Olfasmin Wedding
Steven rubbed at Jacob's shoulders as he coughed up more bile and Adam made sure he wasn't ruining his suit. He'd started panicking the second they got to the venue.
"Ugh, why didn't you tell me this was so fucking terrifying?" He groaned to Steven as he finished violently brushing his teeth and washing his face. "I feel like I'm being hunted for sport."
Steven chuckled and shrugged. "I wasn't terrified, I was really lucid and a little loopy."
Hazel waltzed in and eyed the scene. "You and Jasmin are alike in so many ways."
There was absolutely nothing left to throw up, but the nausea was replaced with concern. "Please if there is a God do not let that woman run off on me."
Hazel barked out a laugh. "Are you kidding? She's screaming at the top of her lungs to get this show on the road and then crying off all her makeup on repeat."
They chortled imagining their tiny parter stomping around in her tiny wedding dress crying and pacing.
This was already the best day of his life. He loved Jasmin, it ached through him. He loved the way she smiled up at him or rolled her eyes at his jokes. He adored her giggle and cuddly side as much as he did her feisty and bratty side. The curve of her body, the feel of her skin, her voice. God, he just wanted to hear her voice.
"Can I call her? Is that bad wedding etiquette to call your soon to be bride?"
The men considered that before Adam pulled Jacob's phone out of his suit jacket. As his best man, he had everything planned and super important stuff tucked away. "I'd say it's fine, but try not to make her cry more."
She picked up on the first ring with Connie and Anna telling her it was in fact poor etiquette. "Jacob! I miss you. I hate it here I just wanna get married and they are driving me crazy! Get that fucking thing away from me I will burn this bitch to the ground!"
Her vicious growling voice dragged him into bliss. He slumped against his chair with lovestruck infatuation and Hazel sat him back up, scolding that he'd ruin his suit. "I miss you too, baby. I called to ask you a really fucking stupid question, but I want you to hear me out."
"Anything for– do not touch my face with another sponge or I'm going to start throwing things, I swear to fucking god!– Anything for you darling."
So sweet. So intensely passionate. His inner fire for her was making him sweat. "I just wanted to know if you actually wanna get married to me or if you're just doing it for shits and giggles?"
All three of his friends jaws dropped in horror. Stevens head fell and he muffled his laughter in his fist. He understood the worry, but the bluntness was taking him out.
The call dropped just as there was a knock at the door. He stood and almost opened it but a voice on the other side cried, "Don't open it, dumbass!" and held the door shut.
"Jasmin!" Hazel sighed. "What the hell are you doing?"
"I wanted to ask Jacob if he thinks I'm a fucking idiot in person."
Jacob pressed his forehead against the door and then his hand. "Come on, now."
Jasmin grinned, unbeknownst to him, and pressed her hand on the other side. "Jacob, I was the one who begged you to grow a pair and ask me to marry you. Did you think I changed my mind last night?"
He choked on a tearful laugh and shook his head before he realized she couldn't see it. "No, but I just wanted to make sure."
"Jasmin! What the hell!" Connie's voice could be heard clearly on the other side now too.
Jasmin giggled. "I guess that's my cue. Anna's giving me a death stare. I've been a real pill."
"I can see that." Her energy left his presence and he groaned again, much louder and completely miserable. "When does this thing start?"
Adam checked his watch. "You go out in seven minutes, bride walks in fifteen."
"I hate it here."
Jasmin could admit she was being a bitch. She knew, but she couldn't help it. She wanted this to be done. She wanted to look up at her handsome, sweet fucking boyfriend and say, "You're my husband now. Deal with it."
Connie tried coaxing her with snacks that she declined because it would interrupt her pouting. "You're worse than I was," She laughed. "You're on in like, less than 20 minutes!"
"Isn't that exciting?" Anna squealed and readjusted her tiara carefully. "You're like a princess going off to marry her prince!"
That made Jasmin crack a smile. "Yeah, prince of Clownsilvania. I can hear the squeaky shoes already."
Marrying Jacob was going to be the biggest and best accomplishment she would ever achieve. To have his ring on her finger meant she could take on anything. Everything they'd been through compiled to this moment, this moment where they got to say forever and that was that.
It sounded so simple, but it was taking forever and a day.
"Oh god. What if he changes his mind?"
Karla tipped her head and gave her a look. As a single woman working at The Starlight Diner, she never thought she'd see Steven again when he disappeared. But she kept running into him, and when she'd met Greg Universe at a rock concert, she'd run into Steven's family headfirst. Now she had eight kids, a loving husband, and lived in a beautiful Beach House with aliens. "Don't start that, you'll make yourself sick."
Jasmin whined pitifully as her eyes welled up again. "Karla, how did you not cry when you married Greg?"
She laughed for so long Jasmin almost got offended. "Oh, Jasmin. I cried the entire day and evening before. By the time the wedding was about to happen, I was so dehydrated I could only focus on rehydrating before my old woman bones gave out."
Jasmin giggled, wiping at her face to Connie's immense disappointment. She did let her reapply it for the tenth time, and Connie was happier with this version anyhow. This time she didn't slack, she sprayed her face with setting spray liberally at intervals. "I'm not doing it again, Jasmin. I swear it."
Jasmin pulled Anna and Connie in by the hips and sighed. "I'm sorry I've been a bitch. I'm just excited and terrified and nervous."
Anna patted her head. "I'm kinda glad I'm not getting married. After you and Connie, it sounds horrifyingly stressful."
"I almost thought I was going to take off from the wedding, actually," Connie admitted. "I was suddenly having a panic attack but then it was easy. You just have to get out there and see how much he loves you."
Jasmin almost didn't even want to do the wedding march, but apparently it was required. She wanted to just walk up there and marry this man yesterday.
Her father pulled her in for a hug. "You look beautiful, Jasmin."
"I haven't seen Mom today." She knew what the answer would be even before his face dropped to a downcast grimace.
"I'm so sorry, Jasmin. You know she can't make it out of the house."
Jasmin's overweight body was hereditary, her mother was so large she could barely move though that didn't mean she didn't have a lot to say and judge the world about. Jasmin swore up and down after watching her mother suffer for years that she would never let her weight get that out of control, and she would never let it rule over her life.
She straightened her posture, suddenly aware of the bigger than average wedding dress hugging her curves. "Do you think I look pretty, Dad?"
His frown turned into a huge smile and he nodded. "Of course. Your mom would be so proud."
A single violin set the first note, and then the wedding officially started.
"Oh my god, he's gonna run off," Jasmin whispered in horror as his head turned her way. "He's going to leave me."
"Shhh..." Her father chuckled.
She gripped his arm as hard as she could, knowing she was probably hurting him but she couldn't help it. She felt like she was going to piss herself. Everyone was staring at her, but she couldn't take her eyes off of the ADHD dumbass fidgeting in place as he watched her almost blankly.
Jasmin swore if he didn't cry she'd turn around and walk down again, because he clearly must not have seen her.
Finally, he smiled broadly and gave her a full once over from head to toe. Adam anticipated it before he even started crying, a tissue box was placed in his hand and he was going through them like he might get paid for being overdramatic.
What was really happening was Jacob was trying not to pass out. He had to get the pressure out or he'd faint and push the wedding back more. He could see Stevens face painted with worry and assumed he looked as pale and barely conscious as he felt.
Her father handed her off and sat next to Oliver.
After a great amount of consideration, and a few hand injuries, he'd extended an invitation to his father with one rule: leave immediately after without speaking to anyone. As soon as they were pronounced husband and wife, his father was to leave and the giant he called a boyfriend would escort him out personally.
Oliver happily complied when Steven's eyes glowed in an unearthly way. Whatever his son was dating hated him too.
The Maheswaren parents shot him a thumbs up and he relaxed a bit more. The Maheswaren's were almost family at this point, Priyanka had stepped in after he was diagnosed with PTSD and Dysthymia. She knew everything, everything everything. She'd held him while he cried and the motherly touch was so heart stopping he could only cry harder. Doug had ruffled his hair and exclaimed to his wife, "All that time trying for a boy and now we have two! That Steven Universe sure did us a solid." They were the closest thing to parents he had, and a bit of the pressure in his head lessened as his beautiful fiancée stopped and turned to look up at him from all the way down there.
"Are you going to faint?" She asked bluntly as the music cut out.
He grabbed her hand and tossed a glance to the laughing audience. "Possibly, my love. Possibly." His biggest boyfriend cleared his throat and he turned to look at him. "Get this show on the road, yeah love?"
Steven snorted and nodded. "I'll make it quicker than Garnet did for me. I'm no sadist."
Garnet hummed in laughter and Amethyst nudged her while Pearl tossed a hand, shaking her head at their pseudo son.
Stevens way of marriage, being an officiant, was filled with absolute enjoyment at their love and love in general. "We are gathered here today for the only thing that truly matters in this world: love. There's nothing better, and I can say with absolute certainty that the love we are here to witness today is the very best kind."
Jacob couldn't register a single thing he was saying until his Jasmin's eyes watered and she squeezed his hands. "Since you're obviously not listening, I'll go first."
He started and glanced at Steven apologetically. "I got caught up in how beautiful you are again. I apologize."
Alex leaned over to Hazel and muttered, "He's so infatuated it's almost sickening."
Hazel grinned to himself. "Almost?"
Jasmin took a deep breath and started squeezing his hands way too tight. She wanted his full attention but it was already on her. "Jacob, when I first saw you I thought you were a complete idiot." She paused for laughter and let out a shaky sigh. "If I wasn't so bad at feelings it probably would've been love at first sight. I think it might've been. We have been through so many terrible things, we've failed and picked it up and put the pieces back together. I love you in spite. In spite of every argument, in spite of every night we had to spend apart, in spite of every stupid joke I've heard six million times and then a few more, in spite of everything." Her heart was racing again, far too fast. "Loving you has given me a sense of peace that passes all understanding. Even when you piss me off, the words are just on the tip of my tongue and I know I already said it but I don't say it enough. Are you following?"
His face was covered in tears but he nodded quickly. "I'm hanging on your every word."
The aching, the longing, the love was practically choking him out. But she wasn't quite done, she had one more thing to say.
"I love you. I love you. I love you. And I'll make sure the rest of my days are devoted to telling you that every four seconds because I always wanna say it, and I'm always gonna mean it." Jasmin felt like light, a realization she hadn't added to her vows bursting out of her excitedly. "We did it! We survived, and now we're getting married." She pulled a hand away to gently swipe away the tears. "Okay, your turn."
Jacob opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out for a minute. "I-I'm sorry, love. You just made everything I've ever been through worth it." He chuckled and pushed his hair out of his face, the hairspray long ago ruined by all of the nervous sweating he'd been doing. "Jasmin, when I first saw you I thought you were going to kill me on the spot. I'd have died a happy man, because you are the most magnificent woman I've ever seen. Growing up, I didn't know what love was. I never saw it. I didn't know how to do it or what it meant, but you taught me how. You gave the word meaning, real meaning." He rubbed a thumb across her hand solemnly. "You saved me from becoming a monster. Before we ever took our broken pieces and pulled them together, you held me together. I knew I wanted to marry you almost immediately. To be wed to the love of my life means I have reasons to keep going, and every day waking up to you has been healing my childhood, healing me deeply where nothing has ever reached before. Thank you, Jasmin." He reached out his hand to run over those cheeks he ached to kiss and hopefully lessen a bit of the burden he felt he was now sharing with her. "I love you with everything that I am."
They paused and smiled at each other, suddenly starting to giggle. It wasn't so scary anymore, things felt sharper and magical. Jacob turned to see Steven wiping away at his own tears. "I'm fine, I'm just so happy for you guys. That being said, Jasmin Imani Green, do you take Jacob Olfax to be your lawfully wedded husband to live together in matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"
Jasmin had to brace her legs when a sudden bout of dizziness hit her hard. "I do."
"Jacob Alexander Olfax, do you take Jasmin Green to be your lawfully wedded wife to live together in matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall–,"
"Live. Yes, yes to that a million times over." Jacob almost pulled her in for a kiss but Adam grabbed the back of his jacket.
"It's not done yet, goofy."
Priyanka shook her head. Hadn't she done this already? "Jacob you have to say 'I do'!"
Connie burst into giggles and Steven did too. The deja vu was funny to everyone that had attended both, the parallels were simply too sweet.
Jacob groaned. "I do."
"Then by the power invested in me by Earth itself, I now pronounce you husband and wife." He paused and choked on a laugh when both of them gave him a nasty glare. "Now you may kiss the bride."
Jasmin fell into his arms and he kissed her with every ounce of love he had for her in his heart. The cheering was muffled, nothing else had ever mattered like this kiss mattered. Love. He finally knew what it was. Love was Jasmin Green becoming Jasmin Olfax, his wife until the end of time. It would be imprinted on their tombstones right next to each other, it would be screamed from the highest rooftops on their honeymoon, it would be evident in their rings.
He pulled away finally and found she was still heavily leaned against him. "Jazz, love? You alright?" It hit him then as he pulled her back a little. "Blimey, she's gone and passed out on me."
Jasmin uprighted herself and booped his nose. "Just kidding!"
Jacob's jaw dropped in humorous fury. "I deserved that, I suppose."
The laughter was only made better when Steven spread his arms. "I now present to you, after an unnecessarily long wait for Jasmin, Mr and Mrs. Olfax!"
Jasmin did not want to sit next to him. She demanded to sit on his lap at the reception.
"Baby, my love, my wife, my life–,"
Jasmin rolled her eyes over a smirk. "I get it, Jacob."
He pushed his face into hers for a kiss that told her to shut the hell up and take his undying love. "You'll get your dress off."
"Off?" Her hand ran up his chest and she bit her lip. "Here? You're crazy."
That's not what he meant, but suddenly that's all he was thinking about. What would it be like to make love to his love while she wore his ring? "Ugh, now you've gone and done it. 'Off' was just me being British. I meant to say dirty."
She pouted and whined. "I'm terrible, aren't I? This is supposed to be romantic but all I wanna do is see you naked."
Someone behind them cleared their throat and they turned to see Connie smirking at full force. "If you guys can make it quick, I'll get the others on board to push back the first dance a little bit." She wagged a finger. "A little bit. You've got fifteen minutes."
Jasmin shook her head as Connie walked off, quickly joined by her own husband sneaking up behind her to scoop her into his arms and tickle at her side. Faintly they could hear him complaining that they never got to do so and how unfair and terrible the world felt at that particular moment.
"We've got a good life," They murmured at the same time.
Jasmin giggled and pulled him in for a wanting kiss that nearly made his legs give out. For the first time in a very, very long time, Jacob felt a tinge of submission towards his tiny woman. Her lips brushed against his in a proactive way as she spoke, "Fuck me like you hate me, and tell me you love me."
"Abso-bloody-lutely, Mine. Anything she wants."
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