From God's Perspective

Abel had Lucky and her parents in stitches while Adam and Jacob cooked dinner. Lucky probably hadn't a clue what he was saying but he was so animated and fun she giggled anyways.

Abel bounced the one year old on his lap adoringly and clicked his tongue to get her attention. "You are so much easier than the babies at my nursery. Just don't tell Baby Jackson I said that, he'll cry forever!"

She gurgled and lifted her head to smile at him, and he smiled right back. Before Steven could warn Abel, she started to float.

Connie gasped and reached for her but Steven was faster; he was always ready to catch a baby at a moments notice after their firstborn exhibited the terrifying but cute behavior. He hopped and floated up to grab her and cradle her in his arms in midair. "Stars and Diamonds, Lucky. I can't even be mad at you cause you're Daddy's favorite girl!"

Connie huffed and Abel patted her shoulder warmly. "She's got him wrapped around her little finger, huh?"

She nodded and reached up for them. "Okay, Mommy's turn!"

Steven pouted at her. "But we're up here, and you're down there. Get on Daddy's level."

Hazel called from the basement, "Steven Quartz Cutie Pie De Mayo-Maheswaren Diamond Universe, you stop depriving Lucky of her mother!"

He dropped and handed her over poutily as Abel cackled at his heavy blush. "This sucks."

Jacob glanced back and smiled to himself, then nudged Adam. "You're distracting. And so sexy."

A quick look over at him rendered him speechless, he was staring at him with glowing eyes. "Stop it," He murmured bashfully. "You're wearing my hoodie."

He slid over to kiss Adam's cheek. "I can't wear my Daddy's hoodie? But I like it! It smells like you..."

Adam turned down the stove and pushed him over to the couch to snuggle. "Someone take over cooking. Steven, why don't you since you're not doing anything but trying to be the favorite?"

"But babies!" He protested as he got up anyways. "I'm being baby deprived."

Adam chuckled and sat Jacob between him and Abel. "There we go. Now Baby is all comfy."

Abel sprouted a shit eating grin. "Baby? My, my. How the turns have tabled..."

Jacob pulled the hoodie over his head and groaned miserably. "I'm torn between wanting to hook Abel onto a door and leave him there and just taking a nap on your laps. I'm so comfy."

Adam's eyebrows darted up playfully as he un-hid Jacob's face to peer down into his eyes. "Laps? Plural?"

Jacob snarled at him but Adam dodged the fist. "Asshole."

Adam flipped him and spanked him ten times while he whined, then rubbed his back. "Anyways Abel, go on."

He giggled and fiddled with his fingers shyly. "He's just never given bottom energy. It's kinda nice to see."

Jacob rolled off the couch and sat up to shake out his hair. "Abel, I swear to God..."

"What?" He pushed bravely, sensing Adam had his back. "What exactly are you gonna fucking do, mate?"

Jacob lurched to do something, choke the poor man probably, but Adam tipped his head. That's all it took. He froze, torn between two emotions: obedience, and annoyed adoration. "I wasn't really a bottom until I met these guys." His cheeks turned pink and he sighed painstakingly. "But you, you're still a bottom."

"How would you know?" Steven asked as he massaged Connie's shoulders. "Just wondering."

Jacob sighed for ten seconds this time and stood to stretch himself out. "Like this."

Abel already knew what was coming and scrambled over the edge of the couch. Jacob easily cleared it and nabbed the back of his shirt. Abel squeaked as he tripped but Jacob spun him and slammed him against the wall, pinning him easily. "Are you satisfied?" He murmured lowly.

Abel giggled and slouched into Jacob's hands. "Fucking hell, mate..."

"I asked you if you're satisfied," Jacob pushed, catching his eye. "When I ask you something you answer without fail, as friends do."

His friend wrinkled his nose but nodded silently. "Satisfied doesn't cover it."

Connie was laughing so hard she had tears streaming down her face. "Fuck these post pregnancy hormones, they last so long!" She giggled a little more and leaned against Steven. "I for one am very satisfied."

Steven leaned down to kiss her nose and hummed. "But I could always make that better."

Jacob dropped Abel and walked to crawl into Adam's arms. "You forced my hand, Adam."

He tipped his chin up to look into his amused eyes. "But could I force you a little more?"

"I can't feel my legs," Abel muttered, slumped down the wall. "I feel like I'm gonna faint."

Steven got up to throw him over his shoulder and set him back on the couch. "You can pinch Jacob, I'm sure Jasmin wouldn't mind and probably would have already."

Jacob gave him a pitiful look and leaned to slouch against Steven. "Or I could suck your dick and you could tell him not to?"

Steven chuckled and scratched at his scalp. "Aw, your switch energy is so cute! I'm not ruining your brain for a system reset this time. You have to do it yourself."

Abel reached over to pinch his cheek and pulled back like he was hot to the touch. "Hey, he didn't kill me!"

Adam snorted and grabbed Jacob's neck for fun to jerk him around a little. He was floppy and whiny, so adorable and he didn't even know it. Adam just loved pouting, he'd found his liking after Anna. "Aw, he's not so scary once something goes up his ass. Have you ever heard a boy turn into a lyric soprano?"

Jacob sulked harder as his ears grew warm. "He'll never get the pleasure. Don't think he wouldn't get Jasmin's treatment since he likes to run his mouth."

Connie laughed and tossed Abel a sympathetic smile. "Poor Jasmin gets it the hardest. He's a bully."

Abel's lips twitched upwards. "Testosterone makes me think questionable things so I'm not sure I should be hearing this—,"

"That girl comes out of their bedroom brain dead so often she forgets the rest of the day," Adam interrupted quickly with a laugh. "Then she's all cuddly and sweet."

Steven smirked. "One time we double teamed her and she slept the rest of the day. I like to just..." He thought carefully. "Erase a day every once in a while. Sometimes there's too many in a year."

Abel whimpered under his breath. "Oh god, I just realized you're all tops."

Connie opened her mouth to be sassy but Steven brushed a hand over her neck and tipped her back to stare into his eyes. "Okay, do I need to retrain you? You're awfully brave lately and my stamina has dramatically increased."

She huffed. "I noticed."

"We can go for a record," He suggested pleasantly. "How does 12 rounds sound?"

"Rookie numbers," Adam boomed humorously. "I've gotten you off more than that in one session and she deserves worse." He shimmied his hand through the air. "15 or so. I would even mindfuck you the other direction so you're not satisfied until she's unconscious."

Abel buried his head in his hands and giggled. "Lord, save her."

"He won't," Jacob muttered as he sat up. "If you're gonna pray to anyone, pray to Steven."

Steven grinned at him and wiggled his fingers. "Partner switch! Come snuggle."

Jacob happily shuffled over to nose into his neck and sigh. "Connie, get lost."

She slugged him, then kissed his cheek. "That was for Abel."

"Which one?" Abel looked like he'd been caught, which was funny considering everyone seemed to know he had a crush on their boyfriend but their boyfriend.


He thanked her with a nod, then regarded Steven with interest as if he was just noticing him. After a minute he switched to Adam and scooted back to get the full picture. "You're a full top, Steven bottoms sometimes, Hazel probably takes it from no one."

Adam hummed smugly and that smirk that always made everyone flustered appeared. "One might think that, wouldn't they?"

"Don't let him get cocky, if you triple team Adam he'll fold like toilet paper!" Hazel yelled from the basement. "He'll even cry for it! It's so fucking hot!"

Adam grumbled aloud something unintelligible and footsteps up the stairs had him tearing off the couch. Unfortunately Steven erected a wall that had him skidding to a stop with no time to dodge before Hazel picked him up by the back of his shirt. "Sorry, I didn't catch that." He smiled at him with all of his love, but the intentions behind his words were very clear.

Adam growled at him and kicked his legs. "Put me down!"

His husband dropped him onto his hands and knees and crouched to his level. "Don't think I'm forgetting you're due for recalibration. You think Seahorsing for me doesn't mean I won't make you ride till you cry? Leg day can be every day."

"Fuck you and your Daddy," Adam shot back. "You won't catch me bottoming today."

Steven kissed Jacob's cheek and set him on the couch, then skipped over to kiss Hazel deeply.

A flash of light and both Abel and Adam went shell shocked. Heaven towered above Adam, voice dripping with a darkened tease. "I guess we can do it this way, Kitten."

Abel's jaw dropped when Adam smiled bashfully and sighed. "No fair. You know I'll always bottom for you. I'll take the recalibration now please."

"No fucking way you guys just did that," Abel groaned. "If I had half as much top energy as any of you I'd be able to get anything I wanted!"

Heaven unfused and Steven caught Abel's gaze. "All you have to do is ask." Then he cackled, Abel went bright red at the drop of a hat. "I'm starting to remember I love panic."

Jacob sighed softly before sitting up and pointing out each of the boys. "Come here."

Amused and curious, they surrounded him and Adam tugged Abel along. Jacob threw his head back and mussed his hair. "I'm cold, let me nap on you assholes and then I will play you one of Abel's favorite songs."

He gasped deeply. "Really? You mean it?"

Jacob grunted and dropped his eyes to hide his adoration for his excitement. After a moment he was able to mask the glow in his eyes with a scowl. "Mhm."

Jacob sprawled over their laps and sighed deeply. "This is quite nice, I'm so cream crackered." After a few moments he adjusted and opened his eyes to look back at the boys. "Alright, Abel get with the program, mate. You have to relax."

They turned to see the man wedged between Hazel and Adam having the gayest of panic, he was stiff as a board and crimson. "I'm fine, you're just crazy."

"You're gaslighting me!" Jacob protested.

"Gaslighting doesn't exist, you made it up because you're fucking crazy," Abel countered to a small laugh. He let the tension go and swallowed nervously. "I don't know what you expect me to do. I am surrounded by the coolest and hottest men I know, respectfully."

Hazel laughed and ruffled his hair. "I have a better idea."

They readjusted so Abel was laying on their laps too, conveniently wedged right next to Jacob. The Brit scoffed at them and gave them daring looks. "Fine, we can play this game. But if I sense you get jealous I get to top you."

He pulled Abel against him to spoon with his arm locking him in place and Abel's eyes got so wide Adam had to started wheezing with laughter. "You okay, Abel?"

"Yeah, you look like you're living your worst nightmare," Steven added playfully.

"I'm totally fine, why do you ask?" He squeaked miserably. "This is totally normal and I'm fine and—,"

"And loud," Jacob whined half asleep already. "Just admit you like snuggling me and being around my hot boyfriends, and then shut up."


Anna found the boys passed out on the couch together, with an additional boy cuddled up to Jacob and chuckled. He seemed to be warming up to them even if he looked a little rosy. "Boys, it's nearly two, you should probably get up."

Hazel grunted and nudged Steven. When he whined he just kissed him awake. "Wake up, Puppy. Jacob promised us music."

He swooned and went for another one. "What if you just..." He murmured in his ear for a moment and Hazel licked his lips.

"After music? I'm going to break the hell out of your back for even asking me that," Hazel teased him as Jacob stirred. "Hey cutie, you ready for piano?"

Jacob nodded against Abel's neck curtly. "Mhm. Five more minutes."

Anna pranced over to kiss his cheek. "Are you having fun snuggling?" She asked with a sugary sweet innocence.

He popped open an eye to see if she was making fun of him, but she was so sincere he had to smile at her. "Mhm. I'm touch starved, I think."

She frowned like that alone made her sad. "Can we snuggle later?"

Jacob nodded eagerly. "Absolutely, babygirl. Go grab our other girlfriends."

She blushed and rocked back and forth on her feet, giving Abel a quick glance. "They're uhm... busy? Jasmin and I were giving Connie a lot of attitude so she's... fixing that."

Steven raised his eyebrows with a grin. He always liked to know what that brat of a top was doing. "Oh really? And how's that?"

"She's reading a book while Jasmin has a wand strapped to her." Her eyes darted away and she brushed her fingers through her hair. "I am just now able to walk."

He motioned her close for a kiss. "Feel better?"

Anna nodded and climbed on top of Adam. "Daddy! Wake up!"

He growled but didn't open his eyes. He hated being woken up from naps since having Asher. When she leaned down to kiss his cheek repeatedly, he grabbed her neck to give her a deep and skilled kiss. "What?"

"No more napping," She complained. "Apparently Jacob says there's music he wants to share and I wanna sit on your lap!"

He pinched her cheek and glanced to his right. His arm was somehow pinned. "When these two cuties get up I am going to Daddy the hell out of you. You're so cute."

Abel opened his eyes. "You think I'm cute?"

Steven and Hazel started holding their breath so they wouldn't laugh as Adam stared Abel down. The poor guy reddened and looked about to take it back but Adam shrugged and booped his nose. "Well, I'm not blind, what a stupid question to ask."

He giggled and shut his eyes again, then gasped under his breath so hard they got concerned. "Have you ever seen a human spontaneously combust?"

Adam snorted and threw up a hang loose sign. "That sounds metal as fuck."

Jacob woke up finally and groaned from the deepest pit of his soul. "Goddamnit! I hate everything!"

"One of the pros and cons of being a trans man is that my ass is fantastic."

Hazel slammed a hand over his mouth but a guffaw got loose. "Poor Jacob."

Jacob rolled off the couch and hit his head. "Ow."

Adam glanced at his pants and then at him. "Was that worth the dramatic tantrum?"

He went down and smirked at the ceiling sarcastically. "I don't wanna talk about it. Come on."


Jacob brushed his hands over the piano and hummed to himself. He loved his piano, and every time he saw it or touched it he was filled with a kind of joy that couldn't be replicated.

Steven blushed out the corner of his eye and Jacob caught his. "What are you roses for?"

He shrugged and rested his head on Connie's. "I love seeing how happy your piano makes you."

Jacob's head banged against the keys as he swooned. "Stop it, you're gonna make me roses and I won't be able to focus on the song."

Abel rubbed at his eyes. "I can't believe you have an entire book of comedy music you haven't shared with your band. What a cunt."

The British man preformed a beautiful melisma as he shrugged bashfully. "I'm shy."

"We'll close our eyes, hubby," Jasmin cooed to him adoringly. "Make me laugh and my pants might come off~!"

His green eyes brightened with immediate lustful interest. "Bet. But before I play this I do have to say that I don't want anyone to think I think that I know better, or that I'm smarter or omnipotent or anything," He told them seriously as he positioned his hands. They nodded and he smirked. "Anyways this is a song From God's Perspective."

The small crowd was laughing before he even started playing, his delivery on jokes got better all the damn time.

When he started playing some of the babies started cooing softly and croaking, it made his heart ache to hold all of them as he started to let himself get lost in this instrument for the millionth time. It always felt new to him, and this peace really was beautiful and passionate.

And on top of falling head over heels for this piano all over again, he got to be silly as he sang. "The books you think I wrote are way too thick
Who needs a thousand metaphors
To figure out you shouldn't be a dick?" Abel snorted and he blushed over it, and then harder when he noticed the rest already giggling. "And I don't watch you when you sleep
Surprisingly I don't use my omnipotence to be a fucking creep."

"You're not going to heaven
Why the fuck would you think
I'd ever kick it with you?" Connie scoffed in playfully offense and Jacob chuckled as he looked over them all seriously.
"None of you are going to heaven
There's a trillion aliens cooler than you..."

Steven pounded his chest and smugly sat up straighter.

As he got through the next two verses, he pointed out the suffocating rules religion had. God probably didn't give a fuck if people are pork, he didn't think self pleasure was wrong (just the weirdest thing He's probably ever seen), but his favorite part was the final bridge, because it was so true, and that's how he'd found peace after leaving religion all together.

"My loves the type of thing,
That you have to earn
And when you earn it
You won't need it," He'd missed singing, and as an adult these songs he'd written as a bored teen or young adult fit the strength he could put behind his voice now after vocal training with Steven.

For a moment as he went through it again, he felt bold and powerful, even though he was certain he was crying. "I'm not gonna give you love
Just cause you say that you want me to
If you want love
Then the love's gotta come from you..."

The piano part was so pretty, and he was proud of his silly peace turned so beautiful. He'd managed a perfect balance as he hit the last sustaining note.

When he turned to gage their expressions, the only people he really cared if they loved him, most were in tears and smiling, but one was delicately tracing thick, green vines that had climbed up the piano while he'd been singing.

Steven's eyes met with Jacob's and he swallowed, wiping away his tears. "I should've known the guy who likes green had a green thumb." He plucked a deeply red rose and handed it to Abel, then turned to Jacob again. "I'm gonna need to see the rest of these pieces, Jacob. You're more talented than I even thought."


Jacob was so tired of being praised the next day, he bounced Leo and played with him to ignore them because he was blushing so hard.

"God, you were just made to be talented, huh?" Hazel sighed dreamily as he rubbed Jacob's head from above. "Have I ever told you I love you?"

Jacob abruptly stopped playing with Leo and turned to stare up at the man. "Not enough, but I already know that. You like to show it."

He leaned down to kiss Jacob tenderly and pulled away to murmur, "You'll hear it all the time. I love you, say it back."

"I love you, too." Leo wiggled to get down and crawl so Jacob let himself get lost in Hazels next kiss when he climbed on his lap to grind just a little bit. Their passionate times were becoming frequent to the perfect amount, and Hazels hands were allowed to touch him anywhere they wanted, he was free use for all of the other men now.

Steven and Abel came upstairs with their arms crossed, watching Jacob get carried away with Hazel before Steven cleared his throat.

Jacob remembered only then he'd forgotten to take a song out. "Oh no, you've found it."

Abel held up a folder with a note written across it: Scrapped Songs (Will Ruin My Life Probably). "What's this, mate? A fun little thing to go through with your chums?"

Jacob readjusted his semi hard on and grunted. "You'll hate me forever. There's only one song in there and I wrote it when I was a selfish, rude 14 year old who thought he was the shit at school."

Hazel picked him up and brought him to the basement with them, then brought the rest as Steven started skimming through the song.

Almost immediately his cheeks went scarlet and he stared up at Jacob so long and so intensely that he dropped his head into his hands. "I didn't know you had a side like this," Was all he said before smirking to himself and continuing to read.

After a couple more lines and he burst out laughing. "Oh god, I think I love this!"

Abel tried to nose his way in to read it and Steven sat him on his lap since he was tall enough to just read over him. The Aussie got a triumphant gleam to his eyes and then giggled too. "I feel like this is a black joke."

"Which one?" Jacob asked miserably. "I think there's every kind of joke there is in that one, good and really untalented bigot jokes."

Steven grinned and read off, "Have you been splattered by the mad-hatter matador?" His eyebrows went high up before he chuckled through a sigh. "Oh Jacob..."

Abel squealed. "I fucking knew you liked your women thick, this proves it."

Jacob started to croak in pain against Hazel. "You have to still love me! You're required to!"

"I've had worse thoughts than all of these," Steven mumbled to himself.

After they were done, Abel grinned at Jacob attempting to become a corpse just from his embarrassment. "It says here your junk will, and I quote, "Split you in half', and I feel as though I'm obligated as a reader to know how much you're packing." He looked up at Steven. "That's fair punishment, right?"

He nodded. "Just don't pass out."

Jacob was sitting up staring at him so hard Abel froze like prey on Steven's lap. "Guess."

The poor man cowered. "Oh god, that's almost never good."

"Low ball it, he's white," Hazel quipped to a few giggles. "Take an educated guess and if he doesn't tell you, we will."

Jacob grew a mischievous smirk. "Oh, I'll tell him since he wants to think about my dick so bad."

"I'm gonna guess a good six," Abel said confidently. "The perfect size, not too big, not too small."

All three chuckled at an inside joke Abel could not understand before Steven murmured, "Higher."

Abel shifted. "Seven?"

Jacob shook his head. "Higher."

He coughed out a laugh, sure they were just fucking with him. "Eight and a half."

Hazel smiled proudly and pinched Jacob's cheek. "You're getting warmer!"

It was Aussie against Brit once again locked into a staring contest filled with so much sexual tension the other two parties could feel it pulsing off of them. "Nine?!"

Jacob nodded proudly. "Yeah, and a half on a good day."

"Liar!" He shot back with a gasp. "There is actually no way, I don't believe you anymore."

There was a very long silence, Jacob didn't know which direction he wanted to take this as Steven and Hazel tried to go unnoticed in their giggles. "What, you want to ride it and see?"

Abel scoffed and surprised all of them with his boldness. "I'm sure your one inch punisher is lovely, but I intend to bed you ethically, my British Idiot."

Jacob turned six shades of pink. "You haven't called me that in years." He thought for a moment and dropped his eyes. "Australian Cunt."

Hazel picked up Jacob while he was lost in thought after the silence grew heavily pregnant and sat him next to Abel, and Steven set Abel on Jacob's lap. "Just talk about it, we're way too old to be pretending this isn't only a possibility, but actively happening. We're gonna go fuck until we get a mom text."

After they left, Jacob felt an undying urge overcome him when they locked eyes finally: he wanted to kiss Abel.

It had been years since he'd had that urge outside of his polycule, it was confusing and terrifying at 30 years old. The man sitting on his lap had gotten him through his funk after Carol Brown, they'd bonded over wanting to move to America when Jacob had been in his last year of high school. They went so far back. But they'd lost contact the year after he graduated from Nova Academy. Their friendship had always been playful and flirtatious, but Jacob was so loyal sometimes it bit him in the ass even now.

He wanted to kiss Abel, but all he could think about was that it was close to the end of the night and he'd promised Anna some cuddles. He'd already made a promise, and if he broke it he'd never forget about it. If he kissed Abel now, he'd end up making love to him on the floor, that wasn't right either.

There were still things to talk about, still a polycule meeting ahead, still more time to wait.

Abel nodded in understanding. "I get it—,"

"You don't," Jacob whispered quickly, voice growing hoarse with the force of being torn between two people. Abel looked so sad and he never wanted to make him sad. "You'll never quite get it. My wife doesn't understand it either."

His brown eyes grew wide and hopeful, a sparkle appeared in them that he hadn't seen since they were last sort of romantically involved and mutually in the process of falling.

It only heightened when Jacob murmured into his ear so he could feel his skin rise with goosebumps, "Very soon, but not now."

Abel leaned into his touch and Jacob couldn't resist his impulsive need to kiss at his neck. "I've waited this long, I can take more time. Consent is i-important."

Jacob hummed against his skin, he still tasted the way he remembered.

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