Fire and Ice
The house was pretty desolate, only the sound of the furnace turning on to warm it back up again. Jacob had woken up to a note stating his perfect wife was headed out to get her hair done with the girls, and apparently some situation had taken Stevens attention. Hazel was out visiting his mom for a few days for the anniversary of his sister's death. He had no idea where Adam was. Alex had fallen asleep on Jacob's chest with Jasmin but he didn't know where he'd gone either.
It had been a little lonely. He sighed, walking downstairs to play his piano. Steven had discovered his talent and love for the instrument and then he'd bought him the very best money could buy. This, he told him, was his. Jacob ended up crying into Steven's chest and thanking him over and over. Back when he was a kid, he'd learned quickly from his choir teacher and found it calmed him down when he battled with the demeaning feeling of being alone. His biggest fear had to be beaten back every once in a while, and in the absence of his wife he had to do something.
He started with Fir Elise. Simple, a good way to work himself up to something complicated and more mellifluous. Music meant escape; whether it was another single or a whole album or just fucking around, it gave him peace. With Steven there was always music somehow. He hummed, bounced his leg rhythmically, he even fucked to a beat. The habits leaked into the rest of them. There could never be a silent car ride or shower, there had to be music somewhere. It was the binding thing that had brought them together.
He sighed happily as he finished. No mistakes. As fluent as he was with note reading, doing so from memory always provided a bit of an ego boost. Next, he tried something actually complicated and borderline unfair. He started with The Flight of The Bumblebee, a very different tone for each of his hands to play. One hand was let completely loose to hit as many notes as humanely possible and the other played a simple, usually four fingered, accompaniment. After a bit, he grew bored and started changing the notes one by one slowing them down to bring them into Vivaldis Summer.
That was more participation on both sides, scaling up and down the piano and healing parts of him he didn't know needed healing. As he played on, he grew in passion and stood, knocking the bench over. Fanstisie, an impromptu version of a slower but still intermediate song. It quieted as his world tunneled in on his favorite instrument. Back when he started his hands would ache by now, but that was no longer the case.
"Moonlight sonata," He mumbled to himself, directing his hands and slamming on the lower notes. It was getting hot as all hell but he wasn't going to pause to take off his button up. "Little Red." The notes became insistent and bass heavy, the higher notes demanding to be heard over the lower ones and clashing slightly. This was heavenly, to release pent up tension through song with barely an effort. He knew this instrument like he knew his wife's body, he knew it like he knew his own. It was simply an extension of him, now drifting into Etude Op 10 No 1, a stunningly beautiful piece he'd mastered at seven. It was bittersweet, but he played it anyways.
Memories and flashbacks came to him, but the piano made them not so terrible so he switched to No 4 of the same song. It was a bit more frantic, like he was pushing back at them with logic and running as fast as he could. "Etude OP 25 No 11." He may have had a favorite song, perhaps it was a little evident when he couldn't seem to move past Etude. He was hitting softer, simple notes that almost felt like an insult to his talent. But they were whispers, pretenses to his fingers now dancing apart and sliding back together to meet in the middle. More whispers that grew in volumes as he was hitting them softer but quicker now. It became sweet, like a steady rainfall with no thunder. "Okay, fine. La Campanella."
Adam watched quietly, marveling to himself at Jacob's skill. He hit those notes like they had done war crimes against him personally with that fire he adored. Despite the unreal strength he possessed in his hands from using his fidget so much, he couldn't dream to play as quickly and perfectly as Jacob.
He switched songs seamlessly, at least he assumed that's what he was doing when he'd murmur to himself words that barely made any sense to him. It was kind of sexy, but more beautiful than anything. Jacob hit a few more notes in rapid progression and lifted his hands like the keys had suddenly gotten hot to the touch.
Adam smiled, he couldn't help himself, and started clapping. Jacob whirled and caught his smile too, glancing back at the piano.
"Sorry–," He frowned, switching from British to American easily. "Sorry, I get caught up sometimes. I didn't hear you come in."
Adam pushed off the doorframe and approached him. "That was mostly on purpose. I didn't want you to stop."
His cheeks got dark and he scrubbed at his neck. "I-I'm glad you're here. I was kind of lonely."
Temptation. That's what Adam called Jacob in his head. Those green eyes bashfully skimming the floor, the slight nervous sway full of energy he couldn't keep at bay, that chestnut and messy hair and those freckles were tempting him. Jacob tempted him. And at that moment when their eyes met, the temptation was getting a little too strong.
Adam broke from his gaze to stare behind him, trying to keep himself in line. "I'm glad you're here too. Silence makes things worse."
Jacob grabbed his hand suddenly, pulling him closer. "That's why I was playing so loud."
Being so close made his cool facade melt away, he leaned up a bit but didn't quite kiss him. That's what they liked to do, drag out the anticipation for as long as possible. Jacob caught his drift like he always seemed to do despite them being so very different and walked him until he was pressed against the wall. He didn't know if he was intentionally brooding at him, or if he just thought Jacob was unfairly sexy, but regardless he let him pin him there.
"Is that one of my shirts?"
The smirk he provided told him everything he needed to know, but he confirmed it anyways. "Maybe I kind of missed you today. Maybe I saw it in my dresser and slipped it on."
Jacob's hand went to grab at it and he held the extra fabric to the wall, further rendering him helpless. "Maybe?"
The mutual meeting of their lips turned passionate quickly, it couldn't be avoided. Where Adam was icy and cold to the touch, Jacob burned against him and they melted into each other. Wandering hands were the only language they could speak, Jacob growled something under his breath and pushed for another kiss to trail down his jawline and neck.
He bit down hard, and Adam pulled on his hair with every iota of adoration he could. "I-Is it weird I kind of want to fight you about it?"
Jacob chuckled and moved away to stare him down. His hand brushed through Adam's hair, pulling a heavy breath from him. "In time, you'll learn to love me," He told him in his richest accent, grinning wickedly.
Adam laughed in a fuller way, but it died out quickly when his eyes dropped to his lips. He was just dying for another kiss. "And if I don't?"
They sat in a heavy silence for a second, Jacob thinking of hundreds of responses but only replying with, "Then you'll be forced. You'll come to at least like it."
Adam fake glowered at him, pushing against his chest with his. Jacob refused to be moved, even leaning into his touch with a smirk. He pushed harder, growing a little frustrated in the best of ways and using his foot against the wall as a brace. Their fake little tiffs always made things get out of control fast, he could never deny Jacob for too long but they tried anyways.
Jacob let him push for a bit longer, relaxing himself for a split second to catch him off guard. In the blink of an eye he had him pressed against the wall facing away from him, his hand holding Adam steady by his head. "Stop that."
"Why?" He knew using Anna's tactic to get him to rail her would work, and work it did.
Now Jacob was holding his hip steady, grinding on his ass and so hard he could feel him pulsing through his jeans. A small inferno started in the pit of his stomach and spread. "I have no need to discuss why, and I won't."
"Then don't." He couldn't hold it, not anymore. Not with that switch back his full Britishness. It briefly crossed his mind that all of them probably had a voice kink because of Jacob in general. There was just something about the way he skipped over certain parts of a word, in both that cheerful tenor and that burning bass when he wasn't masking it with his learned American accent.
Jacob kissed him what felt like a hundred times, but it wasn't enough. He needed more, so much more. "I have to have you, but I want to make sure you–," He was cut off abruptly by another kiss, sweeter and gentler than the ones before them. "Use your words."
God, Jacob annoyed the hell out of him. He already knew he had his complete consent, he just wanted to hear Adam say he wanted him. "Yes."
Jacob chuckled, annoyed because that was exactly what he wanted. There was almost an urge to make him beg, but he knew if he tried he'd end up on the other side again. No, if they were to play as equals he'd have to just deal with it and hopefully fuck it out of him.
He almost picked him up, but Adam let out a warning sound and instead grabbed his hand. Adam hated being picked up, he hated being the smallest of the bunch. His short person syndrome was exactly how he'd harnessed everyone's undying submission.
They practically tripped into bed, bodies entangled and holding each other tight. The first time they'd ever done this, they were filled with confusion and bashfulness. How had all of that crazy intense and passionate sex come from a little time alone and a simple kiss on the cheek? Jacob had always been bisexual, Adam had always been gay now technically homoflexible with heavy demisexuality. He couldn't just be attracted to anyone, there had to be a trust that resonated to his very core.
The man loving him with his body had gained that trust almost too easily.
Jacob moaned and flipped them so he'd be on top, trailing kisses down his shoulders and back up again. "God, you're sexy. Let me have you."
Adam smirked and spread his legs eagerly. "I'm yours."
Perhaps he was a sex crazed fool, or perhaps a lovesick one. Adam made him feel. He made his stomach coil in knots that only he could break. Adam gave him back something that he'd never known he was missing, but he couldn't quite fathom it yet. A part of him panicked staring down at him as they both were naked that maybe one day the polycule would be no more, but then Adam told him he loved him, those potent eyes looking right into his. The worry melted away and he gripped his cock wincing at how sensitive he was.
Adam tipped his head, eyeing it hungrily. "Let's make a bet."
"You're going to lose," Jacob warned, brushing the tip over him and blowing out a low breath. "If I want to win badly enough I will."
"Be my guest. If you bust first you lose."
When Jacob pushed in a bit he felt his skin raise with goosebumps. "W-what's the punishment?"
Their eyes met. "Something unfair and a little mean."
He hooked his arms over his shoulders, locking him in place. Their lips met again, languidly, lovingly, as he slid in to the hilt. Both of them moaned lowly, matching in pitch almost as he stretched Adam to his limit and pushed a bit more. He paused, trying to fight away the rising in his pelvis already.
Adam exhaled softly, flexing around him to get a feel for his cock. "Getting cold feet?"
Jacob smiled. "What?"
"I said–," His eyes widened as Jacob slid halfway out and slammed into him once as hard as he could, purposely aiming for his g-spot. "Oh-ho, fuck!"
The self control, the waiting, it had gone on too long. Now Jacob was wild, out of control for the moment and licking up his neck like the taste of him would get him off alone. Adam was drenched for him, there was no friction. To know he'd done all of that sent him to a headspace he rarely went to. He rumbled in his chest and pushed on his lower stomach lightly, forcing himself to slow down bit by bit so he could watch Adam's face. The man would feel every inch twitching inside of him, it would've been impossible not to and he was going to make him.
"Oh my god, Jacob~," He gasped. His back arched into his touch, Jacob's hands were flushed with heat and it felt so good against his skin. The British man was making love to him before he decided to truly fuck him senseless, so he leaned up to catch his lips with his own. After his suicide attempt Jacob had started doing this: he would rock his hips gently to show him he loved him so deeply, to memorize that feeling of him clenching around him and loving him in fear it might be his last time. The emotional closeness was addictive, and he could only hope Jacob felt the same.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Jacob mumbled against his lips. "I fucking love you." The way his voice held a tremor sparked pleasure too strong not to cry out at and grip Jacob's hair. Adam could feel how much he did with every meeting of their hips.
"Hey." He brought his head up to catch his eyes and pecked his lips. "I love you too."
That was all it took. Jacob picked up the pace fast with his star necklace still hanging from his neck and swinging with the motion. His toned body was dazzling. His muscles were unhiding and rippling across him as he put more power behind his fuck to make Adam tremble. Jacob fucked like a semi, once he really got going it was hard if not impossible to slow down again quickly. The thought crossed Adam's mind again about how fucking sexy he was, a man who had been through hell with a heart so big he could barely hold all the stopped up love in it.
He leaned up a bit to watch Jacob fuck him and it went straight to his head. His rock hard cock hammered into him desperately, like it couldn't bear to be out of him for even a second. This finally being on the table had been monumentally rewarding, and gave him another stroke to his already big ego. The boys loved fucking him like this, and he'd learned to appreciate their talent.
Jacob made a sound in the back of his throat. "Are you watching my cock slide in and out of you?"
Ugh, the accusing tone in his voice was making him weak. "Yes."
He did eventually lessen the speed, but only so every time their hips met it stung with the force. "Fuck, you're so handsome." He shivered a bit, smiling into his neck because even like this Adam still made him so shy. "You're mine."
He couldn't even respond, every time Jacob was completely inside of him and pushing against his cervix his orgasm rose quicker. His hands slid from his neck to his back and he clawed hard, relishing in the way Jacob started to pant softly. He wanted Jacob more, he wanted him wild and dangerous. Jacob's danger was merely his passion, and he wanted more of it, more than he could hold.
Jacob needed no such direction, his hands gripped Adam's hip and now he was grinding into him too, creating that lovely friction against his clit and dragging out the sounds the man was trying to hold back from him. Every keen, every gasp of euphoria and then lurch of his hips was taking him out.
Adam remembered a split second too late that they were supposed to be at odds, he was supposed to last longer. "Fuck, y-you're gonna make me cum!" He gritted his teeth but it was no use, now he was meeting his hips frantically and chanting his name until he'd forgotten his own. Deciding he didn't care if he lost, Adam hooked his hands around Jacob's hips and started pulling him against himself. Heat boiled in his stomach and flooded through him until it was cutting off his ability to breathe. "Sh-shit! Jacob, please!"
He grunted and clenched his teeth around the skin of the juncture of his neck. Adam came apart when the pain mixed with the pleasure, he trembled at its might like he'd never had an orgasm in his life. After losing his virginity (at least the holy way) with Hazel, he was having these completely new and borderline overwhelming orgasms.
His true nature always came out when he came, he littered kisses across Jacob's chest and murmured the sweetest things he'd had ever heard from him. It got better every time.
The mere feeling brought so much blood to Jacob's cock he nearly went cross eyed as he released a load right against his cervix. Even he could feel how hard he'd shot off but it was barely a surprise. "You lose."
"Depends on how you look at it," Adam panted harshly, still coming down.
Jacob didn't stop for long, he couldn't have. He fucked that load right into him and went back to exactly how he'd made him cum before, this time grabbing Adams legs lifting and spreading them to get a sound he'd fallen in love with. Adam choked on air, his face taught and flushed with pleasure that wouldn't relent. Jacob knew exactly how to bliss him out, and that was the goal. To have Adam clinging to him with his last ounce of strength as they passed out would be the very greatest way to spend the rest of their time together.
Adam couldn't think. When he'd trained the boys to be able to keep going, it was moreso for the pleasure of their women than it was for himself. His precious Anna and Hazel had been conditioned long ago and now he was appreciating it in a different facet as the overstimulation began to drive Jacob a bit insane. He was swearing and his movements were becoming unpredictable. Adam watched those green eyes go dark and narrow and knew he should say his prayers.
"Keep clawing at my back," Jacob ordered gruffly. "I want to bleed for you."
He did as told, though it didn't take much effort when he was so lost to the roaring arousal there was no longer a filter to his sounds. He squealed when Jacob changed the angle to hit his g-spot harder and rolled his hips to feel all the wetness he'd made for himself there, chuckling in a nearly condescending way. That alone harnessed another orgasm that built even faster than the last. There was no point in trying to hold it, Jacob was determined and spouting off something so British he couldn't have translated it to save his life.
Jacob ran his gaze over Adam's face and bit his lip when his eyes rolled back hard and his lips parted to shout his name like he was furious with him. The gravel there, the fierceness of the way he cried out his name the second time... he wouldn't last long, not like this. "One more time. I need to watch you cum for me one more time–," His words died in his throat when Adam started milking him, twitching and stroking him like a toy. "Oh, fuck..." His hand found Adam's cheek and he stroked his thumb over it, tucking his head next to his so he could whisper in his ear past Adam's chanting cries. "Just one more time, Adam. J-Jesus, you're so wet I-I'm drowning in you."
If he needed, Adam would provide. He clasped their hands and whimpered, doing his best to keep his eyes focused. Jacob's lips were pressed together in concentration and a light sheen of sweat was making him glow in the winter sunlight already enhanced by the snow. During sex was the only time Jacob could manage to look at him headlong, when he got in those moods. The kind of moods non crazy people shied away from when paired with that expression of intense lust. Adam could feel Jacob in flames for him. He could feel in his nails how hard he had scratched him. He could feel Jacob throbbing inside of him like he was his teenage dream, and truthfully, he felt the same way.
It burst from him before he could think, but it was what he wanted. "F-fuck me like I'm yours!"
Jacob moaned deeply and followed the command. "You are mine." His eyes widened as more friction cut down suddenly, his cheeks going deep crimson and head falling back. "Oh stars, you got wetter for me just for that?!" He raised a hand to his neck and Adam nodded quickly, groaning with bliss when he squeezed exactly how he'd taught him. Enough to slow the blood flow to his head and make him dizzy, but not hard enough to hurt or bruise anything. His second hand joined and now he was rutting into him like a wild animal in its heat cycle. He whined an entire octave above his normal tone and his fucking became feverish. "I'm yours too, I promise."
Adams breath caught, the choking now rougher. "I'm close, d-don't– don't stop!"
Jacob canted under his breath but rose in volume quickly until he roared and they were cumming together in a symphony of sounds they'd be getting off to for years to come. The orgasms were pure agony, they were too much to do anything but cower at and Jacob released Adam's throat so he could fist the sheets and cough out a softer, sweeter moan that cracked his voice.
Pulling out so was dreadfully terrible, he hated it with everything in his soul and his cock complained like he hadn't just emptied himself for absolute certain. The fleeting adrenaline had his arms shaking and he collapsed next to Adam, tucking his head on his chest to listen to his rapid heartbeat slow back down.
Lying there together, they cuddled and exchanged more kisses just because they could and they wanted to.
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