Transition Story: Adam
Adam giggled at yet another transmasc meme and showed it to Steven, who smirked. "Yeah, they pretty much cracked the code on being a guy."
Adam couldn't help himself from his sigh of content. "So what's it like living with a trans boy?"
Jacob blushed and sunk into the couch. "It's awesome. Top tier. You're exactly what so many if not all of us needed."
Hazel picked up Jacob like an infant and shimmied him in mid air in front of himself like his legs weren't touching the floor. "Aw, he's so cute! He likes my husband so much~!"
Steven snorted and reached over to pull Adam closer. "I love all kinds of people. To me you're a man. You just worked harder to become one." He smelled his cologne and nuzzled harder. "You smell like the kind of man I'd let ruin my life, though."
Adam smirked, scratching at his scruff. "Yeah? You'd let Daddy ruin your life?"
Steven tried to hide as those eyes gave him a bout of shyness. "St-stop it."
He scratched with just a finger. "Why? I know how much you love scritches, Puppy."
Steven had his hands on his head before it even happened. "D-damn it! Why?"
Hazel squealed and presented Jacob. "If we could do that to Jacob, this would be perfect!"
Willing to do anything at all to change the subject, Jacob blurted, "Would it be politically incorrect to tell us about your transition story? Or you can also slap me! That's fine too."
Adam pinched his cheek. "Sit on my lap and I'll tell you guys. Just know I might cry."
They huddled together and Adam pulled out his phone. "It's a visual journey, I documented a lot." He made a face and chuckled. "Gotta make friends with Jezibel still. She doesn't like me after Labyrinth."
He opened a locked file and scrolled way to the bottom. "That's me. Well, that's Jezibel."
Jacob raised an eyebrow. "Huh."
Adam smirked and pinched his cheek. "What?"
Steven sighed and kissed Adam for a second. "Man I looked like a little potato with an afro, what the fuck."
Jezibel was indeed a darling kiddo, but though they could see the resemblance in her style, hair color and eyes, there wasn't much else that they could tell he used to be her. He had shed that skin entirely. He walked, talked and fucked like a man.
Hazel poked out his lip. "You were a little cutie pie! Now you're a big cutie pie."
Adam swiped left and chuckled at their gasp. "Baby Adam."
That was exactly what they were looking at. Just by cutting his hair it was like looking at a teenage Adam, recognizable on sight. "I kept the androgynous femme features and then added rugged good looks and a scary aura. This next one will make me cry, it's right after my first T shot."
The camera panned from Don to Adam walking out of the hospital as quickly as possible to bellow, "Fuck yeah!" and then collapse into his moms arms to start sobbing and thanking her.
The current Adam wiped his tears. "My parents were worried about how easily I did the injection but—,"
Hazel gasped. "Wait, what?!"
"I... do injections?" Adam repeated slowly. "In my stomach."
Steven recoiled. "Doesn't it hurt? I could never! A whole needle?!"
Adam nodded smugly and got up. "It's Monday, right?" Jacob nodded in confirmation, glancing down at his stomach. "It's quick, mostly painless, and I've gotta do it today at some point so hold on."
He grinned at their curious but clearly cautious expressions as they nodded their support. "Come on, you fucking dorks. Come with Daddy."
"Are you sure this isn't triggering?" Jacob grabbed his hand and Adam interlaced them instinctively. "I don't want to be the one to trigger you."
Adam gave them a full and bright smile. "Why would it be triggering to talk about the best thing that ever happened to me? I wouldn't be here without HRT. I wouldn't have made it to Nova without a hearse. Now come on!" He tugged and they followed him to his house and to the master bathroom. "It's a process but it's easy now. I'll walk you through it," He told them as he washed his hands and they sat on the edge of the tub captivated by his every move.
"I keep my T under the sink, next to Anna's E, so everything's in the right place." He chuckled and pulled out a bag with a Death Hawk Moth on it. "These things are real and if you get me one, hint hint, I'll be your slave forever. I want one so bad!"
It was fascinating, it was like Adam lit up as he prepared to jab himself with the hormones needed to keep his masculinity intact mentally and the changes to his body physically. "Anyways, I've gotta do it on the floor cause it's a lot of stuff." He pulled out two large pill bottles with packages in it, a tiny bottle of what they assumed to be testosterone, a syringe, alcohol wipes and gauze. "The testosterone is too thick to draw up with the injection needle, so I've gotta use the 18 gage to draw it up. I used to take 0.2 milliliters every week, but they upped me recently. I might go through a third puberty which will be super fun." He rolled his eyes. "Some take more or less than I do, it all depends. Thankfully my body really likes testosterone, I absorb it well so my levels are always right in range for cis." He wiped off the testosterone and connected a very sharp and thick needle to the syringe then carefully popped off the cap. "One time I got frustrated with the cap. Don't do that. I nearly cut off my middle and pinky finger by how deep this fucker cut me. I was bleeding for hours and almost went to get stitches." He tipped the testosterone down and drew in 0.3 milliliters, then pushed out the air bubbles to do it again. "There, that's my dose."
Steven raised his hand. "Do you ever get scared you'll fuck it up?"
He shook his head as he switched out the needle and kept the syringe steady with his knees. "Uh uh. I need this shit, I'm gonna do it right." Once he switched out the needle, he put away the testosterone.
Hazel frowned. "Doesn't that need a cap?"
"Self sealing," Adam muttered as he wiped at his skin with an alcohol wipe. "Now the fun part."
Jacob watched with bated breath as he plucked the needle from his knees. "This is a whole juggling act. An act where if you fuck it up, you get stabbed."
Adam grinned and watched his skin dry. He pinched a little away from his bellybutton and shrugged. "Clowns do it all the time." He steadied the needle and slid it into his skin, slowly and steadily pushing the hormone in until he thought it was empty. "Is it gone?"
Steven shook his head. "Push a tiny bit harder?"
He pushed and nodded. "Usually I have to drag a mirror in here so I can actually see from all angles. If I fuck this up, my levels will go down again. The first time was when I nearly jumped off the lighthouse, so yeah..." He pulled it out and went to dab at the quickly bleeding area with gauze. "And it's that simple."
Hazel grinned at his happy flush. "That was not simple in any way."
"Or shape." Steven shook his head again, mystified by this creature of strength. "God humans are so interesting. There's not a single thing on Homeworld as amazing as what I just witnessed."
Jacob licked his lips and leaned forward to catch Adam's eye. "Thank you. I'm glad you trusted us to show us."
Adam blushed harder and broke the eye contact as he picked up. "Feelings," He muttered bashfully. "I keep some needles for a shadow box. The first one of each month." He dropped the used needles in a laundry container and sealed the lid tight, then turned to Jacob. "52 x 9?"
"468, but you need to add three because of leap year so it's 471," Jacob said immediately. "I actually was doing that equation the other day for something else."
"That's 471 injections total for every week for 9 years! That's amazing!" Steven burst, glowing he was so thrilled. "Gosh, I wonder if gems ever have gender dysphoria."
"Are you in pain, Adam?" Hazel asked suddenly, pulling him into his chest to rock. "Come cuddle with us. Just to make sure you're okay..."
Adam laughed into his chest until it became a wheeze and nodded. "I'm fine, I promise." Now they all looked worried he was hiding his pain. What a bunch of cuties. "Okay, but then I'm working out until the cycle starts."
Steven tipped his head as he stood and slid his hand into Jacob's. "The cycle?"
"Hungry, Horny, Angry, Tired."
Jacob giggled. "Those are the four pillars of manhood."
Later they peeked in as they watched Adam do pull ups like a well oiled machine. He was intensely focused with his headphones on, and soon he started getting into the 50's.
Hazel blushed. "God, he's just... such a man. I needed him in my life. Thank you, Steven."
Jacob slapped his back gently. "We never would've gotten together if it wasn't for you either."
Steven gave him a shy glance. "What?"
"You were the one who said the house was all empty and we could fuck where ever we wanted to," Jacob whispered, marveling at how he was still going. "I kissed his cheek as a joke and then he pinned me to the floor. The rest is history."
Steven raked his gaze over his chest a bit too excitedly, his eyes glowed and Adam dropped to grab a towel and look at them all. "Can I help you?"
"You're just so hot!" They cried in unison.
Adam rolled his eyes and kicked the door shut. When it was closed he wiped at his skin and let the butterflies overcome him.
They had made him so happy letting him ramble on about something he loved and was so important to him, and they didn't even know it.
After dinner time Adam switched out of his day clothes to just black and purple checkered pajama pants and went topless. He grinned at himself when he walked past the mirror, his scars were basically invisible unless he was just hallucinating after seeing them for so long. Perhaps Steven had healed them away, he didn't mind either way really.
When he walked back into the commons, all the conversation stopped as he went to the fridge for milk. He glanced back at them and frowned. "What?"
Steven nudged Hazel, who nudged Jacob and they all smirked at each other. Hazel poked Jacob and kissed his cheek and he was so flustered he nearly tripped not moving at all. "Watch this, and forget that just happened," He grumbled to their giggles.
Then he dusted himself off and walked right up to Adam. "You actually have no right to walk around being this hot. It's unacceptable."
Adam's jaw dropped and he turned to fully face him. "And how the fuck are you gonna walk up to me and say that when you're walking around looking like that?" He pinched his cheek. "Fucking cutie pie."
"Well it's annoying how hot you are," He laughed. "Put on some clothes, you whore."
Instead of doing that, Adam cupped both of his cheeks and pulled him in for rapid fire bunny kisses. "Aw, you're trying to piss me off on purpose aren't you? Well it's not working."
Hazel snorted and moved to lay on his stomach. "Yes it is."
That must have pissed him off more. Poor Jacob was caught right in the crossfire as he pulled out The Voice. "Where's my Jack? I'm still looking for that cute little boy!" He smiled and Jacob shuffled closer to hug him and nuzzle into his neck. "See? This is a much better way to get attention."
Jacob groaned for a long enough time that he broke out of it and then laid on the floor. "While I'm waiting for Total Organ Failure, can I ask a question to further my knowledge?"
Adam gathered Hazel and Steven and draped across their laps on the floor. "I'm an open book, you just have to use the index right."
Steven lifted his head off of Hazels shoulder. "What does that even mean?" He chuckled.
"I'll tell you what it means: I'm going to be difficult on purpose for no reason." Hazel snickered at his translation and Adam's nod. "He's a menace."
Jacob looked at Adam again and tried to sound not nervous to ask, "What was top surgery like?" Adam raised his brows in surprise and Jacob immediately backed down. "Or not! You don't have to tell me anything, in fact I'll just shut up forever starting now."
Adam glanced at the other two boys. They also seemed really interested, it was for some reason really surprising. He started to get flustered over it and giggled. "Uhm, okay? Sorry, I just really like you guys." When he laughed again the upside down crosses hanging from his ears swayed.
Steven poked out his lip. "We like you too. And more."
Hazel pulled Steven to lie on his lap and Adam followed suit with Jacob as they gathered for story time. "Well, I cried a lot. I haven't ever cried that hard again, my chest being sore didn't help either. Even through the exhaustion, even through the pain meds and nausea I cried."
Jacob smiled up at him as he played with his hair. "You were that happy?"
"On the contrary, actually," He revealed boldly. "I thought I just made a massive mistake. I thought suddenly I was wrong about being trans the whole time."
Hazels jaw dropped as he imagined the horror of a major surgery like that only to suddenly feel like something didn't add up. "Why?"
Adam sighed as if it pained him to say. "I gaslit myself and cried to my mom about why she'd let me do that to myself. I was 18 and like, my—," His face twitched for a moment but before they could cut him off he raised a hand. "Just give me a second. It's for the betterment of my mental health that I talk about the steps I took to be this. My tits were conventionally perfect."
Steven rose his eyes to the ceiling. "The central air needs to be fixed, it's really hot in here."
Adam cracked a smile as Hazel grabbed on to that. "Me and Jacob can take a look and probably DIY that shit."
Jacob nodded, attempting to avoid Adam's gaze even though he didn't want to. "I like fixing things with you, H." They shared a smile and he turned to Steven. "You should come too. I get mad ragey and it's funny apparently. Let my pain amuse you, dear."
"I'm actually the wife, so no thank you to touching anything explosive," He mumbled bashfully. "I just wanna bring you guys lemonade in a sundress and be amazed because big strong men fix broken thingy."
"Sounds like a porno," Jacob commented. "I have the plot."
Adam cleared his throat. "What are you guys doing?"
They lapsed into silence and Jacob sighed. "Not thinking about your alleged boobs, mate. I don't even believe you."
He snorted and dropped a kiss to his forehead. "You guys are silly. And really sweet. But anyways, there's something called a hormone drop and that's why it happened like that. But the doctor was really no nonsense, I got the best top surgeon in the states and at the interview I said 'awesome' 16 times in a 12 minute conversation." He paused and chuckled. "Jezibel was so nervous."
They snuggled up to him and he smiled wanly. "Okay, any more questions?"
Steven raised his hand shyly. "What happened after the hormone drop?"
Adam hummed, eyes growing misty. "When I got all the bandages off and the drains and was able to breathe without pain, I sat in front of the mirror and re-introduced myself." He groaned as he started to cry. "I didn't feel so much like I was living in a strangers body. Right then I knew I didn't need bottom surgery because my transformation was complete." He dug out Jacob's weed pen and took a massive hit. "Plus, boy pussy is tops."
Steven sighed wistfully and started to glow, Hazel put a hand to his chest and nodded, and Jacob licked over his hips. "Boy pussy," They agreed simultaneously.
"The incredible grip," Hazel swooned, falling to rest his head on Adam's shoulder to earn a kiss.
"He gets so wet it's criminal," Steven groaned. "I could actually drown and die a happy man."
Adam kissed him too and rumbled against his lips, "You guys are making me horny, stop it. I'm voice activated."
Jacob started up at him like he was annoyed, then glanced at his pants. "Don't say you're horny! I'm an empath!" He grinned at Adam rolling his eyes. "When you cum the entire fucking world stops. I cannot perceive anything for a good ten to twenty seconds."
Adam sighed softly. "Damn it. Damn it!" He groaned and tossed his head. "You men are the bane of my existence. You have no idea how intense it is to just randomly get horny," He complained dramatically. "I'm dying."
"I think you just wanna be triple teamed again," Steven teased lowly. "I definitely don't mind."
Adam grabbed his jaw and squeezed. "Who said you guys would be in charge?" He asked quietly. "Don't make me laugh."
Hazel groaned and pretended to strangle him. "God you don't always have to say the right thing the way that you say things! You don't have to be clever and sexy!"
"Pick a lane!" Jacob cried, giggling when Steven started to boo. "Some of us only have crackhead rizz, you fucking anime villain."
"Yeah! Some of us have to rely on puppy dog eyes and baby fat!" Steven pretended to cry but his smirk could be seen by everyone including his wife that just slipped in.
"You forgot the other massive, throbbing upside," She teased with a pinch to his cheek.
His eyebrows raised playfully. "Oh really? And what might that be?"
Connie winked at Jacob and he gasped. "Ohhh right, same reason I happen to like all these Daddies over here." He sent them a look and both giggled. "Still got it."
Steven pushed into Connie's touch and then to her neck. "You smell... so fucking good. But what exactly was the real reason you married me? Diplomatic immunity? Money? Clout?"
She rubbed her nose against his and kissed him three times while her hand wandered down. "It's your big old massive heart."
He laughed and pressed his cheek to her lips for a kiss. "Adam likes to pretend he doesn't have a heart."
"He's really bad at it," Jacob and Hazel joked. They fist bumped and Adam sighed.
"Man, I'm really in love with you guys," He told them all sincerely. "I just got butterflies."
Hazel kissed his cheek. "Boys get butterflies, too."
"Even if they didn't, I guess you'd just be the first." Connie grinned at him and flopped down next to them. "Why are we on the floor?"
Adam motioned her closer for a sweet kiss and then another. "Shh, you just rocked my entire fucking world."
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