The 𝑀𝐴𝐼𝑁 Reason Why- Pride Month

A/N: If this doesn't have you squealing and screaming, I did something terribly wrong here and I need to know what it is.

Jacob was having a perfectly comfortable night. Alex lay on his left, and Jasmin on his right both cuddling in with no arguments. It was peaceful with the TV droning on in the background until Alex cleared his throat in that confrontational way that made Jacob pop an eye open.

"So..." He started.

"Good job," Jasmin praised sarcastically. "You're doing great, kiddo."

Jacob eyed the both of them. "Uh oh. I don't know what you're planning and I don't like it one bit."

Jasmin grinned. "So you know how we discussed Mains being a little more inclusive than the term "Special Interest"?"

Jacob nodded, already growing more suspicious by the second. "Right, we talked about it over around six bowls. Said it was heavy on favoritism. Your point?"

Alex tapped over his chest in a very flirtatious way. "We just think there's someone else that you need to talk to."

The anxiety flew out of him before he could stop it. "I can't just walk up to him with my boyish charm and– and my Britishness
and— and don't even get me started on my freckles," Jacob groaned. "I'm way too shy to ask Adam to be my Main. He's probably not thought of it a day in his life."

A knock at the door made him freeze.

Alex hopped up to grab the knob but turned to Jacob. "Honestly, I get a kick out of every time you do–,"

He opened the door to reveal the Original Three: Anna, in the middle holding the hands of the two pouty males she dragged over. Though one looked a little more cheerful than the other.

Jacob's face flooded with a blush for no discernible reason and he rubbed at his cheek.

Alex laughed. "That. Exactly that."

Adam was on the far end, presumably because he was most certainly a flight risk with the shade of red he'd turned as he stared at the floor with the most perplexed but delighted look on his face.

Jacob's heart stopped in his chest. "Ey up, what's this then?" He whispered.

Hazel poked Adam, who knocked his hand away lightning fast. "Adam has something he wants to tell you."

"I'll cut off your fingers and feed them to you in the next batch of chili I make, Hazel," Adam seethed, though it couldn't even be considered half-hearted with how gentle he sounded.

"That," Alex exclaimed with a very gay laugh. "That face right there's a keeper." He pinched Adam's cheek then kissed it to his obvious surprise. "Your turn, Bewitched."

"I really hope the nicknames thing is going to let up one day," Adam complained.

Anna couldn't contain her excitement. "Come on, Daddy! It'll be fun~!"

"I doubt it~!" Adam replied with the same singsong-y tone but deadpan and miserable.

"Hazels pouty because we're headed over to the Conniverse House next," Anna explained. "Speaking of Conniverse, Jasmin, you wanna join me for a minute and leave the boys to it?"

"Does the entire world have to be here?" Adam asked shyly.

Jacob looked between all of them but there were no answers. "For what?" All of them just beamed but Adam, who seemed like he was trying to become a storm cloud. "Adam," He put his hand on Adam's arm and he sulked harder. "For what?"

Adam looked up at him finally, composing himself enough to look him in the eyes. "I hate feelings."

Jacob couldn't dare to hope. He was sure he lost color. "Please don't blue ball me. Say what you wanna say, I'm all ears."

Adam seemed to struggle with that and glanced back at Hazel, who was already crying and grinning from ear to ear. "Really? I swear Hazel, I cannot do this if you're gonna cry."

Alex smirked at Jacob and pretended to wipe tears. "I think I might too."

Jacob wanted to roll his eyes so hard they did a complete three sixty. He just pulled Adam against him and searched his eyes. "You're killing me here. What's going on?"

Adam crossed his arms, a defense tactic Jacob recognized from essentially living with him. It was to protect his feelings, a way to have a semblance of control when he felt he had none. Which meant his breaking point was somewhere nearing close. "I'm thinking of an amount of catastrophic world ending scenarios between ten million and sixteen billion."

"What's going on?" Jacob pleaded again, sliding his hands down to grab Adam's. His nervous energy had him running his thumbs over his rings which only seemed to fluster Adam further. "I think he's having gay panic," He sighed to Hazel impatiently.

Hazel chuckled. "Give him a minute, he's gotta work himself up like a Dell computer. If you look close enough you can see the system rebooting."

Adam glowered for a second but it melted away almost instantly. For a moment they just stared at each other. "I don't know what you want me to tell you but I love you."

Jacob almost socked him right in the jaw, he really did. "How about why are you here?"

"To... ugh, this is Hell!" He groaned, dropping his head against his chest. "To ask you a question that I am being all but held at gunpoint to ask," He sighed.

Jacob glanced at Hazel. "I don't see any guns."

"It's me. I'm holding the gun." Adam giggled suddenly and shook his head. "Withdrawn. So... we had that talk and my brain won't leave me alone–,"

"Love me with your heart please," Jacob requested with a smile. "It's quite comfortable there and I wouldn't like to leave."

"For now?" It was like he couldn't help but be difficult, the glint in his eyes said so. But Jacob could see every emotion written across his face and was sure that he was a mirror.


Hazel sniffled loudly and cleared his throat. "This is so emotionally heavy. It's like I'm living a soap opera."

"I know, right? It's dragging out over multiple episodes with a whole lot of filler," Alex complained. "It's three in the morning and getting later by the second. Spit. It. Out."

"Fuck it, Adam–,"

"I can do it!" Adam interrupted loudly, throwing his head back. "This is hard for me, you know? I grew up sad thinking no one would ever want anything to do with me and now I'm drowning in people who want nothing but that and it's really scary for me! I... want you to be my permanent Main, Jacob. I hated that favoristic shit we were using, this is more real than any of us ever realized." It seemed like a massive burden had been lifted from his shoulders and he kept rambling like a dam had exploded. "When I met Hazel I was like 'Fuck, what am I gonna do with him? I don't know how to love people!'. I didn't even ever fall in love until I met Anna but Hazel taught me to open up more and Anna solidified that I was loved and able to be loved and then I met you and... I think I've been in love with you for a really long time."

Jacob could feel his heart pounding in his toes. "This is a really good episode," He muttered before clearing his throat. "Adam you're one of the most interesting people I've ever met. I actually kind of hate when you walk into a room because I'm a grown man and there's no butterflies, it's an entire Australian zoo that's not even in my stomach. It's all up here." He tapped his chest, then drew a line to Adam's. "It's scary, you're right. Example: I might piss myself if you asked me out on a date, genuinely I might. You scare the shit out of me cause I guess I kinda didn't think it was possible to have multiple The Ones and stumble into all seven of them on my first try, let alone marry one of them, engage the other, and lock the last down for life."

Adam glared at him but his eyes were wet. "Fuck you for trying to make me cry."

"You can do that after I've had my mandatory 14 hour emotional breakdown sleep when I realize I've reached a peak that's only going to get even better," Jacob assured him. "Did you hear me earlier?"

Adam blushed freely and stared over his shoulder. "Which part?"

"I'll bet he can recite it," Alex told Hazel, leaning back onto his chest. "He remembers everything."

"The part where I said "for life"," Jacob clarified a bit louder. "You know, like you're stuck with me? Like uh..." He paused like he was searching for the words. He already knew them, he just wanted to tease Adam a little more. "Gosh, what is it? I can't seem to get it out of the ole ringer."

Hazel sighed but Alex intertwined their hands. "Wait for it..."

Adam chuckled. "It's fine, don't worry about it."

"Ah, wait I think I've got it," Jacob said quickly, holding him in place. "Ahora también eres mi marido, así que lidia con ello."

It was almost like Jacob knew exactly what to say to sweep him off his feet Disney Prince style.

He totally did.

Adam crushed him in a hug and if one didn't have good ears they might not know how hard he was crying. Jacob didn't notice because he was crying too, his vision was blurry when he pulled Adam into a kiss and dipped him. He laughed in his annoyed little way but it was laced with enjoyment. "You just had to make me look ridiculous, huh?"

"Yes," Jacob murmured, tipping his head back up with his nose. "Customary vows kiss, please."

Adam flushed and noted that Jacob was holding his weight easily. It reminded him how gay he was as if he didn't know. "Whoa wait, I would've said something a little more intelligent if I'd known all that."

"I like that the capture of my unending devotion wasn't premeditated, I like my takedowns impulsive." Jacob grinned down at him and huffed out a shy laugh.

Adam nodded and pulled him into to murmur against his lips, "Impulsive? It's not my style... but I can definitely try."


Anna pulled out the ring immediately and Jasmin choked up. "Hold on, I have to tell you how it works!" She fanned at her face but Jasmin was already hysterical.

"I-I didn't see this coming, I'm not going to lie," She sobbed into her chest. "I never thought I'd fit in, you know?"

Anna grinned and watched the way her hair bounced off her shoulders as she sobbed. Anna had her awakening when she met Connie, but it broadened when she met Jasmin. Her sassy, tomboyish nature. The soft, thick lips with the pretty bow made Anna melt into every kiss and want to live there. Ugh, when Connie had nudged her with a cheeky grin, Anna had agreed heartily: Jasmin was show-stopping beautiful and interesting. "Me too. But here we are in the future." She got down on one knee and everything. "There's two options I thought about but I'm open to suggestions."

"I can't believe sweet, adorable Anna is wooing me right now," She muttered to herself.

Anna laughed and grabbed her hand. "Hey, I did it with Hazel and Adam. I've got some balls on me, you should've seen me in my partying days."

"I'm sure it was a sight to behold," Jasmin chuckled. Inside, Jasmin wondered exactly how she had been indoctrinated into the friendship of Anna and Connie. They'd been so close for so long, Jasmin had felt shy and like a tag along, and back then she was spending most of her free time doing homework or arguing with Jacob.

When had she gotten so loved?

"So I thought about having mine sodomized to my wedding band, to the ring Adam and Hazel nearly took me out with." The night the boys had staged a joint proposal with all her friends acting like they didn't know had been the best night of her life. Now she got to do it again and again. "But I also thought of keeping it on a necklace."

Jasmin shook her head and pulled Anna in for another hug featuring her ribs bending and squealing that she couldn't breathe. "I think having our polycule band sodomized is going to make for a really interesting and gorgeous story that I'm so blessed to be apart of."

It was a beautiful band. The band Jasmin and Alex had some up with was simple but so meaningful: Each person had their own gemstone corresponding to the bands colors. Jacob was an emerald, Jasmin was a garnet, Steven was a pink diamond, Connie was a sapphire, Alex was a blue topaz, Adam was a black diamond, Anna was an opal and Hazel was a citrine. When two mains from inter-relationships got together, they got their two (or three) stones right in the middle with moissanite lining the sides.

Anna smiled from ear to ear. "I got your ring sizes, too. I'm very nosy."

It was that simple apparently. Anna just slipped it on and Jasmin kissed her until her body was starving for oxygen. That didn't exactly stop her from going for another though, and Anna submitted happily like she always did. Jasmin felt exactly the way she'd described it, blessed. "We're not done, are we? There's a sapphire in here."

Anna waggled her chin. "Of course not, I've managed to surprise Connie once before and I'm using plausible deniability to make the boys the focus so we can romance her like Steven does. He gave me tips on how to keep her unaware."

Jasmin smiled and looked down at the ring. "Let's go get our girl."


Steven was completely prepared for Anna and Jasmin, and glowed like a nightlight with his excitement. "This is so incredible. Everything's changing again." He pulled them into his signature warm hug and his glow transferred to them for a moment, the magic in their blood from such close proximity for so long giving them a sneak peek into his adoration for them. "She's in the shower since you guys said you'd be a minute."

Jasmin and Anna took a deep breath and clasped hands, marching side by side to the bathroom door that Anna practically kicked down.

"Connie De Mayo-Maheswaren, you're under arrest for two counts of theft in the first degree!" Jasmin shouted over the water rushing as both got down on one knee.

Connie poked her head out with wide eyes before breaking out into a disbelieving grin. "Stop it. No way you're going to–,"

Anna cut her off and wiped a few suds off her nose. "How do you plea?"

The shower shut off and the towel disappeared into it. Anyone would think she might come out wearing the towel but no, it was wrapped around her hair. She looked to Jasmin and then to Anna, placing a hand over the heart she was sure was going to cause another crime: Fleeing the scene of her chest. "You guys!" She sniffled and her face got even wetter as she started to cry. "Guilty as charged."

Steven felt like he was going to implode with joy. There were times when he was staring into a bottle of Everclear paralyzed with fear that this much happiness couldn't be forever and it logically couldn't. They'd fight. Things might get tough. There were a million factors that could make this harder than it needed to be. But seeing such massive displays of love between factions felt like closure that above all, things were going to be okay.

"Pretty sweet, huh?"

Steven nearly jumped out of his skin, triggering his shield before he turned to see Adam standing next to him. "Yeah. It's really fucking sweet." The shield disappeared with a pink shimmer that made Adam's eyes sparkle up at him. His hair was pushed out of his face completely, and Steven couldn't help but blush and break the eye contact. Good lord he didn't need to be that sexy. Then again, it was 100% genetic.

Immediately after he noticed a new ring, one with a black diamond and an emerald in the middle. He crushed Adam in a hug. "It's about time. We were starting to get antsy."

Adam smirked and nodded towards the commons. "You know I hate asking, but mind grabbing me a pot from the top shelf in the kitchen? I can't reach being short and all."

He happily followed, though he was sure that all pots and pans were within reaching distance. They kept the finer things up there, but perhaps Adam had misspoken. "Of course."

Adam gestured to the door. "Hands are sweaty from the emotional torture and newly acquired trophy husband rocking my shit. Could you?"

Steven giggled and pulled him into another hug. "I wish I could've seen it."

"No worries, everything's being recorded somehow." He sighed the happiest sound Steven had ever heard from him.

The first thing Steven thought when he opened the door was that there was garbage all over the floor. The lights were off too, and he almost said something about it until he saw Hazel with his hands in his pockets grinning and only lit by the candles around him. "What is this?"

"Hey." Hazel couldn't stop smiling at the stars in Steven's eyes, and more so about how he still hadn't a clue what was going on.

The hybrid needed to take everything in. He took careful steps, observing the trail of flowers and candles flickering at the sides. The counters had candles too, and fairy lights. The living room wasn't decorated so his attention didn't land there for very long, he was magnetized to his first boy love.

It almost looked like a–, "Oh my stars, Hazel!" Steven groaned ruefully when his eyes filled with tears that probably glowed because his heart could only contain so much joy before it started to leak out through the cracks. Dizziness like he'd never known overtook him and he nearly stumbled. "Hazel this is– I-I," He blew out a steadying breath before whispering, "Can I kiss you for this or is that super dramatic?"

Adam spotted the way Steven's feet were a little off kilter. "Baby, do you need to sit down?"


Hazel moved toward the middle and Steven met him halfway to practically fall into his arms. The second their feet had firmly planted, more fairy lights lit up under them and Steven was trembling like he was cold. "Steven, love, stay with me."

"O-of course. Always." It was like someone had put straight crack right into his blood, the shaking wouldn't go away. He was so happy, so shocked and surprised and relieved.

Hazel cupped his cheek and squished it a little. "Is forever an option?"

Steven chuckled and nuzzled into his hand. "So you're trapping me with you?"

"Damn straight, baby boy," Hazel declared softly. "Forever and ever."

Steven glanced back at Adam's smirk. "And he's okay with this?"

Adam tipped his neck and tapped on a hickey so dark on his pale skin it was obvious even in the dim lighting. He said nothing else, but the look of satisfaction said enough. His silence spoke at deafening volumes.

"Steven De Mayo," Hazel started, getting down on one knee in a slow movement that enraptured him. "Would you like to take this bromance to a full on roommate romance?"

"I think I'm gonna faint," Steven uttered, trying to will himself to wake up. "Somebody– ow!"

Adam was already back against the counter by the time Steven turned. "Didn't want you to have any doubts."

"Steven, I want you to be one of my Mains. I don't know why we've put this off for so long. I knew I wanted you to be my Main around the same time I realized I was bisexual and it was indefinitely your fault." Hazel laughed but it was emotional and shaky. "I've been struggling with feeling complete, and I was completely happy, but I felt like I was walking around in circles kinda. I thought I was straight and then I wasn't, and then I realized that thinking about kissing boys didn't really ever make me straight to begin with. It's kinda shocking cause you and Adam are completely different people, but I feel like I'm in love with the main thing you guys have in common."

"Depression?" They asked simultaneously to a hearty laugh between them all.

"No, goofy. Your big fucking heart," Hazel told him, tapping right over Steven's. "I'm a sucker for you, Steven. It's embarrassing cause my day is instantly better when you hold my hand or climb into my lap to snuggle." He paused for a moment. "I also really like the depraved sex we have."

Adam burst out laughing as quietly as possible, using the moment to wipe his happy tears away. Of course there was a little anxiety, but underneath that was knowing he had nothing to worry about. Not now, and probably not ever.

Steven sniffled and giggled too. "This is really romantic, Hazel." He closed his eyes and when they opened Hazel had his glow and he was two inches shorter than him.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Hazel laughed, pinching his cheek. "You're gonna wear yourself out."

"To be frank with you, Hazel, I think playing the waiting game has worn me out a lot more," Steven admitted quietly. "I've... Been in love with you since we met, I think."

Hazels heart swelled at the big brown eyes looking at him. He hardly ever got to see this angle, but Steven was still so pretty and so handsome. "Are you in love with me enough to wear a ring for me, Steven?"

Steven nodded heavily, bunting into his chest to hide his face. "Oh my stars, Hazel...! If I would've known this was going to happen I would've written vows."

Hazel chuckled. "What about a kiss in the presence of your father?"

"I-I-I'm sorry?"

If Steven didn't have Connie keeping him aware, he'd probably have walked off a cliff or in front of a train by now. He would've survived, but the recovery wouldn't have been pleasant. An embarrassing distance of around ten feet to his left in a recliner sat his father, Gregory Universe, shaking his head in awe. "Gosh, son," He murmured with a shaky voice. "I would've walked you down the aisle if I'd have known this was going to make me cry."

Steven just stood there, glancing back and forth between Hazel and Adam and his father. It quickly landed back on Adam. "You brought my dad to watch me be very gay and when I didn't notice you let it continue?"

"Yep," Adam chirped. "Greg said any way he would support he could, no matter when or how. He's a good dad, Steven."

"At least I'm trying to be, kiddo." Greg stood and stretched out his back before walking over. "I don't know what to even call this, but I do want you two to know that even if I didn't understand it when I first saw it, I get it now. I know it's the last thing you wanna hear Steven, but your mother would be... so proud. The ability to love is the greatest gift we have, Rose told me. That and changing. This is a pretty big change, yeah?"

Practically sobbing, Steven squeezed Hazels hands tighter. "I think so, Dad. Now all I need is a gem to come and attack me and things won't feel so surreal."

Greg laughed. "How about you give Hazel that kiss and not summon a gem to cut off the rest of my hair?" He held out his hand and Hazel grinned.

"Ten steps backwards, Mr. De Mayo-Maheswaren," Adam demanded professionally. "Good, now do all that other stuff after Greg walks him down the aisle."

It was absolute insanity. Greg walked him up the faux aisle and Steven cried the whole time, he was glowing with how everything felt like the best thing in the world, being loved this deeply by his Connie and now his Hazel. His dad squeezed his arm and they shared a smile before Hazel took him into his arms.

Hazel pulled him into a kiss and Greg choked up just like he had at his wedding to Connie. "Gee, Adam. How do you kids do it?"

Adam tipped his head and thought on that.

How did they manage to plant seeds of trust and confidence in each other, and how had it grown into this garden? Looking back at everything, it seemed pretty unlikely.

But then again, it was unlikely chances that Adam had survived death.

It was an unlikely chance for him to fall for a girl, the trans kind and his closest female friends (which was his limit, by the way).

It was also unlikely that he'd fall so hard for the freckled man poking his head into the commons and grinning a weepy little grin before searching for him and lighting up so much his heart fluttered.

Their entire lives were made up of unlikely circumstances.

Adam's eyes were locked on one of them right now. "You know, I think your son is one of the most loving creatures on the planet, Mr. Universe."

Greg smiled as Hazel and Steven just hugged, drowning in each other as they forgot the world. 'Kids are so wise, too.' Back when he was their age he was couch surfing and playing empty shows. But they had made a household of love from nothing.

"I believe he may have taught us how to love without limits the first time we all witnessed the way he loved Connie at Nova."

It had come out of Adam's mouth before he could even process it, Alex's incredibly pale face poking out from under Jacob's to go, "The cat is out of the bag. I repeat: the cat is out of the bag!"

Greg snorted at his glass. "Is Old Mrs. Ruemann still there?"

Four heads whipped his direction before Steven whispered in horror, "How do you know Mrs. Ruemann?"

"Hey, I don't ask you about your personal life and why Hazel calls you 'princess'. Let bygones be bygones, son," Greg told him with another toast his way.

"She's my favorite teacher." Steven dropped his head against Hazels chest as Greg raised an eyebrow. "Right. Copy that. I'm still really nosy, Dad."

"I should get home. Karla is out of town but she told me to send you guys her love and prepare for snacks and mothering." Greg strode to the door but paused on his way out. "I forgot to say I'm proud of you too, Steven. You've made a helluva good life for yourself, son. Tell Connie I said hi."

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