Steal His Name- Pride Month

Everyone had expected Adam to propose. After all, it was supposed to happen. Adam had lost the game of rock-paper-scissors so he was supposed to.

Instead every time it was brought up for the next year he spiraled into a massive panic attack that left him mute and paralyzed in fear. At first Hazel had thought he didn't want to marry him, which hurt. He wallowed in that quietly for a while until Adam yanked him into a closet and broke down crying that he couldn't do it. He was so afraid to fail. He had never been so afraid to fail, and if it wasn't grand enough he'd never, ever forgive himself. It wasn't that he didn't want to, it was that the chance of failure was something Adam just couldn't overcome.

His love for Hazel extended so much beyond his comprehension (which checked out. Sometimes Adam hesitated on just what emotion to convey) that he couldn't do anything that would satisfy himself as "good enough". He confided that's why he'd been okay with rock-paper-scissors with Anna. He'd been hoping he'd lose so he wouldn't have to confront his biggest fear: that he was still learning how to love past his armor.

He told Hazel every single worry and Hazel had smiled so big his cheeks ached as Adam sobbed into his chest and begged him to forgive something that didn't need to be forgiven. It felt like Adam had reached into his chest and physically squeezed his heart. He thought it was the biggest proclamation of how deeply Adam loved him to cry about it that hard. Actually, Hazel was sure this was the deepest he'd ever seen him cry since he'd known him. He rubbed his back and said not to worry about it; boyfriend or husband he'd always, always love him. He hadn't failed him, and Hazel wasn't disappointed at all.

The Pride Parade in Empire City had been going so swimmingly so far. The float they were on was completely decked out from Jacob and Hazel building and buying things they'd need for the absolute best experience for their fans possible. Rumor had it their fans would be wearing their merch in "all kinds of creGAYtive ways," as they had said.

Hazel had nudged Jacob while they packed the confetti canons. "Are you okay with me marrying Adam?"

Jacob continued to work until he was done wrenching in that stubborn nut and turned to Hazel seriously. "1.) That's not my place to say." He smirked a bit at Hazels embarrassed blush. "2.) If it were my place, I'd ask you if Adam would cease loving me the way he does."

"Of course not," Hazel burst. "He adores you! I love that he loves you, I'd be so upset if–,"

Jacob held up a finger. "Shhh... Then no. And even if he did, I'd find a way to be happy for you both because I would still love you both. Adam is..." He broke the eye contact guiltily, but he didn't need to feel that way. Hazel would have told him if he wasn't already wallowing in shame for asking in the first place. "He's a big part of my world, but I would find a way to forget for you."

Hazel dropped his head in his hands. "I feel like such an asshole for asking."

Jacob pulled him into a strong hug. "You have a big heart, Hazel. I love that about you. And I love you, too."

Hazel searched for a kiss and found one, oblivious to the crowds that had gathered to watch them finalize cheering. Jacob reddened when Hazels hands found his face to explore him better and he giggled, double checking forgotten.

The stage was set.

Hazel couldn't believe his eyes. This was all of their very first Pride celebration and he was almost moved to see so many queer people alive in one place. They were singing, dancing, and laughing with each other. It was like the entire world had crowded together in one place to be a giant loving community of hope and self love.

Steven sniffled next to him and Hazel pulled him into a hug. "Happy?" Steven nodded and wrapped his arms around him. He was wearing a cropped tank top with his two chosen flags colors: pansexual and panamorous. On the bottom half he wore shorts that covered too much and not enough to not distract Hazel again and again. A thought about the skin to skin scampered across his mind but he shoved it down. People were cheering just because they were hugging and Hazel pulled away to grin at Steven. "Wanna do a cliche gay kiss in front of an entire Pride Parade?"

He wiped at his eyes. "Yes." Steven pulled him into a giggly kiss as the crowd got a bit deafening. Being invited to be apart of it had put them on a hill of money, but they hadn't really checked when they were told the projections for the year were ridiculous just because they were performing. They felt like they had a duty to deliver and thank their fans for the undying and overwhelming support. The sun was scalding hot and they were already sweating and chugging water between songs and taking their breaks on the poorly chosen black bottom of the float when they were allowed.

They'd pulled together their gayest, most loving ideas of each other and put them to music. Jasmin came out as bisexual (finally) during their Bisexual Anthem and it was so much fun Hazel almost forgot the thing burning a hole in his pocket. After, Jasmin turned and stomped up to him looking a little peeved but when she jumped into his arms he caught her easily. "And what are you doing?"

"Being polyamorous," She replied giddily, her face melting into a big smile. "I love you, Hazel!"

His heart fluttered and he cheerfully exclaimed, "I think that's the first time you've said it without rolling your eyes!"

He rewarded her with a kiss and she hopped down to hand Alex her water bottle so he could quench the thirst he was loudly complaining about.

Their set list was long as all hell. They'd worked tirelessly for three months day and night recording and messing up because they'd been up for 36 hours and then redoing the entire song because they felt it didn't fit. Steven had a total of seven power surges and had worked through the burnout from pushing his limits so far past their normal cap. He'd gotten more powerful as a result, which made for a good show when he was as excited and joyful as he was today.

From their Polyamorous Anthem (a new rendition and nod to The Spice Girls' Wannabe) to their completely gay T.H.U.G and Alex's I Like Boys, right to Connie and Jasmin's Sapphic leaning Boyfriend, there was coverage of most if not every sexuality.

Except straights. Fuck the straights.

Anna had Adam's attention currently: she was rubbing her nose against his and murmuring something that couldn't be heard over the crowd. He nodded and buried his face in her neck. Hazel frowned and trotted over to join on the other side of him. "What's the matter?"

Adam pulled his head up and blinked wet eyes up at Hazel. "I dunno. I feel way too happy. You guys are my stars and drugs apparently."

Hazel let out a bigger sigh of relief than was needed and Adam gave him a wary look. "Is everything okay with you? You look like you're gonna throw up."

Anna gave Hazel an obnoxious wink over his shoulder and he blushed. "Yeah, of course I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" He laughed nervously and crouched to kiss the tops of both of their heads, sauntering off to talk to the only person he knew could quell his nerves.

Connie was sitting cross-legged waving to the crowd and smiling big. She'd confided that she was nervous to be in front of so many people that she felt knew so much about her but Connie was brave and she was facing the fear head on. She smiled up at him and patted the seat next to her. "Hazel, sit."

Her voice held authority he couldn't ignore so he sat, pleased when she intertwined her hand with his and leaned against him. "Are you nervous yet?"

Hazel stifled a giggle. "I've gotta poop so badly."

She shook her head with a fuller laugh. "Should've went when we had the time. Some people's kids."

A group of fans wearing their merch yelled for their attention and the band waved back. They were probably high schoolers, but it warmed them that queer kids still existed. Sometimes they felt they were becoming out of touch, but the sight soothed them a bit. They weren't old, and wouldn't be for a while if at all.

Steven dipped down on the other side of Connie and murmured something that made her smirk up at him. He grinned simply because he loved her, but it was that shit eating grin that made Hazel wonder what exactly he'd said to be so proud of himself.

Connie squeezed Hazels hand. "It's time."

Hazel pulled her into a hug. "Please encourage me. I need help, Connie. I need a knight."

"He'll love it, I promise," She assured him as she rubbed his back tenderly. "Adam loves you so, so much. As someone who loves you both, I already know Adam will surprise you with just how much he– And that's why you should've pooped when you were at home."

Hazel pulled away. "I'm sorry?"

"Are you sure you're okay, H?" Adam dipped onto a knee and glanced between the two. "I'm actually worried." It was evident on his face, his worry lines were showing deeply.

Hazel stood and Adam stood too. He looked confused when Hazel grabbed his hip, but his eyes widened when Hazel dipped him and pulled off the gayest kiss in the entire galaxy. Adam brought his hands up to cup Hazels cheeks and hummed into the kiss. It was so sweetly passionate, and when upright they both caught their blushing girlfriend staring with a lovestruck smile and pulled her into a large display of affection and adoration. Polyamory at its very sweetest was the rest videoing and cheering for the absolute perfection that was their polycule. Despite Adam being very, very, very gay, his love for
Anna was always displayed enough that the throuple never had issues of imbalance. Three completely different but similar people were just flirting away until Steven poked Adam. "I'm sorry to break this up, but we've gotta perform."

Anna raised her arms and he picked her up to prop on his hip. "I can totally work with a cute Anna perched on my hip. This satisfies my Daddy urges," He told her softly.

She squealed because she couldn't contain the joy she got from his praise. "I wanna go
higher, please."

He grinned and dipped so she could climb up onto his shoulders. "Comfy?"

She shrugged and played with his hair with her excited nervous energy. "It's crushing my balls but I want an arial view! Up!"

Steven chuckled and stood, effectively putting her seven and a half feet (at least) above the float and even higher from the street. She gasped and squeezed her thighs around his neck for balance. "I could live and die in these thighs," He flirted. "I love you, have I told you that today?"

Anna tilted his head back and kissed his nose. "You've told everyone that, but I like hearing it all the time."

Steven stared up at her for a moment with starry eyes. "I love you, Anna. You're so loved." Once he found satisfaction with her pink cheeks and big smile, he righted himself. They had flip switches on their microphone packs so they could speak freely while they took breaks. He flipped his back on and shouted, "How are we doing so far?"

The crowds cried out and waved their flags, screaming and chanting for another song. It filled it him accomplishment and he had to psych himself up to not burst into tears. He raked his gaze over the rest of his band and they matched his beam. He wanted to ask if Hazel was ready, but they were nearing their goal so he picked up his guitar and Anna lifted the strap over his head helpfully.

Adam looked up at her in concern. "Please don't drop my baby. I'll never recover."

Anna blew him a kiss. "I'm a big girl, get in place for Guy.exe. It'll be fun!"

He sighed but lumbered over to bunt into Jacob's chest. Jacob smiled and wrapped his arms around him tight. "Are you okay?"

Adam nodded. "Social anxiety. Stage fright. Performance anxiety." He paused. "I think that's all of the anxieties."

"You forgot agoraphobia, claustrophobia and panic disorder," The Brit muttered. Jacob nodded to Steven to get the show on the road. He scrambled through his mind to find something to make Adam smile and lift his spirits. This could fail if he tapped out too early mood wise, and he could see in the distance all of their parents with phones out. "You'll be alright, Daddy."

Adam reeled back with much brighter eyes. Today they matched the sky, they were actually blue looking. Nothing had changed, the sky was just so clear his were reflecting the color exactly. It made Jacob's heart pitter-patter and he knew Adam could feel it when he smirked. "I'm fine, baby. I promise. Now let's get to it."

They all flipped on their mics, more than thrilled that Alex was for once taking the full melody in a song. He and Adam had written it together and it blown up beyond Alex's wildest dreams, which mostly involved not being involved in the music industry as a singer at all. It had encouraged him to write All Men Are Pigs, a now very popular Drag song among The Queens.

The girls and Adam queued in the bridge and Hazel fought tooth and nail not to piss himself in front of the estimated 4 million people crowding the streets Empire City. "They say,"

Alex and Adam switched sides of the stage respectively and Adam grabbed Hazels hand. "Expectations are too high
And you'll never find a guy like that
It's driving you mad, honey." Adam grinned up at Hazel with knowing eyes. Originally Adam and Alex had been griping about how they thought they'd never find the right one before they got sucked into the polycule. Sometimes they woke up shocked all over again. Adam's therapist (not Jeanne) said it was natural.

The whole band joined together as the bubble machine went off and Jacob reached into his back pocket as the parade stopped for a moment. "Oh, I, wish I could synthesize
A picture perfect guy–,"

Jacob hit the button and the speakers stopped projecting their track, putting them into a silence.

Adam and the crowd looked around in confusion, sure the hot weather had broken something.

Hazel squeezed Adam's hand and he turned to him with bewilderment that turned to worry when Hazel looked terrified. "What happened to the music?" His voice echoed a little bit, the bassy murmur bringing more attention to the float.

Taking a very deep breath, Hazel got down on one knee. "I found the perfect guy. Adam, marry me." He pulled out a ring and tried to tune out the crowd. "Surprise."

Their parents shot off their confetti canons as the float's came a second after. Adam couldn't look away from Hazel. He was frozen in what scared Hazel thought was indecision. Then he put his hand in his back pocket, pulled out a box and grinned tearfully. "You son of a bitch! Damn it, Hazel!"

Everyone's jaws dropped and Steven exclaimed, "Oh my stars, a double proposal!"

Hazel gawked at Adam. "I asked first."

His boyfriend for the last time tipped his head. "Give me your hand, I'll give you mine, and we call it a day until the second I get you alone."


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