Chapter 11

Father's Day was approaching; Alice was putting a gift together with Chloe. They were also preparing for the camping trip with Dad and Robin.

"Night Goggles?" Alice asked.

"Check," Chloe answered.

"Marshmallows for smores?" Alice asked.

"Check," Chloe answered. 

"Robin?" Alice asked.

Chloe lowered her notebook. "I'd put that camping item on hold for now."


"Coming!" the two girls chimed. 

After school, Alice was in her room with Vlad and Robin; to Robin's request, the light was turned off. Robin sat on the bed, Alice was on the floor pillow, and Vlad sat on the desk chair. 

Vlad was staring at a card. "World's best dad? I knew your dad was great, but I didn't realize he won an award!"

"It's not an actual award, Fang Brain," Alice corrected as she looked over at him. "It's a Father's Day card."

Vlad looked at the two. "Father's Day?"

Robin sat up, holding a bat. "It's a breather thing. You have to get your dad cards, presents and do lame things to please them."

"I hate doing dad stuff," Vlad grunted. "Flying lessons, biting practice. It feels like his only purpose in life is to stop me from having fun."

"Vlad, everyone feels like that about their parents," Robin informed. "Last week, a boy from school asked Alice on a date at the supermarket, Dad nearly killed him."

"A date?" Vlad asked as he looked at Alice, who was painting her toenails.

"The point of Father's Day is to pretend you don't," Robin answered, referring to the previous conversation. "It softens them up. It softens them up, ready for the next time you want to get away with something."

"Like what?" Vlad asked as he looked at his best mate.

"For example, I've agreed to go camping with Dad, Alice, and Chloe tonight. In return, Dad'll pretend to believe me next time I lose my school report," Robin explained.

"And I'll get money easier to go to the movies," Alice answered. "Won't have to do half the chores in the house to earn it."

"So Father's Day is basically a way of conning your dad?" Vlad asked. 

"Your point is?" Alice asked as she looked at him. 

"Got any spare cards?" Vlad asked, Robin gave a small smile and an eyebrow raised.  Moments later, they went downstairs, Robin was holding a skull.

Dad opened the door to the garage. "Alice, Robin, have you finished packing?" 

"I just have to grab the Kendal Mint Cake from the pantry," Alice answered. "Chloe and I finished packing earlier."

"Excellent," Dad smiled as he put a hand on her head. "Robin?"

"Uh, not yet," Robin answered. 

"Well, hurry up," Dad issued. "Every minute you waste, we lose a minute's camping." He made his way into the kitchen.

"I am aware of that," Robin huffed.

"You two are so lucky!" Vlad exclaimed. "I'd do anything o get my dad to take me camping."

"And I'd give anything for a dad whose idea of a good time isn't singing "Ging Gang Goolie' with all the actions," Robin responded.

"My dad could learn a thing or two from yours," Vlad said.

"What, like how to wear his jeans under his armpit?" Robin giggled as they sat on the couch.

"No, like how to lighten up and enjoy the outdoor life," Vlad explained. "You know what? We should get our dads together!"

Alice sat up and looked at him. "Is that really such a good idea? Especially with what almost between our mum and your dad?"

"They could be a good influence on each other!" Vlad insisted. 

Robin started to laugh as he pushed Alice back. "Like Count Dracula would ever go on a Branagh camping trip!" Vlad had a hopeful look. "Are you serious? Do you really think your dad'll agree to come?"

"Yeah," Vlad hoped. "Because I'll tell him it's Father's Day and I'm doing it for him."

"Now you're getting the hang of it!" Robin smiled. The two nodded. "Alice, go see Vlad out, I'll go ask Dad." Alice started to take Vlad back up to the castle as Robin went to go butter up to Dad.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Vlad?" Alice asked.

"What could go wrong?" Vlad asked.

"Uh, hello...your family already tried to turn me and my mum into the undead," Alice reminded him." Robin as well...and now my dad."

Vlad nudged her. "You worry too much, Alice. You need to lighten up on this camping trip." Alice still wasn't convinced. "This could be great for everyone. I'm about to see if I like camping or not. So when the time comes, our three boys and one girl can take me camping in a vampiric way." Alice kicked him in the back of the knee, he fell down. "OW! ALICE!"

"See yourself home, Fang Brain," Alice grunted, she turned making her way back home. "See you later."


A few hours later, Dad pulled up to the castle to grab Vlad and his dad for the camping trip. Vlad let them inside.

"I'll just get Dad," Vlad said as he walked away Dad closed the door. Seconds later, The Count showed up grabbing Vlad.

"Vladdy! This is the best surprise!" The Count cheered. "Shall we bite them now?"

"What? No!" Vlad denied. 

"No?" The Count repeated. "Very well, just hide them in the larder till later."

"Dad, The Branaghs are here because we're going on a camping trip," Vlad revealed. 

"Oh, then do I get my Father's Day surprise?" The Count asked. 

"No, this is your surprise!" Vlad revealed more. He waved his hands a little. "Surprise."

The Count slowly stood up. "This is my surprise? A camping trip with a family of ugly peasants, but one?" It started to thunder. 

Dad stepped forward. "What did you say?"

The Count stepped up to Dad. "Ugly...Peasants!" It started to rain.

"Now look what you've done!" Vlad hissed. 

"Oh dear, it's raining," Robin said in fake disappointment. "Looks like the trips off."

"Not necessarily," Vlad denied quickly. The kids got together to come up with a plan, then they faced the Dads. "What do you reckon?"

"Camping indoors?" The Count asked as he paced. "Impossible!"

"You're behind the times, Count," Dad said as he walked over. "You can pitch these modern tents on solid rock. I'll have ours up in five minutes. 

"Cool," Vlad breathed. "Can I help?"

"No," The Count denied. "You can help me pitch up our tent. And we'll do it in four minutes!" The two families split up to put up their respective tents. "Finished! Suck on that peasants!"

"Oh, suck on what?" Dad asked as he stood up. The others looked over. "Oh, that? I see. Are you sure it's quite safe?"

"Safe?" The Count repeated. "Is my tent safe?" It started to sway. "Renfield!"

The man ran into the room in a hurry. "Yes, Master?" he giggled at the sight of the tent.

"You shall be the first to try out my tent," The Count offered.

Renfield became pleased. "Oh, thank you, Master! Thank you!" After a few moments of giggling, he went silent.

"Just get in the tent!" The Count ordered.

Renfield scrambled inside. "Oh, now, this is nice!" He let out a scream as the tent broke. "Help!"

"I think that's one-nil to the Branaghs, eh?" Dad asked. 

"Master!" Renfield cried as he scrambled around. "Help!"


Soon they were working on putting fires together. Vlad and Robin, Chloe, Dad, and Alice, Renfield stayed trapped under the tent as the Count sulked in the corner.

"I'm going to go check on the boys," Dad said as he got up.

"Careful," Alice advised as Chloe poked at the hotdogs. "Don't wanna burn them."

"This will help build up my patience," Chloe said as she began to rotate them. "How are they looking?"

"Perfect," Alice answered as she taped one with a stick.

"Dad!" Chloe called out. "The sausages are ready!"

"Marvelous!" Dad smiled, he then looked back at Vlad. He then went back over to their side, Robin joined them. Seconds later, with a snap of his fingers, The Count lit up their fire.

Soon Dad brought food over to the others. "Well, that fire's coming along! Nice work, Vlad!"

"Nice?" The Count asked as he walked over. "It spits on your feeble excuse for a fire!"

"Dad!" Vlad hissed.

"Look, why don't we all calm down and enjoy a nice hotdog?" Dad suggested as he held up a plate.

"Because we don't want your peasant food," The Count denied. "We shall prepare our own feast." 

"Barbecued slug, Master?" Renfield asked he lifted his stick. 

"Not now, Renfield," The Count denied. 

"Suit yourself," Dad said as he walked away. 

"Are you sure?" Renfield asked. "It's all black and crunchy!"

"I said, shut up!" The Count hissed. "And crawl back to your slime pit, you filthy, incompetent tent-wrecker!" Renfield made his way out of the room; Chloe walked up to the Count and then left the room as well. Moments later, Vlad went and joined their side of the camp. taking Chloe's old spot in between Robin and Alice.

"Where's your dad?" Alice asked as she looked over at the other side of the room.

"Being childish," Vlad huffed. "I won't ever be like that." 

"Go stick your hand in the fire, Fang Brain," Alice ordered.

Moments later, Dad was having them tie knots. "Well done, Vlad, that's a perfect sheepshank! Robin, yours looks more like, a noose."

"Don't think that's accidental," Robin grunted as he didn't bother to look over.

"Maybe that's enough knot for one day," Dad suggested as he put down the rope.

"Oh, yes!" Robin cheered. 

"How about a sing-a-long?" Dad suggested.

"Oh, no!" Robin cried as he put his hands on his hand.

"Lucky, I remembered my guitar," Dad smiled as he grabbed it.  

"Isn't this great?" Vlad asked as he leaned over to Robin. 

"Not really," Robin denied. "I wish your dad was here."

"He won't come," Vlad sulked. "He's in a mood." A harmonica sounded followed by guitar strings.

"Maybe I could talk him around?" Robin suggested. 

"You'd do that for me?" Vlad asked. "You sure?"

"Of course, I'm sure," Robin confirmed. 

"Okay, boys, Alice, how about we kick off with Cliff Richard?"

"Dad, I don't think Vlad knows Cliff Richard," Alice spoke.

"Then he'll learn today," Dad smiled as he began to play.

"I'm sure I wanna get away from this racket," Robin confessed; as he quickly left.

"We're," Dad began to sing. "We're all going on a summer holiday. No more working for a week or two!"

"I'm gonna pick up my book," Alice said as she crawled into the tent. 

"Alice!" Vlad hissed as he looked at her. She already laying by the door, with a book in her hands.

"Got any vampiric camping ideas yet, Fang Brain?" Alice asked. Vlad rolled his eyes, he turned back to Mr. Branagh and began to work on knots more. Minutes later Mr. Count and Robin came back into the room. 

"Vlad, guess what!" Robin exclaimed. "Your dad's giving me a coffin?"

"What?" Dad, Alice, and Vlad asked. 

"Why?" Dad asked as Alice got out of the tent. 

"I told him how I asked one every Christmas, but you keep giving me a mountain bike," Robin explained as Vlad got to his feet. 

"Why are you giving him a present?" Vlad asked.

"Because Robin appreciates me," Mr. Count answered "Go down to the crypt and take anyone you like. Just not the one with green in it."

"It's so cool!" Robin gushed as he went over to Robin. "Come and help me pick it!" He grabbed Vlad and they started to go to the crypt. "Alice!" She got up and followed. Robin began to scan his options. "I like the oak veneer and the velvet upholstery, but is it as reliable as a good old mahogany model?"

"So much for helping me out," Vlad whined. "All you've done is conned Dad into giving you a coffin."

"Relax," Robin assured. "It's all part of a master plan to get the dads we want. Plus, Alice has one, so why not me."

"Only after you offered me as food in front of his grandparents," Alice said as crossed her arms. 

"And you get an expensive present," Vlad pointed out. 

"Oh, yeah, best Father's Day ever," Robin giggled.

"For you maybe," Alice said. "I was really looking forward to camping."

"All I wanted to show Dad is that there's more to life than drinking people's blood," Vlad explained. 

"Well, maybe some of my dad's normality will have rubbed off on him," Robin hopped. Seconds later, the dads entered the crypt in foul moods.

"Now, peasant, prepare to spill your blood!" Mr. Count warned. 

"Or not," Alice denied as Vlad went over to his blood. "Dad?"

"Nothing to worry about, Alice," Dad said as he jumped around. "Just a little throw down."

"Dad, you're not really going to fight a vam--A vastly superior fighter like the Count?" Robin asked. 

"Don't sound so surprised," Dad ordered. "When I was in Cub Scouts, I came second in the boxing championship."

"Mum said you lost to a girl," Alice reminded him.

"Brownies can be vicious," Dad defended himself. "Bring it on, Count!"

"Very well!" Mr. Count agreed. "I'll just get my sword." He grabbed an old sword.

"Sword?" Dad repeated as he started to back down. 

"Peasant, prepare to die by my family's ancient sword!" Mr. Count threatened. "It is the finest weapon in Transylvania." He kissed it. "It's a thousand years old and it's..." He started to have trouble getting open, then the handle broke. 

"Totally eaten away with rust," Vlad finished. 

"Come on, then!" Dad shouted as he got ready to fight. "Not so brave now are you without your sword?"

Mr. Count walked forward. "Doesn't matter when I can just." He snapped his fingers and Dad froze. "Hyponitze you can drink your blood."

"No!" Robin and Alice shouted as they looked at their dad. Alice's mind went totally blank as she was frozen with her brother. Suddenly, she was conscious again.

"So, you want some, do you Count?" Dad asked with a raised fist. "Ready for a knuckle goulash?"

"That's no way to sort your differences reasonably, Dad!" Chloe scolded. 

"Chloe?" Dad asked.

"Yes," Mr. Count agreed as he tapped Dad's shoulder. "I would enjoy some traditional Transylvanian cookery. But first, Mr. Peasant."

"Graham," Dad corrected as the kids looked at each other. 

"Gray ham," Mr. Count said. "I have to admit I was wrong to fight you."

"That's very big of you, Count," Dad admitted. "I must admit, I was a bit embarrassed myself."

"So let's set our differences aside for the sake of our sons," Mr. Count suggested. " 'Cause after all, we care about their feelings, don't we?"

"Absolutely," Dad agreed. "Shake on it?" He held out a hand.

"Well done, Dad," Vlad complimented as The COunt held out his hand. "I'm proud of you. You're the best."

Count pulled his hand back laughing. "I am the best father!" He tapped Dad's face. "In your face, peasant!" He left the room snickering. 

Soon, Alice and her family were going home, she stood at the door as everyone else got in the car. "Got any ideas for your Father's Day, Vlad?"

"You are coming around to this!" Vlad lit up.

Alice shook her head. "We made a deal, I have to be semi-open to it. So camping?'

"No Cliff Richardson," Vlad answered. 

"I can agree with that," Alice said quickly. 

Vlad leaned toward her. "Is there anything else that happens on Father's Day?" He batted his eyes.

Alice groaned and put his hands on his shoulders. "You are not a father yet, nor are we married." She shoved him back into the castle, closing the door herself. She then went back home with her family. 

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