Chapter 14

Down at the front door, Alice looked at her watch waiting on Robin with Chloe.

"Robin!" Alice shouted. "Hurry up!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Robin shouted as he stomped down the stairs. "You shouldn't be in such a rush to get to school, it's quite disturbing."

"Big words from a future grave digger," Chloe commented. "Plus, between you and me...Alice only wants to get to school due to a crush."

"Maxine and Babara," Alice corrected as she pulled on Chloe's hair.

"OW!" Chloe cried.


During lunch, they sat on the usual bench with Vlad.

"What's a Hunt Ball?" Chloe asked. 

"A big fancy with ballroom dancing so Dad can waltz around window shopping for a wife," Vlad explained. 

Robin stood up with a smile. " A vampire party! Cool!"

Vlad stood up in frustration. "And at midnight, instead of going home, they start hunting peasants to feast on." They started to move from the bench.

"Well, after all that dancing," Alice began. 

"It's bound to make you peckish," Robin finished.

"Robin, Alice, it's not funny, Dad's gonna blow our cover!" Vlad panicked. 

"Vlad, you have to stop him," Chloe pleaded. 

"I am aware of that, Chloe, but how?" Vlad asked. 

"Tell him about Van Helsing," Chloe suggested. "If he knows a slayer's in town, he'll have to call it off. 

"You know you two are real party poopers," Robin complained. 

"Or invite even more vampires to have a showdown," Vlad countered Chloe. 

"Oh, man, that'd be awesome!" Robin lit up. They all looked at him. "A boy can dream, can't he?" He ate more of his food.

"What do you think, Alice?" Chloe asked. "Give us your opinion, Big Sister."

Alice looked at Chloe, then at Vlad. "Well, if all goes wrong, you'll just be chased out."

"Gee, I haven't thought of that," Vlad sassed. 

 "This ball might make Jonathan realize that his dad isn't a complete nutter," Alice said. "The last thing you want is a vampire slayer and a vampire slayer in training. Even worse, Van Helsing might be able to recruit others in town. And then your family truly could be dust."


The next morning came around, and Alice was sitting in between Ian and Chloe for breakfast.

Mum walked into the kitchen with a smile. "Oh! We've been all invited to a Hunt Ball at the castle!" Chloe choked on her oatmeal.

"Oh, please say we can go?" Robin pleaded.

"No!" Chloe protested; they all looked at her. "I just really don't think we should go." She chuckled weakly. 

"I couldn't agree more," Dad spoke as he sat up more. 

"Oh, why?" Mum complained. "It sounds like fun!"

"Dear, I can think of a hundred things I'd rather do on a Saturday night; than prancing around with a bunch of weirdos," Dad answered. 

"Graham, we shouldn't make fun of the neighbors," Mum scolded. "Especially with close our Alice and their Vlad have been lately." Robin, Chloe, and Alice looked at each other. "I say we all go and have a jolly good time."

"I'm going to ask Ingrid to dance with me," Paul dreamed. 

"Me too," Ian dreamed. "Hang on, we don't know how to ballroom dance."

"Oh, your father will teach you, he does a mean tango," Mum insisted. 

They all looked at Dad weirdly. "What, you think plumbers can't dance?"

"Does that mean we are going?" Alice asked. 

"Come on, we'll start with a waltz, "Dad agreed, the boys excitedly got up. 

"Oh, yes!" Robin cheered. 

"Are you going to stand by and let our family be refreshments?" Chloe asked. 

"Oh, you're worrying over nothing, we're perfectly safe," Robin assured. "The Count likes us!"

"I think you're underestimating the words perfectly safe," Alice said. 

"That's odd," Mum commented, they looked back at her. "Under the dress code, it just says, running shoes." Robin looked back at his sisters. 

A little while later, Alice was taking a basket of laundry down, when the twins shoved passed her.

"Oi, watch it!" Alice shouted.

"Sorry, little sister," Paul apologized as he looked back, he had a box of stuff. "If we want to go to the ball, we need to take stuff to Goodwill."

Alice walked down, looking at it. "Including your trusty walkie-talkies?"

Ian patted her head. "We have enough for new and better ones."

"Oh, can I have them?" Alice asked. 

"Good enough for us," Ian said. "These have good range too...from here to the school, but any farther and it starts to break up."

"Sweet," Alice smiled. "Just put it on my bed. I'm about to do some laundry, put your baskets down, there I'll do it." The boys then charged back up the stairs.


Night came, Alice was in her dress downstairs with Chloe; she was ironing Mum's dress. Alice was wearing a dark blue princess dress, her hair pulled up like Cinderella's.

"We've gotta stop them from going to the ball, it's our only chance!" Robin urged.

"How hard did you hit your head for the sense to be knocked into it?" Alice asked.

"Oh shut up," Robin hissed at her. 

"I'm glad the penny has finally dropped," Chloe commented. She looked down. "Oh, no, what have I done?" There was a big burn mark on the dress.

"My dress!" Mum gasped.

"Nevermind, mum," Alice assured.

"I'm sure we can go next year," Robin added. "Right, Vlad?"

"Oh, you bet," Vlad nodded. 

"Oh, well, isn't it lucky I decided to wear this instead?" Mum asked. They watched her walk away, showing off a green dress. 

"What if I lock us in and hide the keys?" Robin asked. 

"Do it!" Alice ordered.

Paul poked his head in."Hurry up, Ingrid's here."

They went around the corner to find Ingrid dressed up; on the couch with Dad. "Ingrid's checking my blood pressure, isn't that thoughtful?"

"Just wanted to make sure you're fit and healthy for the dance," Ingrid said. 

"You're sick!" Chloe hissed at her. "Sick, do you hear!?"

"Chloe, don't be so rude!" Mum scolded. 

"120 over 60," Ingrid read. 

"Is that good?" Dad asked. 

"Perfect," Ingrid smiled, she looked at the others. "You could run for miles."

"Right, good!" Dad smiled as he got up. 

Vlad turned them as the others left. "Don't panic, the hunt doesn't start until midnight, we've still got time."

"For what?" Alice asked as she crossed her arms. "How are we gonna stop a room full of thirsty vampires?"

"Leave it with me," Vlad assured. Chloe and Robin left the room. "Are you going with your family?"

"You are going to Van Hesling's classroom, aren't you?" Alice asked.

"It's the only idea I got," Vlad answered. "It has to work."

Alice grabbed his hand, she dragged him upstairs. "Are you sure you should be going alone?" 

"It'd be suspicious if you aren't at the ball," Vlad asked. 

Alice laughed. "And not Dracoloser's son and heir?" She dragged him into her room.

"Alice, if this plan is to work, I need to make a start!" Vlad exclaimed as he went toward the door. 

Alice faced him with the walkie-talkies. "I'm just not comfortable with you going entirely alone."

"What are those?" Vlad asked.

"Communication devices," Alice answered. She pressed a button, which make a static sound on the other. "Do you know Morse code?" Vlad shook his head. "Press this four times if you get in trouble." She handed him one. "Just be careful." They started back downstairs.

"I'm a Dracula, I'm always careful," Vlad assured.

"Fleeing Transylvania doesn't say careful," Alice commented as they reached the front door. They stepped out, Alice closed the door, and she noticed that her family already left. "Remember--"

"Press four times if I get into trouble," Vlad repeated. "I promise, I won't."

"Don't make a promise you can't keep," Alice advised. "See you later." She kissed his cheek before hurrying up to the castle as Vlad hurried toward the school. 


At the ball, there were tons of vampires, they eyeballed her when The Count wasn't busy window shopping with them. 

"Ah, there you are Alice!" The Count greeted her as he walked over to her. "You didn't come in with your family."

Alice saw her family sort of mingling, Chloe, and Robin were tense. "Yeah, I had to finish a load of laundry before I came up."

"Where is my son and heir?" The Count asked as he guided her a bit, Alice noticed that Magda was there; Ingrid was trying a keep eye on the Branaghs and possible stepmother.

"He should be here shortly," Alice answered. "You shouldn't do the hunt without him; don't want him to miss out on something so...educational." He then pushed her toward some of the women, they eyeballed her; smiling. "I really like your shade of lipstick."

"It's a rarity," one of the women smiled at her. "Tell me, peasant, what are your hobbies?"

"Do you cook or clean?" another woman asked. 

After mingling, with a few vampires, and some dancing. Alice hid in a corner staring at her walkie-talkie, she heard laughter, and she looked over to see Magda taunting the Count.

"Well, well," a voice greeted, she looked over to see a man. "The names Anton."

"Alice," Alice greeted. "Enjoying the ball?"

"It's been a tasty evening, eyeball?" Anton offed as held out a blue eye. 

"No, thanks," Alice denied.

"Don't know if you don't try," Anton said as he got closer. "What is a girl like you hiding over here?" Suddenly, Alice's walkie-talkie sounded four times.

Alice stood up. "Vlad!" She went to go, but the man stopped. "Maybe I'll have an eyeball tomorrow, but I really got to go!" She danced around him, then bolted out the castle door.

"Where is she going?" The Count asked as he leaned toward Ingrid.

"She better be back before midnight," Ingrid huffed. "That worm. Can she be my servant?"

"No," The Count denied. "She belongs to Vlad, we've been over this."

"Another vampire is going to bite her, and Vlad doesn't have fangs," Ingrid pointed out.

"Well, not yet," The Count grunted. 


Alice biked faster than she's ever biked before, she ran into the school throwing the door open to the woodshop room to find Vlad tied to a chair.

"You are such a careful, liar, Vlad!" Alice scowled. Vlad looked at her, his face lit up. 

Jonathan looked over at her. "Alice, you look like a princess again." He had a stake in his hands. 

"Thanks," Alice said as she started to walk in, Jonathan got in front of her. "Out of the way."

"You can't get close!" Jonathan shouted. "He's a dangerous, blood-sucking freak!" Alice glanced over at Vlad; he nodded. "He's a vampire!"

Alice put her hands on Jonathan's arms. "I know." She pushed him out of the way, he fell to the ground as Alice ran to untie Vlad. "It's almost midnight, we need to hurry. Before your dad turns my family and Van Helsing kills yours."

"How did you get here?" Vlad asked as one got freed.

"Bike," Alice answered.

Vlad grunted. "I'm not a very fast runner."

"I know," Alice said as Vlad got after getting his other arm freed. The moment Vlad looked at Alice, she pulled him into a hug. "You idiot, Vlad."

"Alice!" Jonathan shouted as he got to his feet. "He's a vicious creature!" Alice pulled away looking at him, Vlad collapsed into his chair with a smile. 

"Jonathan, out of the way," Alice ordered. "We need to go to save our families."

"I never even got to say goodbye," Vlad gloomed.

"I'm sure Dad will have finished them quickly, they probably didn't feel a thing," Jonathan answered as he got closer. "I mean, he's practiced a lot and he's read all the books."

"He had done this before, right?" Vlad asked as he got to his feet. 

Jonathan chuckled. "Yeah!" He looked at them. "Well, not technically, no."

"You're telling me your dad has just gone up to a castle full of vampires having never actually slayed a single one before?" Vlad asked. 

"Is that a bad idea?" Jonathan asked.

"Properly bad idea," Alice answered.

"Jonathan, if you ever want to see your dad again, we need to go, now!" Vlad ordered. Jonathan gave in; they went to the parking lot to Alice's bike and a car in the distance. It's the school's abandoned car that's been sitting there for weeks.

"We'll never get there in time!" Jonathan panicked.

"Oh come on," Alice huffed. "There are worst ideas." She ran up to the car and opened the door.

"What are you doing!?" Vlad demanded as they ran up.

Alice got in the front seat, she opened the mirror and the keys fell out. "Oh just get in."

"Do you even know how to drive?" Vlad asked as he got in the front, Jonathan in the back.

"Sort of," Alice answered as started the car.

"Sort of?!" Jonathan panicked. "We're going to die before anyone else!"

"Oh, shut up!" Alice hissed looking at him. "And don't even dare think about staking in here!"

"Yes, ma'am," Jonathan answered as the stake dropped it.

Alice put the car in drive, foot on the brakes. "Hang on." She then pressed on the gas, and they took off toward the castle. Alice was speeding heavily; due to a few bumps, they went into the air a couple of times.  

"THIS IS AWESOME!" Vlad shouted as he held on to the roof handle for dear life. "WHOA!" As soon as they got to the castle. Alice turned off the car, she looked back to see Jonathan completely bewildered. She then looked to see Vlad still had a huge smile, he then looked at her. "That was completely wicked, Alice! I love you!" He put a hand on her face, then kissed her cheek; Jonathan and Alice were completely surprised. Vlad quickly realized what he said. "I love you as in...a friend way."

"Vlad, the ball," Alice reminded him.

Vlad's face turned red. "Right."

Alice and Vlad ran into the castle as the group of vampires were about to devour Robin, he was hiding behind the table, with no other Branagh in the castle.

"DAD, STOP!" Vlad shouted as they ran to a stop; next to Ingrid. He then pointed at the horrible disguised vampire slayer. "That woman is Mr. Van Hesling, he's a vampire slayer!" Robin quickly made his way over to them. 

The vampires snarled, circling around the woodwork teacher and The Count.

"Oh, please," The Count huffed, he put his hands on his hips. "I think I can tell the difference between a man and a woman."

Jonathan ran into the room, and stopped next to Vlad,  before going to hug his dad. "Oh, Dad! I was so worried about you!"

"Dad?" The Count asked. 

"Yes," Mr. Van Hesling confirmed, as he clicked his crossbow. "It is I." Removed his wig. "Vampire Slayer." He raised his weapon, vampires snarled; Alice looked over at the vampires in charge of the music. They started to play dramatic music. 

"For the effect," one said to her, she nodded and looked back at the events unfolding. 

"Stay back or I'll shoot!" Van Helsing warned as he waved around his weapon. 

The Count started laughing, clapping his hands together. "That won't scare them, they're my friends!" All the other vampires beside Magda left the room. 

"Prepare to die," Van Helsing ordered.

"Please, don't shoot my dad!" Vlad pleaded. 

"I'll save you, Master!" Renfield shouted as he ran in.

"Watch out, Dad, he's got a sword!" Jonathan warned. Van Helsing jumped; he pulled the trigger, shooting the Count.

"Oops," Zoltan sounded. Everyone watched as the Count looked at the blood on his fingers, and fell back.

"DAD!" Ingrid and Vlad shouted running over to him. Magda, Renfield, Ingrid, Vlad, Robin, and Alice all surrounded Count Dracula in worry.

Magda grabbed the Count's hand. "My darling Count!"

"Oh, Magda, I lied," the Count admitted in unsteady breaths. He put a hand on her face. "I never stopped loving you."

"And I you," Magda gushed. 

"P-Promise me," Count pleaded. "Promise you'll stay and look after the kids. "

"Oh, I promise, Master," Renfield cried.

"Oh, not you, Magda!" The Count hissed.

"I'll look after them like they were my own children," Magda agreed. They looked at her.

"We are your own children," Ingrid reminded her, 

"Silence!" Count wheezed, they looked at him again. "Vladdy, Vlad! Closer" Vlad leaned forward so Count could grab his face. "Promise. Promise you'll carry on the family name, be a good vampire." In tears, Vlad looked at Ingrid, Robin, and Alice, then back at his dad. 

"I promise," Vlad said in a tearful voice. 

"That's my boy," The Count breathed, he closed his eyes, his hand dropping.

"He's dead!" Ingrid cried. "But he didn't say anything to me! Ugh! That is so typical!"

Then Van Helsing's voice rang in the air. "I slayed a vampire." They looked at him as he started to laugh. "I slayed a vampire!" He laughed even more. 

The Count suddenly sat up; they all looked at him. "Actually, I don't think you did." He took the stake out of his chest, then removed a damaged flask. 

"Dad, it's your flask of poisoned blood!" Jonathan panicked. 

The Count got to his feet. "Well, let's fill it with something a little fresher!"

"What do we do now?" Jonathan asked. 

"Run!" Van Helsing ordered, he picked up their dress; they hurried toward the door. 

The Count beat them to it. "Don't go now, the party's just getting started!"

Van Helsing pulled Jonathan close to him. "Let the boy go, it's me you want." Vlad ran up to his dad. "Dad, no!"

"Don't do it, Dad," Vlad pleaded. "It's not worth it."

"Oh, it's worth it, all right," The Count disagreed, baring his fangs. "But it's too easy if he won't put up a fight, where's the fun in that?" The Van Helsings started to leave, the dads faced each other.

"We'll meet again, I promise you that," Van Helsing warned. 

"Can't wait," The Count growled, then looked at him up and down. "Oh, and by the way, love the dress!" He started laughing as Van Helsing laughed. 

"I can't believe you just let a slayer go," Ingrid scowled. 

"Well, I didn't want to ruin the family reunion," The Count defended himself. "Oh, Magda, with you back it's going to be like old times!"

Magda looked at Vlad and walked up to him. "Goodbye, Vlad. Look after your father, he's a danger to himself when he's trying to kill slayers." She leaned down, giving air kisses. 

"You're leaving?" Vlad asked as Magda walked away. 

"But you said you loved me!" The Count pointed out. 

"You were dying, I was trying to be nice," Magda explained. 

As she left, the Count leaned down to Vlad. "Isn't she just the most evil woman in the world?"

"So, I guess you want us to start packing our bags, then?" Vlad asked.

"Hm?" The Count asked. "Whatever for? Having a slayer in town is going to make life so much more interesting." Renfield groaned as the Count walked away laughing. 

Vlad was seeing, Robin and Alice out the door.

"See you at school," Robin said.

"See you," Vlad nodded; they high five; Robin started home without Alice.

"I feel like the Cinderella that did miss the ball," Alice said as she watched Robin walk away. "Even if I were to get eaten alive at this one."

"I never got thank you properly," Vlad said grabbing her hand, Alice looked at him. "For saving me earlier."

"That's why we had the walkie-talkies," Alice pointed out. "For emergencies." 

Vlad smiled a little; then his smile dropped. "About what I said in the car."

"Just in the moment," Alice cut him off.

Vlad nodded. "Just in the moment." He became more down. "Normally, it's the prince that saves the princess, not either way around."

"I have no doubt you'll save me when the time comes," Alice laughed, Vlad looked back at her. The moonlight was hitting Alice perfectly in Vlad's opinion.  Good night, Vlad."

"Night, Alice," Vlad huffed, she kissed his cheek, then hurried to catch up with Robin. 

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