Chapter 28

Four years passed by;  Alice Stone (Formally Alice Branagh) had grown, and under Ingrid Dracula, she became skilled in alchemy. Alice was also able to adjust to other certain abilities. While at the castle, Alice was allowed to dress nicely unlike Renfield.  

At Stokely schools, Alice managed to befriend her siblings and former friends. Robin invited her over a lot, said it was nice to have a girl think he was cool and interesting; and he wished vampires were real. Chloe was a town genius prodigy, and Paul and Ian had gone off to college. 

Alice was able to stay close to her family, even if they don't remember that she is part of their family; and that she had gotten her license. Ingrid hypnotized the driving instructor to believe that Alice was 17 when she was 15. At the castle, Alice cleaned, cooked, and lived in Ingrid's old room as Ingrid took Vlad's old room. Due to Vlad's blood changing parts of Alice's DNA, her breather scent had greatly minimized, along with super speed and hearing as Ingrid said. Ingrid was kind enough to Alice through those transitions; Ingrid kept to her word, and she made Stokely streets run red with blood but did not touch the Branagh's. Alice didn't make an attempt to try and contact Count and Vlad, she was way too angry at Vlad.

The Branaghs moved from Stokely when Alice was about 16, Graham Branagh had found a new job a few cities away. Thankfully, with the era of phones, Alice was still able to keep in touch with them.

Over the past four years, Alice was able to maintain a boyfriend for two years, without Ingrid's knowledge.

At the moment; seventeen-year-old Alice pulled up to the castle in that old car. The moment she stepped out, she smelled gasoline reeking from the castle.

"Ingrid?" Alice asked as she walked in. "Countess Dracula?" Alice checked everywhere, but nobody was in the castle, she got to the table to find a note.


Stokely Castle has been attracting an exceeding amount of slayers. With one match this place should burn down to the ground, and get the slayers off my scent. I'll let know where I land, see you there

- Ingrid'

For the rest of the evening for Alice to stash everything into her car; it was now late at night, and she stood outside the castle, staring at it. 

"Sorry, old girl," Alice said as she struck a match. "We had a lot of fun and tears...Mistress Ingrid's orders." She threw the match, watching the castle go up in flames. Memories poured through Alice's mind as she watched the castle burn. She left before any mortal or vampire approached the castle. 

A week later, Alice was in the highlands when her phone went off with a tone she knew too well.

"Ingrid," Alice answered. "It's about time."

"Come to Garside Granger," Ingrid instructed. "It's my new hideout."

"Gar what?" Alice asked as she crossed her arms. "Any news about the castle?"

"Burned just like I wanted," Ingrid answered. "Now, come to Garside Granger, it's a school...perfect place for you to enroll for your last year."

"I'll be there, in at least three days," Alice answered. "Stuck in Scotland."

Ingrid groaned. "YOU WORM! GET OVER HERE, NOW!"


About five days later, Alice had finally pulled up to Garside Granger School in the middle of the night.

"Talk about hiding in plain sight," Alice said as she got out of the car. "Out of all places, school? Really, Ingrid? Couldn't pick...a mall or something." Alice grabbed about two bags, then walked around, till she found a window unlocked. "Perfect." She peeked into seeing papers all over the place, the school was a complete mess. She then threw the window opened and threw the bags in. Alice started to climb through the window, she looked up just as a familiar face swung down, baring fangs he didn't have before. His hair was darker and his red glowing eyes quickly faded, Alice watched Vladimir Dracula fall flat on his back.

"Alice," Vlad breathed, as he stared up at her.

"Most powerful, yet still the lamest vampire ever, Fang Brain," Alice said as she stared down at him. Vlad could see that Alice was nowhere near happy to see him, he grabbed his head, at the moment Evil Vlad was the main one in control. He got to his feet as Alice fully climbed in, shutting the window.  She started to walk down the hall; Vlad suddenly appeared in front of her. 

"You are not to move until I say so," Vlad ordered as his eyes glowed yellow, Alice looked at him strangely as the building started to shake.

"Still can't hypnotize me?" Alice laughed as she put her foot behind his. "So lame." With a swipe, Vlad was back on the ground; Alice continued to walk down the hall. Suddenly, Alice was back into a wall; Vlad was staring at her with blood-red hungry eyes. "You jerk, Fang Brain!" She grabbed his ear and pulled him close, Vlad's eyes went wide. "Bite me and you just be brushing your fangs with garlic paste in the morning." She pushed past him, not looking back. She then heard the walkie talking in her backpack...Alice paused, she looked back to see Vlad holding out.

"Alice, it's been four years," Vlad said. "Can't we just talk?"

"Four years isn't long enough," Alice said, she then suddenly disappeared, throwing Vlad off guard.


The next day came around, a brand new school, and brand new people to mingle with. Some of the girls had already made an attempt to be her friend. Alice walked into home economics to find Vlad standing in the doorway.

"I gather you're suspended," the professor said as he walked toward Vlad. "And who you are?" The boys all looked at each other.

"Alice Stone," Alice answered as she stood next to Vlad, he looked down at her; she looked up at him. The lights in the classroom started to flicker. "And who are you?"

Vlad's evil look completely faded. "Vladimir Count." He reached for her hand; Alice pulled it away while staring Vlad directly in the eyes. 

"Vlad, you can make friends with the new student after your suspension," the teacher said as he walked over with garlic in his hands. "You're not supposed to be on school property."

"That sure is a good piece of garlic," Alice stated as she looked at the teacher. "You should give it a taste, Vladimir." Vlad sighed as he left the classroom. 

"Now, who would be kind enough to pair up with our new student?" the professor asked, a girl with short blonde hair raising her hand. "Fantastic, Erin."

"Where you from?" the other girl asked. "My name is Becky."

"Stokely," Alice answered "A bit of boring town, but hard to leave."

"I see you've met the owner's son," Erin said. "Vlad...he can be difficult."

After class, Alice was walking down the hall with Becky and Erin, Vlad suddenly appeared in front of them

"Look, just leave me alone," Erin ordered as she crossed her arms. Vlad glanced at Alice who was checking her phone; completely uninterested in his presence. He looked back at Erin.

"Actually, it was Becky I was after," Vlad corrected; walking up to her. "I was wondering if you'd like to come around for lunch, for a bite to eat?"

Becky looked at Erin, then back at Vlad. "Yeah, all right." Becky then left, and Alice left without saying anything, she pushed Vlad closer to the window; Vlad watched her walk away.

"Why won't she talk to me?" Vlad gloomed. 

"Are those two supposed to make me jealous?" Erin asked as she stepped up to Vlad. "Becky and the new girl?"

Vlad looked at her. "I'm sorry, and what was your name again?" He walked away from her.


A little while later, Alice saw a curly hair man walking down the hallway alone, Alice studied him. 

"What?" the man asked as he looked at her, Alice noticed that even with the dim lighting, the man had no shadow.

"So you're a vampire too?" Alice asked as she stopped in front of him.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about," the man said as he put his hands on his hips. "Vampires aren't real!" He let out a fake laugh.

"You have no reflection," Alice said as she gestured to the mirror on the wall. "No shadow and you are keeping your distance...probably due to the fact I worked with garlic earlier in home economics." Alice opened her mouth a little then the man did the same. "Ah yes, the fangs."

"Slayer?" the man asked angrily. "The name is Bertrand." He stepped closer to her, eyes turning red. "Be prepared to meet your doom." Bertrand was confused to see that Alice wasn't scared, but rather annoyed. 

"Have you seen Ingrid?" Alice asked she put a book between the two. "She told me she was here at Garside, and all I've seen is her stupid younger brother." Bertrand looked back, then at Alice in confusion. His eyes were back to normal. "I'm Alice Stone, I'm Ingrid's Renfield in a way. Just prettier."


After lunch, Alice was walking with Erin and Becky again.

"How was your lunch date, Becky?" Alice asked as she checked her appearance in a small mirror. "Did he bite?" Erin looked at her wildly. 

"He's not the guy I thought he was," Becky answered in annoyance toward Vlad.

"Deep down, he's still a good person," Erin said. 

"Hah," Becky laughed. "I think you're wasting your time with more like Alice and not give him the time of day. All three girls went in different directions. Alice got stopped in the hallway but Vlad. 

"Why are you ignoring me?" Vlad demanded, Erin peeked down the corridor. "I kept my promise; always kept a window unlocked."

"That promise was a mistake," Alice answered as she rolled her eyes. "If I knew you were here, I wouldn't have come."

"Don't say that," Vlad said as his voice became saddened. "Take it back."

Alice stepped up to him, and Vlad stepped back. "How's Robin, Vlad?"

"Alice," Vlad began as Alice started to walk away; he suddenly appeared in front of her. "Alice, please!" 

"You are the most powerful," Alice laughed. "And you are going to use, Alice, please? So lame." 

"What else am I supposed to do?" Vlad demanded. "I can't hypnotize you, I wasn't able to back then and I can't now."

"That's your problem, Fang Brain," Alice said as she tapped his face, she stepped around him; she then faced him, Vlad looked at her with hope. "You tried to bite Becky earlier, didn't you?"

"And what about it?" Vlad asked as Evil Vlad took control.

"That means you're weaker than your reflection," Alice answered. "Vlad began to pout. "If Robin was here, I'd owe him 50 pounds...See you later." Once again, Vlad was thrown off by her sudden disappearance. 


A little later, Alice finally found Ingrid, she was laying in the sun; there was loads of smoke. Alice pulled out a large umbrella, then stepped out, she walked over to Ingrid; she was in pain.

"Alice?" Ingrid asked weakly. "What took you so long to get here?"

"I had a couple of stake bumps," Alice answered as she helped Ingrid up. They two went inside, they were walking through the upstairs part of the school, where the vampires lived.

"What are you doing here?" Erin demanded as she stood on the other side of Ingrid. "It's too dangerous for someone like you to be up here!"

"Erin," Alice began. " Based on the conversation you overhead earlier, you should be able to piece it together that I'm not just some random new student."

Vlad stepped into the hallway, he let out a sigh. "Oh, Ingrid, I'm so sorry." Ingrid was weakly gasping, in loads of pain.

"Get lost, Vlad" Alice instructed, glaring at him. 

"I need to get to the mirror room," Vlad decided. "Alice come with me."

"I'd rather hang out with a werewolf on a full moon," Alice responded. "Now, get lost before I clean your ears with garlic juice." Vlad let out a defeated sigh, he went passed them as Alice and Erin got Ingrid to her room.

"What is your history with Vlad?" Erin asked as they sat Ingrid down in a chair.

"It doesn't matter," Alice answered as she took a bottle out of her pocket. "Here." She opened it, putting it in Ingrid's hands.

"What did you give her?" Erin asked as Ingrid slowly drank it.

"Blood," Alice answered; Erin looked at her oddly. The two girls then left the room. Erin left to go find Vlad, as Alice went and began unpacking the car; the night came. Alice went back to grab one more thing to find Vlad leaning on the car window. "What do you want?"

"Evil Vlad is part of me," Vlad informed as he looked down. "I need to deal with him."

"So, then go deal with him," Alice stated as she opened the trunk.

"Can you come with me?" Vlad asked.

"No," Alice laughed. "This is something you have to deal with yourself. Plus, you have Erin."

Vlad looked at her. "I denied Erin from coming with me. I'm scared I might hurt her."

"Which means you should do this yourself," Alice said.

"You are the only person, Evil Vlad couldn't raise a fang to," Vlad said as he looked at her. "Not even in his darkest wishes could Evil Vlad kept throwing him off."

"Vlad," Alice sighed. "I need to be here for, Ingrid...she's the only reason I came here in the first place."

"Please," Vlad requested. "You have every right to not ever forgive me...I know what I must do is dangerous...but as long as I have you with me I'll be fine."

"Shouldn't you be saying this to your girlfriend and not your ex?" Alice asked.

Vlad's eyes adverted to the ground. "I still can't believe you still drive this thing."

"Of course!" Alice lit up, Vlad couldn't help but smile when he saw Alice's reflection in a puddle. "Milos and I have had so many great adventures together."

"You named your car after a son that my dead cousin Boris wanted with you?" Vlad asked he looked up.

"In honor of Boris," Alice smiled more. "You're not driving, you'll kill us both before you get to deal with Evil Vlad."

"So that means you are coming?" Vlad asked he appeared by the passenger door. 

"Just in case you do try anything," Alice began as she got in the driver's seat. "I do have a ton of stakes in the perk."

"Working for Ingrid and you had stakes in the back?" Vlad asked as Alice started to the car.

"Well, yeah," Alice laughed as she started to drive off. "Vamp on Vamp violence is the ultimate crime."

"Ingrid had you--" Vlad began in shock. "I got no clue why I am so surprised, of course, she'd have you." He looked in the direction Alice was going. "Where are we going?"

"Perks came with Ingrid as my Mistress," Alice answered as she turned. "I did a lot of sun jobs for her, lots of jobs for her general. I got to discover new places...which means I got the perfect place to take you to deal with whatever you plan on doing." As they drove, Vlad couldn't help but think back to the time Alice taught Vlad how to drive.

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