Chapter 9

Days passed; Alice was now cleaning up her room when Chloe opened the door.

"Learn to knock Clo," Alice ordered as she wiped down the windows. "I could've been naked."

"As I care," Chloe said as she stepped in closing the door. "Vlad...he's been acting different ever since his grandparents left."

Alice then started to put up green curtains. "How would you say different?"

"He looks at you differently than before," Chloe answered as she sat on her bed. "Why is that? Are you sure you aren't a vampire?"

"I helped Mum in the garden after school," Alice said. "I'm pretty sure I'd be dust."

"But Vlad--" Chloe began.

"Is a teenage boy," Alice cut off her sister. "And our friend."

"So you wouldn't mind me asking?" Chloe asked.

"Chloe, that is none of our business," Alice said as she put her hands on her hips.

"I know you want to know!" Chloe smiled as she jumped up. "You love being the popular girl everyone secrets, and Vlad is one right now."


Morning came around another dreadful school day. Alice was sitting at her locker with Maxine. 

"Any plans this weekend?" Maxine asked.

"Park with you and Barbara, possibly head over to Vlad's place," Alice answered as she shut her locker. She noticed some people glance at her. 

"Speaking of Vlad," Barbara began as she walked up. "Is it true that you and Vlad kissed?" 

"What?" Alice asked. "Repeat yourself, Barb."

"Well, a lot of people have been noticing how Vlad has been looking at you since his birthday passed," Barbara explained. "Sara overheard your sister ask Vlad what's going on between you two. And now rumor has it that you two kissed; lots of people think you two are--" Alice let out a frustrated grunt and left, she immediately found her brother and Vlad on the usual bench.

"You cockroach!" Alice shouted as she kicked Vlad in the shins.

"OW!" Vlad shouted as he grabbed his leg. "What was that for?"

"Why did you tell Chloe we kissed-kissed?" Alice asked. "Now the word is going all over the school, Fang Brain."

"I may have twisted the words," Vlad admitted sheepishly.

"May have?" Alice repeated, she then grabbed him by the shirt. "You stupid bat."

"Yes! Three more hours to go, then two whole days of no school," Robin smiled, Alice and Vlad looked at him. 

"I kind of missed it," Vlad admitted as Robin missed catching the popcorn. 

"And people think I'm weird," Robin grunted.

"You two truly belong together," Alice said as she folded her arms. 

"Okay, if I hang out at yours this weekend?" Vlad requested. "Dad's desperate for blood. It'll be a disaster if any breathers get in his way."

"You worry too much," Robin blurted out. "What's the worse that can happen?"

"Uh, hello. What part of my Dad's a blood-sucking killing machine don't you get?" Vlad asked. "Your mum has to stay away. Well away." He looked at Alice. "Can you let go of me now?"

Alice reached into the pocket of his jacket. "Thanks for the five pounds." She dropped him before walking away. 


The end of the day came, Alice was back at her locker when Chloe ran up to her, Robin, and Vlad.

"Out of 10, how bad would it be if I just got a message that on no account do we go home, but go straight to the castle where Mum is waiting for us?" Chloe asked. 

"Oh, I love these games!" Robin cheered. "It's like if you had to who would you kiss a ferret or your nan?"

"That's a strange example," Alice commented as they looked at him. "Oh, you mean Mum's really--"

"About to get her veins sucked dry!" Vlad finished. "Come on." Vlad started to run. "Let's go!"

"Hang in!" Robin said as he grabbed something from his locker. 

"Robin!" Chloe shouted.

"Okay, coming, coming!" Robin assured. 


Upon reaching the castle; they heard a loud shrieking.

Chloe quickly entered the building, throwing the door open. "Mum!" They saw her sitting at the table with Vlad's dad.

"Hello, loves," Mum greeted as they went to the table. "I was just showing Mr. Count how I screamed when I discovered our house was overrun with horrible creepy cockroaches."

"Cockroaches?" Alice asked as she tilted her head. "In our house?"

"Can you imagine?" Mum asked. "I just had to get out of there. And there's no way we're going back until Mr. Renfield's got rid of the lot of them."

"But I have a cute outfit picked out for the park tomorrow," Alice protested.

Mum looked at her. "Alice, you'll just have to cancel your plans for tomorrow with your girlfriends."

"So where are you staying?" Vlad asked. 

"Your dad said we can stay here," Mum answered, The Count looked at Vlad in some annoyance. "He's such a wonderful neighbor."

"Yes!" Robin cheered.

"No!" Vlad and Alice disagreed. Everyone looked at the two of them.

"Can't I just slip home and grab something?" Alice asked. "It won't take long."

Mum shook her head. "Absolutely not."

"There's no room," Vlad answered. 

"It's a castle," Mum pointed out. 

Vlad began to think of something, where there was a door opening and Ingrid's voice came in. "Look, will you two stop following me around like a couple of lovesick puppies?" She turned to see the other Branaghs at the table. "Oh, great. The whole stinking litter's here!"

Robin started to beam. "We're staying the night! Our house is infested with cockroaches."

"I know exactly how it feels," Ingrid answered as Ian and Paul appeared behind her. 

"Alice, you can probably as Ingrid for some clothes for the park tomorrow," Mum suggested.

Alice looked at Ingrid, then back at her mum. "Ingrid and I don't have the same style of clothing, but thanks for the suggestion, Mum."


Alice was now in Vlad's room talking to Zoltan about the situation at school.

"I don't see the big problem," Zoltan admitted. "What's so wrong about a little kiss?"

"Vlad's sort of this loser at school along with Robin," Alice answered. "For my first kiss to be rumored that it was a rumor with him? My reputation is ruined."

Zoltan started laughing. "I was unaware that breathers could be vain like vampires."

Alice went over to the window. "Breathers can have a whole range of options of how they are perceived or want to be perceived, vanity is definitely one of them."

"I still don't see how your first kiss with Master Vlad is just so horrible?" Zoltan asked. "You two are bound to get married, so what's so wrong with a little kiss."

"That marriage deal isn't guaranteed," Alice laughed as she looked at him. "And it wasn't the first kiss, it was just a peck on the cheek." She crouched down. "I'm 13, marriage isn't at the top of my list. Right now, I'm more focused on finding something to wear for the park tomorrow. Does Vlad have any good shirts?"


Later that evening; Alice along with everyone else was sitting around the dinner table.

The Count was wiping something off his face. "I had no idea you provide me with such a satisfying feast, Mrs. Branagh."

"Cooking dinner was the least I could do, seeing as Mr. Renfield's so busy down at ours," Mum assured. 

"Honestly, that was the best Kasha Kishka I've eaten in centuries," The Count complimented. 

"Centuries?" Mum asked as she leaned forward.

"He's just being dramatic about the time frame, Mum," Alice said as she looked at her. 

"I meant it feels like centuries," The Count explained. Robin. Chloe and Vlad laughed nervously.

Robin looked at the food on his fork. "What is Kaska Kishka?"

"I found it in a Transylvanian cookbook in the cupboard," Mum answered. "Alice, I should've had you help me with dinner so you could learn how to make it as well."

"But what's in it?" Alice asked. 

"It's animal intestine stuffed with buckwheat groats and pigs' blood," Mum answered as everyone took another bite." There were a few gross sounds from around the table.

Chloe put a hand over her mouth. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"I do love pig," The Count admitted. "It's my second favorite blood." Vlad and Alice looked at each other.

Mum leaned forward. "I know exactly what you mean!"

"Mum?" Alice asked as they looked at her.

"You do?" Vlad asked. 

"Sheep's blood's got a much subtler taste," Mum answered. "I spent every summer on my grandmother's farm and she always cooked everything in sheep's blood. Swore for. Right, who's for pudding?" Everyone raised their hands. "Cows' heart ice cream!" Hands lowered.

Robin looked at the older brothers. "Is there anything you two won't eat?"

"Actually, you're going to have to give pudding a miss," Ingrid informed. "The crypt's not going to sweep itself out."

Ian got to his feet. "I'll do it, Ingrid!"

"No, you won't!" Paul denied it as he got to his feet. "I will!" They raced to do the job.

"I take my hat off to you, love," Mum complimented as she leaned over to Ingrid. "Back home, I can't even get them to blow the skin off their rice pudding." Ingrid removed herself from the table. "Ah, well, all the more for you, Mr. Count."

The Count hit the table. "Wonderful! This is really the most excellent meal!"

"I take that as a great compliment coming from a sophisticated man of the world, like you," Mum stated. 

The Count began to blush. "Let me give you a hand with dessert instead of your Alice." The two then walked off, The Count threw his napkin on Vlad. 

"See?" Robin asked Vlad. "He's not interested in feeding on Mum. He treats her better than Dad does."

"Have a day off, Robin!" Vlad exclaimed. "If we don't do something to protect her, she's going to become the newest member of the living-dead club, tonight."

"Vlad, she'll be fine," Robin assured as he got to his feet. "I'm off to bed. Sleep well."

"Night, Robin," Alice said as her brother left the room.

"We'll help you, Vlad," Chloe assured. 

"Are you sure?" Vlad asked mainly Chloe. "It's gonna be dangerous." Night came; the castle was heavily quiet. Alice stepped into the hallway with Chloe who was holding a lamp. They heard bats squeaking, all over the place. A hand landed on Chloe, and before she could scream, Vlad shushed her. There was a large shadow swooping by.

"That's Dad," Vlad whispered. "He always does a few practice swoops before he goes out hunting."

"Where's my twin?" Alice asked. 

"Fast asleep," Vlad groaned. "He still thinks we're panicking over nothing." There was another practice swoop.

"Typical," Chloe sighed. 

"Come on," Vlad encouraged. "Let's get to your mum before Dad does." They woke up Elizabeth Branagh and then began to take her around the castle. Mum and Vlad held the lanterns. Vlad was leading, next to him was Alice; behind was Chloe and Mum.

"It's very kind of you to give me a guided tour of the castle, dear, but couldn't we do it in the morning?" Mum asked as Alice looked behind. 

"Oh, no, you really get to appreciate this place at night," Vlad explained. "Right, Alice?" She didn't respond, he then jabbed his finger into her shoulder. "Right, Alice?" Alice looked at him in annoyance.

"Stop doing that!" Chloe scolded Vlad. "She's really focused on what to wear to the park, and you are interrupting her."

"I said, this place is at its best at night, right?" Vlad asked. 

"Oh, yeah, it's really..." Alice began.

Chloe looked behind. "Stimulating." They started to go downstairs. They heard a strange sound. "Please tell me that was the water in the pipes."

"Doubt it," Vlad denied. "There's loads of things lurking down here."

"You don't always have to be so honest, you know?" Chloe stated. 

Vlad looked back at her. "We'll be all right."

"Come on, Mum," Chloe encouraged as she took Elizabeth's hand. 

"What the hurry?" Mum asked. "I'm enjoying myself. Last time I stayed up this late was Glastonbury '87." She let out a giggle. Vlad had them hide in the coffins, Chloe and Mum in one coffin, Alice and Vlad in the other coffin. They laid side by side, with a lantern between them; they looked at each other.

Vlad smiled nervously. "This is nice."

Alice rolled her eyes and turned her head away. "Oh, go bathe in vervain water." They heard footsteps approaching, everything got tense and silent; Alice looked back up the ceiling of the coffin; Vlad's pinky finger hooked with hers. 

"NO!" The Count roared in agony as he hit something. "Blast those secret passages!" The moment they left, they opened the coffin lid; Vlad was coughing.

"You can come out now, Mum and Chloe!" Alice informed. 

A lid opened; the inside was a velvet purple. "You're right. They are surprisingly comfortable, aren't they?" Alice leaned back in the coffin as Chloe glared at Vlad. "Beautifully made. Your Dad's a real craftsman, isn't he?" She shut the door, trapping Chloe inside. Vlad and Alice looked at each other in sort of relief. Moments later, they were walking around the castle again. They had Mum wear a helmet; Alice and Vlad held the lanterns as Chloe led.

"Come on," Vlad pleaded. "Watch your step. That's it."

"Oh, come on, Mum!" Chloe pleaded.

"Turn right," Vlad instructed. 

"Hurry up!" Chloe issued. "I can't wait to get to bed."

"This way Mrs. Branagh," Vlad instructed.

"I can just imagine myself back in the Middle Ages," Mum giggled. "Isn't this fun?"

"Loads," Alcie huffed as they rounded a corner. There was a clanking sound, they looked to see Count was holding his teeth; the helmet did what it was supposed to do. "What was that? Everything alright?"

"Everything's practically perfect," Vlad assured. 


Morning came around, Alice was in Vlad's room going through his drawers.

"What are you doing?" Vlad asked; she looked back to see him sitting up in bed.

"I'm going to the park one way or another," Alice answered. "Even if I have to look ridiculous." They heard a loud snore come from Robin; they looked at him. "That jerk."

"Why don't you just use the pants left here from the last time you spent the night?" Vlad asked. 

Alice shut the drawer, then slowly turned to look at him. "You didn't care to mention this before?" 

"I thought about it till you denied that we kissed," Vlad answered. "Don't want your first kiss to be a freak like me."

"Because you were spreading false information. It was just a peck on the cheek," Alice pointed out as she walked over to him. Before he could get away, she grabbed him by the shirt lifting him up. "This a kiss on the cheek." She kissed his cheek. "Fang brain, this is --" Alice stopped, realizing what she was about to do. She threw Vlad back on his bed; turning around. "Where are the pants I Ieft?"


They were now all downstairs, Alice was in the jeans she left from a week ago; and one of Vlad's shirts. She sat at the table sipping on tea with Mum. 

"What do you mean we're staying another night?" Chloe asked as she leaned on Mum. 

"Apparently, Mr. Renfield couldn't get rid of all the creepy cockroaches in one day," Mum explained. Vlad crossed his arms, leaning on Alice's chair.  "I'm quite pleased. It's like a little holiday, isn't it?" Chloe nudged back into awakeness. 

Robin jumped into the room, flapping his cape. "Morning! I haven't slept that well in ages."

"Cup of tea in the pot if you want one, love," Mum informed Robin. 

"Thanks, Mum," Robin smiled as he looked at Alice and Chloe. "Have you heard? We're staying another night! See, told you Mum would be fine." He sat down; Alice, Chloe, and Vlad went over to him. 

"That's because we have been up all night!" Chloe explained. 

"Stopping Dad from giving your mum a one-way ticket to eternal misery," Vlad explained. 

"Really?" Robin asked. "So staying another night is not a good thing, then?"

Suddenly, The Count leaned over. "Depends on your point of view." He stood up, looking down at the other end of the table. "Morning, Mrs. Branagh."

"Morning, Mr. Count," Mum greeted. "How are you today?"

"Suffering with a little toothache," The Count answered, glaring at Vlad.

"Oh sit down," Mum answered as she got up. "I'll see if I can take your mind off it."

"What are you doing?" The Count asked as Mum had him sit down.

"Shh!" Mum ordered as she began to rub his temples. "Relax."

"Oh, that's good," The Count complimented. "That is really rather good." Vlad and Robin had separate moods as they looked at each other. 

"Works wonders for my Graham when his sinuses flare up," Mum explained. "I've been teaching techniques to Alice; she should be perfect at it in a few weeks." Alice and Chloe looked at each other. "How do you fancy some black pudding for breakfast? Nice and juicy of course."

"Wonderful!" The Count gleamed. "You know, I could really get used to me indulging me like this."

"You won't miss me once you've got Mr. Renfield back," Mum assured. 

"That imbecile!" The Count groaned. "Believe me, Mrs. Branagh, he doesn't hold a candle to you." He looked at Vlad. "You said you've been teaching your eldest daughter some of your ways?"

"Of course," Mum answered. "Cooking, cleaning, and even a few tricks of mine."

"Splendid, Vladimir has a ton of toothaches coming up," The Count said. "He's a growing boy after all." Vlad and Alice glared at The Count. 

"If Vlad ever has a toothache, I'll send my Alice right over," Mum assured.

"Mum," Alice said as she got up. "I'm not going to be in Stokley forever. Vlad is going to have to sort his teeth problems out himself." She glared at Vlad.

"Don't be rude, Alice," Mum said. "You are setting a bad example for your sister. Neighbors are supposed to help each other out, now when we get home, I'll teach you some Transylvanian recipes I found in that cookbook. If it's alright I take it home with me for a bit?"

"Splendid idea, Mrs. Branagh," The Count agreed. "Now run along, you don't wanna be late for the park." Alice left in an annoyed state made her way to the park. 


Alice was now laying a blanket at the park with Barbara, and Maxine.

Maxine was telling them all about her mum's new boyfriend, and Barbara was telling them about her cousins staying the weekend.

"How's your weekend going?" Barbara asked.

"Due to the house being invested with cockroaches, the whole family besides Dad has been staying at Vlad's place," Alice answered. 

"That explains the shirt," Barbara laughed, Alice let out a sigh. "It doesn't look bad."

Alice sat up looking at Barbara. "It doesn't? But his style can be so..."

"My oldest sister always wears her boyfriend's jumpers," Barbara informed. 

Alice laughed as she laid back down. "We are just friends."

Maxine rolled on her stomach; the others followed. "Honestly, you don't notice how Vlad looks at you at all?" Alice tilted her head. "He may be a loser, but most people would want to be looked at like that, and treated like that."

"He's just a silly boy," Alice said. "Maxine, you are the same as Georgie."

Maxine turned red. "I don't entirely hate it. But it's as you said we are young." Alice looked at Maxine. "When I'm a year older, maybe I'll go out with him."

"You should do the same consideration with Vlad," Barbara advised. "The boy is just going to keep worshipping the ground you walk on no matter if you do or don't."

"Don't make me laugh by saying you haven't thought about him another way with all the time you spend together," Maxine stated. "Don't give that excuse of it because you're neighbors."


After the park, Alice went back to the castle, she saw Ingrid sitting at the table.

"Anything new happened?" Alice asked.

"My dad plans on marrying you Mum," Ingrid answered as she flipped a page in her magazine. "My rancid little brother supposedly has a brilliant plan on how to stop it from happening."

"It better be good," Alice said. "Mum's already married." She sat at the table; looked over to see Ingrid staring. "What?"

"Why are you wearing that ugly thing?" Ingrid asked. "To sink so low to go through my brother's closet instead of mine."

"I would've been charged 5 pounds if I went through yours," Alice said. "Besides, you want a breather wearing clothes?"

"Fair point," Ingrid grunted as she looked at her magazine.


Soon Alice was leaving with the rest of her siblings. Alice noticed that Mum was dressed differently, and Dad did too. 

"Oh, Graham, I'm so glad you're back," Mum said as they went to the car. "Those cockroaches followed me here! I'm sure they did! Nasty little critters."

"Wel, I'm just glad Chloe called me when she did," Dad said as he opened the door for Mum. Robin got into the back. "I obviously got back just in time," He turned to his kids. "Come one, let's go home."

"Vlad, please thank your father again," Mum requested. Vlad and Chloe high-fived before she got in the van.

Vlad then walked over to Alice who was back in her school clothes. "You never explained the difference between a kiss on the cheek and a kiss."

"In your dreams, Dracloser," Alice huffed. "I'll have your shirt cleaned by tomorrow." She then got in the car; Vlad went inside. Soon they were all in the car, Dad glanced at Mum a couple of times before beginning the drive home. Soon, Alice was back in her room, she was on her bed working through homework. Robin barged in, he turned on her tv slipping a disk into her player.

"What are you doing?" Alice asked.

"The latest vampire movie," Robin answered as sat on her bed. "Figured you like this one more instead of those documentary ones I watch. It's a romance one." She looked back at her. "What are you doing?"

"Checking through Vlad's homework," Alice said as she looked back at the paper, she looked up to see Robin looking at her. "What?"

"I understand why Chloe thought something was going on between you two," Robin said. "I am daft about some things like Mum, but this is obvious."

Alice nudged him with her foot. "Oh press play before I change all your homework answers to the wrong ones." Robin laughed as he turned his head back toward the screen. 

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