Chapter 6

Alice was in her room getting ready for bed, she had her record playing and was braiding her hair for tomorrow.

" What are you doing?" Robin asked. Alice looked over to see him standing in the doorway.

" Getting ready for tomorrow," Alice answered.

" Did you get something for Ingrid's birthday?" Robin asked.

" New lipstick," Alice answered. " She needs a new color." She looked over to see him standing in the doorway. " What do you want? Why are you still standing there? Don't you have a sleepover tomorrow?"

" I'm just here to admire my darling sister," Robin answered.

" What do you really want?" Alice demanded.

" In the morning can you use my new horror makeup kit on me?" Robin requested. " I want to play a prank on mom and dad."

" Fine," Alice said as the phone in the room started to ring. " Now can you get out, Barabra is calling?" Robin closed the door in annoyance as Alice picked up the phone. 


The next morning Alice had her hair looked nice, and make-up done; she walked by Robin's room to hear her dad screeching.

" What's up with Dad?" Paul asked when Alice got to the bottom of the stairs.

" Robin," Alice answered.

" Not surprised," Ian laughed.

When they got to school Robin was performing dentistry on Vlad, he lay on the bench as Alice and Chloe sat in front of him, they looked through a vampire book.

" Ruler," Robin instructed.

" Ruler," Alice said as she handed him a ruler.

" Pencil," Robin requested.

" Pencil," Chloe said as she handed it to him.

" Scalpel," Robin said.

" Scalpel?" Vlad questioned.

" Joke!" Robin laughed.

" It's not funny," Vlad said as he sat up, Alice scooted over so she and Chloe were not so squished anymore. " I need to find out what's wrong with my teeth preferably before our sleepover."

" Well, this book of yours isn't helping," Alice said as Chloe flipped a page, she gasped.

" Thatis, it wouldn't be anything with The Change, would it?" Chloe asked.

" The Change happens at the age of 16," Vlad reminded them. " I've got three whole years until I start growing fangs."

" Growing fangs?" Robin gasped. " Wicked! What does it say?" Robin snatched the book from the girls.

" Nothing important," Chloe said.

" When a young vampire complains of dental discomfort, he may be about to embark on The Change," Robin read.

" Robin!" Alice exclaimed as she and Vlad looked over at the book.

" This occurs at the age of 16," Vlad pointed out.

" But can happen several years earlier," Robin read, Vlad then took the book into his hands to have a look for himself.

" Do you know what this means?" Vlad asked as he looked up, he then closed the book and looked at his friends. " I'm turning into a vampire!"

" I highly doubt that," Alice said as she stood up.

" It's in the book Alice," Vlad said as Alice held a hand out for him.

" You probably have a cavity," Alice said as Vlad took it and stood up.

" How do you know?" Vlad asked.

" I gotta feeling," Alice said. " Come on we have class."

" Would you sit by me this time?" Vlad requested.

" Sure fang brain," Alice shook her head. When they got to class they saw Mr. Van Hesling and Jonathan there already.

" Dork," Mark read off the board. 

" Ha ha ha!" Alice laughed when she saw the board walking in. She then took a seat near the front with Vlad. 

" For the last time," Van Helsing began as he erased the board. " I am NOT a dork! Or an Ork! Or a walk!"

" Aaaargghhh!" Jonathan yelled everyone started laughing. They looked back to see him scared of Robin, still having the makeup on him.

" Chill out," Robin advised. " It's just makeup."

" Yeah, I knew that," Jonathan nervously admitted. " I was just humoring you." He then picked up a dead spider. " Waarrgh!" He then stood up grabbed his bag and ran out.

" Jono," Van Helsing breathed as Alice and Vlad glanced at each other. People laughed and clapped as Robin stood up and vowed.

" He's so stupid," Alice commented.

" And ridiculous," Vlad added.

" Quiet down before there's a class detention!" Van Helsing ordered. " And, Branagh, wash that muck off your face."

" Maybe you should wash off your make-up," Vlad whispered. " You look fine without it."

" Maybe I should wash out your eyes with garlic soap," Alice threatened.


Soon school ended the three were walking home together, they were getting quite close to the house.

" I can't believe you did that!" Vlad said.

" It was funny," Robin said.

" Stupid, as well, with Van Helsing around," Alice added.

" Sorry," Robin apologized.

" Ah," Vlad groaned as he touched his tooth, they all stopped walking.

" Look, maybe you should talk to your Dad about your teeth," Robin advised.

" Tell him I'm going through The Change?" Vlad asked. " Are you crazy?"

" Won't he be pleased?" Alice asked.

" Pleased?" Vlad repeated. " He'll throw a party!"

" Wicked!" Robin breathed. " Can I come?"

" No!" Vlad answered. " It's not going to be a party." He then walked home to the castle as the Branaghs turned to their home. Moments later Ingrid, Alice, Vlad, and Chloe were all in Robin's room. Ingrid was putting makeup on Robin to make him look like a vampire, to look like her fake boyfriend. 

" Well there's always been a bit of chemistry," Robin stated. " But now I'm Ingrid's boyfriend!"

" Pretend boyfriend," Ingrid corrected.

" Aren't you forgetting something? Robin?" Vlad demanded. Robin looked at him blankly. " Our sleepover?"

" Oh, well," Robin began as Vlad looked away annoyed. " The thing is Ingrid very pretty."

" You're supposed to be my friend!" Vlad protested.

" Vlad, don't be so selfish," Ingrid ordered as she looked at him. " If I can't prove I've got a boyfriend, Dad will send me to Trans-Siberia!"

" Oh, dear," Chloe breathed. " Send us a postcard when you get there."

" Do what you have to, Robin," Vlad gave in. " I've got plenty of friends." He then looked at Alice. " Alice, do you want to come to my sleepover?"

" I'd love to," Alice answered, Vlad's face lit up like a firefly. 

" You're aware of Vlad's fang issue?" Ingrid asked.

" I'm sure it's just a toothache, that's all," Chloe said.

" Since when vampires are your special subject?" Ingrid asked. " Still, if you know what you're doing Alice."

" Ignore her, Vlad," Alice advised as she looked at him. " You're not going to bite me."

"I hope not," Robin said. " I wouldn't want to miss that." They all looked at him. " What?" Later that night, Alice was laying on Vlad's room floor, her eyes closed as she heard him tossing and turning.

" Oh, just go to sleep," Alice pleaded tiredly. " You're not going to bite me."

" Ok," Vlad gave in. " Night, Alice."

" Night, Vlad," Alice said before the two fell asleep. The next morning Alice woke up and looked in the mirror, and saw two bite marks, her neck bleeding. " Aaaarggghhhh!" Zolton was looking, and Vlad was sitting in his bed, distressed. " What have you done to me?" Vlad put his hands over his mouth.

" Congratulations, Master Vlad!" Zolton congratulated. " Your first bite!"

" No!" Vlad exclaimed. " What am I going to do?"

" Excuse me, I'm the victim here," Alice said. " What happens to me now?"

" Welcome to the family, Mistress Alice," Zolton said. Alice turned and glared at Vlad.

" I'm going kill you, Vlad," Alice ordered.


Later that day Alice lay in Robin's room under the covers, her dad opened the door and walked in. She was crying a bit.

" Alice?" Dad asked as he walked in. " What are you doing in Robin's room?"

" Sleeping," Alice answered. " Leave me alone."

" In the middle of the day?" Dad asked.

" You better get used to it," Chloe said as stepped into the doorway.

" Oh no," Dad sighed as he sat on the bed. " Not another Robin, please! I Alice the way Alice is, come on, Alice, up you get." He then pulled back the covers and gasped at the sight of her neck. " Your neck! Argh!"

" For goodness sake, Graham," Mom said as she turned on the lamp " Pull yourself together! She's been at Robin's make-up, that's all."

" Make-up?" Alice said as she touched her neck. " How silly of me, I should have known."

" Ingrid!" Chloe hissed. Alice then cleaned up and the two started back up to the castle. Halfway there they saw Vlad with a suitcase, leaving the place.

" Where are you going?" Alice demanded as she ran up and grabbed his arm. " You're running away aren't you?"

" There's no choice," Vlad said. " I can't stay here and bite all my friends."

" But you didn't bite me!" Alice pointed at her neck. " It was Ingrid's idea of a joke."

" Say goodbye to Robin for me," Vlad requested. " You've been the best friends I've ever had."

" But I'm fine!" Alice protested.

" You are," Vlad agreed. " I'm not. I've still got a toothache, haven't I? And OK, this time I didn't bite you, but next time I could really mess up your life!"

" Running away won't solve anything!" Alice argued.

" Alice, I'm just a heartless vampire," Vlad argued.

" Aaaaaagh!" Robin shouted from inside the castle.

" Robin!" Chloe and Alice exclaimed before running over to the castle, they looked back at Vlad.

" Are you coming or not?" Alice demanded. They ran in to see Robin still dressed as a vampire, Ingrid, Count, and Renfield all around him. They walked in time to see Count about to bite Robin's neck.

" Help!" Robin cried out.

" Robin's my friend!" Vlad shouted stopping his dad. " Remember?"

" He brought shame upon the family name," Count said in his big voice, he looked at them with his fangs out. " You'll understand when you're a vampire like me."

" I am a vampire," Vlad said as they walked more into the room. " I mean that is I think my fangs are coming in."

" Oh, please!" Ingrid scoffed as Count ran over to Vlad. 

" Oh, my son and heir!" Count cheered as Chloe and Alice snuck around to get Robin freed. " Open wide!"

" He hasn't got fangs! He's got a toothache," Ingrid corrected.

" Ingrid! Don't ruin this precious moment," Count ordered as he looked into Vlad's mouth. " No, she's right for once."

" So, what caused the toothache, then?" Vlad asked.

" Cavities!" Count yelled. " I warned you, boy! Renfield! Renfield!" Count placed Vlad on the table as Renfield pulled out a drill. Soon the dentist moment was over and they were eating sandwiches at the table.

" Thanks for stepping in and saving me Vlad," Robin thanked. 

" No worries," Vlad said.

" Are your teeth ok now?" Alice asked.

" Yeah," Vlad answered. "Turns out that Renfield's a pretty good dentist." Count then walked in with Renfield who was holding a cake.

" Make way for Ingrid's betrothal cake!" Count announced.

" Betrothal?" Alice asked.

" Are we back on?" Robin asked excitedly. 

" You'll be back on the menu if you don't pipe down, peasant!" Count threatened. " Ingrid is betrothed to Adrianus. She's preparing herself as we speak." He looked up at where Ingrid's room would be located.

" Dad, she really doesn't want to get married," Vlad spoke up.

" She has no choice!" Count exclaimed. " My word is final."

" Master, the guest of honor is here!" Renfield announced excitedly. In came a guy with a goat.

" Adrianus!" Count greeted as he walked over to the boy.

" Dad," Adrianus greeted.

" Please," Count began as he took the bottle of blood. " Call me Count."

" And where is the lovely Ingrid?" Adrianus asked.

" Oh, she Aaaagghh!" Count exclaimed when Ingrid walked in. She used Robin's makeup to make herself look hideous, along with wearing the new dress she got.

" Hi," Ingrid greeted in a weird voice.

" Eeurgggh!" Adrianus sounded. 

" Ingrid!" Count exclaimed.

" I am not marrying that!" Adrianus denied.

" No, wait, look, look!" Count said as he pulled out a drawing. " That's what she really looks like!"

" Errrghhh!" Adrianus said before leaving with his goat.

" Curses," Count sighed before turning to Ingrid. " You ungrateful spawn! That's the last time I try to find you a husband!" He then stormed out of the room as Ingrid made her way over to the table. 

" Nice one, Ingrid," Vlad complimented.

" I knew you wouldn't leave me," Robin grinned.

" Robin, two words," Ingrid said in her normal voice. " Dream and on!" She then walked away.

" See what I mean?" Robin smiled as Alice and Vlad rolled their eyes at each other. " Sheer chemistry."

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