Chapter 1

Alice would like to believe she lived a normal life. She had a stay-at-home mum, her dad who is a plumber, two idiot twin older brothers, a freakishly smart little sister, and a twin brother with a vampire obsession. Alice had a very laid-back style in clothing, she wore a lot of overalls, Queen shirts, converse, and her favorite grey beanie when not in school. She left her room to go to Robin's room, she opened the door as Robin fell from the ceiling.

" Robin," Alice groaned.

" Alice!" Robin scowled at her as she walked in, closing the door behind her.

" Can you go pack so we can go camping?" Alice pleaded.

" I hate camping," Robin reminded her.

" Robin," they heard their mother call as she banged on the door. " Robin."

" Face it, Mam did a good job with me, Paul, and Alice," they heard Ian announce.

" And me," Chloe added.

" Four out of five ain't bad," Ian joked

" Ian this isn't funny," their mum scolded. " He hasn't left his room all morning."

" And that's a bad thing? "Paul joked; lan laughed.

" If he doesn't come out no one's going camping," their mum confirmed before walking away from the door, Alice glared at Robin.

" I like that idea," Robin said. The other twins started to bang on Robin's door angrily.

" Oi! Nut-job, open up! Hurry up!" the twins ordered as they pounded on the door. They then looked out the window and saw an old, very dirty hearse, with luggage. 

" I think we have new neighbors," Alice stated.

" They are the ones that bought the castle probably," Robin stated as they watched the car drive away. " Let's go meet them."

" Robin, they just moved in," Alice reminded him. " Maybe we should let them settle in first."

" By the time we walk there, they will be settled in," Robin said before dragging her outside and up to the castle.

" Are you sure about this?" Alice asked.

" Absolutely," Robin answered causing Alice to roll her eyes.

" What should we say when they answer the door?" Robin asked. " Suck my blood? Have a haunting night?"

" I think we should start off with a welcome to the neighborhood," Alice answered. " Don't want to scare them off with your freakish obsession with vampires."

" It's not freakish," Robin argued.

" They aren't even real," Alice stated as she crossed her arms.

" Yes, they are," Robin argued back. 

" And where is the proof?" Alice asked as they walked up to the door of the castle.

" Hidden in a secret laboratory," Robin answered. He then smiled and rubbed his hands. " Time to meet the neighbors." Alice then knocked on the door; seconds later a man opened it. He had small patches of hair scattered on his head, very smelly and dirty.

" Not juicy enough," the man said as he looked at them. " Go away." He then closed the door.

" I don't think they want to meet us," Alice stated. " Time to go back home and go camping."

" I don't wanna go," Robin groaned as they started back home. When they got home they saw their dad packing and singing. Their dad turned around to see them both.

" Dad, you're making strange noises again," Robin informed.

" It's called singing Robin," their dad informed.

" People do it when they're in a good mood," Alice added.

" Oh sorry," Dad apologized. " Good mood, hope she is not confusing you with my complicated technical jargon."

" Ha-ha," Robin said. " It's a small drama inside without Kendal Mint Cake," Robin informed.

" What?" Dad gasped. " We can't have a Branagh family tradition expedition without Kendal Mint Cake. This is a disaster! He went back into the house. " Elizabeth!" Robin then bent down and grabbed climbing items.

" What are you doing?" Alice demanded.

" It's what we are doing," Robin corrected.

" What are we doing?" Alice asked, hoping for a good answer.

" We are climbing up the tallest tower and getting inside the castle," Robin answered.

" Wouldn't that be considered breaking and entering," Alice reminded him. 

" Only if they take it badly," Robin said. " Come on." He then looked at the yellow rope. " I wished they did this stuff in black." He then dragged back up the road to the home of the new neighbors.

" I really do not want to get arrested," Alice said as they stood outside the castle.

" We won't," Robin said, they looked up just as a red and black cape hit Robin knocking him to the ground. 

" Taken down by a cape," Alice laughed as she picked up the cape. "If vampires were real, you won't last a second."

" It's heavier than it looks," Robin said as he stood up, they looked at the cape. They saw the stitching, it had the words ' V. Dracula.' Robin's face lit up. " Vampires."

" Or that is just their last name," Alice popped his bubble.

" Only one way to find out," Robin stated as they faced the castle again. Together they got the hook thrown up and over the window. " You go first."

" Don't want to be the first reported for breaking and entering?" Alice asked.

" No," Robin answered. " Mum won't be as mad at you."

" Wimp," Alice rolled her eyes as they started to climb up the side of the tower. Minutes later Alice pulled herself up the ledge, she looked forward and saw a boy looking back at her.

" AHH!" the two screamed at each other, Alice started to fall; the boy got up and grabbed her.

" Got you," the boy said.

" Thanks," Alice said looking at him.

" Who are you two?" the boy asked as he looked at them.

" What a good time to have a discussion," Robin stated.  The boy helped the two into the room she turned and got a good look at the boy, he was wearing a blue and white striped shirt, orange pants, and a jacket.

" Shall I bite them master?" the stuffed wolf asked; Alice looked at it oddly. 

" Not yet," the boy answered, the dog then sniffed.

" Right," Vlad, you rancid little worm," a girl's voice sounded.

" Quick! Hide! Hide!" Vlad ordered as he shoved the two under his bed as the door opened.

" Ah here you are in my room," the girl said.

" It's not your room," the boy argued as the girl sniffed,

" What's that smell?" the girl ordered.

" Smell what smell?" Vlad asked. " Can you smell the smell Zoltan?"

" No, Master Vlad," Zoltan answered. " Only your sister's cheap perfume."

" Shut it four wheels," the girl ordered as she pushed Zoltan over. " I can smell something different, something rather. Aha!" She looked under the bed, but Robin and Alice were not there.

" No!" Vlad cried out.

" I can't wait to tell Dad about this," Ingrid gloated.

" I can explain," Vlad said.

" Oh yeah," Ingrid said.

" Climbed in through the window nothing to do with me," Vlad said.

" A massive pile of dirty laundry climbed in through the window," Ingrid repeated in disbelief, before walking behind him, Vlad then looked under his bed.

" What?" Vlad asked in confusion. " Where'd they go?"

" Whom, the Dirty Sock Fairies?" Ingrid asked.

" Er, yes," Vlad answered.

" You're such a loser," Ingrid said before walking out. Vlad then went and picked up Zoltan.

" Zoltan did you see where that boy and girl went?" Vlad asked.

" The girl is in the closest," Zoltan answered. " Unfortunately for the boy, I got distracted by the sawdust running down my left side," Zoltan answered.

" Come out," Vlad answered, Alice, did as she was told. " Where did that boy you were with go?"

" Probably to look around the castle," Alice answered. "And that boy is my brother."

" We better find him before my dad does," Vlad insisted. They both ran out of the room. They got to a room to see Vlad's dad sniffing around and Robin hiding behind chairs. " You stay here, I will pull my dad off to the side."

" He won't call the cops will he?" Alice asked.

" No, much worse," Vlad answered before walking away from her. " Daddy, can I have a word?" As they talked Alice got on her hands and knees and crawled over to Robin before Ingrid could find her.

" Not you!" his dad scowled. " I'm trying to find dinner!" 

" Well, it's just I think I've got my first fang," Vlad informed.

" A fang?" his dad questioned. " Oh my boy, let me have a look." Vlad opened his mouth and looked over at the other two as his dad checked his mouth. " Hmm you can't see anything, never mind my favorite child."

" Nurture him why don't you," scoffed Ingrid. " You just hate me because I'm a girl."

" No, I hate you cos you're really annoying, " the same smelly man said. " Oops." 

" Right," Ingrid said as she walked over to him, the man sat down. They heard a squishing sound.

" Oh master, I've sat on your tarantula," the man informed.

" Imelda! No!" Vlad's dad cried out as he marched over to the man.

" Come on," Vlad urged the two, he then leads them back to his room. " Hello. We haven't been properly introduced. My name's Vlad. Oh, and you two must be the kids who climbed in through my window, hid in my closet, and started wandering around."

" Robin," Robin informed.

" I'm Alice," Alice greeted. " We brought your cloak back." She handed it to him.

" Oh thanks," Vlad said, not sounding happy. Robin then showed his neck and moved toward Vlad. " What are you doing?"

" Aren't you going to bite me?" Robin asked.

" Bite you why would I want you to bite you?" Vlad asked.

" Cause he wants to be a vampire," Alice said.

" Don't be ridiculous," Vlad laughed.

" You can if you want," Robin offered.

" No," Vlad denied.

" Leave him alone," Alice ordered as she pulled Robin back. " He's new here and you are already freaking him out."

" You're both lucky that my dad didn't find you," Vlad informed as he set down the cape.

" I know exactly what he is capable of," Robin stated. " You're vampires aren't you?"

" Don't be ridiculous," Vlad repeated himself, with the same laugh. " What silly idea talking."

" Talking wolf, bloodthirsty, first fang," Robin listed.

" Oh, bats! Please don't get an angry mob and drive us out of town," Vlad pleaded.

" You're underestimating suburban apathy," Alice stated.

" Anyway vampires are awesome," Robin insisted as he got closer to, Vlad.

" Awesome?" Vlad questioned.

" He says he knows everything there is to know about them," Alice said.

" At least I thought I did," Robin shrugged. The two boys were now standing in front of the mirror as Alice sat on the bed.

" How come you've got a reflection?" Alice asked.

" Well, we don't come in your full powers until our 16th birthday," Vlad answered as he looked back at her. " So, I've got a reflection, I can't return into a bat, and I don't bite people."

" That is relieving," Alice said. " Is there anything else we need to know?"

" I don't get burnt by sunlight or have an adverse reaction to garlic," Vlad answered. 

" Wanna test it out we have garlic at home," Alice suggested.

" Alice!" Robin scowled at her.

" It's alright," Vlad smiled. " I am sure she meant no harm."

" You know, for my first vampire, you're not coming across as very.." Robin began.

" Vampiric?" Vlad asked Robin nodded.

" For my first vampire, I didn't expect them to be dressed so mad, you look like you were dressed by a three-year-old," Alice commented.

" And you scared of me scaring off the new neighbors," Robin sassed at her.

" Can I say for my first normal kids you two are not coming across very-" Vlad began.

" Normal?" Robin questioned.

" It's difficult to be his twin," Alice huffed. 

" Twins," Vlad breathed, Alice and Robin noticed he seemed a bit more at ease. 

" First fang!? You scrawny little scab," Ingrid yelled angrily as she approached the room. Vlad then shoved the two back under his bed and faced Ingrid when she walked in. " Talking to yourself, you freak?"

" My darling sister, how nice of you to rudely walk in without knocking," Vlad replied.

" Stick a stake in it," Ingrid growled. " She then let out a loud sniff and walked over to the bed.

" Ah yes, my socks," Vlad said as she pulled out Robin and Alice. She pulled them in front of Vlad. " How did those get there?"

" Hello," Alice greeted her.

" What are you playing at? " Ingrid demanded. " You know we're not supposed to be mix with breathers. What if they found out what we're?"

" Vampires," Alice breathed.

" Yes!" Ingrid breathed. " Hang on. They know?"

" Yes, and it's fine," Vlad confirmed as Ingrid let go of them. " They've promised not to tell."

" Oh, they've promised, well that's fine then," Ingrid began before yanking Robin close to her face. " Listen to me meat faces. Swear by all that is morbidly evil not to tell anyone about us, on pain of a long and gruesome death."

" You're very pretty," Robin stated.

" Yes, I am," Ingrid confirmed. " Now swear."

" I swear," Robin confirmed. Ingrid looked at Alice.

" I swear," Alice said. " Does your brother dress like that every day?"

" Unfortunately," Ingrid answered. 

" It's like he got advice from a three-year-old," Alice said.

" I am standing right here," Vlad reminded them.

" We know," the two girls said at the same time, they glanced at each other before looking at the others.

" Now, let's get you two out of here before my father decides to have you both for dinner and us for dessert," Ingrid ordered.

" Thanks, Ingrid," Vlad breathed.

" You don't think I'm saving these blood bags just to be nice, do you?" Ingrid asked. " Oh, no. You and I are going to have a little conversation about room allocation." Vlad then sighed and shook his head. Moments they were taken down to the front, where there was a knock at the door. Ingrid opened the door to reveal Alice's other siblings.

" Have you seen anyone wandering here with a cloak and a beanie?" Chloe asked.

" Yeah loads, but I presume you want these ones," Ingrid said as she pulled Robin into view as Alice walked out of the castle. " Now get lost."

" You're quite rude, aren't you?" Chloe asked.

" It's my thing," Ingrid answered. " Deal with it."

" See you then, Alice and Robin," Vlad said.

" Yeah," Alice breathed.

" Come to ours if you fancy it,'" Robin offered. " Number 22, downhill."

" Oh, thanks," Vlad breathed. " And hey, maybe you two could do me a favor? Ge these things for me?" He handed Alice a piece of paper.

" Sure," Alice breathed.

" So will we be seeing you again?" Ian asked Ingrid.

" Perhaps," Ingrid said.

" Catch you later," Ian said, he clicked his tongue, snapped his fingers, and pointed at her. Everyone just looked at him, Ingrid then rolled her eyes and closed the door. They then left for home, and to find their dad. When they got home Alice and Robin put the items in a box before putting it on the castle's doorstep and going back home.

Later on, Alice was in Robin's room, watching a film on Vampires.

"You seem happy," Alice stated as she flipped a page in a book she was reading.

"Cause for once, I was right and you were wrong," Robin smiled widely. "Vampires are real." He licked his teeth in glee. 

"Breathers is such a stranger way to describe mortals," Alice said. "I'd thought they go with something more--"

"Vampiric," Robin nodded as he turned up the volume on the tv. 

" Hey Robin, hey Alice," they heard Vlad's voice. They turned to see him sitting on the window sill.

" Wow!" Robin gasped. " You flew up my window." They got off the bed and walked over to the boy.

" He's not a real vampire yet," Alice reminded him. " He most likely climbed up."

" Are you sure you're a vampire and not a burglar?" Robin asked.

" Yes, Robin," Vlad answered. They then walked away to let Vlad into the room. " So what happened to the camping trip?"

" Cancelled," Alice sighed.

" Our dad keeps falling asleep for some reason," Robin added.

" It'll wear off," Vlad assured.

" Great," Robin sighed. Vlad then eye the bat in Robin's room. " I'll go get some drinks."

" A cup of blood," Vlad said. " Little bit of milk."

" I will throw you out the window," Alice threatened as she grabbed him by the shirt.

 " Joke," Vlad assured as he looked into her eyes. Robin then left the room and Alice let go of Vlad. " So this is what my room should look like." There was a tapping sound.

" Your style of clothes too," Alice added, Vlad glared at her as they walked over to the window. They saw nothing, Vlad turned around, and his dad then appeared out of nowhere and grabbed him, and pulled him out of the window.

" Aagh!" Vlad cried out.

" You're lucky I don't drop you," his dad threatened.

" Dad!" Vlad cried out.

" Grr-rr!" his dad growled before flying away with Vlad.

" Our neighbors a vampire," Alice breathed as Robin ran up next to her.

" Excellent," Robin breathed, Alice, turned to see him smiling.

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