Chapter 24
The day for Ingrid's 16th birthday had finally come around, Ingrid had opened Robin's gift first. It was a coffin, a jewelry box. In the middle was a vampiric ballerina with an apple in her hand, dancing to haunting ballerina music.
"Happy birthday, Ingrid!" Robin wished her.
"Robin, it's perfect," Ingrid complimented as she looked at her gift in awe. Robin leaned in for a kiss. "Unlike you." She closed the music box. "Next!"
"Happy birthday, Ingrid," Alice wished as she put her gift on the table.
Ingrid opened the gift, inside were jewelry, gothic rings, chokers, and bracelets. "These are beautiful." She picked up the earrings. It was the star alignment of her birthday, with red gems representing the stars.
"Happy birthday, sis," Vlad wished as he pulled out his gift.
She opened her gift; it was a book. "Peace, Love, and Transylvania: How to Be a Happy Blood-Free Vampire."
"Oh, you haven't read it already, have you?" Vlad asked. Ingrid stared at the book till it caught on fire, then threw it to the side. Vlad let out a sigh. "Don't worry, I kept the receipt."
Thunder clapped as Count entered the room. "Presents?" He picked up a box; he gasped at the table. "Oh, the un-mortification!" He went to his son. "Vladdy, I've forgotten your birthday."
"My birthday!" Ingrid corrected. "My sixteenth birthday."
"Oh, nonsense," Count denied. "If it was, the castle bell would be tolling to summon you for your vampire transformation." The castle bell began to toll. "I can't hear anything at all, can you?" The castle was shaking. "All right, so it's Ingrid's special day!" The castle bell stopped going off. He held out a toothbrush. "Here, have a vintage fang brush."
Ingrid took it. "Is that it?"
"Well, it's more than you got from your mother," Count pointed out as Ingrid threw the brush on the table. "I see she couldn't even be bothered to show up."
Thunder clapped, then looked over to see Magda gliding into the room. "Happy birthday, darling."
"Mum!" Ingrid lit up, she ran over as Renfield wheeled in a gift. She tore off the wrapping; it was a coffin, and on the front was Ingrid looking deadly gorgeous.
"That's so pretty," Alice complimented.
Ingrid turned to her mom. "My first coffin!"
"Just a little something from Patrick and me," Magda said. Ingrid made a face at Count.
"That's right, just waltz in and steal all the glory!" Count scolded as he walked over. He pointed a finger at Magda. "Where were you when their nappies needed changing?"
"Out," Magda answered. "Drinking blood with you."
"Exactly!" Count shouted. " A shamefully irresponsible mother! Whereas I have done everything I could for this girl." Ingrid looked at her dad in disbelief.
"So you've organized her coming of rage party?" Magda asked.
"Coming of rage?" Alice asked looking at Vlad.
"When a girl vampire turns 16," Vlad answered.
"Oh, so like a sweet 16," Alice gathered.
"No one gets bitten at those," Robin pointed out, Vlad and Alice looked at him.
"You have laid on someone to bite?" Magda asked.
"Of course," Count confirmed; he looked over at the others in a panic. "Robin! What are you doing this evening?"
"Oh, I--" Robin began.
"Pathetic!" Magda hissed.
"Oi!" Vla exclaimed as he stepped up. "No one is biting anyone!"
Ingrid marched up to him. "Oh, you just try and stop me." She then turned to Alice. "Come down with me, so I can show my fangs to you first."
"No biting!" Vlad pleaded.
"See you later," Alice said, she kissed Vlad's cheek before going down to the blood mirror with Ingrid.
"This shouldn't take long," Ingrid said as the doors opened for her.
"Good luck?" Alice asked as she held out her lucky earring.
"I don't need that," Ingrid smiled as she went to go walk in.
"Ingrid, wait!" Vlad shouted as he ran in with Robin.
"What?" Ingrid demanded. "I just wanted to say...goodbye."
"I'm only gonna be in there two minutes," Ingrid informed.
"Yeah, I know, but when Boris changed," Vlad began. "He became selfish...possessive and evil and--"
"Well, I'm already selfish and evil," Ingrid reminded him. "Only now, I'll come with added fangs." She bit forward, Robin back up revealing garlic in his cloak. Ingrid smirked, she went in, and the doors closed behind her.
"She's going to be fine, Vlad," Alice said looking at him. "She has more backbone than pre-transformed Boris."
"I hope you're right," Vlad wished. They sat on the steps, waiting for Ingrid's results. "I promise to be more responsible for Jana's sweet sixteenth; minus the biting."
"Thanks," Alice laughed lightly.
They heard pounding from the door and Ingrid yelling. "Open the door! Let me out!" Ingrid was screaming.
"Don't do it!" Robin advised as Vlad and Alice got to their feet. "It's a vampire trick!"
"Vlad, help me!" Ingrid screamed. Vlad stepped forward, the knights moved to stop him.
"Getting yourself impaled again?" Alice asked as she touched the top of a sword. Ingrid continued to scream for help, pounding on the door.
"I, the son and heir of Count Dracula, order you to stand aside and open the door!" Vlad demanded. The knights did as they were told; the door swung open. Ingrid came through screaming, Robin ducked letting out a scream as Vlad and Alice stepped aside. They looked at him.
"Where did she go?" Robin asked he stepped by the other two.
"I've never seen Ingrid that freaked out," Alice confessed. "It was...strange."
Vlad suddenly shuddered. "Did you feel that?"
"Feel what?" Robin asked as he and Alice looked at each other.
"Come on," Vlad instructed; they went back upstairs. They went up to Ingrid's room, her coffin was already in place.
"Shouldn't we be getting to school?" Alice asked.
"We will in a second," Vlad assured her as he grabbed her hand.
"Suddenly maths doesn't seem so scary," Robin admitted.
" I don't know what it is, but there is something in here, I'm telling you," Vlad explained.
"Well, yeah, a sleeping vampire!" Robin exclaimed.
"No, something else," Vlad denied. "An evil presence."
"Oh, yeah!" Robin agreed. " A sleeping, irritated vampire." The coffin suddenly opened, and Robin started to whimper; he grabbed onto the other two; Vlad tried to get him to be quiet.
"Ingrid's not here," Alice informed as she looked in the coffin.
"What!?" Vlad demanded as he looked over to see for himself. The coffin lid suddenly slammed shut.
"Gone to wreak havoc at school," Robin stated.
"Robin, she can't go outside, she'll burn," Vlad reminded him.
"Not if she's in love," Alice pointed out, Vlad looked at her. "She's probably gone to find Will."
"Along with sunblock 75," Robin added as he held up an empty tube.
"Let's go," Vlad sighed. "We've gotta find her!" They all quickly made their way to school. If it wasn't the school they were going to, Alice so would have been allowed to drive. They got to school late, nobody was in the hallway. "Where could she be?"
"Where would Will be?" Alice asked.
"Will?" Vlad asked. "We are looking for my sister."
"Who went to find Will," Alice informed. "If we find Will, then we find Ingrid."
"This is a disaster," Vlad groaned. "We've looked everywhere, now we gotta find her stupid boyfriend?"
"Yes," Alice confirmed. "Will, is an art guy."
"How do you know this?" Vlad asked looking at her.
"Will has gone here for years," Alice reminded him. " Lots of people have noticed him; Vlad gave her an even weirder look. "Art Room."
"Right," Vlad agreed as they took off.
"Genius as always, Alice!" Robin gleamed. "But do you know that she'd look for Will in the first place?"
"It's a complicated subject for boys," Alice answered. "It'd be a waste to explain it." Minutes they found Ingrid and Will in the art room about to kiss.
"NO!" Vlad shouted as he pulled Ingrid away, Robin grabbed hold of Will. Ingrid smacked Vlad's hand away.
"You idiots!" Ingrid hissed at Vlad, Robin, and Alice. "You've brought it with you!"
"Brought what?" Alice asked as she stared at the other side of the room.
"That," Vlad pointed.
"Huh?" Robin asked as he and Alice looked at each other.
"Look, I've got to go," Ingrid said to Will. "Promise you'll meet me later?" Will nodded, and the four took off in a hurry.
"Vlad, shouldn't the vampire be chasing us?" Robin asked.
"But she's not a vampire," Vlad said as they came to a stop. "Are you, Ingrid?" Ingrid seemed different. "You didn't go through with the transformation."
"So what's chasing us?" Alice asked as she looked back.
"Her vampiric reflection," Vlad answered.
Ingrid was still Ingrid. "If you breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll...well, I can't bite you, but I'll do something evil!"
"I don't get it," Robin confessed. "I thought you had to transform?"
"I thought so, too," Vlad lit up. "But there's a way out of it, isn't there?"
Ingrid began to look like she's seen a ghost. "RUN!" They all took off again. Ingrid screamed, they rebounded the corner, pushing past Van Helsing and Jonathan. They got stuck at the locked doors.
"Ingrid!" Van Helsing and Jonathan hissed.
"You'll never get me!" Ingrid exclaimed at her more evil self. "I'll fight you all the way to the grave!"
"The garlic!" Vlad exclaimed. Robin and Alice began to throw garlic in the direction, Vlad was throwing. The door finally became unlocked.
"Go, go, go!" Ingrid pleaded; they took off down the hallway. The fire alarm went off, they were about to go outside till Ingrid gasped. They went back in, soon hiding in the school's kitchen.
"Robin," Alice whispered. "I thought you wanted to be a vampire?"
"Not yet," Robin answered. "Maybe I'll let Dragan bite me on his 16th."
"How thoughtful," Alice shook her head. Ingrid rounded the corner, the boys hit their heads on the table above, while Alice rolled off. They got behind a door with a circular window.
"Has she gone?" Ingrid asked as Vlad looked through the window.
Vlad dropped back down. "Coast is clear." They stood back up, Ingrid and Vlad started screaming, and Robin joined in as the Dracula siblings ran off.
"What am I meant to be screaming at?" Robin asked in confusion.
"I think Ingrid's vampiric reflection," Alice answered as she shrugged her shoulders. Vlad grabbed the two, dragging them further into the kitchen to hide.
"Go!" Vlad instructed Ingrid. Ingrid started to crawl; Vlad and Ingrid stopped. Vlad picked up a lid, he slid it underneath to the other side. "Go! Go! Go!" Ingrid and Vlad started screaming again, they ran toward a door, it was locked and Ingrid began to back up.
"No!" Ingrid screamed, Alice saw that Ingrid's arm take a fuzzy shape.
"STOP!" Vlad shouted as he put his hand in the air. Robin and Alice looked at each other and shrugged again. Vlad's voice became deep. "I said leave her alone!" Robin and Alice looked at each other again. Vlad opened the freezer door, then shut it.
"What a time for your voice to break," Ingrid commented; Vlad nodded as he touched his throat.
With an umbrella; and jacket, Vlad, Robin, and Alice got Ingrid home as fast as they could.
"Where's the car?" Ingrid asked as she whimpered from the sun.
"I should be saying yes to you more," Vlad to said to Alice.
They got to the castle, the Count and Magda had pistols in their hands. Alice followed Ingrid, as Robin stopped at the Count and Magda.
In Ingrid's room. Alice helped Ingrid pack as Vlad explained some things.
"So if Ingrid's reflection never finds her, she won't become a vampire?"Robin asked.
"Exactly," Vlad confirmed. "Which means there's still hope for me after all."
"Oh, come on, Will, you're late!" Ingrid cried. he looked back at the boys with a sigh. "He is gonna come, isn't he?"
"He'd be mad not to," Alice answered as Vlad went on the other side of Ingrid.
"And if he doesn't, you know where I am," Robin spoke up. Ingrid returned to packing. Soon they finished packing.
"INGRID!" Count shouted. "YOU HAVE COMPANY!"
"Will!" Ingrid lit up, they went to leave, and the door opened revealing Van Helsing.
"Going somewhere, vampire?" Van Helsing asked as he appeared out of the shadows. They all back up as a stake was raised. He then turned to Vlad. "Oh, and by the way, you haven't seen me, all right?"
"Disobeying your wife?" Alice asked.
"None of your business," Van Helsing responded as he glared at her. "Jonno thinks I've given up."
"I won't tell Mum if you don't," Jonathan informed as he walked in with a stake.
"You're making a mistake," Vlad said as he got in front of Ingrid.
"I'm not a vampire!" Ingrid exclaimed.
"Only one way to find out for certain," Van Helsing said as he raised his stake. Alice stepped forward, she jabbed her fingers in spots of wrists on both Jonathan and Van Helsing.
"OW!" They both cried as they dropped their stakes, grabbing their wrists. Before Van Helsings could do anything, his phone went off.
"Sorry," Van Helsing apologized as he answered his phone. "Mina! We're fine. Oh, you heard? Yes, they've shut the school. Slaying? No! Of course, we're not." He looked at his son. "We're just in the car on our way home now." He put the phone over to him, Jonathan began to make engine noises, Van Helsing put the phone back to his ear. "No, we're just at some lights, that's all. Picking up speed now. See you soon." He hung up the phone. He looked back. focusing on Ingrid then he and Jonathan took off.
Ingrid chuckled as she watched them leave. "It's weird, but I'm kind of gonna miss those losers." They got the bottom. "Will?"
"Surprise!" Magda and Count shouted as they revealed themselves.
"Happy coming of rage," Magda wished.
"Now, let the party games begin!" Count instructed. Renfield walked in Paul and Ian, they were blindfolded. Magda and Count appeared on either side and began to spin them. They walked forward. the twins bumped into each other; falling over.
Vlad sighed. "We've got a gatecrasher."
"Who?" Count asked as he appeared by them.
"My reflection," Ingrid answered.
"You didn't merge!" Count hissed. "Girls, they are nothing but trouble."
"Oh, typical, you selfish maggot!" Magda hissed.
"Thanks, Mum, you tell him," Ingrid said.
"I was talking to you!" Magda corrected, and they looked at her. " I promised your hand to Patrick's brother. He certainly won't want to marry you now."
"Your birthdays seem to have a theme of almost being married off," Alice noted.
" So that is why you're really here?" Count asked.
"You didn't think I'd come to see you?" Magda asked in disbelief. With a turn, she disappeared.
"Well, thank you for ruining my marriage," Count said to Ingrid. "Again." He growled before taking off.
I don't need them!" Ingrid shouted before taking off. Vlad looked at her, she glanced at him and then focused on her reflection. "I've got Will...What have you done with my boyfriend?" She began to walk forward. "This little girl doesn't surrender to anyone! Now, tell me what you've done with Will!" She narrowed her eyes. "Well, in that case, you leave me no choice."
" Ingrid, what are you doing?" Vlad asked.
"I'm taking control!" Ingrid exclaimed. "It's the only way I can win...We'll see about that." Suddenly, evil Ingrid appeared as she and Ingrid started to merge, they were both screaming. With a flash of lightning, Ingrid was on the ground.
"Ingrid?" Alice asked as they looked down at her.
"Is she dead?" Robin asked. Vlad looked at him, then back t his sister.
Ingrid opened her eyes hissing, her eyes were red and she had fangs. "Not quite." Her eyes returned to their normal color. She sat up, an umbrella came into her hand, then she disappeared out of the room.
Vlad sighed. "I just hope she's gonna be a good vampire."
"What, with those fangs?" Robin laughed in question. "She's gonna be a really good vampire."
A couple of days later, Alice and Vlad were on a date. They were at the park down by the pond, they were laying on the blanket watching the clouds go by while holding hands. Vlad was telling Alice all about what was going on at home; and vice versa.
"I'm going to be a much better father to Jana than my dad is too Ingrid," Vlad declared, Alice looked at him. "What?"
"You don't think we are too young to be talking like this, do you? Marriage? A cottage? Kids?" Alice asked; Vlad looked at her. "We're only 13." Vlad looked at her; Alice looked back at the sky. " I tend to feel like we are from time to time."
Vlad looked at the sky, letting out a sigh. "Perhaps we are." He then looked back at her. "Why are you not as pushy about helping me with a vampire cure or not?"
"Whether your find a way out or not, there's the possibility I'm with you vampire or not," Alice answered as she looked at him; she put a hand on the side of his face.
Vlad put a hand on her hand. "Out of all my destinies, at this moment I hope the one I have with you comes true the most." He kissed her; Alice happily kissed back.
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