The Aunt

Connie sighed for the sixth time while she was texting, so Steven closed his laptop. "Baby, what's wrong?"

She glanced at him. "Nothing."

He stood and walked to crouch in front of her. "Remember what we said about that?"

She was about to protest but he raised an eyebrow and she dropped her phone. "My aunt really wants me to visit and I really don't want to."

He frowned and sat next to her on the bed. "Why not? I've never met your aunt, I'd love to come with if you want me to."

Connie poked out a lip, he was so cute with those big sympathetic brown eyes. He really cared. "I don't think that's a good idea."

Steven scoffed. "But why? I like people! I'm a people— Diamond... person!"

She giggled and kissed his cheek. "She's just difficult to the most extreme degree."

Steven laughed. "That's a very polite way to tell me you don't like her."

She sighed again and slumped against him. "No."

"Awesome, I'll pack our bags," He cheered, pulling her onto her lap. "We haven't had a vacation since our honeymoon. I want more honeymoons." His lips found contact with tense muscles and he kissed them again and again.

"It definitely won't be like a honeymoon," She warned. Gosh, she really loved feeling his muscles. That would be a much more efficient way to spend her time these next couple of days.

"I still wanna do it together. Jam buds?"

Connie pulled away to place her hand over his heart. "Human beings."

Steven choked up and kissed her so wonderfully her clothes fell on the floor, right off of her body.


A nine hour drive wasn't too terrible, and Steven had been on the road much longer than this before. He didn't love driving necessarily but his Connie was acting sleepy and fussy, so he turned on the high air conditioning, wrapped her in his special blanket and kissed her to encourage her to sleep. It worked like a charm, but now they were almost there.

"Ni, honey wake up." It would always make him feel terribly guilty how easily Connie woke up. For every terror he felt from his nightmares, Connie snapped awake immediately and under the stress it made him feel terrible. Did she even sleep?

She stretched and tossed him a look. "Stop it. You're giving me that look again, and you don't need to. Waking up fast is actually really nice for our lifestyle."

He smiled a little and hit the blinker. "So tell me about this aunt. What's her name? Does she have a husband? What do I need to do to get her to like me...?" He tried to lean over and extend kisses to her goofily. "Gimme a kiss!"

Connie laughed and swatted at him. "Her name is Lalita, it's Hindu. No she doesn't have a husband and you're about to find out why, and be Indian."

Steven made a face. "Hypothetically I could do that but cultural appropriation gives me the yuck."

"Ick," She corrected with a chuckle. Her fingers pushed into his bun to play with the curls and he purred. "You asked me to come here and do this, just remember."

Lalita's home was quite pleasant to the naked eye. Vines with beautiful pink and purple and orange flowers were crawling up her porch pillars, and even more surrounded the little red brick house.

And there she sat on the porch sipping at a goblet as they pulled up. She stood, looking stern and immediately unimpressed when she saw Steven.

Steven stilled his nerves. "It'll be fun."

Connie groaned and banged her head on the dash a few times, then hopped out of the car to smile and wave. She'd put on her royal blue sari for the occasion and then Steven had almost gotten her pregnant when he stopped cooing about how beautiful she was. They were pulling out lately, she was getting off her birth control with the others and they were waiting. But she couldn't tell her aunt all that. "Aunt Lalita, how are you?"

She pursed her lips and gave her a hug. "You'd know if you ever called."

Connie cringed behind her back and pulled away. "I'm sorry, life's been really busy lately."

Steven came to stand next to her and observe the around 4'8 woman respectfully as he waited for his cue. Lalita looked up at him and narrowed her eyes like the mere sight of him was blinding her. He thought he looked pretty good today but he had a feeling she didn't think so.

Connie interlaced their fingers and grinned up at him pleasantly as if to tell him to prepare himself. "Lalita, this is my husband, Steven."

She stuck out her hand for him to kiss and just as he was about to she said, "What a pleasant surprise to meet the man that corrupted my niece so brutally."

Steven froze like a statue for a split second, then finished the action. "I've heard lovely things about you."

Connie coughed into her elbow to hide her laughter. Sometimes she forgot Steven could be fake when he was so genuine all the time, and what's worse he was exceptional at it. "Mind if we bring our stuff in for bedtime?"

She nodded slowly and they departed, sensing there was a time limit to her patience.

Steven lifted two suitcases out of the trunk and muttered, "Wow, she's just lovely."

She could tell he wanted to say something else but she wouldn't push him when she was hovering so close.

They got upstairs and she told them to choose their rooms, so they picked a sparsely decorated guest room since Steven would need his hair routine done and Connie would be doing her makeup. Combined it looked like more than it was but she insisted they needed organization at the very least on this trip.

Lalita leaned against the doorframe to watch them unpack, then cleared her throat. "I would like you to sleep in separate beds while you're here."

Steven stopped unpacking and stood tall to stare her down, he genuinely could not believe his ears. "We're married." He even showed her his ring, then his wife's. "For almost six years."

"We sleep together every night," Connie added, sensing irritation from Steven. She didn't see this coming either, and it pissed her off to no end. "It's important we sleep together because Steven has nightmares."

Lalita was not moved in the slightest. "While you're in my home, I would like you to sleep separately. I'm sure he has a phone, he can call you if anything happens."

Connie felt Steven's skin start buzzing when she grabbed his hand. "I cannot stress how important is it that—,"

"No need to argue, darling," Steven cut in coolly. "We can absolutely sleep in separate beds."

Lalita locked her eyes on him and Connie watched as they lapsed into a very intensely heavy staring contest. The silence was so loud she almost went deaf.

She couldn't even speak, but watching her husbands face almost made her blush. His normally docile expression was vastly annoyed now, but then it changed. A corner of his lip upturned in a slight smirk and his eyes though black as night had a mischievous and smug look to them. Honestly it was a little unnerving under all the superior sexiness this man possessed, the look he was wearing was the same one Adam would wear when being challenged. And Adam refused to back down from any single challenger on the face of the earth.


Lalita departed with a huff and Steven resumed unpacking their things. "Stand your ground. Always."

Connie frowned and sat on the bed. "Are you talking to yourself?"

"That was Diamond. He's annoyed," He sighed, tugging his hair out of his ponytail. "This is a great test of my ability to handle people who dislike me."

She giggled and then dropped back. "I don't like sleeping alone. I want my big teddy bear to snuggle."

"I can always dream walk, Ni," He comforted with a kiss as he straddled her. "And it's only for—,"

He removed himself off of her and held up a finger. Then he turned to the second door and chuckled. "We should always respect your aunt. She seems like a lovely woman."

Connie's jaw dropped when she saw the shadow under the door move away. "Unbelievable."

So, after having to have separate showers, use the bathroom separately, and change into their pajamas in different rooms, they kissed each other goodnight with supervision and Lalita went downstairs to her room to sleep.

Steven stared at the ceiling for an hour before he gave in and let his glow overcome him. "She's absolutely lovely," He said through his teeth. "I'm gonna make her like me whether she likes it or not. There is no escape from my friendliness. But first..."

Being a Diamond wasn't all bad he was learning, he could simply make himself light enough to not make the floors creak, and when he poked his head out, Connie's door was cracked open.

She was sitting in there reading stories because she was bored and cold and lonely. She'd gotten so used to having him taking up most of the bed, and these ones were tiny. He'd probably fill the whole thing and she'd have to lay on top of him. Her lip wobbled a little, that sounded so nice for what was sure to be a day of biting back insults and protests all day tomorrow.

Steven pushed her door open with a finger and popped his head inside. "Is the coast clear?"

She jumped, then giggled. "What are you doing?"

"Sneaking," He whispered, putting a finger to his lips. "Shh..."

He melted into her arms and clung to her to bury his face in her breasts. "Home."

Connie felt the same way. "I wanna lay on top of you. You're too big." He looked up and pouted, he was enjoying the soft safety she possessed in two, but she murmured in a sultry voice, "My big boy~."

He sat up and pulled her into a kiss that was very telling of what he wanted to do to her for that. "You know that turns me on, right?"

She lifted her shirt and he licked his lips subconsciously. "Come on, don't you wanna mess around?"

He nodded heartily. "Yes. It's just like when we were kids."

His tongue found a home between her legs and he spelled his name on her clit, enticing a soft sigh. Connie could remember the last time she'd had to be quiet nearly twelve years ago in her bedroom when Steven would sneak in through the window for 'a quickie and a snuggle' as he called it.

In the morning they were still holding each other; Connie on top of him like she'd requested with a hand shoved up his shirt because she had been playing with his chest hair, and Steven resting his chin on her head with an arm wrapped around her and a hand on her cheek. It was sweet and so very comfortable.

Until Lalita knocked on the door. "Connie, where is Steven?"

Their eyes popped open and Steven raced to think of an excuse but couldn't find one. He'd never been caught by Priyanka and Doug, though he suspected they knew when he was there or had been there.

Connie lied on impulse, "He went on a walk to the store. He takes one every morning and I requested t-tampons. But don't come in here! I'm naked!"

Steven had to press both hands over his mouth to stop his laughter. He wanted to cackle at the top of his lungs about it but sensed he'd get in trouble.

"Well, you tell that man of yours to make the bed," She snapped. "Do they not know etiquette?"

Connie stomped up to the door and snatched it open to point a finger at her aunt. "Tum mere pati kee jaati ke baare mein baat karate samay apana munh dekho, Lalita chaachee. How the hell are you going to be racist when you're a second generation immigrant? Make it make sense."

She shut it and walked away to lay back down on Steven. "We will be down for breakfast."

"I'm not making breakfast after you just yelled at me, young lady!" She paused. "And you lied to me."

Connie smirked. "Steven is more than happy to treat you to a nice meal, chaachee."

She stormed off and went outside, presumably to be salty out there, and Steven tapped her hip. "I don't know if that was racism, Ni."

She scoffed. "That was 100% racism."

"Oh." He took a deep breath and snuggled her into him. "That's too bad, cause she's not gonna get the pleasure of royally pissing me off. Nope."

After she calmed down, Connie went downstairs to apologize and Steven threw on his best casual outfit. He had to push back the explosive anger that lay within him for this, Connie's family was his family regardless of if they liked him or not. He would just have to deal with it.

During breakfast, Lalita turned to Steven. "How did you sleep? Hopefully you didn't do anything in there."

He set down his fork and grabbed a napkin to wipe at his mouth before speaking. "I slept very well, thank you. Your beds are very comfortable and we did not have sex on it. I'm a respectful man."

Lalita didn't seem to like his non-confrontational and vivid answer. "Did you make an Indian breakfast on purpose?"

"I did," He confirmed.


Connie gave her a nasty look but Steven smiled. "Well, my wife's culture is vastly interesting and beautiful to me. I grew up in the same town she graduated high school from and we didn't have a whole lot of culture Earth-wise." He pulled his hair up into a ponytail, a sign he was struggling to keep his temper in check. "I'm very in love with your niece, and I chose to show that today by making her childhood favorite."

Lalita sniffed as he picked up his fork again, a subtle and clever way to let her know she wasn't bothering him even if she was and that he was ending that topic right now. "It's very edible. The rice is overcooked."

He raised an eyebrow mid-bite. "Allow me to try again tomorrow. We can even cook together if you like. I'd love to have a female figure who can fine tune my skills."

She frowned as if that disturbed her. "Do you not have a mother?"

"My mother is dead. My father is in his end years and got married six years ago," He said smoothly.

Connie was shocked by his display of control and poise, she realized that perhaps she'd been underestimating him.

Lunch was free roam, so Connie took Steven to a buffet, had a single plate, and then sat on his lap and fed him everything vegetarian she could find.

He took a donut into his mouth and her fingers brushed his lips. He swallowed and nuzzled into her neck. She beamed, she loved how happily he displayed they were together and in love. Back at Nova it had disconcerted her after all of the meh sort of relationships she'd had after him. Now it just made her feel loved, she was still getting used to being so loved.

He giggled after she brought him ice cream. "Where did you find ice cream?"

"It's always tucked away behind the soda dispenser." She offered him a bite but he dodged and grabbed the spoon himself. "You're gonna make me gain weight!"

"Poor choice of words," He chided. "Open."

It was chocolate vanilla swirl, and Steven enjoyed the similarities of it and them. "How is it?" He noticed a few people staring, some with looks that said they recognized the couple. "Is it as sweet as you are?"

She swallowed and licked her lips. "It's even sweeter, like you."

He pushed for a cold kiss and set down the bowl, deepening it. "I think I like that."

"We promised no more food porn." Still she took another bite and kissed him again, letting a bit of the frozen confection into his mouth and enticing a rumble and a squeeze of her sides. "We pinky promised."

"We promised to slow down," He corrected, tongue meeting her lips for a split second. "We should definitely leave before I'm full mast." He bounced her on his lap and she squealed, grabbing onto his shoulders as she felt he was in fact on the fast track.

When they returned it looked like Lalita wasn't home, so they pulled out Steven's phone and facetimed Hazel. "Hi, Hazel!"

He sighed and walked until he found a room that was light enough to see him. "I hate phones. How are my two babies? I miss you!" He beamed and Connie laughed when Steven hid in her neck. "Aw, Steven! You're like a toddler! Don't be shy, it's me!"

He wrinkled his nose. "I'm not a toddler, I just miss you and it's weird seeing you through a phone."

Connie waved excitedly. "We wish we were home with you. It's been... an experience."

Hazel hummed. "A Stevonnie experience or an experience?"

Steven gritted his teeth and sighed under his breath. "She's just lovely."

Adam poked his head over the phone and grumbled, "When are you guys coming home?"

Connie started to wiggle happily. "Why? Do you miss us?"

He nodded seriously, brushing hair out of his eyes so she could see it. "It's weird without you guys trying to bang on every surface. I wanna kiss you."

"We'll be home tomorrow," Steven promised quickly. "And you'd better mean that."

"Are you having fun at your vuestra cuñada?"

Connie sighed. "Yes. So much fun. Do we get snuggled when we come home?"

Adam walked away without confirming and brought a dazed Jacob back by hand. "Jack, say hi!"

He groaned and slumped into Hazels arms for a long, snuggly hug. "We almost got him!" Hazel hollered. "Ugh, you should've seen it! Adam got him right when he woke up and he was almost Little but then he caught on and started biting Adam every time he tried to touch him. Then he got spanked and now he's embarrassed so he won't say anything. He just wants to be cuddled."

Steven threw his head back and groaned into his hands, "Why did I come when I could've had that?!"

Connie laughed and poked his cheek. "You asked for this! I tried to warn you! Adam you'd better not do that again where we can't see!"

Adam tipped Jacob's chin up and chuckled. "I'm almost there. He's just gotta quit being so stubborn."

Jasmin wiggled her way in. "Hi, guys! By the way, Alex slept in your guys' bed cause he was mad at me and then he stayed in bed until three cause it smells like you guys."

An object was thrown at her head that Hazel narrowly protected her from, along with an, "Asshole! This is why I don't tell you things, Mrs. Diarrhea Mouth!"

Jacob started to giggle and then laugh because under all that man was just a 13 year old boy, and Jasmin marched up to start bickering with Alex while Hazel tried to pull them apart after handing the phone to Anna. "We miss the Mommy and Daddy/Puppy of the group! Our weird queer polycule isn't complete without you guys! And Hazel is mopey without Steven."

"We miss you!" They chorused achingly.

She wiggled her nose and wandered off with the phone until Adam grabbed it back. "We'd better go, Alex thinks Jasmin broke his arm. She definitely didn't but he's the Doll so we gotta act like this is the end of the world..."

They said their goodbyes and snuggled on the couch. They were suddenly missing their polycule and it's chaos. It was a lifestyle they were so used to, but they found immense comfort in each other.

"Who was that?" They jumped and smacked heads like teenagers caught in a closet. Lalita was in the sunroom in the back, apparently, and had eavesdropped on the entire conversation. "Sounds like you two are close with them."

Steven looked at Connie and an agreement was made: they told the truth or they didn't say anything at all. They were loyal to their core, and never would there be a scenario where they could possibly introduce them as their "friends".

So they sat in silence until Lalita sighed and told them they'd be going out for dinner in an hour, so to dress up. 

She gave them permission to dress together and get ready, because she'd be leaving with or without them.

Steven did Connie's makeup, a light, natural glow he adored when she wore, and kissed all over her face. "So pretty."

"You're gonna mess it up," She laughed, wiping at his lips. "And you're gonna get my makeup on your white skin."

He grumbled but let her primp him anyways. "Do I look beautiful?"

She pulled his head down and nodded. "You're so handsome."

"But I wanna be pretty like you," He complained, grabbing her hips. "If we were home I'd be wearing a cocktail dress."

She beamed and pulled his hair down. "You're so beautiful, Steven. I know you know how pretty you are."

After flirting for 45 minutes because when they worked together things happened faster and more efficiently, they climbed in their car and let Lalita lead her in her car. Apparently Steven's cologne was too strong and Connie wanted to ride with him. He hadn't even put on any, he just smelled like flowers very subtly.

Connie's jaw dropped in anger looking at the menu. A side of salad was $16, a burger was $90, let alone the steak. "Lalita—," Steven shook his head at her discreetly as he looked at his own and she forced a smile. "This is a very nice place."

Steven was skimming the menu faster but he nodded. "It's just lovely."

Connie suddenly laughed a little too loud as she realized he was using that word a lot since they came, and that maybe he meant the exact opposite.

Maybe when he said "This is lovely," he really meant, "This woman is a weeping sore of a cunt and I wanna go home."

"Do they have vegetarian options?" He asked Lalita.

Lalita laughed. "The grass by the parking lot. Vegetarians are idiots."

Steven laughed along with her even with Connie's exhausted sigh. "I know, right?"

Finally a spark seemed to fly between them, Lalita patted his hand. "I had hoped this boy had some sense in him."

When the waiter came, the first thing Steven did was give Connie side eye and ask as amiably as possible, "Do you have a vegetarian menu? I don't eat meat."

The waitress was very kind and went to go grab one while Connie held her breath so she wouldn't laugh. This was starting to be actually kind of fun, but then again she wasn't the one being insulted left and right. Still, her husband found ways to make cleaning the toilet fun so she was unsurprised when he started to get a little obnoxious.

He turned to her and held her hand up to his lips delicately. "I forgot, I got you something."

She was about to open her mouth to ask when and what but Steven put a hand over his gem and focused, then presented a red rose that matched her outfit. "A flower for my flower."

Connie was absolutely certain the entire restaurant was both in awe and she could see at least four tables placing hands over their hearts. "Thank you, Starboy," She swooned a bit loudly, leaning over to kiss him. "I love you."

"I love you too," He whispered achingly.

For a moment they just gazed at each other, in love and falling all over again until Lalita cried, "Oh for the love of Shiva, you're making a scene!"

Connie's eyes widened as she was ripped from the moment. Steven's eyes went pink: that phrase triggered the hell out of him. It had been used to manipulate him into acting docile too many times.

Steven kept his lips shut for a good twenty seconds before murmuring, "I would make a scene loving my wife anywhere and everywhere. Our love is not a secret, and I intend on keeping it that way. The world needs to know she's precious to me."

It hit Connie like a ton of bricks: Lalita was jealous! So jealous she was practically green with envy. Of course she loathed Steven immediately and hoped to turn Connie off of him, if she was lonely and Connie had a husband that loved her so exponentially it was probably driving her crazy!

Lalita crossed her arms and glanced to the side. "I suppose that's fair."

"See?" He joked. "I'm terrible but not that bad."

"I never said you were terrible," She pointed out.

Steven wagged a finger at her. "Ah, but actions are louder than words."

When the waitress came to order, Steven ordered three things which did nothing to help his reputation. Connie knew he was a big eater, he was her giant puppy boy with a massive co— appetite. She fanned herself a little as she watched him gather their menus and hand them to the waitress with a winning smile.

Her husband was so kind and friendly, she wanted to jump him right there and reward him for being so good in general.

He caught her eye and she giggled, running a seductive finger up his bicep. "My big boy. You've gotta have some of mine too, cause you're always snitching my food."

His eyes flickered between pink and brown and out of the corner of her eye, Lalitas eyebrows raised. "I'll share some of mine too. I'll even feed you if you want me to."

Normally Connie would never allow that in the public eye, but a defiant and petty part of her caught flame when he discreetly winked at her. Now this was a game. "Oh Steven, you're so romantic. Of course you can feed me."

"That's ridiculous, but at least he treats you like a princess," Lalita allowed.

Steven shook his head as he munched on the complimentary bread. "No, no, you've got it all wrong. Your niece is royalty."

"That's what I just said." Lalita gave Connie a look. "He doesn't listen."

"Connie is a Queen. We had a royal wedding and everything," Steven reminisced proudly. "She wore a tiara and my color, my court was there, and so were my aunts. They're queens too but technically I hold the most power."

Lalita considered that as she folded a napkin. "How so? I've heard of you but not... what you really are."

"I'm a half human, half Diamond. My mother was a hard light warrior and died giving birth to me." He lifted his shirt and tapped his diamond. "She gave me her life force so I could live here on Earth essentially. But she was a renegade queen and left her throne. When Connie let me marry her, she inherited a literal crown. 2025 was when gemkind came together with a form of government functioning they'd learned from earth, matriarchal hierarchy system. Initially they were just regarded as such, but the rules were abolished. Now they can do whatever they want but the Diamonds (including myself) simply make laws. Though our crowns didn't really officially come into effect until 2026, when the Diamonds learned to appear at a reasonable height to their subjects. I even carry it with me in case we need it."

Connie tipped her head dramatically. "Ugh. Royal politics are the worst kind of politics."

Lalita glanced at his gem. "You carry it with you? Can I see it?"

He sat up in his chair and nodded slowly. "Probably, yeah. It's unbreakable and beautiful." Steven however made no moves to retrieve it. "But you have to say please."

Connie's jaw fell into Hell. There was no freaking way he just asserted dominance like that, not her soft Steven. Then again, he was growing out of his pushover state, she was finding he was quite stubborn on many levels.

Lalita chuckled and placed her hands on the table. "Alright. Please."

Steven continued eating as if he hadn't even heard her. Connie had never seen him this petty.

Lalita sighed. "Can I please see the crown?"

Steven's hand dropped over his gem and with a flash he had in held delicately in his hand. "Being nice to me will get you really, really far," He said dryly without looking her way. "Exhibit A."

He handed it to her and she marveled at the immaculate crafting, the rose gold roses, the pink diamonds emblazoned on each leaf and vines. Even Connie had to stare at it again. Everything about it was just gorgeous.

Steven pecked Connie on the cheek and murmured under his breath, "I'm sorry. She was starting to drive me nuts."

They got home and Adam glanced at Steven. "You okay, Baby?"

He rolled his eyes where Connie couldn't see it. "The trip was just lovely."

Adam dropped his phone and leaned forward with the very same expression Connie caught Steven wearing when Lalita told them they weren't allowed to sleep together. "Was she a total bitch? It's okay, you can tell me."

He glanced at Connie. She shrugged. "No hair off my back."

"She was a total bitch," He burst. "With a capital B. But then I told her that she was royalty adjacent. Then I fucked Connie on their guest room bed because my god I cannot handle people who are just outwardly terrible. At dinner after I ordered a lot because I need sustenance so I don't run out of powers or energy, she told me to put my wallet down and just "take the hit to my ego" like honey, I'm rich but I'm not stupid. If anything she put herself out like, $200 on my meal alone because the place was that expensive. It was nuts, when we got there, she told us to sleep in separate beds!"

Hazel walked up from the basement with Jacob napping in his arms. "She said what?! She knows you're married right?"

Steven smirked at Jacob. "Aw, you gotta stop making him bust in his pants. He passes out immediately and then he wakes up cranky cause you're babying him."

Hazel rocked him and shrugged. "I like it though. He's cute and we're trying different methods. But continue."

"Anyways, then later on Connie was on my lap and she said it was unnecessary like it was gonna suddenly change my mind like no, this is my wife and she belongs on my lap so I can snuggle and worship her. Fuck social customs." He tugged at his hair and turned pink. "But the worst part, the absolute worst part of the entire fucking trip was when she openly displayed actual racism towards me to my face basically and then proceeded to deny us a meal. I was gonna cook anyways but I overcooked the rice simply trying not to go Diamond mode to soothe my irritation."

Adam raised his eyebrows. "I have never heard you bad mouth someone before. This is shocking."

He groaned and collapsed onto the floor. "I'm venting, not bad mouthing. Not really anyways. I just fucking—," He stopped himself and blew out a breath. "Okay, rant over. When push came to shove she didn't do anything absolutely insane, and she's family so I love her anyways."

Connie crouched to sit on top of him. "I like you. You're so sweet."

He blushed and Hazel chuckled. "Did you openly display your love even more?"

He nodded, still staring up at Connie. "I can't help it."

Jacob stirred and Hazel yelped as he bit him. "Damn it, Hazel! Why am I in jimjams?!"

Adam poked out a lip. "Aw, that's so cute!" Then he glowered. "Watch your fucking mouth, Jack."

Jacob rubbed at his eyes and flipped him off and then everyone else. "Whatever. I'm going back to sleep. Wake me up when—,"

"September ends?" Steven finished with a laugh. Jacob turned and stuck his tongue out at him. "How do you get bred and then wake up snotty?"

"Taking after your aunt in law apparently," He quipped, then nuzzled into Hazels chest. "Welcome home."

"I might not ever leave again," Steven giggled as he lifted Connie.

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