The Fusion Files: Jaden


They all turned to British Jacob (as they now now called inebriated Jacob because his accent was full force) as he set down every bottle of alcohol they'd bought at the store. "Rules are simple. Whoever can take the most shots without throwing up or dying, wins. Our designated partner will make sure we won't die though, won't you, Alex?"

Alex nodded. "I'd lose my job and I can't be a broke bitch." He hesitated and struggled a bit before he could get it out fully. "I also would lose you guys."

Connie leaned against Steven and frowned. "What about Starboy? He can tank more than we can."

Steven hummed. "I'm on double time. Two counts for one."

Jasmin grabbed the Everclear and drew a three on it. "This one counts as three shots because it's so high proof."

So, on they went.

Anna was passed out at eight, snoring on her side after giggling that she was going to win.

Hazel and Adam were competing as quickly as possible, which ended up being easily the dumbest thing they'd ever try. Hazel was bigger, but Adam was determined and his willpower extended beyond the average man. If he wanted to win, he would. Hazel clocked out to go puke and Adam fell asleep on his back after groaning that his insides were on fire. They turned him over so he wouldn't drown if he did throw up.

Connie went out next, mumbling that she'd be sick if she had anymore. She stared off into the distance against the couch with her hands clasped at her stomach and a dreamy smile on her face.

Jasmin fainted, or it seemed like she did until she hiccuped and squeaked. "Holy fuck, I'm done! I can feel the Devil tugging on my toes to entice me toward drinking until I die."

Jacob, still with his wits at 50% chuckled. "Don't do that, love. I can't live without you."

She grunted and laid there, staring up at Alex who was already staring at her. "Hi."

Alex held back a smirk. "Hello, Jasmin."

Jacob watched the not at all awkward conversation and huffed a laugh. "I think that's the nicest they've ever been to each other, s'crazy, yeah?" He turned to see Steven looking at him like he was dead. So much sorrow was held in his eyes. "Ey up, what's the matter?"

"Why can you tank so much alcohol?"

Jacob had been about to take his fifteenth shot, but hesitated. "Why can you?"

Steven finally giggled. "I'm an alien. Try again."

The younger man read the inscription off the bottle and shrugged. "Genes."

Steven scooted over and spread his arms. "Please let me hug you."

"You give the best hugs, gladly." He gathered himself up and onto Stevens lap, pushing his hand up his shirt to rest against his chest. Steven was so warm to the touch, it soothed him greatly. Steven meant safety. Comfort to the highest luxury. He held Jacob like he was the most precious thing on the planet, he always did. Steven made people feel cherished, and he made them grow like the flowers he had in his greenhouse. "You're my cup of tea, luv."

It took Steven a moment to process the thickly drunken British, but he grinned. "If that means I love you, then I love you too." He shifted to kiss Jacob's neck and grip his hip tighter, letting his voice naturally deepen. "A lot."

There was just something about Jacob Steven couldn't put his finger on. Maybe it was the way he smiled, maybe it was the freckles on top of the silliness. If Steven hadn't ever laid eyes on Connie and a hundred other things had played out differently, it may have even been love at first sight. It frustrated him that he couldn't grasp it, so he did the next best thing: He pressed Jacob's head into his chest, aching with emotion as they both fell asleep too.

"Ugh." Behind their eyelids they could see someone was shining a phone flashlight on their face. "Would you get that bloody thing out my face, please?"

They both sat up and frowned at all of their friends dressed and ready for the day. "What time is it?"

They were all smirking at them like they knew something they didn't. Connie shrugged, sexy brown eyes drinking him in like she was dehydrated. "Check your phone."

Annoyed and surprisingly not hungover, they dug into their pockets and pulled out a phone. "This isn't my phone."

Jasmin edged closer and climbed onto his lap. He welcomed her happily, squeezing her ass. "Huh..." She ran her hands over his face and felt his pulse. It quickened at her touch and finally a full grin broke out. "Okay, this? This is interesting."

Anna and the rest joined and she bit her lip. "He's so cute. He's got more freckles, right?"

More? He lifted his arm to examine them and tipped his head. Strange. He could've sworn his freckles were more chestnut. "What in the...?"

Hazel shook his head. "I feel like I would know. You guys must just be stupid."

Adam slugged him in the arm. "You'd think that was the case until you find out Stevens a chameleon."

"I'm not a– Stevens a what?" Realization dawned on them and they examined their arms again. They picked up the phone again and turned on the front facing camera. "Bollocks, ain't that something?"

For once, their hair was in place and brushed out of their face so they could see. They kept Stevens softness in the face, but Jacobs jawline. Only one of their eyes was green, the other was a soft chocolate brown. They had on a green tank and Stevens grey sweats he'd thrown on, and Jacobs unhidden muscle fit primarily into their arms. "You know how I could make today even more interesting? Grabbing a beer."

They dropped the phone and kissed all three girls, leaving them breathless and stunned as they removed Jasmin to stand and walk to the downstairs fridge. As he passed Hazel and Adam he grinned and winked. "Gentlemen."

"Oh stars," Connie whispered in abject horror. "It combined their ego and humor."

Jasmin couldn't keep her eyes off of the new fusion. She could see exactly which features were of her husband. "That's unfortunate cause..."

They turned back around to see them all staring and popped a hip. "My eyes are up here."

Grey sweatpants were anyone's weakness when attracted to men. With both of them being well endowed, it was impossible not to at least glance. And then again. And then just one more time to make sure it wasn't a crease.

"Hello? Earth to you guys?"

They continued to stare silently.

"Correct yourselves." He snapped his fingers and their attention latched onto his eyes in perfect sync. Curious he did it again, the distinctive sound of the snap feeling a little too crisp and echo-y. With their eyes all on him he waved with a big smile and pointed to his chest, speaking slowly and clearly. "Ja-den. That's my name. Do you guys know what a name is?"

They all tried to work through their words, but nothing would come out. It was comical, all just barely about to start a sentence before they'd dissolve into confusion and start all over again with silent gestures of awe and disbelief.

Hazel was the first to get anything out. "You're a fratboy."

Jaden couldn't seem to sit still. He fidgeted with the hem of his sweatpants and shook his leg slightly. "Dunno. Suppose I am living in a dorm of sorts and everyone's trying to fuck me. Makes sense, from what I saw I'm a total fucking catch." They paused for a moment before a huge look of excitement crossed their face and their eyes widened.

Adam startled a bit as he noticed he'd been wrong about Jaden's eyes, they weren't hazel. They were heterochromiac brown and green. His stomach lurched, but he couldn't tell if it was from being hungover or if it was that his second biggest weakness was now being shot at point blank.

"Oh my stars, we can do it now! There's no hesitance, my manhood isn't so fragile."

Jasmin couldn't have stopped it if she tried. "I can see that. We can see that."

There was just one thing Connie couldn't get over. Not only was it a little strange, but his a voice was doing crazy things to her body and she wanted to keep him talking. "Okay, why are you entirely British?"

Jaden considered that. "I just got here. But if I were to guess, I'd say Jacob holds it back a lot, it's not like it's something you've never heard of."

"Mhm, mhm." She nodded her head like she was listening. "And what exactly can you do now?"

They held up a finger and walked off.

Connie sighed. "Dammit."

"I don't think I realized how similar Steven and Jacob were until just now," Anna mumbled. "Daddies, am I dead?"

Adam and Hazel both shrugged dubiously, but Adam spoke, still staring after them. "I don't know, baby. I don't know."

Jasmin sighed heavily, trying to release the shock in one breath. "Well, at least it can't get more surprising."

Alex tripped down the stairs practically, sliding to a stop in front of them all. "Who the hell is that hot guy I just passed?! Am I in gay heaven?"

Connie giggled and tossed her arms up. "I don't know. That's currently what we're all asking ourselves. His name is Jaden. He's a five course meal and a doggy bag, isn't he?"

He made a pained face and collapsed. "Good god. Oh god, why is this happening to me?"

Jaden came down the stairs much more gracefully in a pastel skirt and matching cropped sweater. "Say it. We look amazing."

Six phones were pulled out to snap a picture before Adam joined Alex on the ground. "I'm so hungover I don't even know what to say. Hazel, get down here and be hot next to me, too. May as well drown in it."

Hazel snorted and sat, keeping his eyes on the apparent godsend. He scrubbed at his thighs and groaned. "I was wrong. He's not a frat boy, he's a femboy."

Connie gasped, this time in excitement. "Oh my god, he's a femboy! That's my favorite kind!"

"I already have aneurysms when Steven wears skirts," Hazel lamented quietly. "Jacob embracing it is killing me."

Jasmin started fake crying and tugged on her curls. "I wasn't built for this!"

"No one was built for this!" Anna and Alex wailed.

Jaden soaked it all up and tossed his hair. "I'm still waiting to hear how good I look. Don't cry now, darling."

Jasmin nodded but couldn't pull her hands out of her hair. "Am I dead? I can't tell if this is hell or heaven."

Jaden twirled in his skirt, giggling as it lifted a bit. "Why can't it be both, love?"

Hazel clutched at his chest. "Right in the heart."

The fusion started to look a little concerned. "Are you guys alright? You seem a little too shocked, should–,"

"No, no! Don't uh, why don't you just..." Connie gestured to them as if they should know what she meant.

He walked until he was in the middle of the group and chuckled out a groan. "Holy fuck, you guys are so little. I could pick up and throw all of you easily."

Jasmin stood and crossed her arms as her short person syndrome roared to life. "Okay, novelty is over. You're annoying as fuck, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah, 100%." He picked her up and licked his lips. "And look at you. You're just all kinds of precious, aren't you?"

She growled. "Little boy..."

His grin dropped and he glowered. "Do I look like a little boy to you?"

Jasmin wanted to shoot back but the color in her face drained away. The aggression was familiar, and yet brand new. Fusion had genuinely combined both of their styles.

Hazel opened his mouth to say something, but Adam smacked him upside the head and shook his quickly. "Nuh uh. Believe it or not, femboys are not the ones to fuck around with and piss off."

"Actually I think Jasmin might be onto something," Connie offered, pulling up Anna with her.

"He's so pretty!" Anna walked up to him and stared up at his face with wide eyes. "You just can't take him seriously."

Jaden set Jasmin down and stared down the other two girls until they were red in the face. There was no mistaking his gaze for mere curiosity, no. He looked hungry like he was seeing them for the first time. "I'm just drowning in pretty girls today." He shot the boys a smug smile with an enticing shake of his gorgeous ass. "And pretty boys. Lucky me."

"You sure were integrated and comfortable quickly, huh?" Connie asked with a smirk. "I just knew Jacob had an inner femboy. I should've made you guys a bet."

Jaden laughed. "Oh, hush up, Connie." He knelt and grabbed her hips, tipping his head as if he were curious. He enjoyed it greatly when the muscles there tensed and he dug his thumbs into them just to make her squirm. "You're blushing pretty hard there. Something on your mind?"

She narrowed her eyes and stomped her foot. "Why couldn't you have said someone?"

"Because your eyes don't travel far from my skirt." He snapped his head to the left and caught the boys doing the same. "Caught 'cha! How embarrassing, a devastating loss for everyone but me."

Adam scoffed. "Watch yourself. Now you're pissing me off too."

"Aw, trouble swallowing your own dose of medicine, chap?" He blew a kiss to him and Adam sighed, dreamy and involuntarily. "That's right. You know you're below me. I quite fancy that in a toy." He smiled and sat motioning for Adam. "If you would?"

Without hesitation, Adam got up and sat on his lap, tucking his head into his neck. "I think I'm falling in love. Fast."

"He's cocky, insufferable, and hot." Anna giggled as he brushed her hair behind her ears. "I say we keep him! He's like the big brother I never had." She giggled again and shook her head. "Oh gosh, now I sound like Jasmin."

Jasmin gasped in offended horror and Jaden smirked. "The temptation to out all of you. I know your dirty secrets and fantasies, but I'll keep them to myself for the psychological warfare of it all."

Alex snorted. "You don't know shit."

They turned to catch his eyes. "You know Jacob is in here too, right? Don't think I won't tell people how hard you get off when Jacob starts musing about–,"

"Counterpoint acknowledged!" Alex uncrossed his arms and climbed over to Hazels lap. "Save me."

"Of course," Hazel murmured, tucking him in close. "You're going to break Dolls mind with ya bullshit, brother."

Jaden's eyes lit up. "You know, that's not a bad idea."


Jasmin was the only one who wasn't completely surprised, though she still laid listlessly staring up at the ceiling. Somehow the tips of her toes were sore, and her nails ached from clawing down his back so hard.

Jaden had fucked through all of them like it was nothing, growling like an animal and fucking them like one too with his skirt still on. He was now dusting off said pastel skirt and tugging back on his sweater while he smoked a massive hit of his cart. Jacob was a bigger pothead than any of them, and Steven liked the lack of crippling anxiety, so Jaden had a hankering. He watched the cloud disappear with immense satisfaction, then blew perfect smoke rings one into the other. They had plenty of imagination, in the impending silence he could occupy himself.

Connie sat up first and shook her head. "You should become a plummer."

Jaden held it between his lips and tucked his hand behind that thick head of brunette hair. "Why's that, love?"

Adam ran his fingers over his face. "You lay down pipe better than one. That's..." He took a deep breath of the oxygen he felt like he was starving for. "That's the joke."

Hazel grunted and pulled his faction closer. "I don't think humans are supposed to be allowed to cum as hard as I just did. He's a menace."

"Naturally." Jaden tipped their head forward and waved. "Anyways, don't forget my name, but I suppose you'll be dreaming about me for a long one."

They unfused as easily as Stevonnie almost, only a second or so longer.

Steven stretched and shook out his hair. "I'm still raring to go. Connie De Mayo-Maheswaren, up and at em."

She groaned and started fake sobbing. "Oh god! Save me!" 

He turned her chin to him and pulled her until his lips were at her ear. "I am your god. You'll do what I tell you to."

Her knees went so weak she thought she would collapse. "Yes, my Diamond."

Steven chuckled and pecked her cheek. "Ni, don't let me say shit like that to you!"

Anna tried to move, but yelped, being the freshest victim. "I feel like I just got creamed  by a semi truck. I may as well have just gone to the nearest highway and flashed a thumbs up and a smile." She looked over at Alex and then the boys with wide, borderline terrified eyes. "You guys are right. Jaden is nuts."

Jacob high fived Steven in between kissing his wife and Steven slid back in his sweats, abandoning his shirt in favor of picking up Connie and nuzzling into her neck. "Are you okay, Mrs. Knight?"

She mewled softly and nodded. "How do you still have energy?"

"Fusion with people who don't traumatize me on an hourly basis is so much less work." He turned to Jacob. "Are you gonna be okay?"

Jacob sat up with his eyes the brightest green he'd ever seen them. "I'm practically vibrating with energy. What did you do to me?"

"I loved you extra hard."

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