his grip on my waist.
Talk about personal space.
I gazed down to see his half naked body and saw his biceps against my stomach and flushed a bright red. Me, Cynthia was wrapped up in Sting's arms in bed. How did this happen?!
"Ohayo, Cee-chan... did you have a good sleep?" he asked softly. All I could do was nod slowly, still embarrassed and blushing at the thought.
"That's good, I'm glad you did cause I did too. Thanks for staying with me at the guild last night."
"I-It's no problem..." I muttered, finally having the guts to speak.
"Cee-chan... your eyes...are beautiful." Sting smiled softly, his grip still around my waist.
"Errr.. T-Thanks? I guess." I stammered, blushing like crazy. What am I doing?! Wait. Why am I in his bed, with him half naked?! I like his body being pressed against mine, but the thought of something worse that might've happened, churned my gut into a pit.
"What's wrong Cee-chan?" he asked worriedly bringing his face slightly closer, my blush deepening in color. If he came in closer at least two more inches, we would've kissed. I brought my gaze lower under the blanket and saw a small sight of my clothing that were still around my body. Thank goodness.
"Sting-kun... we didn't... you know..." he cocked an eyebrow.
"I know...?"
"Well uh... stuff last night..."
"Unless you wanted me to, then sure." he smirked, making me to gasp in shock and averted my eyes.
"Y-You pervert...."
"Hey, Cee-chan. Look at me." he commanded, and placed his index and thumb gently under my chin, bringing up my face to look at him.
"You know I wouldn't do that to you... You're my dearest friend and I respect you in every way. I wouldn't stoop down to something that low. If I did, I would never forgive myself."
His eyes held strong emotion and seriousness to his tone. I stared deeply into his eyes, seeing that he was telling the truth and compassion towards me.
"I know you would. I trust you.." I breathed, tugging a smile on my lips.
"Good. I wouldn't want you think of me as a bad guy anymore... but more of someone to protect you and always be there for you. You know that Cee-chan..." he blushed this time, bringing his face closer to the crook of my neck.
"Of course Stinstin-kun."
"Cee-chan.." he murmured as I felt him to press his lips against my neck once more. Kissing and nibbling at my flesh. I froze in spot at his touch but soon felt like I was longing for it, craving it and wanting him to do it. What is happening...?
He sucked on my soft spot, making me to moan in pleasure but made sure that it wasn't too loud. I felt him to smirk as he kept sucking and licked my collar bone, making me to feel like jello and weak at his touch. But he tightened his grip around me even more, our bodies closer in contact than ever.
Unconsciously, I brought up both of my arms to wrap around his neck, with one hand playing with his spiky hair. I granted him even more access to my neck feeling the tingles and pleasure to surge through my body.
I could feel our heat on our bodies to rise up. His fangs were gently grazing along my skin, nibbling even more. Tugging at my skin and I bet that he gave me a huge hickey since the last time. I blushed at the thought.
"You're so cute when you moan." he chuckled and brought his gaze up towards me. I panted for air, my face was flushed, his eyes were alluring and captivating. He instinctively brought up one hand to rest on my cheek and brought our faces closer.
"S-Sting...kun..." I muttered, closing my eyes waiting for our lips to connect.
"Cee-chan..." he breathed. Our lips were barely brushing almost to synchronize together as one. Until the door blasted open.
"Good morning Master!~ I mean Sting-kun! Everyone at the guild is looking for you! We still need to clean up the mess from last night and you have Master duties! So get up and...and what's going on here?!" we heard a familiar voice of an exceed.
Our eyes went as huge as dinner plates and we stood in place as Lector flew over to us. Before he could even see our bodies closer than ever, I accidently kneed Sting where the sun doesn't shine. Pushed him off of the bed, hearing him to yelp in surprise then later to hear a loud thud.
"Ughhh!.... Cee...Cee-chan... th-that hurts...!" I heard Sting to wince from the floor. I stayed in place on the bed, scared and in embarrassment of what happened between us.
"Na-Nani...?!" Lector said in shock and stopped flying toward us, but gazed down to see his best friend who was clutching on his manhood, groaning and gasping in pain. "Y-You... S-Sting-kun and.. and.... Cynthia-chan.... t-together in bed?!"
"It's... It's not what it looks like!" I gushed, making sure that he doesn't get the wrong ideas in his mind.
"You two are going at it..." he accused.
"L-Lector! K-Keep your mouth shut or I'll do it for you!" I scolded, making I'm to shake in fear. I love the little furry guy, but I had to keep his mouth shut.
"Sting-kun!" Lector wailed and went down beside Sting who was still in pain..
"Cee-chan!... I'm probably paralyzed by now and I can't even walk!" Sting whined, making to me cringe and feel bad for what I did. I peeked over from the bed to stare at Sting who had sweat beads on his face.
"S-Sorry! I didn't mean too! It was an accident!" I uttered. "Light of Regeneration." Sting was engulfed into the golden light I casted on him and within a few seconds he no longer winced in pain and slowly got up to his knees.
"Geez... your kicks are strong." he scratched the back of his head, averting his gaze from me.
"It's fine.. you just caught me by surprise..." he gave a toothy grin.
Lector gave a long and hard stare towards Sting and me as we both smile at each other. Not taking our gazes away. "I smell something fishy..." he said in a monotone voice.
"L-Lector?" Sting said in surprise to look at this furry partner.
"Maybe because you ate fish...?" I sweat dropped.
"No... and about time you're going at it!" Lector cheered, but stopped when he felt my stare piercing at him. "W-Well... you two look good together so... are you dating now?"
"We're not!" Sting and I yelled in unison, making Lector to shrink in fear.
"I just thought..."
"Sorry Lector but we're just good friends and I was comforting Cee-chan since she was uh... feeling not that great this morning." Lector gave a nervous laugh and Lector turned to stare at me. I noticed that Sting motioned me to agree on his play, which I did caught on to.
"R-Right! I just felt really dizzy... that's all!" I chirped, a sweat drop forming on my head.
"Okay... but it stills seems suspicious." he shrugged and turned away from us to walk towards the door.
"Better, hurry Sting-kun! The Magic Council are going to visit today and wanting to get the paperwork from you."
"S-Sure... I'll be there in a few." Sting stammered.
"Alright... see you Cynthia-chan!" Lector smirked and walked out of the door, leaving me and Sting behind in embarrassment.
We stared at each other for a few minutes and soon we bursted out into laughter. "Seriously Sting-kun? I didn't feel that great this morning?" I laughed, clutching onto my side.
"H-Hey! At least it was better than to tell him that you were pregnant." he joked, making my eyes to go wide. He stopped laughing and stared in shock at me. Probably repeating the words that he just blurted out in his mind.
"Uh... Wh-What I meant was..."
"L-Let's just forget it..." I mumbled with a blush and got up from the bed, as he nodded.
"I'll go to the... bathroom..." Sting muttered.
"Alright... I'll be here getting ready to leave." I gave a small smile.
I searched for my boots and quickly slid them on, tying the knots before I could take a step. I looked around his room, tracing every corner. I was here when I was younger... he did told me that and I did slept over here a few nights ago, but without Sting sleeping beside me. I blushed at the thought, thinking again about our embrace and how we almost kissed.
We were so close, that is until Lector came in. I somehow wanted to kiss Sting so much, but at the same time I felt slightly confused.Did he only want to kiss me because he felt pity for me?
No that can't be right. His eyes told me the truth, his words were still ringing in my mind. He wasn't as low to do that sort of stupid thing to do. I sighed, what are his real feelings and intentions?
Brushing my messy hair with my hand and walked around his room, I tied it up into a ponytail and notice something that caught my eye and made my heart to skip a beat.
Slowly walking over to the desk, I picked up the frame in my hands and stared at the three young smiling kids. One with blonde spiky hair, the scar on his right eyebrow, giving a huge grin and those blue dazzling eyes...I could already tell that it was Sting. Above him was a smaller version of Lector when he was young, who held a smug smile. Then what caught my attention the most... was the girl.
She has mid length sandy brown hair tied in twin pigtails. Her dazzling and bright smile was beaming up and her big sparkly purple eyes were staring back at me. It was myself... when I was younger.
I looked to see on her neck, well my neck... the gold chain necklace with the blue rhinestone embedded in it that I always wore. It was the necklace that Sting gave to me when I first left to go back home to Fairy Tail...which he told me at during the Grand Ball. I felt a few tears to prick up at the corner of my eyes, and use my other free hand to place my fingertips on the glass. I shook in pain, in despair. It pained me so much.
"Cee-chan? What's wrong?" I heard Sting to call me, but all I could do was cry out my tears, still holding onto the picture frame in my hand.
Seconds later, I felt the warmth embracing me once more, around my tiny body. I felt weak, vulnerable and tired. He placed one of his hand on my back rubbing it to soothe me, while the other is running through my ponytail.
"It...It hurts Sting-kun..." I cried, bringing my face closer to his chest.
"W-What hurts, Cee-chan?" he asked sincerely.
"H-How I... don't h-have my memories about y-you and... the others... I feel so bad... I want to remember... I really do.... I try to think about them b-but it's... all a blur to me. I want them back..." I sniffled, pressing my palms against his hard tone chest then leaned my head against them, which he still doesn't have a shirt on.
"Cynthia... I'll find them for you. I promise. So don't cry okay? I hate to see you like this... I want to see you smile and not shed a single tear anymore." he softly spoke, wiping my tears away with his thumb. I nodded and still embraced myself in his strong arms, breaking down in tears as he tightened his grip on me.
"T-Thanks... Sting-kun..." I hiccuped in between my sobs.
"Anything for you Cee-chan. Whoever took them away from you, I'll beat them to pieces... for them to say sorry for taking your precious memories away." he mumbled.
"M-Maybe... I lo-lost them because of my... fall?" I said in a small voice.
"Maybe.. we're not so sure. Maybe something happened before you fell or after you fell? I'll find them, if it's the last thing I do." he said confidently. I guess he noticed the picture frame in my hand and carefully took it away from my grasp.
"You know... sometimes I wish to be young like a kid again." he chuckled, feeling the vibration off from his chest, as he brought the frame closer to him and still kept his other arm around me.
"Sometimes you act like a kid..." I mumbled shyly, still leaning my head against his chest.
"Cee-chan! So mean.." he pouted, making me to look up at him and stuck my tongue out.
"Now you're the childish one."
"S-Shutup.." I mumbled, gazing away from him but heard to to laugh wholeheartedly.
"You're so fun to be with.. and you're so cute, sometimes it makes me want to eat you up."
"I taste bad..." I snickered, as he placed his chin on top of my head.
"Really? Cause when you were in my arms in bed, you tasted delicious." I felt him to smirk.
"You're still a baka!" I said in embarrassment while pushing him away and blushed a deep red, forgetting about the pain I felt earlier.
"Oh? So now I'm a baka?" he arched an eyebrow, still keeping that smirk on his lips.
"Yeah... it suits you." I sneered playfully.
"Sassy ass..."
"What was that?"
"Really? Good. Because I think you still need to get ready to greet the Magic Council at the guild. Isn't that right... Master?" I folded my arms, cocking an eyebrow at him.
"Ugh... crap! I forgot about that. Stop calling me Master! You're making me sound old!" he groaned in annoyance.
"That's cause you are old." I joked and saw him to glare playfully at me.
"Oh ha ha, very funny Cee-chan. We're technically the same age you know." he rolled his eyes and walked over to the closet.
"Thanks for everything... your a great best friend." I mumbled shyly.
"It's no problem. All of that is true. So... I'm a best friend now?"
"Yeah.. you've upgraded your status." I sighed.
"Sweet... that makes me happy! Maybe even I can upgrade myself even more later..." I faintly heard the last part.
"Ah! It's nothing! Sorry." he looked at me startled.
"Well.. if you are planning to leave, do you mind?" he asked.
"Mind what?" I asked quizzically. What did he mean?
"For me to change... unless you wanna help me get undressed and watch me strip?" he placed a playful smirk on his lips, making me to blush as red as Erza's hair. 'Oh... that's what he meant.' I thought.
"N-No I do not! See ya Sting-kun!" I hollard and rushed out the room, to hear him chuckle.
Maybe I did want to see him undress... No NO! Stop it Cynthia! You're thinking about it too much. But his body was so sexy and hot... he just intimidates me. His face, his voice, his gentleness and warmth made me fuzzy on the inside.
Remembering of our embrace, I've been in his arms a countless of times. Oh man. This was really starting to make me feel weird and happy... What is this feeling though? I liked him? It couldn't be love...right? Not just yet.
We're only best friends. That's what we've always been and nothing more. He couldn't possibly like me in that way... or love me? Does he?
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