Chapter 3
Days later Alice was standing at Vlad's locker with Robin. They saw the twins following Ingrid and carrying her items. They witnessed her take her stuff and yell at the boys.
" Someone got out of their coffin the wrong side," Robin teased.
" Ingrid's sulking cos I can fly and she can't," Vlad teased as he flashed ten pounds, Alice took it from him. " Alice!"
" I need money for the movies," Alice stated as she put the ten in her pocket. " Thanks for the donation."
" You stole it," Vlad corrected.
" That's not all that will happen to you," Ingrid threatened as she walked over to them. " You'll be flying out the window if you carry on! Oh, and by the way, Mum says hello."
" Mum?" Vlad gasped. " You've spoken to Mum?"
" I've asked her to stay a couple of days," Ingrid informed.
" You did what?" Vlad demanded.
" Don't you want to see her?" Ingrid asked.
" Which Mum are you talking about?" Vlad demanded. " I'm thinking of the back-stabbing witch from hell!"
" Cool!" Robin exclaimed. " She sounds like a proper vampire. You two haven't got a fang between you."
" Just you wait till I'm 16 Branagh," Ingrid threatened before storming away.
" Are you okay Vlad?" Alice asked.
" Yeah," He answered. " Why shouldn't I be?"
Little later they were at the Castle Chloe was helping Vlad with his homework; Robin was looking at the stuff in the room as Alice looked through a magazine.
" So I carry the one and add up the columns, which makes 3,921," Vlad answered.
" Correct," Chloe smiled.
" Wow, I never realized doing homework could be so much fun!" Vlad exclaimed.
" You're joking," Robin scoffed.
" You can do mine for 10 pounds," Alice offered.
" You mean the 10 that you stole from me," Vlad said.
" That's if I don't go to the movies first," Alice said as she flipped a page.
" I'd rather have my tongue pulled out," Robin commented.
" Ooo," Ingrid sounded as she walked into the room. " Don't say that when Mum gets here. Wouldn't want to give her any ideas."
" You think she'll turn up after letting us down?" Vlad asked. " Mum doesn't care about us. She ran off with a werewolf. Get over it!"
" Werewolf?" Robin asked. " This gets better and better! Is he coming too?"
" Ignore her," Vlad advised. " My mum is not coming to stay!" The doors opened; a stylish woman flew in, smoke was behind he; she was taking off her sunglasses. The glasses of milk turned black.
" Hello, darlings," She greeted them with a smile.
" Oh is that the time?" Chloe asked as she got up and packed her stuff. " Come on, Alice and Robin." The doors then closed shut and Chloe sat back down.
" Oh, Mum, I've missed you," Ingrid cried as she hugged her mum. " I hate living with Dad!"
" There, there, don't cry," Magda said as she tried to get Ingrid off of her. " No, really don't. it's Versace." She then turned to Robin. " And how's my Vladdy? Goodness, you haven't changed."
" Not that much, I haven't," Vlad stated.
" Oh, Vlad," Magda breathed. " I didn't recognize you." Renfield walked in coughing and spluttering.
" Who let the skunks out?" Renfield asked. " Oh, it's you, Mistress Magda."
" You're still around, are you?" Magda asked in disgust. " Take my case up to the spare coffin, serf." She threw her bag at Renfield. " I'll see you all at dinner. Or for dinner, even." She then walked away.
"Your mum's awesome!" Robin complimented.
" Yeah, isn't she?" Vlad said.
" Dad'll be so pleased to see her," Ingrid said.
" Out!" Count yelled as he threw the bag back into the room.
" But Bun-Buns," Magda huffed as the two walked into the room.
" And don't call me Bun-Buns," Count ordered. " Now go on, back to that mangy dog you left me for!"
" Patrick and I have been having some problems," Magda informed.
" And you thought you come crawling back to me?" Count asked.
" I thought I'd pop in for a drink and a chat," Magda stated. " I brought our favorite tipple." She handed him a bottle of blood.
" French Aristocrat 1792," Count read. " There's a spare towel in the airing cupboard. But if I catch hide or hair of that werewolf, you're straight out the door, psycho!"
" Wow!" Ingrid breathed as Magda walked away." That's beautiful! Just seeing you back together."
" I am so over her," Count scoffed. " Did you think there was a bit of chemistry?"
When Alice got home she started to get ready to go out.
" Where did you think you're going?" Robin asked as he stood at her door.
" I'm going to the movies with my friends," Alice answered.
" With the 10 you stole from Vlad," Robin said.
" Exactly," Alice agreed.
" And what will you do if he does do your homework," Robin prompted.
" I will find a way to make it up to him," Alice said as finished her hair. " Or I will just take a ten for you."
The next day Alice sat on a bench outside the castle next to Vlad, Robin, and Chloe sat on either side as Zoltan joined them.
" That's it, I've gotta get rid of her," Vlad declared.
" Are you serious?" Robin asked.
" Yeah she'll ruin everything," Vlad answered. " Dad's already thrown me out of my room."
" There are worse things that could happen," Alice reminded him.
" It's not just that," Vlad said as he looked at her. " She's done this ever since we were little; turns up, promises the world, then leaves. I can't go through it again." Chloe and Alice both looked at each other and nodded.
" OK, it's a bit radical, but there is one way to get rid of her," Chloe announced.
" Remember what your Dad said?" Alice asked. " If he found any werewolf hide or hair of that werewolf, she'd be out the door."
" Mmm, nice idea Alice and Chloe," Vlad began. " But where are we going to find werewolf hair?" They then all looked at Zoltan.
" Eh?" Zoltan gasped and began to roll away, Vlad got up and went after him. " Uh, I'm just going for a for a um No!" Vlad caught him. When they got inside, Vlad took the bit of Zoltan's fur up to his parents as the Branagh waited in the dining room.
" Out!" Count demanded as luggage was thrown into the room, Chloe ran over to the other two.
" But Bun-buns," Magda huffed.
" Go on out, witch!" Count ordered. She walked out and he threw her luggage out as well.
" Dad, please, just give her one more chance," Ingrid pleaded.
"You can give that room back to Vlad," Count ordered.
" What? Just because Mum?"
" Betrayed us all," Vlad cut her off. " I did try and warn you this might happen Ingrid."
" Aargh!" they heard Magda cry as she walked back in steam. " Ooh! Ah, Bun-Buns, it's still daylight out there. I mean where am I supposed to go?"
Robin and Alice had just asked if Vlad's mum could stay with them for a bit.
" It won't work," Dad stated.
" You say we should help the homeless," Alice reminded him.
" Alice and Robin, it's a nice idea, but we can't have any old trap," Dad began.
" Ahem," Mum sounded.
" Homeless person staying in the...hi." They turned to see Magda had walked into the room. " I'm Graham. Please allow me." Her dad, Paul, and Ian all ran over and tried to fight over to help Magda with her luggage. Alice looked back at her Mum; they both shook their heads. They then made dinner and sat down, they all looked at Magda who had not touched a thing.
" Good carbonara," Alice breathed as she stood up. " I will be in my room." She then quickly walked out to get away from the scene. Moments later the doorbell rang; she went down and opened it to see Ingrid.
" Where's my mum?" Ingrid demanded.
" Kitchen," Alice answered as she let Ingrid in.
" Mum!" Ingrid called out when they walked over to the kitchen.
" Ingrid!" Magda gasped. " What are you doing here?"
" I've left Dad," Ingrid answered. " From now on I'll be living with you."
" Oh wonderful," Magda breathed.
At school Alice walked into the lunch room; she saw Vlad sitting alone looking sad.
" Vlad?" Alice asked as she walked over and sat next to him. "Are you alright?" Chloe sat down next to her.
" I'm fine," Vlad shrugged. " Apart from ketchup sandwich, again."
" So no twinges of guilt about the werewolf hair?" Chloe asked.
" No! I definitely did the right thing," Vlad said, sounding like he was trying to assure himself. " It's just Dad does seem really upset. I mean, what if he and Mum were meant to be together?"
" Hey, dudes, mind if I join you?" Jonathan asked he walked up to three of them.
" Yes!" they answered.
" Thanks," Jonathan smiled as he took Vlad's sandwich and sat down. " I heard your Mum's visiting."
" You heard wrong," Vlad confirmed.
" Hey, Vlad," Robin greeted as he sat at the table with his hands cupped. " Does your Mum like slugs at all?"
" Robin!" Alice hissed.
" Oh, right, yeah," Robin began as Jonathan took a bite. " Mum's the worst absolutely. But it's so cool having her live at ours."
" Robin!" Alice, Chloe, and Vlad hissed.
" Really?" Jonathan asked.
" No!" Mr. Van Hesling cried as he ran over to them and try to get the food out of his mouth. Vlad then slammed his head into the table. " You sup with the devil and you'll become one! You have any idea what was in that sandwich!"
" Tomato ketchup," Jonathan answered as he sat down. " And half a beetle. Ergh!"
" Come on let's go," Robin insisted, the four got up and left the canteen. Hours later Alice was putting her items in her locker when Vlad and Ingrid walked up to her.
" Remember the 10 pounds you stole from me?" Vlad asked.
" Yeah, it was enough to get me in and some popcorn," Alice recalled.
" Alice!" Vlad hissed. " I need it!"
" What for?" Alice asked.
" We are trying to get our Mum and Dad back together and we need stuff animals," Ingrid answered. " So fork over the 10 pounds."
" Me and Chloe have old stuff animals, " Alice informed. "Just take something from there."
" It needs to be new," Ingrid insisted.
" Or I will take your lucky earrings to sell," Vlad said as he then took out one of the earrings.
" Fine," Alice huffed as took out a ten and handed it to Vlad. " Now give it back."
" Not till this works," Vlad said as he walked away, Ingrid went the opposite way.
Alice now was at the castle for a wedding between the Count and Madga. She, Robin, Chloe, Ingrid, and Vlad all stood in front of the mirror.
" I can't believe this," Vlad breathed happily. " Mum's going to stay forever! It's like a fantastic dream!"
"A nightmare," Alice breathed.
" Vlad, wake up!" Chloe demanded. "Your Mum's up to it, we're sure of it."
" Alice, Chloe, don't interfere," Robin ordered. " This is my big day." They all looked at him. " I mean Vlad's big day."
" Now how do I look?" Magda asked as she walked into view.
"Cool!" Robin answered; a ringtone started going off, Count then walked into the room. He was holding Madga's phone.
" Darling, your phone its Vermin Busters," Count informed.
" Ah, yes," Madga breathed as she took her phone back. " The Dj."
" Vladdy," Count whispered as he ran over to Vlad.
" Vermin Busters?" Chloe asked.
" Go check it out," Alice advised in a whisper. " I will stay here."
" Good plan," Chloe whispered before walking away. Alice watched Count fix Vlad a bit, he was smiling. Moments later they were still waiting for Madga.
" 7 o'clock where is she?" Count demanded.
" Dad," Vlad laughed. " Relax, it's going to be fine."
" Robin! Alice!" Chloe exclaimed as she ran up to them. " Listen, we have to stop the wedding."
" Oh, give it a rest Chloe," Robin groaned.
" What did you find out?" Alice asked.
" Madga is in league with Mr. Van Hesling! She'll marry Count and then bump him off," Chloe answered.
" Wow, that's really evil," Robin breathed. " And wrong, of course." They then went and listened to the conversation between Van Helsing and Madga. After the wedding, she is going to lead the Count upstairs, and Van Helsing will slay him.
" What are we going to do?" Robin asked.
" There's only one thing to do," Chloe stated.
" Tell Vlad," Alice said. They ran into the room to see Vlad standing behind his family, holding his Mum's home. They ran over and grabbed him.
" Get off!" Vlad ordered.
" Van Helsing," they all said together. With a bit of teamwork, the three went upstairs and managed to get Van Helsing into the slime pit.
" You know Vlad, I get that old sewage blocked up if I were you," Chloe advised as they left their hiding spots.
" Yeah, someone could have a really bad accident," Robin added. " Hey, Vlad high-five!" Vlad just looked at him."
" Sorry," Vlad apologized. " Don't see what's to celebrate Robin."
" We've beaten Van Helsing," Robin recalled. " Your dad's safe."
" Safe to marry the woman who tried to slay him?" Vlad groaned. " What if she tries again?"
" This what we've been saying," Alice said as she gestured between her and Chloe. " You must stop the wedding."
" How?" Vlad asked. " I can't tell Dad about Van Helsing, can I? He'll move us all back to Transylvania."
" What are you going to do?" Robin asked.
" I don't know, Robin," Vlad breathed. " I'll just never trust my Mum again." Vlad pulled it out to see that Patrick was calling.
" Let it go to voicemail," Alice breathed. " Then you really will have a reason to stop the wedding." They then ran back to the other room.
" Stop the wedding!" Vlad ordered as he entered the room. " She doesn't love you."
" Of course she does," Count said. " She sent me that ghastly animal to prove it."
" No, she didn't," Vlad argued. " It was me and Ingrid."
" Shut it, Vlad," Ingrid hissed.
" So the kids got us back together, who cares?" Magda asked. " I still love you, darling."
" Ah!" Zoltan and Robin breathed.
" That's good enough for me," Count admitted. " Renfield carry on."
" All right fine," Vlad huffed. " But if she loves you, how come she's getting calls from Patrick?" He then pressed the button on the phone.
" Hey, Princess. Wolfie here," Patrick's voice greeted. " Good luck with getting your hands on that castle. Just having my back waxed." There was a ripping sound. " Ow! I'll see you tonight for a celebration." He then howls and the voicemail ends.
" What? Some people have no sense of humor," Madga shrugged and she marched away from Count, stopped, and faced them. " Come on, Ingrid. Let's go to Monte Carlo."
" What? To live with you and Patrick?" Ingrid asked. " No way! Dad might be a pain in the neck, but at least he doesn't molt!" Renfield then handed Madga her stuff.
" Bye Mum," Vlad breathed.
" Bye darlings, I'll see you soon," Madga confirmed. She then sent a kiss into the air with her hand and stormed out. The Branaghs now stood at the front door.
" Come on, Mum is waiting for us," Chloe urged.
" I will be right with you," Alice said. " I have my earring to get back."
" No," Vlad stated as her siblings left.
" Give it back Bat poop brain!" Alice demanded. " Those are my lucky ones."
" I know," Vlad smiled. " They were lucky for me too, with the luck of saving my dad from marrying my mum."
" Please Vlad," Alice pleaded. " They are my lucky and favorite ones."
" Better reason to keep them," Vlad said.
" I helped with destroying the wedding," Alice reminded him.
" You stole ten pounds from me," Vlad reminded her.
" That you got for lying about flying," Alice reminded him as she held out her hand.
" So we both have something against each other," Vlad stated as he dug his hand into his pocket.
" There's a big test in science and I want those earrings," Alice ordered. " Give it bat brain."
" Tomorrow," Vlad said. " See you tomorrow." Alice huffed and turned around. Suddenly fingers touched her ears. Alice Judo flipped the person, on the ground was Vlad. " I was trying to give you your earring back."
" Well don't sneak up on people like that," Alice ordered as she pulled him back to his feet. " Besides I can put it in myself."
" Just let me do it," Vlad insisted.
" Fine," Alice said as she moved her hair. Vlad then got really close and put the earring in. She felt his fingers land on her ear and find the hole. " Thanks, see you later."
" Night," Vlad breathed. He then closed the door and Alice caught up with her siblings.
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