The Closet: Steven and Connie
Steven stopped in the middle of the commons with his eyes wide and a hand over his heart. "I-I think I did it."
Jacob sat up and shot him finger guns. "Hello to you, too!"
Hazel stood and pulled him into his arms. "What'd you do?"
"Steven..." Connie's voice came from still in their house, getting closer by the second.
He looked at Hazel, half terrified and half thrilled. "I think I did it." Then to Adam and Jacob. "I think I did it."
Connie shuffled in wrapped in a blanket, pouting at full force and nearly in hysteria. "You left me alone, Daddy!"
All parties turned to stare at her like she'd grown a limb right out of her forehead. She sniffled and Steven pulled away to pick her up. "Your eyes are pink."
She huffed. "Who cares? I wanna be held!"
He held her like he normally did, an arm under her butt and her legs wrapped around him, but she grunted. "Connie, what's wrong?" Stevens voice was weak with unreadable emotion, he hadn't known he could be clueless and knowledgeable at the same time. He knew how to handle Littles, but never once dared to hope his Connie would ever become ultra clingy and regressed.
"I wanna be held the right way dammit!" Connie demanded, brows furrowed deeply as she gestured with her arms how to do it. "Hold me like a precious jewel and do not put me down!"
Steven cradled her instead and tucked the blanket firmly around her. He was bewildered like he'd never been before, his heart was pounding and he was breaking out into a cold sweat as he instinctively rocked her and she reached up to press a hand against his face. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing." Steven glanced at the men and then back at her. "You're just... I've never seen you like this before."
She ignored him as her eyes slid shut. "I think I actually kinda like being rocked. This is so nice."
They surrounded her and stared. Jacob squinted hard at her and she giggled. "Who's this chick?"
"I don't know," Steven murmured. "We fucked for four hours. I think I gave her too much magic. She's loopy."
Connie hummed airily. "I'm perfectly cognizant and my abilities are in line."
Adam raised a brow. He'd been about to tease her about being the sassiest Little he'd ever laid eyes upon, but now he was completely baffled. Littles definitely didn't talk like that. "What the fuck?"
Connie pushed her head into Steven's chest, attempting to soothe herself with his heartbeat. Unfortunately it sounded like a bar fight was going on in there. "What? I can't enjoy being coddled every once in a while and demanding attention?"
"Give her a break." Hazel ruffled her hair and grinned when she smiled broadly at him. What a cutie as opposed to her naturally sexy and slightly state. "Better this than another sexually frustrated pot being swung at my head."
They chuckled in agreement and Steven kissed her forehead. "I knew Anna would start making you just a little softer."
The sweetheart herself pranced in and wiggled her way in between Jacob and Hazel. "What's going on?"
"Anna!" Connie rubbed her cheek against Steven's tanktop and sighed happily. "The boys are being annoying. Make them go away."
"Go away"? "Find something to do" was more of Connie's style. Anna tipped her head and looked up at Steven. "You broke my best friend, silly." His eyes widened a bit more and she giggled. "She's fine, just small."
Steven cradled her closer, barely processing her words in favor of watching her rosy cheeks and glossed over eyes looking into his. "Is this it?" His voice cracked with the weight of his feeling of exposure. "Where's the fucking closet? This is terrifying, I wanna go back."
"Nope. Stop thinking about it, dumbass," Adam laughed and stroked Connie's cheek, pleased when she didn't bite him. "She just wants attention. You're always giving her attention."
"All that pampering she makes you hold back, use it," Jacob added. "Jasmin gets like this in the mornings or after I lay down the law. It's so easy, and you've literally been doing it for almost a year now with Anna."
Anna grinned and nodded emphatically. "Uh huh! You're good at it, too!"
Hazel patted his back as they dispersed. "Welcome to the world, StarDaddy. Not quite as cozy as the closet, but it's about time."
He blushed when Connie smiled up at him. "Spoil me."
The switch inside of him had been stuck, that stupid light switch that alternated the way he loved was confused by Connie's... everything. But her imploring brought it back. "What do you want? Anything you want and it's yours."
"A bath, a nap, your undivided attention, my hair brushed, cuddles, more attention. Surprise me."
Her lashes batted at him and he crouched a bit to kiss Anna's cheek in thanks for the validation. "Okay, Ni."
Steven sat with her in the bath, rubbing her shampoo into her scalp and raining kisses on her neck. He was so fucking pent up he couldn't stop. "Mine." He kissed her again and again. "My Connie."
She nodded emphatically. "I love when you touch me." She turned back to look at him and took his breath away. Suds were just at her hairline and her eyes looking back at him in that mauvey pink color was almost too much.
"I'm so in love with you," He whispered, kissing her cheek rapidly, repeatedly. "Mine, mine, mine."
Her conditioner went in next to sit and he hummed, rubbing at her shoulders and neck simply to feel the slickness of the water over her skin. Enamorment ran deeply with his Connie De Mayo-Maheswaren, he could say this was even beginning to make him a little obsessed. A bit of concern over the intensity his Diamond half must have been providing flooded him until she suckled in her bottom lip shyly before telling him he was the prettiest boy she'd ever seen. "Did you know that?"
His chest flared painfully. "You've never said it like that." He was glad his face was wet, he was probably crying. To give her his love through Acts of Service was impossible with her normal to a fault independence. She didn't even ask for help when she needed it more than half of the time. "You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Did you know that?" He teased lowly. She shook her head and he smiled. "You should. You should know I think you're the prettiest girl in the cosmos."
"Even when–,"
He placed a finger to her lips and nodded. "Especially then."
She licked his finger and he laughed. "You didn't even let me say what I was gonna say!"
"I didn't need to." He leaned her back and pressed his thighs into her sides, keeping her upright with his hand while he worked the conditioner back out. Looking down at her made it hard to breathe. She seemed completely unburdened, content even. Those pink eyes were glittering, no darkness of stress or traumatic memory or anxiety could be found. He was just getting to spoil her without any backlash and it was so incredibly and exceptionally satisfying.
After it was out, Connie bit her bottom lip. "You're nervous."
He raised an eyebrow. "You think so?"
She nodded. "Mhm. Your cheeks are glowing."
He got her out of the tub and toweled her down slowly, kissing everywhere he could reach. "What do you think I'm nervous about, baby?"
"I think you're nervous cause you think I'm gonna beat you up," She guessed, miming slapping him across the face, gently pushing his head to the side.
He laughed and grabbed her hand. "Gentle hands, Ni. Use gentle hands or you'll hurt my feelings."
Her eyes widened and she shook her head. "Don't be sad."
"Trust me, I'm not." He carried her to their bed and covered her with his body. "You wanna know why I'm glowing?"
"Uh huh."
Steven leaned down to kiss her, brushing his lips against hers in between each one. She purred and played in his hair with fingers so sweet, only causing more kisses to take the previous one's place. He explored her like it was his first time, a peck here, a deep kiss there, a passionate and longing kiss that left both of them breathless when he pulled away. "I just got drop kicked out of the closet, and I'm content as all hell just taking care of you."
She grinned and wiggled her fingers up at him. "More kisses."
Her wish was granted immediately. In this state of finally gentle bliss instead of chaotic confusion, he'd do anything she asked. He kissed her for so long neither could open their eyes afterwards. His tongue traveled over her bottom lip and he suckled on it until she whimpered and wrapped her arms around him, deepening the kiss. His hands found her hips to pick her up and press her against the bedroom door, then up to her cheeks to hold her in place.
This was the laziest form of love he could possibly show her, and she was blissed out along with him. When he grew in passion and moaned into her mouth, she raked her nails over his back returning the sound in a soft squeak. "You're so perfect. Every facet of my wife is perfect." As much as he wanted to, he couldn't stray from her lips. They were soft and pillowy, if he could help it he'd stay like this for as long as she wanted.
Making out. When was the last time they'd made out when it was so gentle for so long, and she was nearly asleep with the relaxation of it all? Her hand caught his wrist and brought it between her legs. "I guess I just feel needy today."
He hadn't realized it until her hand brushed against it, but he was rock hard and ready to go again. "My precious Connie. Even if I healed you I can't in good conscience have you again. You already endured so much of my stress."
"Please?" Her pout and wide eyes took down his resolve instantly.
"Okay." This time he didn't obey immediately, he worked his way up in concentration of healing. Now their kisses sparkled, and if he pulled away enough he could see the haze in her eyes almost brightening with it. He lifted her more and tilted her chin up so she'd be looking right into his eyes. Sliding in made his knees buckle, but he forced himself to stay upright. In the reflection of her pupils he could see his eyes glowing at her. He could feel the intense expression on his face as he watched them roll back. "Eyes on me."
Connie forced herself to look again and fell into the subconscious hypnosis he was lulling her into. He felt so good, stretching and pulsing as he fucked her slowly and carefully. Every few thrusts she'd grow wetter and grind into him more. "I f-feel like I'm starving," She croaked helplessly.
He smiled a bit. "I will feed you whatever you want when I'm done with you." She bared down with all her strength, those tailored and tight muscles locking him in as she practically sucked on his cock with her pussy.
"N-no." She arched her back and gasped, realizing she was unable to look away from that smolder and those eyes. "For you. I'm st-starving for you."
The amount of self control to not fuck her so hard the door would break into pieces was something he did not posses. But he tried, glowing brightly to combat the urge. "You're going to make me ruin this." He buried his head into her neck, the warm smell of vanilla making his pacing faster. She fell apart with a shallow cry of his name and met his hips as best she could. "Fuck," Every part of his moan dragged out of him wantonly, allowing him to slow a bit. "You're so wet." He nearly stumbled, his spine and balls tingling with pressure that was building too quickly.
"You're twitching and inside me," She whispered, brushing his hair behind his ears. "I can't help it."
Another, softer huff broke from him then, and he locked his lips with her. He wanted to cum like this, with their lips as intertwined as their bodies in this effortless fuck. Every time she squeezed he'd praise her like a goddess. "So good. You're so fucking smart, so ethereal." He paused his thrusting, almost frustrated he was so close. "So, so beautiful."
She whined for him to continue loudly. "Why are you stopping? You feel so good." The passion was making her voice weak. "Your cock feels so good inside me, please, please don't stop."
Steven gritted his teeth and gripped her ass to spread her more, dropping his forehead to hers. "Whatever my Connie wants." If she wanted it, he would keep going no matter what he had to do. He tilted her and forced himself as deeply as possible until she coughed, letting out a quavering cry. "Good girl. Take all of it."
She swallowed and nodded. "I am! I p-promise!" He pressed harder, sure there was a way he could get deeper. In a swift motion of frustration he pulled her off the door and pressed her back onto the bed, lifting her legs until they were firmly against her shoulders. This time he felt himself bottom out faster but that didn't stop him from pushing until she cried out. "So big! So big!"
"I know, right?" He chuckled and pulled back out halfway. "Are you satisfied?"
She nodded quickly. "I just like being here, with you. Like this."
He grunted under his breath and closed his eyes, his head falling back. "You're the reason I'm going to Hell."
"Good. I wouldn't wanna be lonely." He righted again to lock eyes with her. "Harder, faster, deeper."
He reeled back and slammed into her. "I'm going to get off basically now if I go too fast." Regardless he was fucking into her with a force he hadn't dug up in a while, keening and screaming along with her. His fingers dug into her thighs as quick became now and he worked his cock against her walls feverishly. Her extra slickness took him out so hard he had to stop mid motion and pant before he overstimulated himself any further.
He found her lips again, already parted and lifting toward his. They resumed their sweet kisses until three in the morning. Connie's eyes were black again, looking up at him with a smile. "You're welcome. Now you know how to do it."
He was so fogged that it took him a full 30 seconds lying next to her for his eyes to shoot open. "What?!"
"Next time you have a kink and you don't just tell me, I'm going to make you wait even longer."
Steven sucked in a breath. "You... you knew?"
Connie stretched and turned over, smirking at full force. "You always praise how smart I am first before anything else, and yet you must think I'm stupid or something."
"No! No, that's not it, I promise!" He cupped her cheek and kissed her again, somehow pleased when her fire was back in the kisses. "It wasn't you keeping me in the closet. It was me."
"Well, stop that. When you need to take care of me, when you're craving it so strongly you're crying in the tub simply washing my hair? It means you need to incapacitate my mind, hypnotize me, do something." She frowned suddenly. "I don't want you unsatisfied."
"I'm always satisfied," He argued fiercely. "You're my wife and I'm not going to just hypnotize you to get what I want."
"Then don't hide things from me," She shot back. "If I'm your wife, then I wanna know whatever dark desires go on in your head. In some alternate universe, we're probably already past all the kinky stuff."
He smiled, but still protested. "I didn't–," She raised a brow. "I wasn't trying to–," Her other brow rose with it and he sighed in pain. "Okay."
"See? Don't you feel a little better?"
He nodded, pulling her on top of him. "I feel a lot better."
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