The Fusion Files: Heaven

Honestly, it was about time.

They'd seen Steven fused with almost all of the boys but Alex, him being the Peridot of the group.

So, how exactly would a fusion between Steven and Hazel look? Would they have Hazels build with Steven's soft face? Would he be dark, or lighter in tone? What color would his eyes be? They had a million questions that went unanswered until one morning at breakfast.

They hadn't had the chance to have a meal as all of them in a week, and the relief was welcome and cleansing.

Hazel crossed the kitchen to smack Stevens ass and he chuckled, turning slightly to receive a kiss on the cheek. Hazel declined such a friendly kiss when he was feeling anything but and turned him to give him a real kiss.

Steven set down his knife to grab ahold of Hazels shirt and deepen the kiss, tipping his head down but somehow feeling small compared to the man. He moaned into the kiss and forgot himself entirely when Hazels hand gripped around his neck.

They'd apparently missed each other more than they realized.

They didn't know it, but they'd gained the undivided attention of the rest of them not from the intense make out session but by the glow slowly and surely encompassing them both.

Adam's eyes brightened with the reflection of it and he set down his cup of coffee. "Whoa."

In the blink of an eye, they were one.

"Oh stars, I'm calling it." Connie stood abruptly, then sat back down and covered her face. "This one's going to be problematic for me. You guys might have to try and remember that I'm the classy one."

They blinked and stared down at their hands. "Hey, we fused!" Their voice was deep and oozing with honey. They spoke slower than normal too, but nothing like Flourite. "Pretty cool."

As if nothing had happened, they resumed making breakfast and just combined their meals and sat down. They munched away happily, a vivid state of content making them mellow and relaxed. Maybe they should've been reacting a bit bigger after all this time, but now all they wanted to do was eat. Both had been starving, and though the chair they were on was a little small now, it couldn't be helped.

Jacob groaned quietly, growing in volume as his bi panic consumed him. "Fucking bloody hell, man! My gayness can't keep taking these direct hits! I can only get so gay before my wife starts to get concerned!"

They smirked, pausing before they took the spoon into their mouth. "Just call me Heaven then, baby."

Adam pushed away his plate. "What the fuck." When Heaven looked up to wink at him he almost had a stroke and he went paler. "Yep, this is indefinitely my breaking point. Should I safe word?" He was only 1% kidding.

Jasmin leaned over the table, giving him a pained grin. "This is terrible. All this fusion stuff is getting out of hand with the hotness." She nudged Jacob and he blinked rapidly.

"I think I can't handle this." His Britishness came out at full force, skipping over multiple consonants in his surprise.

Anna was a little bolder. She stood to cross over and stare standing right next to him. He turned his head lazily, drinking her in. "Hello, babygirl. Is there something Daddy can help you with?"

She swallowed and froze in panic. "That voice."

"That voice," Connie solemnly agreed.

Heaven was easily the biggest and tallest fusion, even trumping Stevonnie by a few inches. He towered above the table so much that he had to hunch over to be able to actually get any of the cereal before it all fell off. He was clearly mixed, smooth caramel skin nearly glowing with no imperfection to be found. He rocked a loosely curled afro that his irritation seemed to immediately settle with and he pulled it into a ponytail. This one was ripped too, he looked like how Steven should look. If someone told them he'd stopped a train with his pinky toe, they'd have believed it.

"Good meal." He washed his dishes at the sink, minding his own business and ignoring the stares. If they were hot, that was cool but it wasn't like he was really thinking about it. He was simply happy to be together, this felt so familiar.

It was only 10 in the morning, so there was hesitation before they grabbed a beer anyways and headed to the basement to smoke a blunt.

"Can we keep him?" Jasmin asked seriously. "Sure you might love your husband/boyfriend, but do you love them more than a guy literally so sexy his name is Heaven?"

Connie hummed. "I'll think about it."

"Connie!" Anna exclaimed in laughter.

She sighed and picked up the dirty plates and bowls to set in the sink. "Right. I was just kidding probably maybe."

Adam heard the TV go on downstairs just before Heaven called, "Come and give Daddy a lil snuggle."

They shoved and trampled down the stairs, trying to trip each other in favor of being the one who would get to be the very closest.

Heaven turned his head and watched, eyes flickering to pink and staying. "Is it really that shocking?"


He shrugged. "Pretty cool. You guys wanna snuggle?"

They nodded emphatically all piling on the couch. He was aware that hands were exploring him but he didn't mind. In fact, he didn't mind much of anything. "Yall can explore anything you want."

Connie analyzed him quietly. He was laid back and easy going, down for literally anything. An intrusive thought told her that if anything was allowed, she should run her tongue over his chest.

"Can we get a puppy?" Apparently Anna had picked up on his DTF, carefreeness.

Heaven unfortunately snorted. "No baby. We already have Steven, Alex and you. And Connie. And Jacob. We don't need no more pets running around in here. Plus–," He whistled and the sound rippled through the air. Lion came charging in immediately, snuffing as he tilted his head at the new entity he seemed sure made the call. "Hey, that's what's up."

Lion kissed both Connie and Anna, then buried his face in Jasmine breasts. Connie laughed and swatted him away. "Sorry, he's a ladies man."

Jasmin patted his head as he sniffed Heaven curiously, who paid him in scratches behind his ear and smoked like a chimney. "They fused," She explained to him. "You won't understand me because you're probably not as sentient as Steven thinks you are, but to humans he's a bombshell."

Jacob pushed to be under his arm and sighed in complete content. "Yep, this seals it for me. I would happily let this man ruin my life."

Heaven giggled and tipped his chin up to kiss him, causing jealous scoffs and shoves that Jacob batted away with a freehand. He whined, a rare sound from such a hyper masculine man when Heaven ran his tongue over his bottom lip before pulling away. Jacob started pulling at his hair and shaking his head, giggling profusely in a high pitch. "Holy shit, he stole something! I felt it, he stole my ability to act right!"

Anna shoved away Jasmin's wandering lips up his neck and squealed, "My turn! I never act right so it's not like he can–,"

Heaven hummed into the kiss and teased at her tongue with his, trying not to laugh at all of the envious grumbling everyone was doing. He did however, placate some of them by running his hands over their heads and bodies trying to see if he could guess just by touch alone. He pushed at Anna, testing her strength a little and found it was easy. Too easy.

Adam gripped her hips and chuckled. "You knocked out our baby."

Jasmin checked her pulse and laughed. "Her heartbeat is 700, she's still conscious."

Anna rose like she was possessed and batted her lashes at Heaven. "I think I'm trying to get into Heaven." She giggled. "No, I think I'm trying to get some Heaven into me."

Jasmin burst out laughing and nuzzled into Heavens neck. He smelled so good, like warm cinnamon and cocoa butter. He bumped her up off of his shoulder and kissed her too, holding a pouting Connie by her ponytail to keep her in place. Jasmin was a fierce kisser, her passion matched Steven easily but it quickly died out into drunken giggly swooning as he pulled away. "You guys are so fucking cute."

Adam cracked his knuckles and grinned cruelly at Connie. "I think Connie should go last since she's got such an attitude."

She groaned and threw a mild tantrum right on his lap. "You guys are so mean! That's my husband too!" Suddenly she tipped her head. "Actually, I'm married to all of the fusions. Oh god, that's a lot to process."

Adam hip checked her and got in between them just to further piss her off. "If I let you kiss me, you cannot have me acting like a girl."

Heaven licked his lips. "No promises." Their lips barely brushed before Adam pulled away just enough that Heaven had to chase it. "What the hell are you doing?"

Adam smirked. "Testing your limits."

"Brat behavior will get you nowhere," Heaven growled, grabbing the back of his neck and forcing the kiss he knew damn well Adam was dripping all over his thighs for. His cockiness melted into a squeaking sound that raised in pitch when Heaven deepened it and claimed his mouth. Both of them groaned, Heaven trailing his hand back around front to squeeze his neck and make him go nearly limp. He only pulled away to watch Adam's blush travel below his shirt and out of sight, then to the intense eyes fogged with lust, no longer so daring. "You're mine. Act like it."

"Whoa." Jasmin kissed Adam's cheek and he didn't even grab her to kiss her full on like he usually did when she became affectionate. "It looks like we have a new top gun."

The one thing Adam knew was that he was being singled out hard, and he could do nothing about it. The helpless rush he felt at Heavens hand around his neck and those burning words made him shut his eyes and bow his head. "Good fucking– Yeah, okay."

They cheered until Connie cleared her throat hard and whined at the top of her lungs, "I am about to throw an Anna tantrum and it's gonna get real ugly real fucking fast!"

Heaven pecked Adam one more time and moved him aside to stare at Connie. "Are you being demanding?"

Connie nodded and crossed her arms. "Yes, Sir I fucking am! I want kisses too!"

He rumbled, pulling her closer and nearly laughing at how eager her hands were. "You must think you're quite something, huh?"

"If by something you mean frustrated then yes."

Heaven tipped his head, displeased with her brattiness like he was with Adam. "Then get your kiss then."

She hesitated. Something in that tone was screamed danger. Whatever, she was a literal warrior Queen. Lion unintentionally (or intentionally, who knew) bunted into her hard and sent her lips crashing onto his. The second their lips met, her sense of self disappeared like smoke. Her sighing, yearning moan made Heaven grip her sides and then her wrists to pull behind her back so she would be completely at his mercy. Not that he needed her to be restrained, he was content just making out with her and feeling her energy turn to putty in his hands. She didn't even struggle like she normally would to test the strength, she obeyed without a single spoken demand.

Heaven finished her off with a much deeper kiss and sighed happily. "I think this my favorite pastime. We aren't getting anything done today."

Connie looked horrified. "You're... you're inherently magical. Your kisses are aphrodisiacs." She touched her fingers to her lips and turned to the others. "Steven's healing kisses and orgasmic essence were influenced by how much Hazel likes to kiss us. It's..."

Jacob shook his head in wonder. "I'm unsurprised in the most surprised way."

Jasmin purred when he played with her curls like Steven liked to do. "Shit, I might become a fusion nerd too if all of Stevens fusions are so fucking gorgeous and delicious."

Anna buried her face in her hands and whined. "You guys made me horny! It's your fault! I'm supposed to be the good girl!"

"You are my good girl," Heaven crooned, reaching out to dance his hand over her hips. He then turned to Adam, who groaned and flopped over onto Jacob's lap.

"Don't you dare say it," He pleaded. "I'll do anything, don't say it."

Connie's eyes lit up. "Say it."

Anna nodded. "Say it, I wanna see what happens."

Jasmin giggled and ran a hand up his chest. "I vote say it."

Adam gazed up at Jacob in horror, watching that smirk and the tipping of his head this way and that as he contemplated. "I love you. Don't do this to me, I'd never do this to you."

"You've done worse to me," Jacob murmured thoughtfully. "You've had me making sounds and acting in such ways my wife would think she's allowed to dominate me. You've crushed my ego in the palm of your hand, you've bent me to your will more times than I can count."

"It's only because I adore you," Adam protested shakily. "Don't do it."

"Heaven." Jacob took a deep breath and squeezed Adam's hand. "Say it."

Adam clutched at his chest, betrayal crushing the air from his lungs. "I'll make you all pay for this."

"Adam, come here," Heaven whispered kindly. "Come and sit on my lap."

Connie stole another kiss as she moved to watch what she assumed would result in an explosion.

Adam obeyed weakly, slouching into himself and avoiding Heavens eyes. "I'll never get my status back."

"You'll live, my love." Jacob flashed him a thumbs up as Heaven tipped up his head.

The silence was so loud their ears were ringing, the anticipation was making Adam shake. Heaven ran his thumb over Adam's lips and groaned softly. Just looking at him filled him up with all kinds of needs to fuck him stupid. "You're such a good boy, Adam."

He collapsed on the spot into Heavens chest, huffing in frustration as everyone cheered loudly enough to make Lion annoyed. His fingers fisted into Heavens shirt and stayed, he clung to him with a desire so potent he couldn't deny himself the waves of intense pleasure as a brand new praise kink reared its ugly head. "I'm gonna pass out. For real."

Heaven pulled him back up for another kiss and he did exactly that, going completely slack with his eyes fluttering shut. "Uh oh. He was serious."

He rubbed at his chest hard enough to wake him and Adam stirred, barely conscious enough to tell them he was in heaven. More cheering brought Heaven's hands to grip his waist with his freehand. "How do you think this is going to play out for you Adam? I'm curious. Humor me."

Adam felt like he was on the verge of an orgasm with how intensely he felt for this gigantic mixed bag of sinful delight. "You're going to decimate me to make me submissive and you're going to make everyone laugh at me when I come back broken."

"What a great idea, I had no idea what to do with you but that's a good place to start." Heaven brought him an inch away from his face and stared into his eyes head on, watching Adam try to make him look away like he was so accustomed to doing. His stare was no longer a concern for Heaven, he was a peaceful giant with no fear. "You'll be licking the ground I walk on for the rest of your life."

Jacob snorted when Adam tried to hide his face but Heaven shoved his hands away. "I think you've gone and broke him already, mate."

Adam nodded miserably. "This is the worst day of my life. Stop figuring out my secrets!"

Anna kissed the back of his neck and he shivered so hard it was impossible to miss. "No way, I like this side a whole hell of a lot, Adam."

He scoffed and shook his head. "Look what you did, she won't even call me Daddy anymore."

"Guess you'll have to call me Daddy instead."


When Alex came home, he noticed Steven and Hazel were missing almost immediately. The second thing he noticed was how everyone was practically walking on air, sighing with dreamy smiles on their faces.

Upon seeing him they seemed to snap out of it a little, and Jasmin hugged him. "Welcome home."

Alex hugged her back awkwardly and glanced around. "Where's Jasmin?"

They all laughed and greeted him with kisses on the cheek.

Jacob grinned at him and goosebumps traveled over his arms. "Actually, we have someone we'd like you to meet."

Alex scoffed. "Oh really? Don't tell me, it's gonna be–,"

"Your wildest fantasy."

Alex spun, that chocolatey voice making him blush hard and then froze. "Oh my fucking god." His eyes were as wide as they could get, and he tipped his head back far just to meet his eyes. "Oh my fucking god."

Heaven scooped him up and cradled him like a baby, dropping kisses all over his face. "How was my Dolls day? I missed you."

"Oh my fucking god," He repeated softly. "So this is love?"

"Apparently so," Adam murmured.

Alex caught his eye and raised an eyebrow. "What's up with Adam?"

Connie rubbed at Adam's head and he reacted so similarly to Steven she couldn't help but kiss him. He whined sweetly, blushing when she pulled away to finally answer. "Submissive headspace."

Alex was suddenly gripped with fear. "Oh god. I thought it was rare."

Jacob hummed and tapped Adam's shoulder cheekily, planting a kiss on his lips that he chased needily. "He's practically mute. Our happy boy." He did relinquish another kiss and groan into it with content.

Heaven readjusted Alex and stared him down. "You look really cute in your crop top and booty shorts."

"I'm in over my head, aren't I?"

Jasmin rubbed at Anna's head as she snored in her sleep. "Good luck fitting him anywhere."

Alex blanched when Heavens kind face rose into a shit eating grin he recognized from Steven. "How big?"

Connie, the self proclaimed size queen, gave him a slow shake of her head. "Too big. Massive. Terrifying. Too big."

Heaven cooed at her, smiling a dazzling grin and loving her with his eyes. "You did such a good job. You only cried a little bit."

She scoffed. "I didn't cry, my eyes were just watering from the... everything." Suddenly she looked a little haunted. "I'm gonna take a nap with Anna. I can hear the pieces of my brain rattling around in my head."

Alex squirmed down and, very bluntly, grabbed his crotch. It was pure curiosity but his hand shot away in terror. "For fucks sake! There's a whole king cobra in there!"

Adam shuffled up to Heaven and wrapped his arms around him. "I want to cuddle while I nap. I demand it."

Heaven chuckled. "Did you say something?"

"I would like to cuddle, please?" He nuzzled into his stomach and squeezed tighter.

Happy to be loved on so much by him in such a brand new way, Heaven picked him up and giggled when his legs wrapped around him. "You're so sweet deep, deep, deep, deeeeeeep, deep, deep, deep," He took a breath in, "Deeeeeeep down inside. I love it."

Adam mumbled something softly, probably a protest but there was no force behind it.

Alex bit his lip and sighed. "I guess on a good day I'll have to see what all the fuss is about, babe. I mean, it's Steven and Hazel, the two sweetest guys ever. How bad can it be?"


Two weeks later Alex limped into the commons followed by a literally skipping Heaven as he went to grab his eighth full meal of the day at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Jacob regarded him sympathetically. "You good?"

"I think I'm gay."

Adam chuckled. "Yeah. Exclusively. You're the only one besides mostly me."

He didn't hear him, he was passed out on Jacob's lap.

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