Chapter 21
In Vlad's dream, he was lying on a tree, surrounded by other stumps; the sun shining down on him. Vlad woke up in all-black, red shoes. In front of him sat Alice, she wore a black ball gown dress, her hair pulled up.
"Alice?" Vlad asked as he sat up. "Where am I?"
Alice put a ladybug charm in his pocket. "You are going to need the luck."
"Luck?" Vlad repeated in confusion. "For what?" Alice put a hand on his face and kissed him, when Vlad pulled back she was gone.
"Vlad," Robin whispered, Vlad looked over to Robin standing in all white.
"Robin?" Vlad asked as he tried to shield the sun from his eyes. "Is that you?" Robin zapped to another spot.
"Vlad," Robin said as he zapped to another spot. "Over here."
Vlad noticed his hand was sizzling. "Ah!" He quickly dashed into the forest, out of the sun.
"Vlad," Robin said, Vlad looked at him. "Vlad."
Then Vlad woke up.
Back in Vlad's dream; he was backing up as an approaching thundering sound approached.
Robin appeared behind Vlad; he put a hand on his shoulder. "They're coming. " Creatures started to growl.
"Who's coming?" Vlad asked.
Vlad woke up from his dream.
Alice was upstairs, she was a bit frantic.
"Hurry up, you lot!" Mum called.
"Mum, have you seen my lucky earrings?" Alice asked as hurried down the stairs.
"Right here," Mum answered as she held out her. "And your tie."
"Thanks, Mum" Alice breathed, she saw Vlad standing in the doorway. "Are you alright, Vlad?"
"You look tired," Mum added as Vlad rubbed his head.
"Go to bed early, that's my advice," Dad advised. "Bye, love." He kissed mum before heading out for work. Robin then showed up at the door as Alice was using the window reflection to put in her earrings.
"Yeah, I know, I looked tired," Vlad said. "Something weird is happening."
"Something weird is always happening," Alice pointed out as she fixed her tie.
"This time I keep falling asleep and having this dream about the both of you," Vlad informed. Alice and Robin looked at each other. "We're in a forest and..." They looked back to see Ian, Paul, and Chloe standing in the doorway.
"Freak," Ian and Paul breathed.
"Stay away from my sister," Paul ordered Vlad as he walked through Vlad and Robin.
During woodshop class, everyone was working silently; they were making spoons. Alice glanced over to see that Vlad was falling asleep again. Van Helsing got up, he scraped chalk down the chalkboard; Vlad drifted back off into a dream.
"For centuries, oak has been the traditional choice of wood when building a coffin," Van Helsing announced. Vlad looked back to see his fellow classmates in black cloaks, they all looked up at him. He saw Alice sitting at the window of the classroom in the same black ball gown dress; Robin standing at a table in the back of the classroom. He noticed he wearing his normal cape. "Isn't that right, Vlad?" Van Helsing turned around, he growled revealing his fangs. He suddenly appeared in front of Vlad. "VLAD!"
Vlad snapped out of his dream in a panic; he got up shakily backing up. He pointed at Van Helsing in fright. "Vampire!"
"Vlad, be quiet!" Robin issued as he got Vlad away.
"What is wrong with him?" Jonathan asked in a whisper as everyone watched Robin take Vlad over to Alice.
"Everything's wrong with him," Van Helsing whispered back, the bell rang; Robin quickly got Vlad out of the room.
*** Back in Vlad's dream.
Vlad sat up against a tree; Robin made him jump.
"They're coming," Robin announced.
"Who's coming?" Vlad asked after looking back.
"You must learn to master your vampire powers to survive," Robin instructed.
"Powers?" Vlad repeated, another thought crossing his mind. "What do you mean survive?"
"Listen," Robin instructed. Vlad got to his feet as they heard the ground thudding. "Slayers."
"They are fast," Robin said. "But the wolf is faster."
"Yeah, well I'm not a wolf!" Vlad informed.
Robin appeared behind Vlad. "It sleeps within you."
"I can't shape-shift," Vlad informed. "I'm not even a proper vampire yet." The slayers got closer.
"That's not what they think," Robin informed.
"What do I do?" Vlad asked as the slayers started to circle.
"The clever fish swims with the tide," Robin answered; Vlad looked confused. "Run!" He turned and then stopped to see it was Elizabeth and Graham Branagh
"You?" Vlad laughed in relief. He looked back to see Paul, Ian, and Chloe. "I thought I was being chased by slayers." Elizabeth and Graham revealed their stakes. Vlad started to back up as the Slayers surrounded him even more. "This is just a dream." He backed into a tree. "You're not gonna hurt me." Elizabeth threw the stake, cutting Vlad's jacket. "Well, there goes that theory?!" Vlad freed himself from the stake as the others approached. He then dropped to the ground in pain, groaning, his eyes started to turn yellow, shape-shifting into a wolf.
****Outside of Vlad's dream.
Everyone was circling around Vlad, as he was on all fours barking and growling like a dog. He slowly came conscious; embarrassed of everyone looking. The school bell rang.
"Double freak," Ingrid snickered as she glanced at Paul and Ian.
"What's on earth's going on?" the headmistress asked as he forced her way through the students. She stared at Vlad, then turned to the other students. "Come on, there's nothing to see here." Robin and Alice helped Vlad back to his feet. "Back to class."
"You were supposed to stop me from falling asleep," Vlad reminded Robin.
"I tried pinching you, but you wouldn't wake up," Robin defended himself. "Maybe next time I should slap you in the face?"
"What happened to your blazer?" Alice asked grabbing it.
"Robin...Alice...I am in big trouble," Vlad said in a panic.
"That was nothing to do with me," Robin said as he threw his hands up.
"Your mum just tried to slay me," Vlad revealed.
"Elizabeth Branagh?" Alice asked in disbelief.
"It's crazier than it sounds," Vlad said looking at her. They went to the library to find Ingrid writing in books, Paul and Ian stood guard.
"Ingrid!" Vlad called. The librarian shushed him. "Sorry." Ian and Paul stopped Vlad from getting through. They eventually let all three through. "Ingrid, do you ever have weird dreams?"
"Only a recurring one where an annoying geek of a brother keeps asking me stupid questions," Ingrid answered as she continued to write in the books.
"I'm serious!" Vlad exclaimed. "In my dream, I was chased by slayers and they did this." He showed her his blazer.
Ingrid looked over at Paul and Ian. "Boys." They looked at her. "My lunch?" The two took off; Ingrid turned back to Vlad. "You're lying. You don't get to go to the dreamworld until you're 16."
Vlad scoffed. "What dreamworld?"
"The place vampires go when they sleep, bat brain!" Ingrid hissed at him. "If you're slain there, you die for real." Vlad looked at his blazer, then fell over.
"Vlad!" Alice exclaimed as she dropped her bag, kneeling beside him.
"That's not good news," Robin stated as Ingrid got up, staring down at Vlad.
Ingrid scoffed. "Oh, please. As if you'd get to go there before me." She started to snap her fingers as Vlad fell asleep. "Hey!"
"Vlad!" Alice exclaimed as she started to shake him. "Vlad!" She tapped his face, but there was no response.
**** Vlad's dream
Vlad woke up to a geeky Ingrid with glasses staring down at him, she was freaked out and crying. "Vlad!" Vlad sat up in a panic. "The slayers are coming! Save me, Vlad!" Save me!" She was sobbing as Vlad got to his feet.
The librarian shushed them; looked back to see Slayer Branaghs walk in."Slayers!" Everyone in the room took off.
"Come on," Vlad instructed Ingrid. She whimpered as the Branaghs kicked things over, looking for them.
Graham whistled to Ian and Paul as they almost stumbled upon Vlad and Ingrid; the twins walked away.
"Follow me, keep your head down," Vlad instructed.
"If I die, who's gonna carry on my charity work and captain the chess club?" Ingrid asked.
"I don't know who's freaking me out more, you or the Branaghs," Vlad confessed. "Come on." They started to crawl around the floor. Vlad pushed a bookcase over; he and Ingrid got chased out of the library by the Branaghs beside Robin and Alice. Ingrid's trip, Vlad turned back.
"RUN!" Ingrid cried as the slayers surrounded her. Graham threw his stake, and it hit the ceiling, shattering glass all over Vlad.
***End of Vlad's dream.
Robin had slapped Vlad awake, the young vampire sat up biting down on Alice's arm as he held his cheek.
"Vlad!" Alice yelped as she pulled her arm away, it was bleeding this time, she took a cloth and began to wipe the blood.
Vlad placed his bleeding hand on Alice's injury. "Please, don't leave my side."
"Robin Branagh!" the librarian scolded. "You do not wake someone up by slapping them in the face!"
"But Miss, he told me to," Robin defended himself.
Vlad looked at Ingrid in relief. "Ingrid, you're okay!" He took his hand off Alice's arm. Ingrid watched Vlad's blood drip into Alice's open wound.
"Get up sleeping beauty," Ingrid ordered. "You are making the rest of us look bad." The Van Helsings then walked over; Ingrid faced them. "Back off, slayers. He doesn't need your kind of help."
"What happened to your hand?" Robin asked. They looked to see the blood on Vlad's hand. Vlad went to go lick the blood.
"Wait, Vlad--" Alice began, Ingrid put a hand over her mouth as Vlad take in his own blood; he noticed a different taste in the blood on his hand.
"He's feasting on himself!" Van Helsing said in disgust.
"Oh, that is disgusting!" Jonathan choked up as he looked away. Everyone parted as the headmistress walked over.
"I, uh, it's just a paper cut," Vlad informed.
"Go and wash the blood off, then come to my office," the headmistress instructed. "Let's see if we can patch you up with a first aid kit, eh." She looked at the other kid on the ground. "Get yourself cleaned up as well, Miss Branagh." Vlad looked at Alice's arm to see bite marks. He looked back at his hand, as Alice pulled her sleeve down. The two went headed toward the headmistress's office; the other students also left the library.
"Sorry for biting you, again," Vlad apologized in a whisper, they glanced to see Jonathan didn't follow.
"Nothing soap and water can't fix," Alice answered. "Don't worry about it." They then parted ways; Ingrid followed Alice into the girl's bathroom.
"So, Vladdie has had a taste of human blood," Ingrid said as she started to check herself out in the mirror.
"Why did you stop me from saying something?" Alice asked as she cleaned her arm. "Vlad having human blood before you?"
"It does tick me off," Ingrid admitted. "But he's going to be even more miserable knowing it was your blood." She started laughing. "He's not going to smile again for the next 6 weeks or hopefully ever again."
Soon they waited outside the headmistress's office, Count and Renfield were there. Count was having a stare-down with three young kids.
Headmistress stepped out of her office. "Run along." The three boys ran off. "Mr. Count, pleased to meet you."
Count got up, taking her hand. "The pleasure is all mine." He kissed her hand. The headmistress giggled.
"Good afternoon," a woman greeted; walking in from behind. "I'm Mina Van Helsing, student counselor" Ingrid, Robin, and Alice all glanced at each other. "Hello."
"I believe I know your husband, Mrs. Van Helsing," Count greeted taking her hand. "We're great friends."
"Please don't kiss my hand," Mina requested.
"He never mentioned he had a beautiful wife," Count said as he lifted his head.
" I think we're here to talk about Vlad, not me," Mina reminded him. "Shall we go in?" She cleared her throat.
"Oh, yes," Headmistress agreed. "He's in my office." Everyone went into the office to Vlad passed out on the floor.
"He's out cold," Mina informed after rushing to his side.
*** Vlad's dream
Vlad was running for his life through the woods. In front of him was a flowing river; standing on the river was Alice in the same black dress.
"It's no use," Robin said once Vlad couldn't get his foot on the water. He went to attempt again. "Vampires can't cross running water, remember?"
"But that makes no sense!" Vlad exclaimed as he put his hand on the barrier.
"Hey, I don't make the rules," Robin defended himself. The slayers started to get closer.
Vlad backed up; then ran right into the barrier, landing on his back. "Ow."
Robin knelt beside Robin. "Our greatest glory is in rising every time we fall." They back in the direction of the slayers. "You have to get up and fight." Vlad got to his feet; he looked back to see Alice stepping off the river, she walked over to him.
"Everything we run from will eventually catch up to us," Alice said as got in front of Vlad, his back toward the slayers. She put her hand on his face, he put his hand on top of hers. Vlad put his forehead on hers, closing his eyes. "You have to fight." He opened his eyes to find her gone.
Back in the school office, Vlad was breaking into a swear. "Help me."
"We need to get this boy straight to the hospital!" Mina urged.
"Oh come on, he's totally faking!" Ingrid complained. They all looked at her.
"Now!" Mina ordered. Robin and the headmistress helped carry Vlad to the hearse, Renfield opened the hearse as Count quickly climbed in the car.
"Okay," Mina breathed as Renfield opened the door back. "Oh, right, watch his head." She turned to Van Helsing. "I'm gonna go to the hospital, I'll call you later." She got on the right side of Vlad.
"Have my sister go with him," Robin instructed as they put Vlad down. "He instructed her to not leave his side."
"Very well," Headmistress agreed. "In you get, Alice." Alice did as she was told; getting on the left side of Vlad. The Count waved at Van Helsing as Renfield closed the door.
***Back in Vlad's dream
Vlad was facing off with the slayers.
"You can do this, Vlad," Robin encouraged as the slayers circled Vlad. "You know you can. Use your energies." Just as he was about to get staked, Vlad used his super speed to get away from the slayers. "That's it, Vlad, trust your instincts. Feel the energy. Use the power within." Just as Paul was about to stake him, Vlad dashed away. "It is your time." With his fang bared, Vlad approached Chloe from behind. Chloe was about to scream as Vlad went to bite her, but then she disappeared. With a snap of Robin's fingers, the rest of the Branaghs disappeared and now Robin was in black. Vlad looked back as Robin walked passed him clapping.
"You did this," Vlad grunted.
" I needed to make sure you could pass the test before you meet the Master," Robin explained.
"I thought you were my friend," Vlad argued.
"You have no friends here, Vlad," Robin informed.
"Then what about Alice?" Vlad asked. "Why was she here if I have no friends here?"
"Destiny," Robin answered as the scenery around them changed. Vlad lifted his head to find himself back at the castle.
"I'm home?" Vlad asked; he was sitting on the throne.
Robin appeared in front of him. "It is time for you to meet the grand high vampire." Robin turned his back. Renfield appeared in front of Vlad.
"Renfield is the grand high vampire?" Vlad asked in a joking way.
"On your feet!" Renfield hissed. Vlad did as he was told as Renfield got closer.
"I've always liked you," Vlad informed in a panic. "You know that, don't you?"
"Speak only when The Master speaks," Renfield instructed.
"Of course, yeah, sorry," Vlad responded. "I won't say another word." Renfield then stood next to Robin, in front of him now stood Alice in a gothic black and red ball gown, she was staring out the window. "Alice." It was said in more of a whisper; she looked over at him.
Alice went up to Vlad, going passed Robin and Vladimir. She placed both hands on his face; Vlad leaned closer to her. "Be brave, and choose wisely." She then kissed Vlad; he kissed her back, putting a hand on her face. Vlad opened his eyes to find that Alice had once again disappeared. Robin and Renfield got down on their knees.
"What am I supposed to do?" Vlad asked as he just stood there.
Haunting choir music started to fill in the silence, a man suddenly appeared in the room. "You must choose your destiny, Vlad. You are on a journey. Ahead of you lie two paths. Which will you take?" He zapped closer. "One path leads to immortality and the other. The other." He walked forward removing his hood, it was the Count with long white hair."
"Dad?" Vlad asked.
"Leads to death," Count finished.
In the hospital room, Vlad was jolting around in his sleep. Alice sat next to his bed, holding his hand, Count stood next to her as Mina stood farther back. with Renfield.
"Dad?" Vlad asked.
Count appeared on the other side of Alice, he leaned down putting a hand on his son's head. "Don't worry, Vlad. Daddy's here for you." Vlad suddenly woke up, everyone became alert, Vlad let out a scream before falling back asleep. Vlad's heart monitor started to go faster.
"Vlad," Alice breathed in worry; squeezing his hand a bit tighter.
*** Back in the dream
Count sat on his throne. "My time is past. Our people are suffering, we are being hunted down and destroyed. We hide in the shadows waiting for the chosen one."
"The Chosen One?" Vlad repeated.
"A vampire with exceptional powers who will lead us once again to glory," Count explained. He and the other two stood up. "Vladimir Dracula." Count walked forward; thunder banged. "You are the chosen one."
"Wrong," Vlad quickly denied. "I don't even want to be a vampire!"
"Vladimir Dominus--"
Vlad began to back up. "Look, thanks for the offer but, I think I'll give it a miss."
"Vladimir Dominus Imperator Electus."
"Is that time?" Vlad asked, he ran to the end back in the same spot.
"Vladimir Dominus Imperator Electus." Vlad continued to try to run as the others got closer repeating the words.
"You can't escape your destiny, Vlad," Count informed as he leaned forward.
Back in the hospital room, Alice was pulled back for the doctors and nurses to help Vlad.
"Heart rate's racing, pressures dropping."
"Don't you worry," Count said he put a hand on Alice's shoulder, then looked at the nurses. "Your infernal machines are making him worse!
"Get the crash cart ready." The lady walked over to find Renfield playing with the zappers. Renfield stopped, she took them back in irritation.
"You must fight, Vlad, fight!" Count instructed as he pushed Alice's chair back toward the bed.
"They're doing everything they can," Mina said as Alice took hold of Vlad's hand.
"He should be at home in a coffin, resting in peace!" Count exclaimed.
Mina put a hand on his shoulder. "You mustn't give up hope!" Count stood up, looking at her. "He'll pull through."
***Back in Vlad's dream.
"There's evil in you, Vlad," Count announced. "I can smell it."
"I'm sorry, but you're making me nervous," Vlad apologized.
"I saw it when you tried to bite that slayer in the forest," Count informed as he walked closer.
"That wasn't me," Vlad apologized as he continued to back up."That was, someone else." The Grand High grabbed Vlad, turning him around. Two cages appeared, geeky Ingrid in one, and slayer Chloe in the other.
"Who are you, Vlad?" Count asked as Princess Alice walked back into the room. "in our world, you're either a vampire or a slayer." Alice then sat on her knees between the cages with her hands folded. "Must slay the vampire or bite the breather. The choice is yours."
"Don't slay me, Vlad!" Ingrid pleaded. "I'm allergic to wood."
Is this what you want?" Chloe asked as revealed her neck. "To spend the rest of your days feasting on the innocent?"
"Don't become a slayer Vlad, statistics show they live short, tragically, unfulfilled lives," Ingrid informed.
"Join us and become a beacon of light in the darkness," Chloe pleaded.
"And they have a horrible weakness for metaphor," Ingrid added.
"What does Alice represent?" Vlad asked.
"A beacon of light in your darkness," Count answered. " A beacon of darkness in your light."
"Bite her!" Ingrid ordered.
"Slay her!" Chloe ordered. The two continued to go back and forth.
"It's all in my head," Vlad said with his eyes closed. He put his hands on his head. "It's all in my head!"
****Back at the hospital.
"I feel so helpless," Count cried to Mina. She let out a sigh, pulling Count into a hug.
"Eric!" Mina chimed as she got pulled away before Count could bite her. Ingrid and Robin entered the room.
"Leave her alone, vampire!" Van Helsing ordered, pointing a stake at Count.
"Is he a patient of yours?" Count asked.
"Don't tell me you're still obsessed with vampires!" Mina pleaded in disappointment.
"He thinks our family are vampires," Ingrid informed.
"But it's true, Mom, they are!" Jonathan exclaimed.
"Great," Mina huffed. "So you've infected Jonathan with this madness. Eric, how could you?"
"He's crashing," the nurse announced.
"Right, wait outside," Mina ordered. Van Helsing angrily left the room with Jonathan.
***Back in Vlad's dream
Vlad opened his eyes to find the cages and Alice gone; he turned to find no one in the room. "Hello?"
Grand High/Count walked into the room. "Your indecision has cost you dearly. We have no need for a leader who's nice to people." He let out a yell, he broke a post on the window, and sunlight struck Vlad.
"That hurt!" Vlad shouted.
"It's meant to," Count said, he made another hole in the window.
"Stop, doing that!" Vlad ordered as he grabbed his leg.
"Make me!" Count yelled, and he broke the window again. Sunlight stuck Vlad in the center; Vlad flew back, knocking the couch over. Vlad stood up baring his fangs, eyes glowing red.
" I told you to stop doing that," Vlad growled in a more demented voice. He began to break the window, so the sunlight would strike the grand high.
***Back at the hospital
Robin noticed that Alice was particularly quiet, and haven't moved from her spot.
"We're losing him!" The nurse informed.
"No," The doctor denied. "Someone's switched off the monitor."
Ingrid stood up with the end of the wire. "Sorry, was that supposed to be plugged in?" They glared at her as the machine got plugged back in.
***Back in the dream
Vlad and the grand high/Count continued to fight each other. Trying to strike each other with beams of sunlight.
Vlad's heart rate rapidly increased, and the machine exploded; they all looked at Ingrid.
"Oh that's right, everybody blame Ingrid!" Ingrid complained. They all looked back at Vlad, Alice tightened her grip on his hand.
***Back in Vlad's dream.
The dance to avoid sunlight continued on.
The Count was thrown onto the throne, he looked over to see Vlad approaching him with murderous intent. "You are the chosen one. Finish me and take your rightful place on this throne!"
Vlad grunted, looking away, retracting his fangs. He looked back at his father. "No! I won't fight you anymore. I don't enjoy being evil, it makes me feel dead inside." Vlad looked at a beam of sunlight; then back at the count. "I chose life." He close his eyes, then stepped into the sunlight.
"NO!" Count roared.
***Back at the hospital.
Count, Robin, and Alice got close as Vlad gasped, sitting up. "Where am I?"
"The hospital," Alice answered, he looked at her.
"It's okay, Vlad," Count answered; Vlad looked at him. "You're back in the real world now."
"All right?" Robin asked; Vlad nodded. "So, did I become a vampire?"
"Yes," Vlad confirmed. "And, yes, you were wearing black."
"Cool," Vlad smiled as the doctor checked Vlad's ear.
"There's nothing wrong with him," the doctor informed.
"You wouldn't say that if you had to live with him!" Ingrid grumbled. Mina left with her family, Robin and Renfield went to find the restroom and Ingrid then pulled the Count out of the room.
"I should be in there my son and heir, not here with you!" Count hissed.
"Your son and heir bit a breather," Ingrid informed. "Alice.
"Well, that is bound to happen," Count reminded her. "I should be with Vladdie."
"Vladdie's blood from a cut got into Alice's system, shortly after he consumed her blood," Ingrid informed. "Is there anything we should be concerned about?"
"Not at all," Count confirmed. "If that truly did happen then Vlad and Alice are bound to each other forever whether they like it or not."
"Nothing to worry about?" Ingrid.
"When did you become so caring?" Count asked in disgust. "Stop're freaking me out."
"Got worried about you Vlad," Alice said.
"I can tell," Vlad said as he held up his hand; there was a slight bruise. "Guess this payback from me biting you earlier." Alice rolled her eyes. "Thank you...for staying by my side this entire time." Alice leaned over and kissed his cheek, Vlad smiled.
"What was I in your dream?" Alice asked as she leaned on the bed. "My family but Robin were slayers, Robin was a guru of some sort, and as for me?
"A vampiric princess," Vlad answered. "The prettiest of them all."
Alice gloomed. "So I was just in there to be pretty?" She crossed her arms.
"No," Vlad laughed. "You were a beam of support." Vlad leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Thank you."
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