Chapter 2

Early morning Alice was getting ready for school in her room, she had her uniform on and was fixing her hair. Putting it into low braids.

" Alice," Robin said as he opened the door.

" Don't you knock?" Alice demanded.

" I'm going up to get Vlad for his first day," Robin said. " Want to come?"

" What a splendid idea," their mum said as she walked into the room. " A good chance to meet the new neighbors."

" Maybe later mum," Alice advised. " Don't want to freak them out." Even after many protests her mum and other siblings followed her and Robin up to the castle. They got a bit of a head start. They rang the doorbell and waited till Vlad opened the door.

" Hello Robin and Alice," Vlad greeted them.

" Morning Vlad," Alice greeted him.

" You see, perfect fit," Vlad showed them his uniform.

" Nice ankles bat poop brain," Alice teased as they took a look at him. 

" Besides my ankles, are we all set?" Vlad asked

" Yeah, just one problem," Robin said as the rest of the Branagh family walked in beside Dad.

" Hello! I'm Robin and Alice's mum, Elizabeth," Mum greeted as she looked around the area they stood in. " Ah, nice." Vlad and went stood between the twins.

" That's Mum's polite way of saying it needs a cleaning," Chloe informed.

" Vlad my man!" Ian greeted. " Is Ingrid around?"

" Robin! Alice!" Vlad hissed at the two. " Are we expecting anyone else?"

" It's not our fault," Robin defended the two.

" Sorry Vlad," Alice apologized. " They followed us up here, but we got a head start."

" Get them out of here quick before Dad hears them," Vlad insisted.

" Renfield!" Count called out. It sounded like he had a microphone. " Who's there?"

" Erm, let's all move along, shall we folks?" Vlad suggested they turned to the door to see Ingrid.

" Going somewhere, Vlad?" Ingrid asked.

" Yo, Grid," Paul greeted her.

" Ah, so you must be the famous Ingrid," Mum said. " You've certainly made some fans in our house. 

" Mam!" Ian and Paul hissed at their mum before turning back to Ingrid.

" You'd better get dressed for school," Mum advised.

" You can't seriously think that I'm going to school?" Ingrid scoffed. 

" You don't have to go, but I want to," Vlad said. " Just don't tell Dad, ok?"

" Sure," Ingrid rolled her eyes. " DAD!"

" Beezlebub's bog-brush! I am trying to sleep!" Count roared that same microphone voice. He then appeared in the area with all of them. He then pointed at the Branaghs. " What peasant dares knock at my door palace of doom?"

" Hello," Mum greeted him. " You must be Mr?"

" Count," He answered. 

" Mr. Count," Mum smiled. " I'm Elizabeth Branagh, your neighbor. It's wonderful to meet you." Then Reinfield made his way into the area. " Oh my goodness, what is that smell?" She then pointed at him. " I think it's coming from."

" The Slime Pit," Renfield informed.

" Ooo, I think you may have a problem with your drains," Mum said. " My Graham's a plumber. I'll send him to have a look once I've dropped Vlad and Ingrid off at school." She then turned around and Count now stood in front of the door. Vlad and Alice looked at each other, she gave him a concerned look, and he gave her it will be an alright look.

" School?" Count asked. " What school?"

" Stokely Grammar?" Mum answered.

" My children do not go to school," Count informed.

" Oh please let me go, Dad," Vlad pleaded. " How else am I supposed to make friends?"

" Our kind doesn't need friends," Count hissed.

" Well Now, come on, you lot, or we'll be late," Mum encouraged the others after a moment of silence. " Nice to meet you, Mr. Count." She opened the door and everyone started to leave.

" Bye," Ian said.

" See you," Robin said as he walked out.

" Bye," Alice said as she walked out. They then all went home, got in the car, and went to school. When they got there, they split off. Alice was walking with Chloe and Robin into the building. 

" Too bad Vlad can't come to school," Robin said.

" Maybe we should bring him some of our work," Alice suggested.

" That's if you two are allowed back in that place," Chloe reminded the two. Later that day Alice was sitting in class when someone sat next to her. She looked up to see a new face.

" Do you mind if I sit?" the boy asked. " I'm Jonathan Van Helsing, I'm new here."

" For today," Alice said. " Barbara isn't in. I'm Alice Branagh."

" I think I met your brother," Jonathan stated.

" Which one?" Alice asked. " I have three."

" He wears a cape," Johnathan answered. 

" Robin," Alice breathed. 


The next day Robin and Alice were walking to the school when they saw the Hearse pull up.

" Looks like their dad gave in," Alice said as they saw Ingrid get out of the car.

"Goody!" Robin cheered as he grabbed Alice's hand and dragged her over to the Hearse as Vlad go out, he was holding a cape, just like Robin was wearing one.

" Hi Vlad," Robin greeted as he got next to him, letting go of Alice. He then closed the door and started the walk towards the school with Robin and Alice.  

" Still showing off your ankles?" Alice asked as they neared the doors.

"Your just jealous 'cause mine is better than yours," Vlad grunted.

" Whatever you say twinkle toes," Alice teased as they walk in. His eyes grew wide and he looked at everything in amazement. 

" Oh, wow! So this is school!" Vlad gasped as they opened another set of doors to get to his locker. 

" Yeah, it's a bit like a prison," Alice rolled her eyes.

" Only sometimes people escape from prison," Robin commented.

" Hey cool, look at this!" Vlad gasped as they reached his locker. " My own private locker."

" Pipe it down, people will think you are a freak for taking such an interest in school," Alice warned as Vlad opened his locker. " Lockers are just to stash your stuff."

" In your case, the blood of innocent victims," Robin said.

" Robin!" Vlad hissed.

" I'm only having a laugh," Robin defended himself as Vlad closed his locker.

" Please keep your mouth shut, all right?" Vlad ordered. " You two are the only ones who know we're vampires and I'd like it to stay that way."

" Maybe you should lose the cape and the badge," Alice suggested as he opened his locker again.

" Oh, hello it's my sister, Batman, and Batman," Chloe greeted as she walked up to them. Vlad then took off his cape. " Hey, nice badge."

" Ermit's nothing special," Vlad lied.

" It's absolutely has nothing to do with vampires," Robin said.

" Robin," Vlad groaned.

" Ignore him," Chloe advised. " He thinks he's a vampire. " Vlad then put his cape and badge in his locker. " Robin actually thinks that bloodsucking humans exist. Sad, isn't it?" She then walked away.

" What part of keep your mouth shut don't you understand?" Vlad scowled.

" Come on Vlad, we got woodshop," Alice insisted, the two walked away from Robin.

" What type of things are made in woodshop?" Vlad asked.

" Birdhouses, clocks, rocking chairs," Alice answered as they walked to class. " Nothing that can seriously hurt you."

" Alice!" Vlad hissed.

" Okay fine," Alice huffed. " Maybe an occasional splinter."

" Oh, sorry," Vlad apologized. " Thought you were talking about a stake."

" Stakes can be made, but they are mainly props for Halloween," Alice explained. " You have nothing to worry about. " They walked in as papers were flying across the room. She started to walk away.

" Aren't you going to sit with me?" Vlad asked.

" Robin should be in shortly," Alice answered. " Sorry, Vlad." She then went sat with her friends in the back as Vlad went sat up front all alone. Robin soon walked in and sat next to Vlad, he started doodling. Alice was laughing among her friends when she looked over and saw Vlad looking back at her.

" All right settle down please class," the teacher warned as he walked in. " Settle!" When he got to the front he faced the class. " My name is Mr. Van Helsing and I'm here to help you turn wood into could." He then took off his jacket. " Now, apologies if it feels a bit cold in here this morning. Apparently, there's a problem with the heaters. Either that or there's an undead presence in the room." He then took Robin's notebook and the class laughed. " All right, those who haven't, get their books out, please, and get into pairs." Alice glanced among her group of friends happily.  " And, Branagh, put this rubbish away." He then walked around to the other students. 

" Probably was drawing vampires again," Barbara giggled.

" If he wasn't I would be concerned he got body swapped," Alice said, her friends laughed. They then focused their attention on Vlad and Robin fighting in the front. 

" Oi, you boys! Stop that!" Van Helsing ordered as he walked back over to them. " The rest of you, get on with your work, please." Everyone did as they were told as he scowled at the two boys.


Hours later Alice walked into the lunch room seeing Vlad sitting down by himself.

" I will talk to you later," Alice told her friends. " I will have a chat with twinkle toes."

" Bye," they said as they parted. 

" How's the first day?" Alice as she sat down at the table.

" Robin is trying to spill my secret on how I'm a vampire to the whole school, and I do not have my family brooch," Vlad listed. "How do you think it's going?"

"Could be worse," Alice breathed. " We will get it back."

" How?" Vlad asked.

" Well most teachers at some point leave their classroom, we will strike then," Alice explained.

" You think it will work?" Vlad asked.

"  I will do it, and lie and say I lost an earring," Alice offered. 

" Like he will believe that," Vlad teased.

" He will now," Alice stated as she took out one earring and handed it to Vlad, he stuffed it in his shirt pocket. He then opened his sandwich and there was a dead cockroach. " Appetizing."

" Thanks, Renfield," Vlad stated as he picked it up.

" Urgh, spinach," Robin sounded as he sat down at the table.

" Where's the brooch?" Vlad demanded.

" Sorry," Robin apologized. " Can't you just tell your dad you lost it?"

" Oh, yeah, if I want him to kill me,"  Vlad responded.

" We will get it back," Alice assured Vlad.

" Doesn't matter, he's already dead," Robin stated, she glared at him.

" Who's already dead?" Chloe asked as she took a seat at the table.  " Oh, I get it, he's a vampire as well right?"

" Chloe!" Alice hissed. " Shhh!"

" Oops, sorry!" Chloe apologized; she continued to be loud.  " Mustn't say it too loudly. Don't want to scare the whole school. Vampire!" Ingrid then put her hand over Chloe's mouth.

" Ingrid, it's alright," Vlad assured. Chloe then bites Ingrid.

" Ow!" Ingrid cried out as she got her face close to Chloe's face. " You little runt! You've got some nerve! We bite you, not the other way round!"

" Oh, so you're a vampire as well?" Chloe joked. " Well, that explains the hearse, the scary dad, the...Aaaahhh!" She then got up and ran away.

" Chloe!" Alice cried as she chased after her with the two boys right behind her. They got right to the Headmistress's office. The boys stood on one side as the girls stood on the other, Chloe raised her fist to knock.

" Chloe, please, I'm not going to hurt you!" Vlad cried out.

" Get back or I'll knock you freak!" Chloe threatened.

" I'm not a freak! Look, you've got to trust me," Vlad pleaded. " I'm just a normal kid like you, or Alice, or Robin."

" He doesn't even get his fangs till he's 16," Alice added.

" Look," Vlad added, he opened his mouth and used his fingers to show his teeth.

" You've got a bit of spinach," Alice pointed out.

" Oh," Vlad breathed. " Thanks." He then got the spinach out. The door opened revealing the Headmistress.

" Yes? Can I help you?" Headmistress asked.

" Erm, nothing Miss," Chloe answered.

" Well, move along then," She advised. " I've got a cockroach outbreak in the canteen to deal with." She then walked away.

" Thanks, Chloe," Vlad breathed.

"Look, I don't understand, shouldn't you be in Transylvania?" Chloe asked.

" Close encounter with an angry peasant mob," Robin explained.

" We've come here to keep a low profile," Vlad added.

 " Don't bring your cape into school next time," Chloe advised.

" Your sister said the about the same thing," Vlad stated. " I will take the advice....that's if there's a next time. Dad will never let me come back now that Van Helsing's confiscated my brooch."

" Well, we'll just have to get it back," Chloe stated.

" I've asked," Robin informed. " He said no."

" Who said anything about asking?" Chloe asked. 

" My sisters, you think a lot alike," Vlad said as he looked at the two.

" Thank you," Alice smiled. " She's in training."

" When are you going?" Robin asked.

" Later," Chloe asked. " Just meet us in the hallway."


Chloe and Alice had just snuck into Van Helsing's classroom. Chloe went to the front as Alice kept a lookout.

" Maybe this afternoon?" Van Helsing asked, his voice approaching the door.

" Hide!" Chloe cried. They both went and hid under his desk. The door opened and they heard two sets of steps. " Mm-hm, that's right. Yeah. So'll see you in the woodwork room this afternoon then, bye." The phone shut. " Gotcha! We've done it, Jonno. The bloodsucker will be here at 4 pm." Chloe and Alice looked at each other confusingly.

" Dad, you promised you wouldn't go after him," Jonathan reminded him.

" I never said anything about his father," Mr. Van Hesling stated. " Now stake, mallet, garlic, rope." The girl's eyes widen in realization.

" All right, let's imagine his father really is a vampire," Jonathan joked. " Maybe we should, I dunno, call the police?"

" What, and let them take all the glory?" Van Helsing scoffed. " No way. This is our time, son. This is our destiny. We are the Van Helsing's-Vampire slayers!" They both carefully crawled out from under the desk and made their way to the other door. They began looking for Vlad. The bell rang and they found him with Robin.

" Vlad! We've been looking for you everywhere," Chloe said as Alice handed him the brooch, he and Robin smiled at each other. 

" We've got to get to the woodwork room!" Alice urged.

"Why?"Vlad asked.

" Because Mr. Van Hesling's a vampire s-" Chloe began as their dad walked in.

" Hi, guys," Dad greeted them.

" Hi, Dad," Alice, Chloe, and Robin greeted him.

" Just sorting out some heaters," He informed walking down the hallway.

" Mr. Van Hesling a vampire?" Robin asked.

" Slayer!" Chloe corrected. " He's meeting your dad in the woodwork room in exactly two minutes."

" Nice one, Chloe," Vlad laughed as he walked past the two girls. " You almost had me there!" 

" Vlad's dad can't come out in daylight," Robin reminded the two. Alice took Vlad by the shirt and shoved him against the wall, his eyes grew wide.

" Listen here bat brain, Chloe is not lying," Alice growled. " Mr. Van Hesling is definitely meeting someone who he thinks is a Vampire." They then thought about it, as Alice continued to have a fist full of Vlad's shirt.

" Dad!" Branagh children panicked, Alice let go of Vlad and they all ran down the hallway. Right past the Headmistress with her bike.

" Walk, don't run!" She called out to them. They didn't listen to her. " I said walk!" She then started to chase after them with her bike. " Right! Stop!" They saw their dad approaching the woodwork room. " STOP! THAT'S AN ORDER!"

" Dad, Don't open that door!" Alice warned as Chloe moved him away from the door.

" Chloe!" Dad gasped.

" Freeze!" Headmistress ordered as she threw down her bike. Everyone threw their hands up, their dad dropped his toolkit. " The lot of you!"

" I'm just here to look at some heaters," Dad stated.

" Ah yes, Mr. Branagh," Headmistress recalled. " They're through here." She opened the door and let out a scream. They all look to see her in a net covered with garlic.

" Ah, headmistress, just the person," Van Helsing said, they saw Jonathan helping. "So what do you think of our new burglar alarm then, eh?" 

" Let me out of here!" She cried; she was quickly freed. " My office, now! Both of you!" She stormed out of the room.

" I'd better get on with the heating," Dad stated as he walked into the room.  " Why don't the three of you bring Vlad back to the castle?"

" Castle?" Van Helsing asked as he walked back over to them. " This boy lives in a castle?"

" He's just moved here from Transylvania," Dad answered, the kids glanced at each other.

"Let's go," Chloe urged, they started to walk away. They then walked all the way to the castle.

" Can I have my earring back?" Alice demanded as she held out her hand.

" You shoved me into the wall," Vlad reminded her. " I think I am going to keep it." She grabbed him by the shirt once more and took her earring back.

" I don't think so," Alice said as she let go of him. " These are my lucky pair." Soon they stood in front of the castle, making Vlad a promise.

" So you promise you won't tell anyone else that I'm a vampire?" Vlad asked. They held up their hands over their hearts.

" Cross my heart and hope to die," the Branagh children said as the door opened.

" Which is sooner than you think," Count threatened as pulled all three children inside.

" AHHH!" They screamed. 

" Now, which one of you shall I start with first?" Count asked.

" Alice," Robin breathed.

" Robin!" Alice hissed at him.

" Dad! Stop!" Vlad ordered. " They know we're vampires!"

" They must be destroyed! We've discussed this!" Count growled.

" Friends are not food!" Vlad argued.

" These are no friends!" Count argued. " It was probably them who denounced me to the school!"

" No, it wasn't Dad!" Vladexlaimed.

" Well, who could have done it then?" Count asked.

" Me," Vlad answered as he looked at the ground.

" You?" Count asked as he let go of the Branaghs. Robin fell over; Chloe went off to the side as Alice went to check on Robin. He walked over to Vlad. " You double-crossed your own father? You clever little fox!"

" What is that it?" Ingrid demanded. She ran over to her father as Alice helped Robin back onto his feet. " He betrayed you!"

" Admirable cunning," Count complimented. " A true vampire, eh? You know this town seems to bring out the best in you, son."

" So we're staying?" Vlad asked happily. " Excellent!"

" Yes!" Robin cheered.

" Well, there's no need to leave yet I suppose," Count stated. " I mean, the locals may be annoyingly pleasant, but at least they're not well, I don't know Vampire slayers." He then walked away and the four children glanced at each other once more.

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