Chapter 14

I've reached the meme number chapter <3

Anyways, helloooo

Happy labour day to the people who- have that-?(Wait is it international...?(Mostly apparently)) Uh- yeah- :D

Unrelated but ever day I slowly fall more and more into the world of Hermitcraft and especially their fandom, and it's just like- THEY'RE ALMOST ALL RESPECTFUL OF STUFF- WHY CAN'T DSMP COMMUNITY BE LIKE THAT- AAAAAAAAA

Ok let's starttt(again, no idea what I'm doing here...)

"Hold on, what exactly did Niki say?" Callum asked as the three of them entered the mansion, walking towards the library.

"She called me and just hurriedly said she was sorry, and that she was leaving. She said that Puffy needs help that's not her and hung up before I could say anything else." Red explained, walking determinedly.

"What?" Ant said in shock. "That's not like Niki."

"Well none of this is like Puffy either." Red said bitterly, reaching the library at the back of the mansion. Red attempted  to open the door but the handle wouldn't budge. "What the- it won't move!" Red yelled.

"Wait let me see." Callum said, leaning down in an attempt to twist it open.

"Puffy?" Red tried, knocking on the door. "It's us, let us in!"

They got no vocal response besides a couple of thuds and loud shuffling from the other side of the door.

"It's not locked, something's just blocking it." Callum sighed, backing away.

"Let me try." Ant took out his sword, jamming it into the handle. With a forceful twist, the handle popped right off. Ant stuck his paw inside the hole as much as he could and pulled it open roughly, the door nearly falling off it's hinges.

"Well that worked." Callum said with surprise.

"You learn a thing or two after living here for as long as I did." Ant shrugged.

Red entered the room first, light kicking a chair to the side that was blocking their way. Ant entered right after and repressed a gasp from the sight of the room.

It was in shambles. Books and papers were ripped in unorderly piles around the room, covering the tables and chairs. Some of the bookshelves had markings all over them, if not tipped over on the ground. The candles that were hung on the walls were tilted or had burned out a long time ago, the only light from the wall length window of the furthest wall of the room. Ant assumed the room would be practically pitch black at night time.

"What the hell.." Red muttered underneath his breath.

"Some library." Callum snorted quietly.

"Bad and Skeppy made this originally to perfection. What happened?" Ant said, fear laced in his voice.

"Puffy?" Red said suddenly, causing Ant and Callum to look ahead. Puffy sat on the floor, one leg extended the other bent to support her arm. Her hair was messy, ears down. Her clothes were all wrinkled and dark circles surrounded her eyes. Her skin was pale, paler than usual and her breathing was harsh and uneven. She had a book spread on her lap, her other hand flicking the tip of the page. "Are you-"

"I thought he- I told you to stay away." Puffy huffed out, her eyes trained on them with a frustrated expression.

"Yeah, well we told you to take care of yourself and it seems like-" Red started again.

"No." Puffy growled. "Not until he remembers it all."

"He's not a good person Puffy, he's using you." Ant spoke up, remembering what he heard in her mind.

"Wait what?" Red tilted his head, confused.

"I know..." Puffy whispered, ignoring Red. "But technically so am I... I just need... need him to remember the thing that'll stop it..."

"You're getting less out of this than he is." Ant continued. "Look at yourself... he's making you hurt yourself, all for his memories. You don't even know if he'll tell you when he realizes it!"

"But I can free Hannah! I can stop it all... I just need to know what it is and where it is." Puffy mumbled, beginning to flip through her book once more. "He knows where it is... it can stop the egg for sure-"

"Puffy... he is cruel to you. You don't owe him anything, not after everything he tells you." Ant prodded. "You're stronger than him, block him out of your mind-"

"I CAN'T OK?" Puffy yelled suddenly, her hands going up to clutch her head. "I could manage it before... Niki was here, it wasn't just him, she stopped me before he made me do something stupid. But now... now it's just him and me, and I don't even know which are my thoughts and which are his!" Puffy finished with a small laugh.

"Where did Niki go?" Red asked cautiously. Puffy laughed again.

"She ran away. Who knows why... she just- disappeared." Puffy said airily, her fingers trailing upwards.

Hm... Ant felt his paw instinctively reach for the crystal around his neck. No, not the time Ant.

"When was the last time you slept? Or even pulled your eyes away from a book?" Callum jumped in.

Puffy narrowed her eyes at him. "Who the heck are you?" A pause. "Why the heck would you care, you never met me Callum."

"...okay that's kind of creepy." Callum said, regarding her with a strange look. "Still, answer the question."

"Who knows? Surely not me." Puffy giggled, clearly delusional.

Red sighed. "Puffy get some rest." He said sternly.

"Or what?" She spat in return.

"We'll make you." Red replied nonchalantly. Puffy snorted. Out of the corner of his eye, Ant noticed Callum plucking something out of his pocket, something small.

"How? I have more experience than all of you-" Before Puffy could finish her statement, a little swish was heard and her head lolled forward with a small grunt.

"Nice shot." Ant applauded Callum lightly. Red meanwhile helped Puffy into a chair who's head rolled around, limp. "What was that exactly?"

"A little something Ponk made." Callum shrugged, showing Ant his whole collection of mini arrowheads. "That one in particular made you weaker, not enough to knock you out but enough to make it easier to hold you down."

So that's what that was.

"I guess she was tired enough that it did knock her out though." Red stated skeptically, joining the two again and nodding over at Puffy who was tied in the chair, her head leaning forward. "Not really the outcome I expected but it's okay I guess. Now Ant." Red turned to him. "You apparently did not tell us everything again."

"Hey look, I forgot about that part okay?" Ant defended himself quickly, understanding what Red was saying. "If I hold the gem in my paw and say someone's name, I can... enter their mind. I think this kind of gem might be what the egg uses to intrude our thoughts."

"Wait really?" Callum said curiously, taking off the bracelet and holding it in his hand. "Niki." He said, staring down at it. A long moment passed.

"Wait what the hell?" Ant exclaimed, confused.

"Maybe it's because you never seen her before? Let me try." Red took out his own from his pocket. "Niki." He tried. Nothing. "Weird..." Red muttered.

"Maybe... maybe it's an Ant thing." Callum said looking up, the dots connecting in his mind.

"What do you mean?" Red and Ant questioned, nearly simultaneously.

"Ant has a piece of the egg's soul, no?" Callum replied. "Maybe only the egg knows how to harness it's power. And because part of it is part of Ant, Ant is able to somewhat use the gem like the egg can."

"That makes a lot of sense actually, yeah, considering I can't like, talk to the people I mind read? I don't have the egg's full power, thus can't use the gem's full power." Ant agreed.

"Cool." Red nodded.

"So." Callum continued. "Can you show us?"

"Hm?" Ant responded.

"How does it work? Do you go unconscious? Can you still function normally?" Callum elaborated.

"Well- I found if I close my eyes I can also see what they're seeing. I think I mostly just stand there, but I'm not sure, I'm unaware of what's happening around me." Ant explained. "But I guess I could show you..." Ant mumbled, grabbing the chain around his neck. He held the gem in his right paw. "Niki." He breathed out, closing his eyes.

And just like that, the reality around him stared to shift, black crawling around before everything faded into a... forest? It was dark, many trees surrounded him. Well, her.

"Please don't find us please don't find us please don't find us." Niki's thoughts whispered hurriedly. "Crud they're starting to burn the forest." She hissed as chunks of ember began filling the air. Where is she?

A pause. "Was that Jack? Oh there he is. Is he kidding, of course I'm not doing good, we're both forced to leave our lives behind for what? A stupid prank and the stupid authorities." It sounded like she was in mid conversations with someone.

I guess that's another thing I can't do and only the egg can; hear their surroundings. Ant mused.

"Oh nothing much, just had to leave MY DERANGED FRIEND! Oh I hope this wasn't a mistake... Puffy, please be okay, I'm sorry... I hope you can get Hannah back soon and will stop the egg... I'll find you again as soon as I can, promise." Ant felt himself shaking and opened his eyes, blinking slightly as he readjusted to the light. He stared at Red and Callum.

"Yeah it just looks like you're daydreaming." Callum hummed with satisfaction.

"How's Niki?" Red asked, concerned.

"She... ran away with Jack it seems." Ant recalled. "They did something together and now they're being chased it seems. She worries about Puffy. She promises to come back soon, but I don't know when."

"Oh..." Red said simply, quietly. "I hope she'll be okay." Ant simply nodded in reply. "On the bright side, at least we know some information about how to stop the egg."

"What?" Callum inquired.

"Well, if Puffy's voice in her head is telling the truth, the thing we need to stop the egg is a physical... thing. An object." Red explained. "We just need to find it."

"Easier said than done, since it seems none of us or even Puffy have an idea on what it is, where it is, or how to use it." Ant muttered.

"Yeah, that." Callum agreed, pointing at Ant.

"Then let's get more information about it." Red stated.

"Wha- how?" Ant blinked in confusion.

"According to Puffy, the voice in her head has it somewhere in his memory, just locked away. If we talk to him face to face, we might be able to know more like that. It'll also be easier to tell if he's lying or hiding something." Red said.

"Oh. Yeah that's smart." Callum nodded.

"How do we find him?" Ant asked.

"Well, I'm sure the person he's terrorizing would know." Red shot a look at Puffy.

"So... we go now or what?" Callum looked back at Red.

"Puffy needs more sleep, but we should probably at least tell her." Red suggested. "Wake her up gently." Callum walked over to the sheep hybrid, beginning to untie her. "Hey." Red whispered, bumping Ant slightly with his elbow. "You good?"

Ant sighed. "We should've stayed on vacation." He joked slightly. Red chuckled.

"Maybe we should've." Red said back. They watched as Callum untied them carefully from the front when Ant saw an eye suddenly shoot open from behind the sunglasses.

"Callum look out-!" Ant yelled, Red reacting only a few seconds after. The fox wasn't able to process it quick enough, getting sent flying into the wall from a harsh kick to the ribs. As Puffy wriggled free, Red ran over to help Callum who was groaning in pain. Puffy dashed out of the door in all the confusion, running away to who knows where.

"Ant-!" Red called out.

"I've got it!" Ant called back, quickly running after her. He dashed after Puffy who was flying over the forests west(Canon directions go die I'm lazy :')) with a trient. "Dammit Puffy." Ant muttered, realizing he didn't have a trident on him. He ran back inside to the chest room. Ant hurriedly found a trident and flew up, heading straight where he last saw her. Ant didn't see Puffy anymore in the air with him, but he assumed she didn't suddenly change direction considering she seemed to be in a hurry and wasn't unaware anyone was chasing her.

And he was right. After reaching his destination, he had to look around for a bit. But then, he found her.

Near his landing was a large, deep ditch surrounded with stone with a relatively small wooden bridge leading across it. Ant has passed it few times, never thinking too much of it until now, seeing his friend...

...sitting on the wooden railing of the bridge, staring into the darkness of the ditch.

Halfway through I was like; this needs to be more like the real DSMP storyline, with places, I need to make stuff make fooking sense with references bc it makes it better-

And then I gave up.

And then I tried again by bringing Fundy's thing.

I love Fundy.


That last thought came randomly idk what happened there-

Also- I went outside! :D oH mI gOsH i ToUcHeD gRaSs oOoOoO~

Crazy flex ik.

Lol- bye guys :) Take care, ily/p and see you tmrw(hopefully lul-) <3


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