The Future

The commons were officially a no-visit zone for all guests save for their parents. It was their most comfortable place where they could all be together and relax fully. More often than not, they found themselves there anyways and usually they didn't mind but things were different now.

Now it was full of life. Brand new life.

Four healthy one year olds of various stages crawled around making messes and three sets of parents and caregivers watched with starry eyes.

Daisy and Leo, the two fraternal (but basically identical) freckled twins were squealing and cooing at each other, and practically wrestling.

Steven chuckled. "Yep, they're yours," He told Jasmin.

"They're so cute," She mumbled, biting at her nails. "I can't believe people came out of my body. Two of them. With souls and personalities."

Jacob hooked an arm around her and sighed his contentment as he swatted at her bad habit. "That's 70% you on the cuteness. I'm so in love with you. I'm so happy this is real."

"Please don't cry," She begged, turning him to watch his eyes water. "It always makes me cry now."

He took a steadying breath but shook his head as they fell anyways and he let them. "I've gone and went soft. I love having a family."

Jasmin nuzzled into his chest and reached back to squeeze Steven's freehand. "You made me have twins. You're mean."

"I'm not very sorry to be honest." Her husband smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. The joy was all encompassing through every tantrum and bitten finger from his rowdy babies that he would protect in ways serial killers could only dream of. He'd found his trauma affected his parenting: he was suspicious and worried of everyone who didn't reside in the house. River and Rebecca adored all of their children, and especially their grandchildren. It was comforting to know he wouldn't have to explain to his children until they were much, much older about his shitty, dead parents. Daisy looked over at them for assurance and when he grinned and waved, she waved back! His kids loved him wholly and that was that. The feeling was intoxicating.

Steven's other hand was being occupied by a bright eyed toddler with his curls and gorgeous earthy skin. "Hey, Lucky. What's up?"

She blew a raspberry and bobbed excitedly, reaching up to be held. Her somehow curly and kinky hair was pulled back into pigtails and her big brown eyes stole his heart all over again. "Dada!"

"I see." He picked her up and she slapped both hands on his cheeks, creating a lovely stinging sensation that she made better with a sloppy wet, mouth open baby kiss. Steven laughed and wrinkled his nose. "Ugh, cute but gross! Mommy!"

"Why does it feel like you've been waiting forever to have the go-ahead to call me Mommy?" Connie laughed, watching as he turned pink and honed in on Lucky so he could pretend he didn't hear that. She only provided a napkin after watching his struggle for a bit when she started to try to teethe on his cheek and giggled. "Hi, Lucky! Are you giving Daddy a run for his money?"

"She tried to bite me this morning," He exclaimed brokenly, causing the little girl to squeak and babble her protest. "Yes, you did! Nuh uh, you don't get to just look cute and get away with it!"

"Her Daddy certainly expects to," Anna muttered to a high five from Hazel and a grin from Adam.

Steven just laughed. He absolutely adored his daughter with every iota of function he could have. When she smiled he nearly glowed every time, he was still getting used to this. He had feared he was too strong to hold such a delicate creature but the second she was laid in his arms, a brand new kind of love he'd never known existed was revealed to him.

Lucky turned to look at Connie with the most innocent little face ever and she went to her to nuzzle her close. "Daddy's a liar, isn't he? You've never bitten Mommy, Daddy is just jealous of the new baby and wants attention too." She bounced her and grinned, seeing Steven's dropped jaw in her peripheral. "We should probably get Daddy to close his mouth before he catches flies. You know the story of the old lady who swallows flies, Daddy might die." Lucky cooed and Connie shut his mouth with an affectionate pat.

"I feel bullied," He grumbled.

Adam sat up on the floor and gave him a roll of his eyes. "You're not being bullied! Babies are little angels sent from heaven." He looked to his partners. "That's an invitation in six months." He was absolutely smitten with these children, every one of them. The big toothless (or two toothed) smiles, the wiggly excitement, the eardrum shattering squeals of pure unadulterated joy. These were tiny beings that experienced emotions at the absolute basest and most extreme level, and he was obsessed with the happy ones and sad ones alike.

Alex picked up Leo and he snuggled into his neck, ever wiggling, but happy. "Right. That's also something that you could say." Leo was like a son to Alex, same with Daisy. Truthfully Alex hadn't realized how close he was to Jacob and Jasmin until he'd broken down holding Daisy after she was born and wrapped a perfect little hand around his finger. He'd gathered his composure only for the next twin, Leo, to give him one of those baby smiles that weren't real but felt real and fell asleep with it on.

Currently Daisy was on a mission, crawling through the obstacles of people and tall tables and toys. Adam's eyes brightened as he watched her, he had an infatuation with her freckles and brown eyes. "And there she goes."

She was speeding to the kitchen and he instantly knew where she was headed. When she reached her goal, she pulled herself up and bounced, yelling up at Hazel. "Ba!"

"He's not done yet," Hazel told her kindly.

Daisy wasn't having it, she stomped her baby feet up at him. "BA!"

Hazel groaned and crouched down to her level. "But he needs to eat. My strong little baby has to continue building bones and stuff, you know how it is."

She seemed to understand that somehow. However, she was still annoyed and grabbed Hazels nose hard. "Ow, ow, ow! Wait, what if I just bring you up to see him?!"

He picked her up and showed her to Asher, who spit his baby food out and screeched at the top of his lungs.

Adam's heart ached and he put a hand over it. "That sounds like my tiny human."

"That is your tiny human," Jasmin laughed, dabbing droplets of baby spittle from Anna's shirt. "My daughter is in his line of view so you know he has to let her know he sees her."

Lucky wiggled so much Connie nearly dropped her (but she didn't!) and started to explore. She seemed to like noise and followed the sound to Leo slamming on a toddler piano. She stuck out a chubby finger and hit one note, a clear C.

Steven choked up and scrubbed at his eyes. "Ugh, babies exploring music makes me so happy."

Jacob nodded, watching as they played together a bit easier than Leo did with the other babies. Leo was an extremely intense little guy; he had big emotions and he let them know that, dammit. He had things to say, places to go! He hardly ever got to cuddle Leo unless he was sleepy. Jacob and Jasmin had to take turns with him because they both felt completely touch starved from his sweet little baby hugs. "Leo. Come to Daddy! Come on."

The toddler spun toward the voice and gave him a smile with two teeth. He toddled into his arms and he was lifted into the sky. Jacob tossed him a few times and Jasmin hovered nearby nervously. "Please be careful."

"Aw, he's alright," Jacob assured her. "He's a flier at heart."

Leo was laughing so hard it turned into the sweetest kind of baby giggles and exclamations of infantile thrill. "Da!"

Jacob caught him and smiled the biggest smile they'd ever seen. "Hey, that's me!"

Jasmin stomped over and gave the baby a playful show of crying hysterically. "My baby didn't say my name first?! I'm heartbroken!" Leo cackled. "I'm destroyed!" Leo's face turned red and he kicked his legs. "Who's the favorite though? Say Ma-ma!"

Leo cried, "Dada!"

Jacob burst into tears for no reason. "God this pregnancy had me so emotional the whole time and now everyone's almost one and a half and I'm still dealing with this!" He cradled Leo for as long as he would let him, around two seconds, before he set him down again.

Adam grunted, a baby putting their whole weight on his stomach with a tell-tale "You're On The Floor So You're Free Game" giggle. "Jesus, these babies are so heavy!"

Connie hopped up to grab her but Adam held up a hand. "She's okay. Just a fighter like her mama."

Lucky made the cutest little toot and Adam sniffed before sitting up to gag and tickle at her, eliciting a laughing coo. "Oh my god, what are you feeding this poor child?!"

Steven grinned and picked her up, taking a sniff himself before wincing. "Ugh, it was so much better on breast milk. She's been trying a bit of our food here and there but even my shit doesn't stink like this." He tried to hand her to Connie, who ducked.

"No way! You laughed at me when I called you sobbing about that one diaper!" She protested as the rest began to laugh.


She'd called Steven one day absolutely hysterical. "Steven I just woke up– and oh my god– she's just grinning at me and the smell and– stars and Diamonds, Steven please come home!" She'd sobbed brokenly. "It smells like toxic waste, I can't do this alone!"

Steven had come home ASAP thinking something terrible had happened only to see Lucky standing in her playpen with a suspicious brown substance in her hair and on the walls while Connie cowered in the corner with a can of Febreeze.

One step in and Steven's entire body screamed to run and never come back. "Oh my STARS that is foul!" He walked over closer to his daughter and she smirked. The suspicious brown substance was on her hands too, and her feet. His jaw dropped in mute horror but he immediately closed it cause god that smell. "Is that you?"

Knowing what to do from there was tricky. He took off his shirt preemptively and picked her up to hold out in front of him while he ordered Connie to get a trash bag.

She nodded and sniffled. "Right, we can have more."

Steven started laughing with her when Lucky started to cry. "Oh honey, we're not gonna throw you in the trash! We're just gonna burn your outfit in the bonfire tonight."


The little perpetrator was hitting keys now and gasping in epiphany as she created horrific sounds. All of their kids could have bad diapers, but Lucky could make someone throw up just by being in the general area of it.

Asher was finally let down after Anna breast fed him a bit and crawled up to his father. Adam turned his head the other way and pretended to be dead, but Asher was not so easily fooled. He slammed both hands on his chest and Adam chuckled, picking him up to stare at the little perfection that was the result of his polycule. "Are you coming to bother Daddy, Ash?! I'm taking a nap!"

Ash babbled to him but Adam shook his head. "No, Sir. Not under my roof you won't."

The tiny child let out an ear splitting screech that made Adam's eyes fall shut in pain. "I see your point, Mr. Johansson-Tabb, but at this time our company legally cannot give you that kind of leniency."

Adam groaned when drool dribbled over his cheek and huffed. "Mommy, come get Baby!"

"It's just drool," Anna laughed, scrubbing at his cheek and kissing Asher on the nose. "How's Mommy's Favorite Boy?"

Asher lost his mind and started straining for her in excitement. "Mama!"

She nodded and cooed at him. "That's right, Mamas Favorite. I said it, I'm not afraid to say it again!"

Hazel and Adam sulked and Hazel threw the cloth he was using the clean the high chairs  down with. "Fine then. See who cleans your dishes and worships you like a goddess, then."

Anna hummed, bouncing her energized son. "Do it now or someone loses Ni-Night Cuddles."

He picked back up the cloth and started scrubbing vigorously. "Yes, my Lady."

Adam turned his head to watch Lakshmi continue to play the piano with fascination. "Having fun, Lucky?"

She grinned with no teeth and started babbling as she played.

Adam nodded slowly. "Oh, I agree. Beethoven had some of the absolute best piano pieces."

Lucky sputtered and wiggled, shouting some kind of excited praise.

"Oh I love Etude Op. The entire thing!" He relayed. "Jacob plays it all the time. you should hear him play. It's magical just like your Daddy."

Jacob grinned and crossed over to pull Adam's head in his lap while they watched Lucky explore. "You know, I think she's got it in her. She's got fire."

"Please don't say that," Steven pleaded, his exhaustion suddenly evident. "If she comes out with fire powers we're putting her back."

Connie gasped and swatted at his ear. "Do you even know what that would entail?! Get ahold of yourself, Universe!"

Steven picked her up and cuddled her like a stuffed animal against his chest. "Anyways, as I was saying; we're putting her back if she has fire powers."


It was pretty fascinating how toddlers could just fall asleep anywhere. Seven disheveled parents (and a caregiver) slumped against the cabinets and walls in horror, eyes tracing the chaotic mess.

"This is bad," Steven muttered. "This is really, really bad."

"They just destroy things and go to sleep," Hazel whispered, his terror growing by the second. "Every time I think I understand parenting–,"

"They take a diaper contained shit on the definition," Jasmin groaned. "There's so many diapers in the diaper trash can and it STINKS!"

They shushed her as Daisy and Asher stirred from their combined pass out spot under the window, where the air was cooler because they ran hotter.

She sighed. "Dammit. Right. So... do we move them?"

Anna's eyes burned from staring in adoration at her son all day but she shook her head.  "Nonono, don't do that. They might decide it's time for morning again."

Connie laid down on the floor. "Good night." She proceeded to get comfortable and in seconds she'd passed out.

Steven frowned with minor disgust. "I get why everyone hates me for my sleeping habits. How can she sleep when baby?!"

Adam laughed and tugged him to the middle of the floor. "You're a pillow now. You have to sleep."

So instead of sleeping in beds, they slept in the commons in various exhausted positions, most cuddled up to Steven, and relaxed.

As soon as the first bird chirped within a 100 mile radius, their toddlers would be up to terrorize and enamor them again.

Hazel snuggled closer. "I'll take first shift."

"Jazz you can just sleep. I have the twins," Jacob slurred. The man was a walking dead parent, he slept so little just so Jasmin could sleep despite her wanting to help more.

Alex scoffed. "You're exhausted. I'll take the twins."

"Awesome, I really didn't wanna...."

They chuckled quietly as he passed out. The poor man had accidentally knocked Jasmin up so hard there were two heartbeats from the get-go.

They slipped into dreamworld and Steven barely had enough energy to dream walk to Connie and gush about their child before even in their slumber they slept.

It was absolute discord from the moment one baby opened their eyes until the last one shut them, but it was their life they'd made together.

It wasn't perfect, but it was close enough.


As it turned out, if one thought toddlers took a lot of constant energy and attention, they had yet to meet children.

Of course, once they'd started having kids it was like they had an addiction to it.

Adam dropped a pregnancy test on the table, wrapped in toilet paper and rested his head in his hands. "Which one of you fuckers got me pregnant again?"

Anna gasped and hugged him tight. "You'll know when they come out! AH! I'm so happy!"

"Unless you don't want more," Hazel added with a smirk when Adam's head shot up.

"However many times you guys knock me up dictates your life after the pregnancy," He sighed tiredly, but his smile was ecstatic. "Let's just hope they're healthy and be done with it."

Connie hummed, already six months pregnant. "That's what we have to keep telling ourselves, isn't it?"

Adam nodded. "I forgot "birthing parent" means I get all the attitude, chomps and colicky stuff."

Asher bounded up to Adam. He looked more identical to his father with his jet black hair and the way his face turned out. "Dad, what's a fucker?"

Jacob's face turned red and he forced himself to hold the laugh in as Adam gave him a dirty look. "Nice."

"That is not a good word," His dad mumbled, sliding off the chair to get on Asher's level. "Sometimes parents say stuff they're not supposed to."

"Oh, like when Daddy called Mommy a bitch!" Lucky said very helpfully. She wasn't trying to be naughty at all, but still it couldn't be ignored.

"Lakishmi Rose!" Both parents exclaimed in disappointment.

"I'm sorry."

"We swear like sailors," Alex pointed out. "We're getting a lot better though."

Adam nodded, trying to keep a straight face. "Exactly like that. There are words no one should say, and Steven will probably get a talking to just like you are."

Asher looked up at Connie. "Is Steven in trouble?"

She looked over at the blushing hybrid staring straight ahead like a soldier. "Big time. He's gonna have to sit in the corner just like you guys have to."

"Now hold on a second," He protested but Connie pointed to the tiny chair in the corner.

"Go cool down, Steven," She demanded in her best Mom-eswaren voice.

He trudged over and grumbled, "How am I supposed to sit in this?! I'm 100x its size!"

"Steven Quartz De Mayo-Maheswaren Diamond Universe, you sit in that corner for five minutes!" When he gave her a warning stare, she added, "And then we can have private Mommy and Daddy time to talk about what you did."

He carefully lowered himself on what felt like one square inch of chair and sulked to himself. They'd agreed that it took careful example making to mold good kids. And that meant he had to sit in the stupid fucking naughty chair. "Remind me why Adam isn't here?"

"No talking in the naughty chair," Daisy told him sternly. "Or you have to add minutes."

Steven could almost hear Connie cackling at him, but he did his time silently as asked thinking of all the ways his wife would pay for this. Upon standing he grinned. "Alex, would you do me a huge favor and watch the kids for a moment?"

Connie scoffed nervously. "I don't think that's necessary–,"

Alex nodded and shot him a thumbs up, scooping up Azalea and glancing over at Comet on the baby mat swatting at hanging toys. "Lucky, Mom and Dad will be back. Errands."

She grinned. "They run a lot of errands, that's what Hazel says." Apparently, Lucky had inherited Steven's honesty and Connie's big mouth. She said everything that went through her mind. If there was ever a perfect tattletale, they'd made her.

Hazel looked at the ceiling. "We can't say or do anything bad. Little eyes are always watching."

Steven grumbled and tapped Connie's nose. "I've suddenly decided on psychological warfare since my four year old thinks I don't spend enough time with her."

Lucky giggled and held up a crayon drawing. "Daddy, look. It's a picture of a snake with arms."

The adults started howling with laughter and encouragement. Lucky beamed with pride, not understanding the joke but happy for the reaction.

Steven choked back laughter and knelt down. "Oh, Lucky. Thank you. This is such a nice picture of..."

"A snake with arms," She repeated.

"Right, no, I totally got that!" It was so hard to keep a straight face but he nodded. "I do have to ask: you know snakes don't have arms, right?" She nodded. "Okay because Daddy was way too old to not know they didn't have arms, and that's why all the grown ups should cut him some slack."

Lucky gave him a big kiss and patted his head like Adam did. "It's okay, Daddy. We all learn at different paces!"

Connie cocked her head. "I really think this commune is a really good idea. Kids should have a bunch of friends and adults around to tell them things."

Jacob snorted, "Yeah, like a colorful list of swears." Connie chucked a carrot stick at him when the kids weren't looking and he grinned at her. "We have a really good life."


Jacob and Jasmin went to the ultrasound praying their baby would be okay. They hadn't been trying for another baby, but it seemed Jacob was a sharpshooter.

They came back pale all over again.

Steven raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're having triplets."

"No, just more twins," Jacob uttered. "Might be done at four kids, not going to lie to you darling."

She laughed. "You don't have to shit them out while your platonic bestie tells you to quit being a crybaby and push." Jasmin pinched his cheeks. "If it's two boys you get to get acquainted with the couch until I'm not mad at you anymore."

He kissed her until she giggled. "No way am I sleeping in the doghouse, they wake up and jump on me to get me awake."

Steven switched from holding Comet to grabbing Seraphine as she started to cry her lack of attention while her twin sister Celine laid in the bouncer and grunted at the mobile. "Right. I got to be in the doghouse at least six times during this last one."

Anna smiled when Comet crawled up and strained for her. He was the shyest of the bunch but he fancied all of them well enough because they were familiar. "Speaking of which, maybe you should get a genealogy test and see if you're prone to having twins, Jacob."

Sure enough, Jacob got the news he was expecting. "Apparently, Tiff has a twin sister I never met. Would've been something amazing to know but hey," He dropped to kiss over her tummy and nodded his newfound appreciation. "I'm starting to become alright with this."

"See?" Jasmin exclaimed with a kiss. "We need as many as possible."

Jacob glanced over her shoulder. "Where the hell is my wife? She used to bite me when I topped her and now she wants to mother every child I can make." He glanced at his partners and shook his head with bright eyes. "It's wild."


Adam looked tense but he was two days from 40 weeks and so far, no contractions. It made sense he would be quiet. He'd been moody and frustrated and his back ached.

They chatted idly at the table and he participated well enough, asking Hazel for a glass of water when he had the chance.

Connie was breastfeeding one of the nine month old twins. Celine and Seraphine were not known to be two babies until the very moment Connie was supposed to pass the placenta and she roared, "Oh god! Round two!"

Steven's eyes nearly popped out of his head as Alex prepared to deliver a second baby that they had not planned for. They were at home for this birth despite the others worried about their safety.

Connie had been thinking about her kids. Lucky and Azalea were in their Monsters Under The Bed phase and she'd had to get a bottle of cleaner for both her and Steven to use in order to get them to go back to sleep every night. Comet was always a good sleeper, he was just about two and a half and had major stranger danger. And their twins. Her eyes shot open suddenly. "I just realized I haven't had my period since the twins turned seven months. What month is it?"

Steven blanched but a corner of his mouth lifted mischievously. "Oh god, I'm not even sorry. I hope it's another girl."

Jasmin giggled and patted her newly pregnant belly. "We're gonna have teenagers in our 40's and then by 50-ish we can party if we stop now~," She singsonged enticingly.

Hazel giggled and rubbed at Adam's shoulders. "Let's shoot for the moon and try to land among the stars for now. I'm sensing Adam won't be un-pregnant for very long. I'm thinking a year of recovery and then the nastiest sex I can think of."

The adults gigged, a few drinking their evening wine now that they were parents.

Steven frowned at the bitter tart juice. "Connie, do you even like wine?"

She tittered and threw her head back. "Not most of them, I drink it because it makes me feel nice and sophisticated."

He downed the rest of his and groaned. "When was the last time we had this much to drink?"

"Steven, while this is nicely aged wine and quite potent, but it shouldn't get you drunk," Alex explained patiently. "And I happen to like wine. You'll all grow into it."

Adam grunted and shifted in pain, causing them to watch as he grew more uncomfortable until he sucked in a breath. "I have a confession..."

Jacob's jaw dropped. "Adam, are you in labor?!"

He nodded vigorously. "Mhm! Just didn't wanna say anything until I knew for– Fuck!" He slumped in his chair and let out a few creative phrases as Hazel and Anna shot out of their seats. "Oh god, baby number two and Asher's like what, two?"

Jacob got up to press a hand to Adam's forehead. He frowned and squeezed his shoulder. "Are you talking to yourself? Also Asher is three."

"I-I need to get up." He started pacing, but he couldn't keep the rhythm and exhaled for a long time before slumping to the floor against the wall. Connie checked his pulse. "Something's not right!"

Steven called an ambulance while Alex fought with Adam to keep him awake. "Hey, Adam. How are you doing?"

He scowled. "I'm in labor, what the fuck do you think?"

"Well he's grouchy, that's a good sign," He laughed, pressing at his ankles and shins. "Your legs are a little swollen. Any numbness?"

"Uh huh." Adam nodded miserably and tried to take a breath but it was hard enough to scare him. "This doesn't feel like the last time! I think– I think I'm gonna pass out..?" He started to go limp and slurred, "Yeah, I'm definitely gonna pass out."

Alex tapped his cheek. "Adam, stay with me! His blood pressure is really high for a baby in there, Steven where's the rig?"

Jacob helped get him on his back and felt for his breathing. "He's breathing, just not moving."

Adam's eyes opened briefly and he groaned. "Bucket."

Steven provided one and tied his hair back. "We need an ambulance right now!"

Adam was rushed to the hospital with the lights on and his Mains in the back with him trying to stay brave. They pumped him full of medication which seemed to help with his consciousness but not his nausea. He spent the entire night throwing up as they tried to give him pitocin to help along his dilation.

At three in the morning they gave up and rushed him into an emergency c-section.

The gems, Greg and Karla, and River and Rebecca had taken the place of the parents to watch the sleeping children as they waited with bated breath for any news at all.

An hour and a half later, a doctor walked out looking solemn and all of their hearts dropped. "You can meet him up at his room, but the baby will be there first. He's a fighter, he had an allergic reaction to the epidural this time. We weren't sure how we were gonna beat that, however he's awake and very annoyed with us medical professionals."

They breathed a sigh of relief and Jacob wiped his tears in embarrassment. "I was three seconds from a total mental breakdown." The darkness he'd almost felt in his soul, the mere shadow of it before it crushed him, was enough to get him more serious about spending time with Adam when he got the chance. He briefly wondered if there were things they were still susceptible to as sort of immortal humans. "Why did he look so sad?"

Connie patted his back as they raced up the stairs. "Resting Doctor Face. Are you okay?"

"I'm rattled but I didn't just have a baby. I'm fine."

Adam could be heard from down the hall complaining that he was fine and he was going to get out of the damn bed himself to go and see his baby.

Steven poked Connie. "See how difficult you were when we had the twins? That's what you sounded like to the tee."

Connie shoved him away and cooed at the brand new little slightly caramel baby drunk grinning up at the man who was definitely her father. "Gee, Hazel, you think it's yours?"

He choked on a tearful laugh. "I dunno, I'll get back to you on that."

Anna wiggled her fingers. "My turn! Look at our little gift! Oh, she's so pretty!" She brushed a hand over her curls and sniffled as she started a soothing bounce. "Are you all better now?"

Tucking herself into her arms she snored, gripping Anna's shirt for dear life.

"Sir, er– Adam! You can't get out of bed! I'll just bring you!"

Adam got wheeled in with a supremely satisfied face. "I just learned why you guys complain so much. It gets stuff done." He maneuvered his wheel chair over to try to stand, Hazel hooking an arm under him carefully. "Fuck you, H, I can stand by myself."

Hazel looked at him dead on. "Can you feel your legs?" Adam mumbled that that didn't matter and Hazel resumed helping him. "We just watched you fighting to stay alive, you'll do what I ask and let me helicopter husband you, okay?"

Adam simpered and let him help to peer down at his newest child. "I-I'm sorry, whose is this?"

The nurse grinned at them. "He's still on a lot of drugs, he might be a little confused as he comes down."

"Could you grab him some water?" Jasmin asked, eyeing his still paler than normal complexion.

Adam stared up at Hazel and Anna as they explained to him the obvious truth that this baby was indefinitely Hazels doing. And, since the question had been up in the air, Asher was Anna's. They were all of theirs, but Adam was clearly out of it and needed the breakdown. He nodded slowly, eyes squinting down at their child. "Can I hold her?"

They helped him lie down and get comfortable while he snuggled his second child and she fell asleep.

He propped her up gently to stare at her face, trying to find the missing pieces of himself that he just put into this daughter of theirs. "She's so pretty."

"Steven, don't you start," Jasmin warned with a whisper, looking up at his glassy eyes. "You're gonna make everyone cry."

"God, I want more babies," He sniffled, lifting Connie into his arms. "I miss the newborn life."

"Steven we have newborns literally right now," Connie seethed quietly. "I have been pregnant longer than hell."

Anna giggled, poor Connie. She then watched at their newest baby giving Adam a smile in her sleep as he cradled her again. He seemed to be thinking, so they left it silent. A few minutes had passed before he went, "Oh my god, she's a gay-by."

Hazel chuckled listlessly, then when he reprocessed it he nearly pulled a muscle from the sudden laughter. "Baby, what? What does that mean?"

Adam flushed in embarrassment though they could tell he didn't know why he was. "Juniper, she's a gay-by. Because like, two dads." He squinted into the distance, oblivious to the trying to be quiet crowing his partners were doing. It wasn't until he burst into tears and started to cry that they winded down.

Steven frowned. "Adam, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all is wrong," He sniffled, his voice cracking a bit. "Everything is perfect."

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