Steven and Jacob: Dynamic Check
Everyone in the entire house noticed it instantaneously, but said absolutely nothing about it at first.
Jacob was absolutely, positively refusing to sit down. At all. For any reason whatsoever. There was a certain unsteadiness to his walk that could be confused with swagger, if he didn't look so much like a flushed newborn fawn.
Adam, trying to hold back a tease, tipped his head and patted the seat next to him. "Jacob, you look tired. Why don't you sit?"
He crossed his arms adorably and pouted. "No."
Connie walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his stomach. "You look so handsome in pink."
It was true, but the Brit wasn't very happy about it. Green was his color, not pink. But he had lost a bet and now he was wearing this. Somewhere in his sulking he could admit he was pulling it off, especially with his beloved freckles.
He just wasn't used to feeling so pretty.
Jacob yelped as soon as her hips pressed against his ass and turned to pull her into his chest. "Let's do Adam next."
Adam laughed until he was nearly blue in the face, and then dropped it all together to give him a stone cold stare. "I'd like to see you try."
Steven sauntered in with a bigger than usual forever smirk to grab an apple beer, his new favorite and permanent alternative to actual beer. "Good afternoon. Lovely weather we're having."
Connie grinned into Jacob's chest when it started beating faster. "Jacob, are you okay?" She asked, innocently looking up at him.
He turned scarlet and glanced at her husband before meeting her eyes again. "Why am I so gay? This is hell."
Steven pretended to not have noticed him and spread his arms disbelievingly. "Jacob, you look so cute! Why don't you come over here and give me a hug too?"
Jacob glanced to Adam for help, who pulled out his phone just to lie and say he hadn't seen it. He would be no help when he loved his embarrassment. "I will when your wife decides to stop hugging me, mate."
Connie pulled away immediately. "Someone's calling my name! I should go check on that."
Jacob reached for her but she was quickly replaced with Steven stalking over to stand above him, eyes drinking him in smugly. "Nice limp," He commented, lifting his chin up and turning his head to the side. Steven could find the hickeys there easily and count them, but why would he do that when he already knew the number? "Who gave it to you?"
The Brit grumbled, trying to be annoyed instead of turned on all over again. "You big old bully," He whispered shyly. "I'm not a girl, you're touching me like I'm a girl!"
Steven smirked and picked him up to throw over his shoulder and admire the red flush still faintly there on his thighs as he pushed up his skirt. God, he had such a phenomenal ass and thighs. "You're a really cute femboy, Jacob."
"I'm not a femboy! Your wife just put me in a skirt and crop top!" He protested weakly, again trying to reach for Adam but then the rest walked in and multiple jaws dropped.
Alex grinned and clasped his hands. "Okay, real talk babe: this is such a good look for you."
He sighed for a very long time. "Connie put me in pink, and I think that has an effect on Steven but I'm not sure because I don't remember my address. I can't walk right. I just remembered my name an hour ago." Steven grabbed at his ass and he squeaked, then growled. "He's being an asshole, basically."
"Sounds to me like you were technically being the asshole," Jasmin quipped, causing the rest to giggle and surround him.
Anna practically sparkled up at him she was so thrilled. "They should have put you in Mary Jane heels to match! You're so pretty, we could be matching!"
Hazel pulled him out of Stevens arms to hold above his head. "He's even got the freshly fucked flush with his freckles! You're adorable!"
Jacob was tempted to kick him in the balls. "One day I'm gonna put you in a skirt, Hazel."
He raised his eyebrows. "Not before I put you in a coma!"
He crossed his arms and sulked. "Put me down! I'm not a Little and I'm not a girl!"
"No one said you were a girl," Adam replied, finally standing up to join the group. He cocked his head to catch Jacob's wandering eyes and hummed cheerfully. "What a cute little boy you are, though. What happened to you, huh?" The hand brushing across Jacob's cheek was not Adam's, Jasmin's soft fingers were brushing through his hair in a way reminiscent to back at Nova. He tried to fight it but the tendrils of bliss made him sleepy and complacent. "Who did this to you? I'll have to thank them for making my day."
"Hey Jacob."
He turned and scooped Connie into his arms. "Hello there, darling. What's up?"
She giggled and drummed her fingers over the back of his neck as they kissed. "I wanna make a bet."
Immediately intrigued he set her down. "I'm listening."
"You said your Pansexual Panic was lessening up," She snickered. "Which we all know is a damn lie–,"
Jacob gasped in pain as his honor was tainted. "It's not a lie! Adam kissed me the other day and I didn't blush even a little bit!"
"Then see if you can resist my handsy husband," She challenged in a sultry voice that made his heart flutter. "He's in a good mood."
Jacob rumbled subconsciously and nodded. "I happen to be in a very good mood. I can take him."
Of course, he'd been wrong. Steven walked in and grabbed Connie to kiss her against the fridge before he realized there was company and grabbed him next. "Good morning, Jacob."
The bass in his voice made Jacob's knees weak. But he refused to give up. "Mhm. Good morning."
Steven lit up and grinned. "A bratty Jacob? That won't do with my stellar mood." The second his lips met Jacob's he melted into it, shivering at the magic tingling across his tongue. "Is that better?" He smirked at Jacob's stunned and goofy grin and pulled him into his chest to sway slightly. "I think we got him, Ni."
He barely comprehended it enough to pull back and gawk at Connie. "Stone the fucking magpies, mate!"
Connie blinked very slowly. "I have no idea what you just said to me but if you're feeling betrayed, just know I'm not the only one behind this."
Steven picked him up and set him down next to Connie. Then thinking better, he linked Jacob's hand with Connie's. "This is technically a test, by the way. You'll be okay probably. I love you!"
So Connie had dragged him upstairs and when he refused to cooperate with a woeful laugh at his predicament, she backed him into a wall. "I won fair and square. Don't make me pull out all the stops, I can be really mean."
Jacob swallowed and glanced at the bag on the bed. "So I've been told. You're not gonna get me in a skirt, Connie."
She grinned and pulled out her phone. "Hey Jazz, I was wondering if you wanted to borrow some of my lactation stuff?" Jacob's jaw dropped in terror and he started protesting loudly. "Sorry, Jacob's yelling at sports again. Right, well the reason why is–,"
His wife had already almost come very close to finding out about his weird and embarrassing lactation adoration. He'd never recover and she'd never stop teasing him. "Deal!"
Connie cleared her throat. "Well you know, babies eventually. Future thoughts... I agree, he's gonna make such cute babies! Yes, I'm sure they'll all have freckles." She clicked off and poked his chest. "Put on the skirt, Jacob. I don't like to repeat myself in the bedroom."
Defeated to his very core and bashful, he grabbed her waist. "Hold on now, I'll do it under one condition." He placed a chaste kiss to her neck and she held him in place. "Only then will you get me in any sort of–,"
Connie presented her boobs and every thought left Jacob's mind.
Standing in front of the mirror, Jacob had very conflicting feelings.
The pink crop top was very cropped, stopping about three inches or so above his bellybutton. He'd gotten used to seeing his body strong and well built, but it was odd to see his stomach and then look lower and see a plaid pink skirt and matching pink knee high socks.
If he were to be completely honest, he looked fucking adorable. He looked almost as good as he felt. Behind the trepidation he had eyes, and anyone with eyes would think he was cute. A heavy blush spread up his neck and Connie pulled his face down to look at her shining eyes. "You are such a pretty boy, Jacob Olfax. I wanna break your back too."
She lead him down the stairs and the only sensible thing he could think to say was, "At least if Jasmin starts lactating it'll be an accident."
Connie snorted and opened the door. "And you think Steven did it on purpose?"
Jacob shrugged, trying to stay neutral even with the smirk growing. "Dunno."
She paused and thought about it for a moment. "Oh my stars, he totally did it on purpose... Oh well! Steven~!"
He was shaking up an oatmeal drink he was obsessed with at the moment. His favorite was the cinnamon roll flavor, he was chugging one what felt like every hour to help combat his constant hunger. Connie once tried to take it to look at the ingredients and Steven snatched it back so fast he startled her. He apologized profusely and hesitantly handed it back like an ashamed toddler.
Needless to say, Steven was very involved with his food, but upon seeing Jacob a flip had switched and his pupils turned to diamonds. "Oh, wow. That's... a lot of pink, Connie," He whispered as he set his drink down. "I actually don't know if this much is safe."
Jacob felt his hungry gaze from 8 feet away and cowered shyly. "Oh god, I'm putting pieces together. Is this like the time you wore pink for the school dance announcement?"
Connie chuckled. "It's gotten worse and better. I've got more grocery shopping to do because someone's eating me out of house and home, not saying any names, Steven, and I'm worried he'll drive himself nuts." She slapped Jacob's ass and he jumped forward. "Have fun!"
Before Jacob's very eyes Steven grew into his Diamond form and turned into an actual fantasy that he once never thought he'd get to satisfy. He stretched, a little out of practice since he was using it less lately, but caught Jacob's eye. "I am going to wreck. Your. Shit."
He had Jacob face down with his skirt lifted before Jacob had fully processed the information. Steven stroked his cock drenched in lube and groaned. "Thank you for giving yourself to me. I love you."
Jacob tried to sink inside the mattress to no avial. "Do you have to fuck me in the outfit?"
Steven just laughed as if that were a stupid question, pressing the head of his cock into him and stifling a groan. "Don't worry. It's not on camera. This time."
The fun part about trauma was that it liked to evolve into uncomfortably obvious kinks that had only grown since he'd added more people to his life. "Please just fuck me."
Steven gripped his waist and Jacob gasped in a sharp breath as he eased in. "Shhh, you have to relax, remember?"
Jacob bunched up the sheets in his hand and let out a high pitched squeal as he settled in comfortably. "Oh my god, it's so big!"
Steven groaned and pumped his hips once to get a feel for him and alleviate the discomfort. He was on a mission, and this particular mission meant he really got to indulge. He grabbed his wrists to pin behind his back and give himself more leverage. "You tell me when you're done."
Jacob turned his head to the side to look up at him, already having a heady color to him. Steven bit the inside of his cheek and chuckled, starting a steady and even pace that made his eyes slip shut. Jacob was an exceptional fuck but Steven much preferred to top him because he was so damn adorable and the sounds he made always had Steven shaking to control himself. High pitched squeals and sobbing cries of pleasure were his kryptonite and coming from a man he'd witnessed on two occasions beat the hell out of someone, survive a crushing four hour trial, finally tell off his mother and snag the woman he knew to be his, he felt blessed to have him in his grasp.
He growled and slammed into him harder as he clenched around him. "J-Jacob, you look so fucking cute being stuffed." His fingers grabbed his ass and he pulled him against himself to get deeper. He kept pushing in further until Jacob gasped with a dazed smile plastered on his face. "Does that feel good?"
Jacob giggled and arched his back harder. The thing about having friends with massive cocks (and straps) meant he was a constant victim of having his prostate ruthlessly attacked until he turned into their "favorite type of boy". "Oh my god, fuck yes!"
Steven hummed and picked up the pace. "There he is. You're such a good boy for letting me use you, aren't you?"
Jacob nodded, pawing at the sheets. He couldn't even speak, he fell into himself as he so often did when he was being fucked like this. It embarrassed the hell out of him but it wasn't like he could hold it back.
Steven hummed dangerously, leaning over to grab his neck and squeeze. Jacob could be considered one of his favorite fucks, and staring down at the pink made him feral. "You feel so fucking good, I think I might fuck you full speed. Unless you don't want me to?"
He was speaking ironically, Jacob was incoherently crying out and gasping so there was no way he could catch his breath long enough to respond. Steven had been hitting his prostate with alien strength and there was no way he'd be able to say something even remotely similar to confirmation. He did back into his thrusts though, whimpering with every slam.
Steven picked up the pace until Jacob started quivering around him and trying to milk him early. Grunting, he pushed him flat and Jacob squealed with an even bigger, empty headed grin. "Ugh, St-Steven, yes!"
He couldn't even bring himself to reply in any way that wasn't him going from his regular pacing to a vicious and swift fuck worthy of a rebellion leader. Now he was grunting and growling with every thrust, he let himself exert more strength than he did with Connie because Jacob was less breakable in his mind, he could put more force behind this without shattering bones.
He just might break his back though.
Jacob was swimming in his pleasure and there was no way to break for oxygen. Steven was going so fast he could hardly feel the motion anymore. The only reason he knew for sure he was being fucked was the otherworldly orgasm he was about to have from this. He started hyperventilating so hard and loud he was sure every faction could hear him.
Steven grinned and let his head fall back as Jacob started milking quicker and holding his breath. He was already on the verge of cumming for him, but it was important he breathe. "Jacob, don't hold your breath, honey."
The poor man hadn't even realized until he grabbed his neck and said it much louder, then he was spilling over with lewd groans. "I-I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna, oh fuck! I can't!" He screamed bloody murder into the mattress and trembled for all he was worth, clawing and making pathetic choked out sounds that pulled Steven's pleasure higher as their first orgasm tapered out.
"Can't what?" Steven teased, slowing back down to indulgent slams that made his own hips hurt.
Jacob released an annoyed little groan and grabbed Steven's wrist. "Faster!" His voice cracked so fucking perfectly that Steven almost wished he was recording this. "Fuck me faster!"
"No way, you need a cooldown period," He murmured as he healed whatever might be hurting.
To his surprise Jacob intercepted his last kiss with his mouth. "Don't. Don't heal it. If this is a test then test me, dammit!" He was just too fucking cute with the panting squeak to his voice and his pupils so large and glossy. A light sweat had broken out over his skin despite not having to do anything but let him do the work. "I'm not breakable, Steven!"
Steven gave him a minorly concerned look as he started up again involuntarily. He didn't know why but he had the urge to breed like nothing else, he definitely would have driven himself crazy today. "Are you sure? I'm stressed."
"I'm not breakable," Jacob repeated through a moan. "N-not by you, and not like this. Use me." He even lifted his ass a bit more and shoved his face into the mattress. "Go as long as you need."
He began mumbling incoherently in the sweetest voice Steven had ever heard; lilting with his accent and overwhelmed with his overstimulation. He was squeezing so tight now, rocking his hips and drenched in sweat until he was aglow and darling coughing into the sheets and reaching pitches that made Steven all the more confident in his perfect falsetto.
Finally something coherent slipped from him and he started to squirm. "A-ah I c-can't-t take it!" Steven almost pulled out but he shook his hair out of his face to give him a look not at all like how he sounded. Jacob was possessed. "Don't stop. You know our safe word."
An inkling of humanity seeped into Steven and he ran his hands under his shirt to rub at his back. "But your trauma—,"
Jacob pushed up onto his hands and knees and slammed against him hard and desperate. "Don't stop, don't stop, please! I p-p-promise you're f-fixing it! Oh stars!" His eyes rolled and he fell again as Steven grew excited.
It was phenomenal.
Steven started to feel horrible restlessness as his orgasm approached and Jacob must have been getting some form of pre-cum from the slight wheeze to his chant.
Jacob came first; a startling scream at an octave that should be unachievable by man but not by him tore out of him and he clamped down so hard Steven had no choice but to grunt and pick up speed until a mind shattering orgasm froze him in place. It was so powerful he blinked a few tears away and let out a beastly sound of release.
His Diamond mode ended naturally. The human half of him was simultaneously exhausted and starving, so he pulled out gently to survey the damage.
Jacob's eyes were rolled back, but he managed to mumble, "I-I think—," He tried to move and groaned in pain. "My back."
Steven winced and leaned down to flip him gently and kiss his pain away. "Sorry, I kinda blacked out. The pink makes me crazy."
"Why?" He was holding him in place so their lips brushed together while they talked. Something about it was adorable and romantic.
"Diamonds make gems that wear our color schemes." He started kissing down his chest, pleased at the soft mewl and arch of Jacob's back. "It used to be just with Connie, and maybe an intrusive thought or two about you guys once we got really close. This was just a test to see if..."
He paused for so long Jacob had to reorient himself but it was far too late: Steven took his cock fully down his throat and brought up his magic.
Jacob growled hard and grabbed Steven's head frantically, he didn't know if it was overwhelming him or if he was going to make the world record of fastest bust until Steven brought up his higher frequency magic. "D-dammit Steven, I'm gonna—,"
He blinked and Adam was grinning up at him. "Who did this to you, huh?"
Steven smirked and departed to crash on the couch and pass out in five seconds flat.
"The devil," Jacob replied dryly. "Now put me down or I'm gonna bite you."
Hazel did as he asked by placing him on top of Steven and rubbing Steven's head to keep him asleep while Adam kissed Jacob's forehead and told him to sleep in that vastly soothing, empty but full tone of voice.
Every time he attempted to wake up after that, one more person was snuggled up to the two until by eight the entire polycule was piled on top of each other.
Jacob decided to just sleep it off, but first he unbuttoned Steven's shirt to have skin to skin.
That's what they usually did after an otherworldly Diamond fuck, this time just happened to happen a little bit differently.
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