Pluto and Connie: Dynamic Check

There was something in the way that she moved.

The way her hips swung. The way her fingers brushed over his cheek as she walked by and he turned his head to watch. The way her lips curled into a beautiful smile.

He focused and she slowed enough that he could grab her into his arms. "Mine."

She took a shaky, deep breath and leaned back against him. "Yours."

Pluto groaned softly. Her voice did insane things to his mind. "My Connie, look what I learned to do."

She felt the tug in her mind and submitted instantly. Her vision shifted so much she could feel her pupils dilate bigger.

The fridge simply moved from one side of the kitchen to the other. Not sliding, but it was like he had inverted just that spot and now the fridge was next to the bonsai the polycule had grown.

Her heart pounded violently in her chest. She hadn't the foggiest idea how that power could possibly connect to Steven's. Could it be Adam's talent for hypnosis and mind fucks? "You're so powerful. Telekinesis?"

Pluto shook his head, kissing up her neck. "No. Illusion. Steven and Adam have chaotic minds, but they're like oil and vinegar. They don't mix. When they become me, Steven's gem goes on the fritz kind of like an unstable fusion and corrupted gem would. Steven's never really tried out any of his powers as a mo— corrupted, StevenBut I'd imagine maybe it would have different versions of his powers when he's in control. This works similarly." He paused and she felt him licking his lips to taste the remnant of her skin on them. "At least that's my theory."

"Smart boys are so hot." Connie turned around to face him and breathed in the smell of his cologne. It was distinctly flowery, but held that deeply delicious musk 90% of colognes failed to provide. "I missed you. It's strange that I can take two of my boys and make new ones now."

He smiled down at her and murmured against her lips, "Your biggest fantasy and your worst nightmare in one." The giggle couldn't be helped when she rolled her eyes.

She closed the distance and hummed when he pushed for clearance to her tongue immediately. This fusion had a minor obsession with her, and frankly it went both ways. Something about him... the way he... like...

Connie just couldn't describe it.

Pluto deepened the kiss and grabbed her ass, pulling her against him less than politely. "And what do you think you're going to accomplish with that where we eat our food?" She teased.

Pluto chuckled. "Whatever I'd like." His humor dropped and he brushed a thumb over her cheek. "If I didn't have so much work to do. I've got songs to filter and remix and– Oh come on, don't look at me like that, dear."

Connie crossed her arms and pouted. "Whatever. I'm gonna go eat my feelings. I'll live."

She turned around to stomp off and startled. He was in front of her again, fidgeting with his ring and scowling deeply. His violet eyes froze her in place as he stalked a bit closer to peer down at her. "None of that, Connie. Would you like to come with me instead of being manipulative?"

And that's why they loved Pluto so
much. He was honest about how he felt, what he thought, and he always had solutions. Adam's Daddy Dom and Steven's Messiah Complex actually worked really well together. Despite being way edgier than even Adam, he seemed to decide the edgiest thing he could possibly do is be so blunt you could smoke him. He took criticism by changing the very way he moved, arguing with him was like arguing with a brick wall. Arguments didn't ever end the fusion because of turmoil like it did the others at times. They still struggled to un-fuse on purpose especially, it took meditation and making sure every loose end was tied up because Pluto was a chronic perfectionist that would not unexist at random.

Connie nodded, pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry, I should have just asked."

"Let me cook for you, honey," He begged achingly. He moved on immediately too, there was no chance of him mentioning it ever again. "Let me serve you your favorite snacks, and you can sit on my lap while I work when you can."

He stole the very breath from her body and she nodded, pleased when his resting bitch face lightened a bit. He was possibly the most romantic fusion, but he was also the scariest by a landslide. Heaven was really only scary in a dominating sense, but outside of that he was so chill that even if he looked scary, they just couldn't be any kind of anxious around him. Jaden was a cocky goofy fuck they loved having around to lighten the mood and keep them smiling big with how cute he was. He could get fake mean, but he was never genuinely scary.

Connie sat on the island while Pluto varied between frying some french fries the old fashioned way, cutting up a fruit salad, and making little veggie kebabs on the mini grill.

Sometimes she had to face one of her biggest red flags, one that had been building since Nova that she tried not to pay attention to. Maybe it wasn't a bright red flag but no one knew but her.

She liked men that scared her a little. Not in a "they might be violent towards me" kind of way, but men with immense power that very well could.

Her Steven was the biggest of the men, both in height and bulk. He could pick up a car easily, he could survive a good amount of bullets before he had to get even a little worried. At Nova when she had passed out because he was doing a demo with Isabelle, and then had fucked her ruthlessly, the preference roared to life in her. Sometimes her Steven got this look to him, especially when Diamond was more in control and he was towering above her with a glower that could melt through titanium. He wasn't being aggressive necessarily towards her, and he couldn't because she was vastly unafraid of him, it was just his thinking face. Steven knew she was enamored with his corruption too when they were having passionate sex and it just so happened to get wild. The tension, the knowledge that Steven could have her however he wanted to scared the warrior a little, and she liked it.

Correction: she loved it.

Adam had a different sort of scary vibe about him. He was just genuinely not the one to fuck with. Fast, quick thinking, and a true sadist at heart, he carried around an energy much bigger than himself. They often joked he needed a giant pet puma or a pack of wolves that followed him everywhere. While her Steven normally wore a baby faced smile, if one were to glance over at Adam he was most likely wearing a slightly murderous expression. It wasn't, he just wasn't emoting and it was his resting bitch face that had translated to Pluto. His eyes only sealed the deal that he was dangerous; he'd look into her eyes during pain play and she could see his enjoyment displayed openly. He was not afraid to show he was pleased with her pain. Not only that, but he had an obsession with blood, his inner masochist had gotten to the point where it would have to be extreme pain for him not to love it and even then he might find some kind of way to be mildly aroused by it. And, she knew this was bad, but his temper matched her Steven's and while she would scold them until she was blue in the face, she loved how protective they were.

Hazel and Jacob could get scary too, the latter way more than the former, which only further proved her point.

She could never tell anyone. It would make them feel guilty undoubtedly that sometimes they frightened her, but in a sexy kind of way. They were all over thinkers of one kind or another, it would eat at them and one by one they'd probably have a bit of a meltdown over it. She could imagine even Adam pushing his hair out of his eyes going cold with sadness as he murmured, "You're... afraid of me?"

They wouldn't understand what she meant. It would just have to stay a secret, even from her other Mains.

When Connie snapped out of her thoughts, Pluto was standing an inch in front of her watching her think. "Fuck! Jesus, Pluto..."

Pluto tipped his head. He had a bad habit of moving silently and still being able to be missed with a spotlight on him. "My apologies. Your food will be ready soon. I want to touch you while we wait."

He was open with what he wanted, so she smiled up at him and lifted her arms. He grinned microscopically and picked her up to wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips. "Ugh, your body feels so fucking amazing on mine," He moaned into her neck as he pushed her against the wall to grind slowly. "You drive us crazy and you don't even know it."

She blushed so hard it turned him on more and he picked up the pace, kissing at her neck feverishly. She sometimes forgot Adam could be attracted to women, but the tone of the sentence was definitely a mix of both boys if he went plural so passionately. It made her beam to herself, the blush deepening.

He wasn't hiding his eyes from her anymore as her pleasure rose with his, but sometimes they could get too intense for her to handle and she'd start breaking out in cold sweats and feeling like she couldn't breathe.

The others had reported similar sensations.

Jasmin had nearly passed out on the spot trying to stare him down after he gave her a definitive warning that her attitude was neither acceptable nor going to be tolerated and that she had earned a spanking. Her legs buckled and Jacob rushed to catch her but she didn't fall, she steadied and stared at the floor in awe.

After that, Pluto had tested it carefully.

Anna and Hazel had both said their ears started ringing really loudly to the point of pain and being disoriented. Anna had started to panic a little and dug her nails into Hazel, which snapped him out of it to turn her head away because she had been trapped like a statue, she couldn't move.

Alex had acted wildly out of character for six hours of terrifying behavior. It was like he was hearing voices or something, he was so jumpy and incredibly clingy and affectionate even to the girls with hugs and cheek kisses. That had scared the living hell out of all of them, but Pluto had tipped his head curiously and smirked a little, like he liked watching them be a little concerned.

When he snatched Jacob for a rough fuck, the man swore up and down that when Pluto had forced him to keep eye contact for the allotted 10 maximum seconds, he had died nine times. He had flashed through his life a total of nine times but the memories started at Nova. He'd said he'd caught glimpses of what could be the future or hallucinations but it was all so muddled. He got more flustered when he saw Pluto after that.

So Pluto started habitually obscuring his eyes the way Adam did, just on purpose. It was his biggest superpower, he could probably drive you crazy just by making eye contact and holding you in place with a gaze that was not meant to be threatening but definitely gave off an "If you move, you die" kind of certainty.

He kissed her forehead. "I love you, darling. You know that, don't you?"

But he was so sweet to everyone, especially her. It was just hard to pin down a single emotion for very long. "Of course. You know I love you."

He hummed and pulled back to hold her gaze a bit. "I like that I don't have to hide my eyes around you as much. I like that you can take it."

Pluto looked lower to her lips, then to her stomach. She could see his thoughts loud and clear: he had an urge to get her pregnant right then and there. She suspected he always did, but she couldn't tell who it stemmed from.

Was it just her husband thrilled and ready to watch her grow full of their children again and again?

Or was it Adam's hypermasculinity urging him to reproduce so loudly that Pluto couldn't control himself from staring so hard he might get her pregnant anyways?

"Connie?" She tipped his head up and he licked his lips. "I've changed my mind. I want to feed you until you're full, and then I'm going to take you to bed. I want to see if I can drop your IQ permanently." His hand brushed over her cheek to get the hair away from her face gently. It slipped lower and choked her correctly, but roughly. He didn't even need to, she was starting to choke out from his gaze. "There is too much beauty that lies within you not to punish you for it."

She gasped her pleasure, unsure what the source was. "I'm sorry." Her voice dripped sugar and syrup, it couldn't be helped. Connie was defenseless, and Pluto had very few limits to how far he'd go to make her scream her pleasure until she was so maxed out she had to stop him from taking her again. "Does it upset you?" She asked curiously, only to be surprised.

He smiled a big, thousand watt smile. "Aw, you're so cute. Of course it upsets me, I want to put you in a display case to look at 24/7. You make me crazier than I already am." The smile disappeared and he pushed his face into hers. "Of course it upsets me."

There it was again, the switch. The bipolar that the fusion definitely had was showing. Some people were mad with anger, he was mad with the amount of love that fit inside of him.

"It makes me so mad I want to drown you in bliss, my love." He dropped her from the wall and fell to a knee to kiss her hand. "Your food will be ready shortly. Do not leave my sight."

She blushed, mystified by the embodiment of chaos in front of her. A flashback of them shooting their Dynasties and Dystopia music video brought her to a comparison she couldn't believe had taken her so long to make. "Discord."

Connie hadn't meant to say it, but it slipped out and he rose to his full height, 6'7. He pressed the top of his head to the wall above her, forcing her to crane her neck awkwardly to meet his eyes. He was trapping her on purpose, she could feel his craving for prey. "Pretty girl, I am far more powerful than Discord. His powers lie in flashiness, mine lie in stealth. You wouldn't know I was coming for you until it had already happened."

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