
Hazel had never experienced something more magnificent in his life than toddlers.

They were soulful little creatures, so bright and hungry to learn the world around them. Each one of them had their tantrums and naughty behaviors but they were just exploring ways of living with such big feelings. These little humans that came from them were blessings, and he was infatuated with every toddler in the house.

Asher toddled up to him in the kitchen with his blanket rubbing against his cheek and his fingers shoved in his mouth. Messy black hair and stark blue eyes were matched to a pale tone, but he was starting to lose a little of his baby fat (which was breaking Hazels heart but thankfully hadn't taken full swing yet). "Hi," Was all he said.

He was so much like Adam it was a little ridiculous.

Hazel dropped everything to crouch and Asher went right into his arms to lay his head on his chest. There, Asher felt a little safer from the world. Hazel was big and bulky and blocked out noise, so while he was great for helping with an overstimulated child, he also often got the minor colic. He was Daddy Mommy like Steven was with Lucky. Asher could get overstimulated easily, and preferred one parent at a time when it was so. Though Asher was warmed up to Jacob's faction and Steven's faction, he'd been struggling with his new daycare schedule too so he'd been extra cuddly towards his parents the last few weeks.

Adam looked over from the stove and smiled with his eyes at their son. "How is he?"

Hazel picked him up and grinned at the toddler. "How are you, Asher? Your helicopter parent wants to know."

Asher giggled when Adam spanked Hazel with a wooden spoon and he yelped. The blanket fell to the floor and he didn't even notice in favor of grabbing Hazels dreads and pulling with a strength unfair for little people to have.

"Ow!" Hazel tried to maneuver his arms but they were trapped holding the baby if he was gonna wiggle so much. He couldn't help but laugh, he knew exactly what he was doing. "Adam!"

"On it." He turned the stove off and raised an amused eyebrow at Asher. He was a bit behind on teeth and was attempting to teethe on the damn things and it was so cute he had to take a picture before he held out his hands. "Alright, that's enough."

He leaned over to him and started making a loud humming sound, eyes bright with excitement. "Mmmmm!"

Adam laughed at Hazels grumpy and hurt expression and provided Asher the kiss he was so desperately wanting. "You're such a good baby," He chuckled, placing another kiss on Asher's cheeks. "And so fat. I love fat babies."

"Uhm, other Daddy wanted a kiss!" Hazel whined. "I want kisses from our fat baby too!"

By the time the two were done giving him kisses Asher was soothed and grounded enough to go play again. He wandered off, looking for Daisy probably.

Jasmin was currently on Steven's lap, watching Leo play with Lucky. Leo looked just like her husband, no doubt about it. Jacob's family must have really strong genes, he'd given her twins, but Daisy was at least more caramel in color but just barely. It was shocking and confusing when they'd come out two different shades but they were hers and so damn cute she couldn't have cared less. Some of Leo's hair had bits of red in it but the curly brownish blonde was stupid cute.

And both developed freckles.

Leo ran up to her and held up a book to read, catching Asher's attention too. They regarded each other and started babbling while Leo handed Jasmin the book rather insistently. "Book, please!"

Steven chuckled and dropped a kiss to her neck. "Book, please."

"Steven, you are not being helpful," She giggled as she opened up a simple book for them to see pictures. "Look! What's this?"

She tapped it with her finger and Leo exclaimed, "A ball!"

Asher took his fingers out of his mouth to point at it again. "Lellow ball."

Jasmin praised them and pointed to the next object. "What's this?"

Leo stagnated and looked to Asher for help. He was currently staring at the door, presumably trying to see if his Mommy was home, but his head swiveled to the book again and he stuck out an arm to make a trunk and blow a raspberry.

Leo laughed like it was the funniest thing in the world and copied while Jasmin exclaimed, "That's right! It's an elephant!"

"Elephant," Asher repeated softly.

Adam and Hazel stopped mid conversation, both beaming.

Thrilled when Leo parroted the word, she tried another picture. "What color is this?"

"Purple!" They both loved their colors, especially the darker ones. Leo liked a dark crimson, hence the blanket he slept with, and Asher seemed to enjoy most colors but took an interest in the blue things life had to offer. They'd change their minds all the time but always seemed to come back to them. Babies were fascinating, toddlers were even more so.

Jasmin looked over to see Hazel choking up and Adam chuckling at him before pulling him into a kiss, murmuring something against his lips that made Hazel swoon. "The Gay Dads are being gay again."

Lucky had been building blocks, but parroted, "Gay Dads!"

Steven sat up suddenly. "Oh boy," He laughed. "She's gonna say it over and over and then remember at the wrong time so everyone look away so we don't encourage it until she knows what it means."

They all looked everywhere but her, knowing that to be more true than they wished. They could curse around babies, but not when their toddlers were little copycats that picked up on their nervous tics too. Steven had to stop pulling at his hair when he was anxious because Lucky developed the habit.

Lucky had an... issue with parroting things. Heaven forbid one of them swear, because if it wasn't one baby it was definitely Lucky who'd cry out, "Damn it!" right after one of the adults did or worse, at the grocery store checkout. She was starting to figure out the context too, so if she dropped something she sometimes swore. The punishment was changing the next diaper depending on who taught her whatever swear she said, which many had claimed to be a cruel and unusual punishment but obeyed per the stare of her mother.

Currently Connie was on the couch nuzzling into Jacob's neck and drowning him in adoration. "Ugh, you're so handsome," Connie purred at him, sparking a flirty smile to appear as he kissed her nose. "Such a sexy man. I could sit on your lap all day."

"Does that make me a DILF?" He ducked before Jasmin could swat him playfully and stuck his tongue out at her. "Haha, you missed."

Connie swatted him for her, followed by Steven. Jasmin stuck her tongue out right back and wiggled on Steven's lap until his eyes dropped to watch her butt. "Quit being a tease, you know these leggings are sexy."

She turned to straddle him and kissed across his forehead. "Better?"

"I could definitely get used to this." They shared kisses until Jasmin felt a smack on her butt from a very tiny hand and gasped.

They also copied actions.

"Asher, no hitting please," Adam reminded him gently. "Be gentle."

"Book!" Asher protested, signing for 'please'.

Sighing and pouting, Jasmin gave Steven one last kiss for the moment and tried to melt into him. "I love you."

He grinned and a flash of light had the toddlers staring in wonder at the entity. "Oopsie Daisy!" Onyx giggled, glancing at the others painstakingly. "Hi."

Jacob blushed furiously and so did Connie, both muttering, "Hi, Onyx."

They beamed at them and winked. "You guys come here often?" When they didn't answer, they picked up the book to point at another picture and as the kids answered, continued to flirt. "You guys married? That's sweet. Are you looking for a third by any chance?"

Connie squeaked under her breath and winced. "Why are you like this?"

Onyx blew her a kiss. "Fantastic? Sexy? A big bodied beauty that can also break you in half?"

Jacob sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. "That's exactly my type."

Asher pushed the book down and raised his arms. "Up." Upon being lifted he planted a sloppy kiss on Onyx's cheek and Connie cooed at him.

"Aw, he likes you Onyx!" It would never fail to amaze her how the kids responded to magic, it was fascinating to see their little minds try to put the pieces together. They'd all had their stranger danger moments but had come around quickly. "Lucky, come see Mommy!"

Lucky pushed herself onto her feet and practically jumped into Connie's arms to give her kisses. "Daddy?"

Jacob snorted. "Remember: you made a Daddy's girl, Ni."

"Yeah," Adam agreed, tugging Hazel over behind him. "Level failed."

Connie poked out her lip at Lucky and tickled under her chin. "Come on! Don't you love Mommy, too?!"

Lucky looked to Onyx and shied into Connie's arms. "Daddy?"

Onyx frowned. "Aw, she misses her Daddy... Jasmin, it's fine she has to—,"

Steven sighed his laughter as they unfused and Lucky squealed, reaching for him aggressively with her little face scrunched up from the effort. "Stars, Lucky. You've gotta learn that Daddy cannot go everywhere you go." Still he bounced her on his lap and grinned at her like she was the best thing ever, which as far as he was concerned, this little princess was his everything.

"We need more babies," Connie complained, smiling through her misery. "I need kids that like me too! I feel abandoned!"

Jasmin handed her Leo, who tucked his head onto her shoulder and started playing with her hair. "Awwww!" Connie squealed. "Is this what it's like to be loved by children?"

"Lucky loves you," Jacob comforted with a kiss to her cheek. "She's just a Daddys girl."

Connie gave him a nasty look. "Says the man with twins. You guys have two babies, who happen to both like both of you." She cradled Leo and brushed a finger over his curls. "He's so cute, especially when he's sleepy."

Steven groaned guiltily, ceasing playing patty cake for a second with Daisy. "I'll do my best to give you a boy next round."

Connie stuck up her nose brattily and Steven rolled his eyes playfully at the others. "I want twins! I'm so jealous! Look at their matching outfits!" She groaned and kissed Leo's cheeks, enticing a little giggle. "Uhm... what are you two doing?"

In the mini chaos of Connie's mom woes, they had missed Hazel and Adam playing with Asher.

By tossing him back and forth while he screeched and laughed.

Adam paused and held up a cackling Asher. "I wanted to hear him laugh." His eyes were shining, and Asher kicked his legs energetically as if to show how thrilled they both were.

Hazel clapped his hands. "My turn! Pass him back!"

Alex appeared out of the Olfax household and watched for a minute. "Anna is going to kill you."

Hazel snorted. "No, she won't! Asher loves this!"

Steven shook his head in amusement. "That actually looks like so much fun," He mused.

Jacob nodded eagerly. "Right? I kinda wanna try—,"

"NO!" Their wives gave them death stares and they sulked as they watched the other littles take an interest.

Anna walked in just then from her hair appointment and watched her husbands with interest. "What are you guys doing with my baby?"

Hazel caught Asher and both turned to stand at attention, smiling nervously. "Honey! You're home! How was your appointment?"

He sent Adam a pleading look and he put on a charming expression. "You look so beautiful! Every time you walk in it's like falling in love for the first time."

In the background Jasmin gagged and Jacob pulled her in for a laughing kiss to her temple.

She raised her arms and Asher squealed, kicking Hazel in the stomach as he strained for her to give her a kiss and a big smile. "How's my favorite boy?" Anna exclaimed with a little bounce. "Did your Daddies get dropped on their heads? They must have!" Asher cooed and she nuzzled her nose against his. "Yes, they must have! Cause Mommy's gonna break both of their necks! Yes, she is! She's gonna snap 'em both in half!"

Hazel scooted over to the others and picked up Lucky. "Can you protect me from Anna?"

She giggled and essentially licked his cheek. "Hi, Daddy!"

Connie turned to smirk at Steven and watch his eyes go wide as he went pink in the face. "You okay, Biscuit?"

He rested his head on her lap and mumbled, "I'd totally let him knock me up if it wouldn't probably kill me."

"I've been thinking about that, did Rose have to give up her gem? Like... it was mandatory?" Jacob muttered to Alex. "I wouldn't know I'm just curious."

"I'm pretty sure there was one way she didn't have to," Steven chuckled. "But who would clean up the mess? Her?! It's just a lowkey spiteful theory."

Hazel kissed Lucky's nose. "Well I'm glad your Daddy's here! Your dad is so hot."

Lucky gurgled and Hazel laughed as Anna gave Adam a piece of her mind with Asher babbling in the same stern tone. He hadn't grabbed a baby to shield himself in time before Anna could give him a freezing look that made him still.

Adam grumbled and sighed wantonly. "We'll stand way closer together."

Anna rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek. "See? I'm fun."

"Are you?" He gave her a shit eating grin and grabbed the baby again. "Human shield. You can't yell at me now."

Asher squirmed to be put down and Adam took his time, keeping eyes locked on Anna. "I apologized. It's Hazels turn now so I'm gonna let Asher go and you're gonna be nice to me, right? Goth husband who fathers your babies gets a free pass."

Anna chuckled and pulled him into a kiss. "Seahorse Daddy."

Asher ran to sit next to Daisy, who had found interest in a little drum set and was banging away with the sticks. "Share?"

Daisy handed him one and they all gasped their adoration and showered her with praise.

Hazel just got to be in the middle of it all as Lucky grabbed his face and grinned a nearly toothless smile at him. "I hope all of your kids like me," He confessed happily to her parents. "Cause I love all our kids. And I love Lucky!" She parroted it back as two year olds do and Hazel beamed at Steven's broad smile, then prepared to get his ass handed to him.

Jacob spotted someone coming up the driveway and beamed. "Right on time!"

He opened the door before Abel could knock, pulled him into an adoring hug and handed him Daisy, then laid down on the floor. "I'm so fucking tried."

Abel chuckled and dropped to a knee to kiss his forehead. "You said I get one free one, and I feel bad for you."

Jacob wrinkled his nose as a blush appeared at his partners crowing in laughter. "Why?"

"I just feel bad you don't know when to quit," He said as he rocked Daisy and let her teethe on his hand. "As a trans man you definitely learn when to have enough self respect to just shut the fuck up."

He stepped over him as Jacob's jaw dropped and tipped his head to receive affectionate kisses down the lines of boys. "I don't know why I let you guys treat me like one of you," Abel mumbled shyly.

Alex snorted and kissed his forehead. Maybe it was an asshole thought to have, or maybe very selfless, but this was just another Jacob to him, just a tish different. "You didn't really have a choice. Come paint my nails and bring the baby so she can pick the color."

Abel beamed and started after him, but Alex paused and looked over his shoulder. "By the way, that was a total fucking waste of a kiss. You should've caught him off guard with a full on smack of the lips. Then you could've seen him pass out."

The girls came over to baby Jacob before he could start fake complaining, and Abel, Daisy and Alex made a hasty escape.

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