Little Moments
Hazel loved holding Asher. His son was resting on his bare chest in just his diaper for kangaroo bonding, and making little noises to communicate his content being there.
Anna and Adam laid on their stomachs with cameras out to take thousands of pictures. Hazel felt so cherished as a parent, living a life he'd never thought he would was so incredibly rewarding. He couldn't help but wonder why everyone didn't do this polyamory thing because it was so very easy and he and Adam had come up with a stellar plan to ensure everyone got sleep, cleaning and newborn care duties, and quality time with each other.
The split the 24 hour day into six sections: 12 am to four am, four am to eight am, eight am to noon, noon to four, four to eight, eight to midnight. Each person took one of the early morning shifts and then they'd switch off during the day if someone was too exhausted to function, or they adored their baby together and brought him out to see Lucky or Daisy and Leo.
The babies seemed to be acquainted to each other, they cooed and were rather interested in the tiny people that were their size. As time went on it became apparent the little creatures learned even faster than any of them had thought, they were quickly accustomed to the other factions and could even be soothed by them.
During Asher's third month, Hazel was still skin bonding with him at least twice a day. Adam and Anna were his life providing mother and father, so Hazel had to work a little bit harder to make a connection with the baby early but he didn't mind. The very best part of his day was chest bonding. "Look at you, all snuggled on Daddy's chest!" He crooned softly as Asher tried to push himself up to look at him.
Adam chuckled and whipped out his phone. "He's already not sitting still," He mused as he snapped a picture. The ding of him starting a video sounded and he clicked his tongue to get Asher to look over. "Hi, buddy! How's my boy? Okay, you guys! Do something really cute."
Anna giggled over on the couch as she tried to take a nap but found herself infatuated with the scene in front of her. "Mommas favorite boy is always cute."
Adam shushed her and gave Hazel a look. "Then you do something cute."
Hazel leaned down to kiss Asher's head and felt his heart swell with adoration. "Ugh, I'm so in love with this tiny human."
Asher lifted himself and pressed his face into Hazels cheek like he was kissing him back and the polycule lost their minds. It was so sweet Hazel just started to cry, really cry, as he cradled his son closely.
The bonding was working. Asher loved him too.
Juniper, Hazel's first daughter, was another massive blessing he couldn't get enough of.
She was six months and currently her favorite word was, "Dada!"
Both men would come running. They'd trip each other and wrestle, they'd fight dirty as fuck just to get to her first and then she'd pick which Daddy she was talking to.
Hazel grinned and wiggled his fingers. "Who's your favorite?"
Juniper beamed at him and squealed. "DADADA!" She was so insistent it was almost musical.
"Sing your song baby, damn!" Hazel crowed with laughter as he scooped her up and drowned her in kisses. "My sweet girl~."
Adam collapsed to the floor to pout. "How could you do this, Juniper? How could you break your Daddy's heart by choosing him over me?"
Asher ran up to jump on Adam at almost six and Adam laughed as he lifted him above his head. "And you're a momma's boy. It's no fair!"
Asher giggled and kicked his legs. He wiggled down and gave Adam a sloppy kiss right on the lips to satiate his need. "Daddy, I love you!"
He let him go and he toddled up to Hazel to raise his arms as Juniper stared down at Adam with intrigue. Soon she was saying, "Dada!" but looking to him instead and straining.
Adam cradled her in his arms and turned to smile at Anna popping out a tit. "I wanted to breastfeed so bad, now I can't wait until we wean off our last baby."
Hazel chuckled and bounced Asher. "I think it's amazing that you're able to do it and you should be proud. You worked really hard."
She sighed happily and winced as Juniper latched. "She latches so hard, I feel like Asher was a polite feeder."
Asher watched curiously and pointed a finger at Juniper. "Momma, are you feeding the baby?"
Anna nodded and glanced up at him. He was so ahead for speech but only spoke this much in their home. "Apparently." Hazel cleared his throat and she rephrased her answer. "Yes. Did you want to help me burp her afterwards?"
Juniper gurgled and turned to look up at Asher and smile so big milk spilled out of her mouth on both sides.
If there were any favorites in the house, it was not any of the parents. Juniper loved her brother and they played together constantly. Often Juniper could be found crawling around after Asher wherever he went or being awkwardly held by him.
They were best friends.
Jack by the time he was three had stolen the hearts of every single person in every house. He would bounce everywhere he walked, the boy was generous and shared so nicely, and he was a moocher like they'd never experienced.
Steven was munching on grapes when Jack found him chewing and tipped his head. He looked so much like Adam for a split second and Steven chuckled, waiting to see if he'd do the thing.
Sure enough Jack pulled his arm toward himself and pointed at the grapes. "M'some?"
"You're so cute," Steven groaned as he bit one in half and handed it to him. "That's all you get."
Jack proceeded to eat every single last one of Steven's grapes and only when they were gone did he climb on Steven's lap to give him a kiss. "Thank you, Daddy!"
Hazel felt him coming for him next. His little footsteps were getting closer and closer, then stopped right in front of the couch to stare at him. "You asleep, Daddy?"
He grunted but opened his eyes to smile down at the late stage toddler. "Nope. What's up?"
Jack grinned and started speaking in gibberish with a few real words like 'trucks' and 'the moon' jammed in there. He was extremely expressive with the way that he talked, his inflections said he was extremely excited and when Hazel raised his hands to hold him Jack climbed up to sit next to him.
After a moment, he leaned over to rest against Hazel. "I love you, Dada."
Hazel's broken heart mended every time he told him that. He scooped him up to cuddle as long as he would tolerate it and mumbled, "I love you too, Jack. So much."
Hazel had one official bonus child and that was all their own doing.
Steven walked in with Lucky in his arms making her giggle when he spotted Hazel. He smiled from ear to ear. "Lucky, who's that?"
The baby turned to stare at Hazel for a moment and smiled too.
Hazel couldn't help riling her up a little bit and stood as if he were being challenged. "Lucky, we finally meet again." He started to approach slowly and she screeched her excitement, tucking in to shyly hide her face in Steven's chest. "Don't play those games with me," He boomed, raising his hands so he could tickle her. Lucky squirmed in Steven's arms in anticipation and Hazel snorted. "I'm gonna get you!"
Steven laughed when Hazel started tickling Lucky until she was howling and screaming with laughter. Lucky adored Hazel for no reason they could find, she just did. Soon she began to babble for him and reach. "Dadadadada!"
Hazel cradled her and gave her a million kisses. "Sweet babygirl! You're gonna melt my heart and kill me!" He tickled under her chin and she gave him a toothless giggle. "Yes! You are! You're! So! Cute!"
Steven cleared his throat loudly and he almost handed the baby back, but instead was met with an annoyed look. "No, I'm not jealous of you, I'm jealous of her. I want to be told I'm cute!"
So they sat on the floor with Lucky propped up by a sitting pillow and Steven's head resting on Hazels lap as they played with her and made plans for dinner.
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