Chapter 22

Valentine's Day was tomorrow, Alice was currently in her room putting gifts together, for her Dad, brothers; and a few others.

"Alice!" Mum shouted. "Get down here! Alice!"

"On my way!" Alice shouted back, she grabbed her backpack; got down to see her siblings at the table.

"Right, I'm off to work," Dad said as he came into the room; he kissed Mum on the cheek.

"Oh Graham, stick this in the post for me will you?" Mum requested as she picked up an envelope. as Alice sat next to Chloe.

"Ah yes, Valentine's tomorrow," Dad blushed. Ian and Paul giggled.

"Oh, it's not for you," Mum corrected as she turned the card. "It's for Mr. Count. Poor thing stuck in the castle all on his own."

"Are you telling me you fancy him?" Dad asked as Alice looked back, drinking her orange juice. 

"Of course, not you big softie," Mum laughed. "I mean I don't fancy Ian, Paul, or Robin, but I send them a Valentine's Day card each year."

"Oh, what?" Ian asked in surprise. 

"You mean you're my secret admirer?" Paul asked in surprise.

"Did you two boneheads not recognize her handwriting?" Alice asked as she looked at them.

"Shut it," the two glared at her. 

"What, you really thought somebody out there liked you?" Robin asked in disbelief. 

"Actually freak-boy, somebody does and I'm taking her to the Valentine's Ball," Paul smiled. 

"No way, I've got a date as well," Ian revealed. 

"Nice one," Paul complimented, the two fist-bumped. 

"Come on then, who are the lucky girls?" Chloe asked.

"Ingrid," Paul and Ian answered at the same time. 


At school, Alice was pulled off to the side with Maxine and Barbara as Robin walked with Vlad.

"Georgie ask you to the dance yet?" Alice asked Maxine.

"Last night," Maxine lit up. "Oh, I can't wait! First Valentine's Day with a boyfriend!"

"I'm still surprised your dad allowed you to have a boyfriend," Barbara stated. "He doesn't even let you put up posters of boybands or movie stars." 

"Hello, ladies," a boy greeted walking up to them with another friend and Georgie.

"Chester and Frank," Barbara greeted as she crossed her arms. "What do you two dorks want?"

"I don't want an answer right away," Chester said as he puffed up his blazer. "Alice." He took her hand. "I hope to see you at the Valentine's dance tomorrow."

"Same goes for you, Barbara," Frank said as he raised his eyebrows. Over by Robin and Vlad, Delila had just walked up to the both of them; Robin was falling in love, while Vlad looked back to Chester holding hands with Alice, a strange feeling filled him, and he then looked back. 


Lunch came around, and Alice was sitting with her friends chatting about tomorrow; she noticed the new girl Delila cut in line at lunch. She went to go sit at a table; all the students left.

"Delila!" Alice called; the girl looked over. "Come sit with us!"

Delila went and sat next to Alice. "What is this stuff?" She played with the stuff on the plate.

"Whatever the lunch ladies cooked up," Maxine answered. "Nice sunglasses, Hollywood."

"Thanks," Delila smiled. "For a dump town like his, you three make it seem... bearable." 

Robin then scoots Alice over in her chair, to sit down.

"Robin," Alice groaned.

"Sorry, sis," Robin said bluntly, his attention was on Delila. "So are you going to the Valentine's Ball tomorrow?"

"As if, who would I meet in this dump?" Delila asked.

"You never know, you could meet the man of your dreams?" Robin asked. 

"You should go," Maxine advised. "We can go as a group...I'm going with Georgie, Barbara is going with Frank and Alice is going with Chester."

"Chester," Robin in confusion as he looked at his sister.

"I haven't confirmed it," Alice answered. 

"What about Vlad?" Robin asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"He's had two weeks to ask," Alice answered. She then looked over at Delila. "So, are you going to the ball?"

Delila looked at Robin. "Are you a footballer?"

Robin's smile dropped. "No."

"Are you famous?" Delila asked. 

"No," Robin answered.

"Do you live in a castle?" Delila asked.

"Well no, but I have got a..." Robin began; Delila looked away. "Actually I do live in a castle when I'm not in my L.A. crib, innit." Before Alice could say anything, Robin put a hand over her mouth. 

Delile smiled at Robin. "Hi, I'm Delila." She held out her hand.

"Sweet," Robin smiled as he took her hand; he went to go kiss it and stopped. 


After school, Alice walked home with Vlad, Robin had taken off; didn't even see him at the lockers.

"So is Chester taking you to the dance tomorrow?" Vlad asked.

"He could be," Alice answered. "Have you asked anyone?"

"Well, I had someone in mind, but they got taken," Vlad answered in a grumpy tone. "Why Chester?"

"I didn't have a date and he asked," Alice answered. 

"Well, I was thinking about asking Delila," Vlad said as he nodded.

"The new girl?" Alice asked as her head snapped toward him. "Why her?"

"For once I might have a chance with one of your friends," Vlad said slowly. They walked into the castle to hear Robin say, Dad. "Dad?" Robin looked back at them. 

"Hi, Vlad and Alice," Vlad greeted as they walked in more. "This is Delila, my girlfriend." They looked to see nobody there. There was a pursre behind Zoltan. "Delila?"

The three went down to see Count about to bite Delila, who was in his coffin. 

"Dad, no," Vlad protested. 

"Oi," Delila sounded as Vlad closed the coffin door. 

"That's Delila, she's a friend from school."

"And already, you've got her into a coffin, you dark horse," Count complimented, Alice felt a strange feeling, and she crossed her arms. He walked away biting. "Oh and Vlad, remember the rules, no biting." He then disappeared. Robin then opened the coffin.

"Your dad's cool, is he a rock star?" Delila asked.

Vlad closed her back in. "I think it's time you left."

"I'm going to," Alice said.

"What why?" Vlad asked as he looked at her. "But--"

"I got a couple of more Valentine's things to put together," Alice answered. "


At home, Alice was pacing back and forth as she put some gifts together.

The door opened; Chloe slipped in. "No Valentine's date?" 

"Sort of," Alice said as she wrote Dad on the outside of an envelope. "But, I haven't said yes."

"Let me guess, Vlad?" Chloe asked as she sat on a floor pillow, she crossed her arms.

"Vlad didn't ask," Alice answered as she moved on to Ian and Paul. "Possibly Chester from my grade."

"Say yes," Chloe advised. "He plays rugby, he does band, okay at school, he's normal."

"Chester is cool," Alice agreed. "But---why didn't Vlad ask? He had the beginning of February to ask and just---"

"Forget Vlad," Chloe advised. "He's just a waste of your time...I don't understand why you still hang out with him."

"You may think that," Alice said as she finished up Robin's gift. "But, I actually like Vlad." Chloe groaned. "But then today, he thought about asking the new girl Delila."

"I thought you liked Delila," Chloe recalled.

"I do," Alice sighed as she sat on the other floor pillow. "She's already Robin's date, so why does Vlad still intend to ask?"

Chloe looked at her. "Are you jealous?"

"What?" Alice demanded as she looked at her sister. "Me? Jealous?" She started laughing, then it dawned on her. "Oh, no."

"Alice!" Chloe exclaimed. "Please tell me you don't have a crush on Vlad; he's a vampire."

"Lamest one too," Alice added. "But to prove I don't to you, I'll go with Chester to the dance."

"Good," Chloe smiled. "A normal date."


Morning came; Alice came down to see a present on the living room table.

"Oh, Alice!" Mum lit up. "You got an admirer!"

"Dad again?" Alice asked as she walked up to the box.

"Boris," Mum clapped her hands. "Vlad's cousin."

"Boris?" Robin repeated as he suddenly appeared. "Why are we talking about Boris? Is he here?"

"No," Mum answered as Alice opened the box. "He sent your sister Valentine's present."

Alice pulled out a bundle of roses. "These are beautiful!" She smelled them before handing the flowers to Mum. Alice then pulled out a box of chocolate in a heart shape, as well as a small bat that could be hung up. 

"How cute," Mum gushed. "Make sure to send him a thank you card."

"I will," Alice confirmed; she looked to see that Robin wasn't entirely pleased.


Alice was walking into school with Vlad.

"You seem stressed," Alice noted. "What's up with you?"

"Worried dad is going to try and bite someone today," Vlad answered. "Curse them with being one of us; a blood-sucking monster."

Alice held out a piece of chocolate. "Here, this should cheer you up."

"Thanks," Vlad smiled as he began to unwrap it. "Your dad give them to you?"

"Boris," Alice corrected, Vlad threw the chocolate away. "Hey!"

"My cousin sent you a Valentine's gift?" Vlad asked. 

"Along with flowers, a card, and a bat I'm going to hang in the car," Alice answered. "Not a real bat of course."

"You can't hang that in there!" Vlad exclaimed. "People could think you are a vampire! Which could cause trouble for us!"

"Oh yes," Alice laughed. "Along with pink and orange polka a dot wheel cover and the hello kitty pillow in the back." She then looked over people's heads. "Now, I gotta go find, Chester." She walked away.

"Why Chester?" Vlad demanded. "Why did she agree to go to the dance with Chester?"

Alice went and found Chester who was waiting at her locker. "So the dance with Chester?"

"Yes," Alice agree; she looked over to see Chloe giving two big thumbs up and a smile. "Should we meet at the school or at your house?" She looked over to see Vlad with flowers that Robin bought, Vlad seemed angry before walking up to Delila.

"My house," Chester nodded as he pull out a bundle of flowers for her, it came with a card. "I hope these are your only ones."

"Fourth," Alice answered. "I do have three brothers." 

Chester laughed, he kissed Alice's hand before walking down the hall. "See you at the later!"


There ended up being a change of plans, the dance got canceled due to rat infestation, so it was being held at the castle. Alice had changed into a simple long sleeve pink shirt, then put on a black skirt with tights. She was in Robin's room doing finishing touches as he went through his clothes.

Chloe sat on his bed, in a bad mood. "Alice, Robin, I can't believe you're letting our family go up there again." Robin threw another shirt on her. 

"Chloe, it's a school disco," Robin pointed out as Alice put on lipstick.

"In a vampire's castle!" Chloe exclaimed as she crossed her arms. 

They heard footsteps, Mum opened the door. "Come on you three, glad rags on."

"There is no way I'm going to that Valentine's Ball," Chloe declared; she angrily left the room. 

"I don't think she got many cards," Mum said. "Come on Alice, I think Chester had just arrived." She then left, closing the door.

"So you really went with Chester?" Robin asked. "Something happen between you and Vlad? Did you two have a row?"

" What? No," Alice denied. "Plus, Chloe is happy about me having a normal date."

"But are you happy about it?" Robin asked; Alice looked at him. "I'm not as dumb as everyone thinks I am."

"Why didn't Vlad ask me?" Alice asked as she looked back at the mirror, standing up.

"Because like most boys, Vlad is an idiot," Robin answered; Alice laughed. "A Dracloser." Alice laughed even more. She went downstairs to find Chester a pair of slacks, a nice shirt, and a tie; he had another bundle of flowers.

"Another one?" Alice asked as she took it. "Thank you."

"It's Valentine's Day," Chester smiled. "Be too simple and cheesy to only give you one."


They went up to the dance, there were a ton of sweets and decorations. Count was looking confused among the children as they danced. 

"Oh," Mum smiled as they arrived. "Doesn't it look beautiful?"

"Mm, lovely," Dad commented. the Count looked over at them, he was surprised to see that Alice's date wasn't Vlad. Alice mingled among friends and danced with friends and Chester. Suddenly, Count appeared in the room, the music came to a stop. 

"Ladies and Lordies, please find your Valentine for our traditional Transylvanian maypole dance," Renfield announced. Alice watched Vlad and Robin dash into the room going over to Delila, as Ingrid went up to Will Clarke.

"That jerk," Alice whispered as she glared at Vlad.

"What was that?" Chester asked leaning down at her. "What perk?"

"Apologies Chester," Alice said. "But I'm going to go find the lady's room." Before Chester could say anything, Alice left the room. She went up to Vlad's room to find Zoltan reading.

"I can smell your sour mood from downstairs," Zoltan said. "What is wrong, Miss Alice?"

"Vladimir," Alice answered as she started to pace back and forth. 

"There is nothing wrong with the young master," Zoltan defended Vlad. "He is still learning."

"We've kissed," Alice said as she started to pace faster. "More than once, he had the beginning of February to ask me to the dance...but instead he asked Delila, the new girl?"

Zoltan let out a sigh. "Teenagers never change, no matter the century." Alice finally sat down. "Master Vlad didn't ask you because of the fuss you made when it was rumored that he was your first kiss." Alice looked over. "He thought it'd be even worse if he asked you to be his date."

Alice let out a sigh, as she stared at the floor. "I guess, I understand from his point of view." She then looked at Zoltan who was rolling over to her. "What do I do, Zoltan?"

"You can be a big girl and admit your feelings to the young master," Zoltan advised. "Nothing can go wrong with that."

"Everything can go wrong with that," Alice corrected. 

"I suggest you get back to the dance before your date notices," Zoltan advised. "This is a party after all."

"Thanks, Zoltan," Alcie said as she got up. She kissed Zoltan's head before heading back down to the party. She saw that Ingrid was at the food table, Paul and Ian were trying to get her to dance, Chester had left, and all the girls seemed to be missing. "Loveday not going well?" She joined Ingrid at the dessert table.

"Disaster," Ingrid admitted. "Will...he decided to dance with that bobblehead."

"Bobblehead?" Alice asked as she ate a cookie.

"The new girl," Ingrid answered. "My geeky brother's date, Delila." 

"Delila," Alice repeated, both girls watched as Renfield shoved food into his mouth. "I think I'm going home."

"Take some dessert," Ingrid said as she looked back at Will. Alice happily took food home. 

About a half hour later, Alice heard tapping on the window. She looked up from her journal to see Vlad, he was still in his suit. Alice walked over; opened the window, he was sitting on the tree branch that went up to her room.

"What are you doing here?" Alice asked.

"You left early," Vlad said. "You should've seen it, I've never seen Ingrid look so happy, she was dancing with Will."

"Good things worked out for her," Alice said as she looked away, crossing her arms. "Did Delila enjoy the dance?"

"Oh, she left early," Vlad answered. "Robin and I messed with a love potion, and were able to break it with a combination of cat food, monkey droppings, and rotten eggs." Alice looked at him strangely. "I was able to wash and get the smell off me." He then sniffed his blazer. "What about Chester?"

"I'm pretty sure he thinks I snuck out through the ladies' room," Alice answered.

"But there is no ladies' room at the castle," Vlad reminded her.

"He doesn't know that," Alice said. Vlad started to look for a path down the tree. "Vlad." He immediately looked at her. "Why did you ask Delila to dance and not me?"

"I, uh, I," Vlad began. "You made that fuss."

"That was last year," Alice reminded him.

"You got many Valentine's gifts this year," Vlad brought up, he pointed at the stack of Valentine's cards. "Including, my cousin Boris." 

"And none from you," Alice said. Vlad started to sweat as Alice leaned closer to him. "I'm not kissing you for practice, Vlad."

The mood in Vlad's eyes changed as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you leading me on?"

"You idiot, Fang Brain," Alice said as she grabbed him by the tie, she pulled him closer, kissing him. Vlad pulled back in shock, he then pulled her in for another kiss. 

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